I didn’t get it!

Everyone who was a member of the guilds that earned the Mermaid border should have received the mail with the individual borders. I have asked the team to investigate the data set and provide me a list of players who were missed. Please calm down and be patient while I investigate.


I found the issue. The tool I used to send out the mailbox messages yesterday was interrupted before it could complete, so not all the messages were sent. I’ve kicked it and it’s running again, so everyone should have their Mermaid rewards soon.


Thank you for your quick respond and action :slight_smile: Hopefully I will receive the border soon :slight_smile:


I’ll post an update once all the mail has been sent.


tenor Lol Now I got two mermaid borders


Me too (10 characters)

I don’t get it yet :cry:

I just got mine a few seconds ago! Thanks Polaris :slight_smile:

me neither!! my guild won 5% but I didnt get mermaid border. what should I do to get it???please let me know ASAP!!!

They’re being sent out now. Polaris will update soon to say they’ve been sent, and if you don’t have it by then, that would be the time to worry :slight_smile:

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Here is an idea

I also didn’t get the Mermaid Border and I was really looking forward to it. I used up a LOT of stamina for this event so it’s really upsetting.

Polaris’ update is here:

That might explain why you don’t have it :slight_smile:

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@Polaris I feel that perhaps I should apologised to you on behalf of many people in this thread. Many times in the past you and the company have been told (often quite rudely) that you don’t listen to the voices of the community. And yet in this thread there are multiple instances where posters have willfully ignored your very clear, very reasonable comments stating exactly what is happening, when it is happening and what they can expect to happen.

Sorry mate, keep up the good work. Hopefully more people will actually read through the thread in future before just complaining.


Sadly this is a very common thing around here, along with those unable to use the search or ask someone before posting their trivial query or bug :joy:

But yeah, thanks for sorting this out :smiley:

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If someone starts ranting, people usually follow even though they understand the situation. Every thought should be taken into consideration.

Thank you (^,^) @Polaris and the rest of the team =) I have received mine now. Thanks once again =D Best wishes to u and the team and have a nice day//Sorwol

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I received mine

Still waiting on mine. Others have got it but im still waiting. Thanks for the updates!

Ok, the tool just finished (phew that was a long time!), so restart the game and you should have your borders!

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