Ideas to Improve Arena Challenger

BAYMAX SHOULDN’T KILL EVERYONE BY FLYING ACROSS THE SCREEN… and if your team power is higher that should matter a lot! There’s a lot of imbalance in the arena and coliseum.

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He doesn’t if you know how to counter things.

It literally never did.


i wish, in my opinion, in this challenge the winner have a really good prize if this one wins, like around 100-200 cards for upgrade latest characters (like meilin lee, cinderella, and the others

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I wish that y’all would bring back the arena/coli new hero every six months… but at least the quick win bonus is leaving for the next season and should be gone for good


As someone who has difficulties with quick wins and often times out battles to win, I like the rules that are already in place for arena and coliseum, but I’m open to change if I think that it’s better.

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Maybe to make it more interesting, I could request there be boosts like in the invasion mode but at the same time I wanna keep the invasion unique with that
It’s your decision community, I guess

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My own thoughts are for the Arena to copy the Coliseum with time outs. Speaking as someone who tries to use Bellwether, it’s tragic when I have knocked out 3 opponents heroes and the last two are on 1hp but charmed. Sometimes with my setups Bellwether keeps using her ability and technically keeps the opposing team up indefinitely. Since we can’t stop our heroes using abilities this means a defeat for what is clearly a win.

I’m not sure how many similar circumstances there are where ‘winning too much’ can make you lose. So that’s the only concrete example I can offer.

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How about adding new rewards by adding power ups for the friendship Campaign and even adding red and yellow badges.

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Unusual but definitely interesting idea -

Create an in-game Tier Ranking of heroes, and use the Total Tier Rating of the attack and defence teams to affect the points earned for the battle. This lends itself well to also earning points for defence wins, which I think is a fair idea.

People will inevitably complain that they disagree with the PB rankings, but that doesn’t matter - it just needs to encourage experimentation. The individual rankings don’t even need to be displayed. Maybe tie it directly to usage rates to make it easy.



Good and epic

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I only have two request. more arena and collegium’s because of how boring they are and don’t do anything besides having tokens to spend at a shop,even though there’re so much shops already.
2.update the game because my game page every time I play it for 5 minuets and slows down everything.
Besides that i love the game and don’t have a problem with anything else.

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I think rewarding defensive wins with as many potential points as offensive wins creates an incentive for people to use defenses that would win. They would need to update their defenses each week according to the weekly rules. Frankly, I don’t right now because I don’t really have an incentive to win defensively. If the likelihood of earning as many points defensively is just as likely for winning offensively, then players would be more inclined to set strong lineups as they are to attack.

Just to clarify, removing the quick wins would eliminate the need for stall lineups and adding defensive wins would incentivize using different lineups since people think the best defensive lineups may vary, theoretically.

One thing I forgot to mention in my earlier post is that one of the reasons I don’t end up attacking in arena or coliseum is because there are a lot of keys to use up for the week, particularly in weeks 3 and 4 when there are more keys, if I remember correctly.

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It would also provide an incentive for players to throw battles to guildmates after winning one in order to give them more points, too.


How about make power levels and combat more even for all pvp modes. I have pwr lvl 63,000 but I’m putting up against pwr lvl 1.2 million - 2 billion. And I’m still in bronze

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I don’t play either one, but it’s because of the combat and rewards. There have been times where I have beaten the person in 1st place, but I still only ended up in 2nd place. Also with the rewards you receive I’d rather focus my time on other things.

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  1. Stall heroes are king of Arena - Hades, Gaston, Angel, probably Underminer
  2. My belief - this is due to how strong quickfight points are
  3. A switch-up of how points are currently distributed could be a welcome change if done correctly - focusing more on different ways of scoring, with maybe more options per month? Haven’t thought through this part as much honestly.
  4. I think this change would be hugely beneficial for both players and PB. More options, and more variety in defenses (and therefore offensive strategies), is always going to make for a more interesting and engaging game.
  • me, March 2022

I first commented this around a year ago, and its still almost entirely relevant which i think speaks to how stale the arena/coli meta is. I agree with the other commenters here who are trying to actually provide useful advice - that quick fight in general at least SEEMS to be a main issue of why it’s so dull.

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An honest idea:

Reduce the seven Challenger leagues to four or five.
Change the daily and weekly rewards to be unique for the first 3 in the league. That way people can try to get better rewards but won’t be overly punished.

And most importantly: Make the last places in a certain league equal to or better than the first 3 places in a league below…
What I mean is… 4th and below of Challenger II league should have daily AND weekly rewards better or equal to ranks 1-3 of Challenger III.

That’s my biggest gripe with Challenger overall since it incentivizes subsiding a league to get better rewards (aka to not do anything for a single week, typically the third) @Samm

Getting a CW Reset and more mod upgrades and hero chips >> getting 25 more daily diamonds… if even


Wrong topic.

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Why don’t you switch the heroes every week for a prize

Honestly I would just like the rules to make sense. This last month when I asked support how are you supposed to kill anything when normal and fantastic damnage where disabled. They then went on to tell me “rules don’t carry forward” and when I asked since when they then later said “oh they do” and closed my ticket. Still not answering my original question.

You can’t fix or improve on a aspect of the game if not all information given to players or in this case workers is clear and correct in the first place.

When you make rules don’t have them make your entire attack team worthless to where it times out over and over.

You could do polls to vote on one of the rules for the next month. But again you need the rules as a whole to make sense for a whole season. And untill you can fix point scaling and rules not making sense with eachother can you really improve?

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