Hollywood Studios Concept Contest!
Hello! I am Imagineer_V and welcome to the Hollywood Studios Concept Contest. Please read the guidelines and rules below.
Basic Information
In this concept contest you will create a concept of a character from an iconic or blockbuster film or critically acclaimed TV series. Below is a link to a list of some films and shows you may want to consider in the Resources section. This includes likely and unlikely concepts. There will be two separate contests. One for unlikely concepts, the other for likely concepts. You can submit one in each category. If you have any questions if a character would count, please do not hesitate to PM me.
Submissions will not be accepted before January 17th.
Submissions are due on Sunday February 28th by 11:59 PM YOUR TIME ZONE.
That is a month to get submissions in. I think that should be plenty of time, but some people may want to make 2 concepts, so I might extend that deadline.
Once all submissions are in, they will be put into a bracket. The forums will decide a winner in each category. The winners of each category will win the ultimate bragging rights as well as a Concept Request Coupon they can use any time they wish to request a concept from me.
- Your entry cannot be an already existing character in the game.
- Your entry cannot be a previously made concept or refreshed/remastered version of a concept.
- You only get one submission per category (one unlikely and one likely) so make sure you are submitting your best.
- You cannot ask for help from me in making the concept to keep things fair. I am overseeing the contest and will be making sure that all rules are followed.
- Please be kind to each other and do your best to not be biased when voting. This goes for people who only want to vote as well.
- Once you submit your submission for the contest on this thread, you cannot make any major changes to the concept.
- You cannot under any circumstances vote for your own concept. Anyone who does this will be disqualified from the contest.
- Please follow the guidelines for submitting - see below.
Submission Guidelines
- When you submit the concept, put a link that leads to the topic containing the concept in this thread. Here is a example submission:
Here is my contest submission! [insert link]
Your Concept Submission must have the following:
- Name of the Character
- Image of the Character
- Source of the Character
- Description/Bio, Quote, Stars, Role, Position, and Trial Team
- Animations (Basic Attack, Entrance, Victory, and Defeat in no particular order)
- All Skills: White, Green, Blue, Purple, and Red
- 2 Friendship disks with already existing characters
If a concept is missing any of these items, the submission will not count until all items are present.
Helpful Resources
A List of ‘Blockbuster’ Films: Filmsite
Concept Making Guide made by me. It is all the help you are getting from me
Voting Guidelines
After the submission are closed, all concepts will be put through a bracket style elimination. Voting will occur in a separate topic. The order of the bracket will be chosen by Discobot. You will vote for your favorite and the one for the most votes moves on to the next round. PLEASE NOTE: YOU CAN NOT VOTE FOR YOURSELF. If you do, your vote will not count and you will be disqualified. This will continue until we have a winner in each category.
If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask me or send me a PM. Now let the contest BEGIN! GOOD LUCK and most importantly HAVE FUN.