Heroes: March 2021

in 2022 I wanted to see Suga Mama from Proud family

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Stitch! He has some great damage, and stays alive long enough to heal himself. + heā€™s fluffy!

Personally tanks.

Stitch, or Calhoun.

Well, a duo, Tod and Copper!


I would say Lena, Della Duck, Gyro, Webby, Gosalyn, B.O.Y.D, Violet, and Gandra Dee from DuckTales (2017)

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Kermit. A lot of reasons, but the simplest one that summarizes all the others is, heā€™s Kermit!

Support. There arenā€™t enough of them.

I havenā€™t seen that much change. But the change that did happen was an increase.

First I love that you specified NOT KIM.
But my answer is Joy. She was really good for a while. But the more Support heroes got Red skills, the less effective she became. And the she got a Red Skillā€¦ and it wasnā€™t the greatest.

Tow Mater. Without a doubt.
But specifically Spy Mater. Cars 2 is a cinematic masterpiece and I would love to have Mater in the game.


This is the first time Iā€™ve ever seen anyone say anything this positive about Cars 2 lol. :rofl:

(Although I actually like that movie more than Cars 3, in all honestyā€¦)


My favorite hero is John Silver because his skillset is interesting that he takes less damage and devastates enemies as he loses his health. Also, he is self-sustainable that he not only heal himself but also speed up his attacks as well. John Silver is like a berserker that he impacts enemies when he loses his health

I have seen many Damage role heroes in the roster. So, I think that I wanted to see more Support heroes in the future, whether they can be aggressive or defensive.

Since Madam Mim is refreshed, I do not know how competitive she is, but she seems more reliable than before.

Ralph really needs a refresh the most since he is the starter hero in the game. What makes him an unreliable tank is that his disables from ā€œWreck Itā€ and ā€œShouting Matchā€ were too short to disrupt enemies. ā€œBig Dutyā€ seems unreliable that he heals over time when he loses his Max HP slightly too low.

I think heroes that studies enemies or scores critical hits with Normal damage is most powerful in the game. Syndrome, for example, can both study and damage enemies with ā€œProbe Scan,ā€ while the Beast can crit enemies quick and easy.

In 2022, I would like to see Thumper, who is a crazy grasshopper that thrashes his enemies on sight.


Do you mean Hopper? :sweat_smile:
Iā€™m sorry, itā€™s just that I seem Thumper is the bunny from Bambi so reading this felt quite weird lol

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I was about to say this lolā€¦

What a coincidence! You wanted Hopper in the game? I do too.

No There is a character name Thumper from a bugs life


This is actually trueā€¦ he is part of Hoppers ā€œgangā€

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Exactly :+1::+1:

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There is also the rabbit named thumper from bambi.

I know that too

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