How does pb determine what juices or coins go into ports?

Question for @Polaris

How do you determine what juices are available or type of coin cards are available when you make new levels of ports? I am just curious in this stage of the game of levels , how come red coins and juices are not available to win?


Here’s a graph I just made of Port Level vs. max. XP Drinks -

As you can see, the higher value XP (red) isn’t necessary at this stage to continue the curve. They also can’t be sold, so it’s actually better without them.


What info did you base this graph off of? Because the highest port level is technically 24 levels and the highest xp drink is 300k xp so that puts us a whole heck of a lot lower than what your graph shows, if that’s what it is meant to portray.

Little confused by your graph still @Pipsqueak can’t quite figure it out lol

It’s just the maximum total amount of XP dropped at each level :man_shrugging:t2:

I can’t believe it’s that difficult to comprehend…? :thinking: it’s perfectly valid.

It would be nice if we are all at the that level and the xp would still relevant to the number of toons in the game, but the point trying to say with all the various toons and levels we at in the game, is ports and trials released should be at least somewhat proportional to the current levels out there, and I’m sure a lot of players feel it’s not . Besides being at least one red juice can make a huge difference to one new introduced new toon. If you don’t need it, could always give it out in guild help.

I didn’t give any sort of opinion on the amount of XP offered, literally posted a graph of data taken from the actual game that shows an upward curve in the amount despite Red XP not being used. Orange, Purple & Blue can continue to be used in progressively higher amounts and this upward curve can continue. To answer the question of how PB determine what juices to use, I think it’s quite a helpful post.

If I were to make a comment on the actual amount given, I’d agree that it feels like it’s not enough, but that doesn’t appear to be the subject of this original post.


I think it’s a fair question. The amount received on port drops and even gold crates seems pretty low in proportion to the consumption requirements of the game.

By “drop rate”, I can only assume you mean the amount of stamina/credits dropped at successively higher levels of port. A simple check of the game shows that they do, indeed, increase. If that’s not what you meant by “drop rate”, then the first sentence of your comment is as off-topic as your second.

RNG determines how much stamina one gets, restricted to a range between a minimum value and a maximum value, both of which are easy to calculate based on the information the game gives you. And since Pipsqueak measured just the maximum amount, RNG is irrelevant to the discussion.

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How do you determinated that they aren’t necessary currently. He’s asking why they haven’t put the Red Xp drinks or another level of gold cards over the max ones we have yet?

I know they can’t be selled but sometimes for guild aid i ran out to give a hand to my guildmates. Having a access even a small amount will help me to give in the guild aid.

Didn’t mean to upset you pip was just looking for better insight :slightly_smiling_face:

Only because the next level will probably give between 970k - 1m max XP, and that can be easily ‘made’ without using the Red XP :man_shrugging:t2: it’s true they could be helpful for guild aid

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I’ll agree that they would be helpful for guild aid, but we’d be looking at 2 red XP items per day from port for the next several months (4 if your VIP level is high enough), which wouldn’t be enough to fulfill all the guild aid requests. A better solution would be for guild aid to allow people to donate the appropriate amount of the next-lowest stamina item when they don’t have enough of the requested one.

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Or because TOO much is needed, give at least previous rewards + 1/2 red XP (to next difficult level).

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