Hollywood Studios Concept Contest!

Here’s one Kuzco Koncept!

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Here´s Granny!

I’ve changed mine to Chief Wiggum from The Simpsons Movie, sorry if that makes any confusion… :sweat_smile:

I get notifications about changes to the wiki. No need to point it out.

Oh i didn’t know that happens…

Here’s my unlikely submission…
"Guardian Of The Galaxy" - Star-Lord Unlikely Concept"

Here’s Chief Wiggum

Xavier you may want to change one of wigams friendships

Once submitted changes like that are not allowed.

Oh shoot… Now i’m assuming i’m disqualified.

Part of it is my fault. I should have reminded you in your concept previews. You are not disqualified entirely - just in the unlikely category.

Do you think it would be fair to give Xavier another chance due to it being my fault a little bit?

  • yes
  • no

0 voters

If a trust level 1 makes a submission to the contest will they be eliminated because they don’t have a picture because they can’t post one?

Since they are trust level one, I would be ok with them not having an image. It would not be fair to disqualify them for something they could not do. I would suggest that they add an image later on.


So does the amount of votes right now mean I can fix what I did?

yes (10 ch)

I might need the clear from the person in charge of the contest just in case.

Ok. Since others agree that I should allow you to change the friendship, it is ok with me.

I changed the Friendship, thanks!

Could it be? Why yes it is! It’s The Boy Who Lived!


Here’s my likely concept too.
150 Years - Crush Likely Concept

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