I am Wave9Nut. This is my story

…Ok, I’m still quite suspicious because of past experiences. But that might just be me freaking out for nothing.


Then again Loutre was recently hired, so… :thinking:


I am not sure if I remember the Arena and Coliseum thing, but if you could send a link to the part with it I would glad so that I can check it out :-). Might be something back in my mind that reacts, but nothing comes to mind specifically.

The first major UX(User Experience) diminishing I remember would be the economy change back around 1.17 back in January 2019:

While it would sure be nice if PerBlue reverted that change, but not sure how much of an issue gold is now. Of course not lost its value as we need a lot of gold still, but like compared to how big of an issue the Stamina Costs are the gold issues aren’t as urgent in my view.

PB thought it was a good idea to run live AB (and C and D lol) testing of pvp rewards on the same servers :stuck_out_tongue: not their finest moment.

Ah, yeah the rewards testing yeah. Remember it now, just wasn’t sure exactly what they meant.

Yeah it was pretty bad. They’ve had several bad moments like that. More than a company should in 3 short years lol. So…either we all like Disney too much to care or we’re all just too…something I’m not allowed to say on the forum.

Agree 100%. I believe xp and stamina are the biggest issues. There’s tons of ways to get a lot of gold but there’s only select ways to get stamina and xp. You either earn the small amounts of free stamina or you pay money for it. Xp is more urgent than it ever was imo bc it costs an ungodly amount to enhance the yellow badges. The amount gained from raiding or buying, either with $ or from mega Mart, or even from the port is too low is my opinion.

I, like many, was never lucky enough to have a large hoard of xp because I was spending it all on heroes. Now I have to decide between spending it on a hero or saving it for a whole week until I have enough for 1 battle badge. Since I already have 8 enhanced, it costs quite a bit now. Usually 2 daily port raids can generate enough xp to go maybe a couple hero levels (at high levels) and I feel it should be the same or maybe slightly higher for battle badges. It shouldn’t cost over 1000 of the 300,000 xp and then some to enhance a badge. Plus it takes your mega bits too and it takes days to save those for the next level as well. I mean come on.

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@aph In my view I think Disney Heroes is the best Disney RPG excluding Kingdom Hearts, like appealing visuals, decent gameplay, overall game mechanics are good, good aesthetics/art direction and a lot of decent story content.

It is only the economy problems in regards to how little we gain compared to how high the costs are, that’s Disney Heroes main problem excluding Power Creep.
So Disney Heroes at the core is a good and appealing game, but yeah haven’t it been for the fact that the game had Disney characters I think the game would have gone down sooner more quickly, however in the end people will leave or stop spending most likely eventually if having too many frustrations in regards to the economy problems.

So yeah, that’s the thing in terms of Disney Heroes I think.

In terms of EXP Bottles and the Battle Badge Enhancements I actually decided to not really care, causing me more mental stress than what I would like to have given the costs are so high, so yeah generally decided not to care about Enhancing Battle Badges.

As for if you switch to that kind of view like me is up to you, but yeah something to consider if you want to not worry about the EXP Bottle enhancement costs for the Battle Badges :-).

yeah in fairness the game itself is by far the best western game of this genre in terms of polish & design - thats why I chose to play it anyway, since I came from DS and knew that PB produced a quality game.

I also knew that the resource & hero balancing would be very spendy… but I’d rather play a game like this than some JRPG with generic characters, bitty graphics and clunky animation, so I accept it :sweat_smile:

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I wouldn´t say the stamina issue is generic. The only problem is that F2P players get very little stamina to even raise a single new character decently up @Loutre.

From what I calculated, if you compare ratio of (free stamina given throughout 4 weeks) to (stamina for 5 dollars, best deal) in S1 and S22… the S22 is 3x more advantageous for F2P players.

If I were a dev, I would try to QA test tripling free stamina in all servers. Then tripling the amount of premium stamina in S21-24 deals. Because that would ensure the S21-S24 free-deal ratio of stamina is ensured on every other server as well (I suppose that is the “balance” mentioned in previous Q and As, no?)

I did suggest lowering the stamina needed to raid low chapters. But after a bit of thought, that´d still benefit P2W players far more than F2P players because of the aforementioned discrepancy in stamina gain overall.

One more improvement I am thinking of is changing Gold Crates and Diamond Crates to give better resources inside (like adding full purple bit-badges to Gold Crates and giving full orange badges and red bits to Diamond Crates).


Good for vip 10.


I’m vip 11, and never spent a penny (so yes I am ftp) Just takes a lot of effort with theorem rewards. Only suggested 10 Becuase I’m sure perblue if they were to have a starting color at red for toons would think anything less would be not worth it on their end.

Just saying I wish it was a color start higher with vip levels instead of team level was all.

Understood what you said but thinking practically they would never do such a thing. It would cut down the stamina required a lot hence people buying less stamina deals so knowing their greediness highly unlikely to implement vip 10 toons start at R0

Good enough.

Current perk with starting heroes at level 40/50 is completely useless.

Lol. No.
It only cost around 300 packs, so a player still needs over 5k packs anyways. $10, but player will still feel rewarded.
But R0 is a bit too high for new servers, so this perk should be only on servers with rank Yellow and above.

I do agree with this when you look at the whole picture. I played the other 2 newer Disney games that are similar to this one: mirror verse and sorcerer’s arena. I have to say the graphics and game play in mirror verse are FAAAR more interesting and engaging, but the grind and cost in both games are much worse than they are in this one.

I can admit the cost things is my main complaint with this game, but I do try to just shove past it and keep hope. Because honestly…I can’t fix it so my only options are deal with it or quit playing. Lola

THAT PART. that’s why we all stick around. I look forward to new characters and their kits. They’ve done some very nice justice to majority of the characters based on who they were in their movies/shows. I think that’s why I didn’t like sorcerer’s arena…the graphics were just awful and the characters just didn’t look right. Like something out of a 90s original PlayStation game.

To be fair it’s not quite there to compare the original server to a newer server. They have less access to the stuff that we have specifically because it’s newer and it gives new players a fair chance instead of throwing them into a well developed server where they’d have no chance at being competitive without $. The amount that they get for their money is the same amount we used to get for ours at those lower levels. It scales according to each servers max team level is what the devs said. If you think about it, back when purple was our max rank, we weren’t getting 2000-4000 stam bottles for $4.99. It was way lower. Although it still wasn’t a good deal, it was appropriate according to what we had available on our servers at the time. What we get now is actually a good deal compared to what we had before, because we didn’t have the cosmetic crates, special team crates, or badge bazaar. So we get all that included in deals now, as do they, when all we got was stamina back in the day.

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That´s what I said. The change of balance so that people can be competitive without money
I only compared the value of free stamina and the value of deals. The devaluation of S22 deals is good and S1 deals should have less real value in the game as well. I don´t say they should be nerfed though, the free stamina should be raised instead.


This is basically equal to “Hey everyone, spend to get good”
Should not be the case.

Mmmmm no actually. I said although it still sucks, it’s better than it used to be with all the extras they have now. It used to only be stamina, or stam and gold or stam and friend stam. That’s it.

No it’s not. Let me show you.

That’s what I was referring to. Obviously s22 is gonna be better for new or f2p…it’s newer. It’s not fully developed. They don’t have as much as old servers have.

Ya knows f2p and new players screw themselves over anyway. Many jump to old servers once they figure out their server doesn’t have all the “good” stuff. So then the gap between f2p and p2w gets larger.

No need to be snotty. It was an observation, and also an explanation on why it’s pointless to compare a new server to an old server. Every server sucks and so do the deals. No where was I implying we actually get good stuff for our money…

It will never be.

As Polaris expressed from the devs in the past, there isn´t “balance” in old servers.

It is. Saying that “deals did not use to have 2000-4000 stamina” is very poor observation. Because the deals keep raising by exactly 10% every month. And the deals in S22 are 3x worse than what they were in S1-5 during the same time.

It’s not a poor observation. It’s a FACT based on what they get right now vs what we got at the same level. Clearly you’re not understanding what I’m trying to say in reference to what you said so after this, I’m done responding. Good god.

I guess we are misunderstanding each other. Not understanding the point each of us is trying to make.

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