Ideas to Improve Arena Challenger

Ohh…hmm. That’s true. Then perhaps just bonus points for offensive wins.

I also think PerBlue should reach out to the players and ask for new and creative ideas on weekly arena/coli rules like you said in you first post as quoted below. It does get rather boring. The rules are a bit repetitive.

I’m a bit late to the party. Haven’t read all the suggestions so apologies if this repeats.

I agree that quick fight bonus needs to go. But I think it should be replaced, not removed.
Quickfight was meant to indicate if you “dominated” your opponent. But it didn’t do its job.

One approach would be to add a bonus for every hero that survives the fight. If you come out with all 5 standing, you get the full bonus. You lose some for each hero dying. This would be much closer to how we build our war defenses, because we either try to kill the enemy or timeout the fight.

Another approach would be to give bonus points if you manage to defeat the opponent with fewer than 5 heroes. Add bonus for each hero missing. If you can take out their defense with 1 hero, then it wasn’t strong enough and you get the bonus.

I think both of these will do a better job to test how much you dominated your opponent. Or we could even have both. If you don’t like these as permanent bonuses, they could be made into seasonal bonuses.


What does this have to do with anything that musk said?

I was honestly hoping for more suggestions on how to improve the mode in general, rather than mostly suggestions on how to make it easier for the suggestor to win. Ah well…

This might be interesting; not exactly as in invasion mode, but similar. Give everyone a limited number of boosts per week (or per season), which are good for one attack only; weaker players in a division could use them to beat a few more strong teams, and stronger players could use them to attempt to maximize bonus points. I’m not sure it would be worth the trouble, but something to keep in mind, perhaps?

I have to say this is the most promising idea I’ve seen proposed so far. The major downside I see to it is that it would be really hard to give players detailed information on how many points their heroes are worth, but it’s not like other bonus rules are always transparent in awarding points. Maybe even show on the screen before the fight starts how many bonus points this rule would be worth if the player wins the fight, so at least they’d know how much even if they don’t know the details of why.

100% agree. There’s many areas of this game where a risk/benefit analysis adds to the challenge; having rewards set up to encourage players to give a subpar effort one week for better rewards in future weeks just makes this game mode less engaging overall, not more challenging.

I’m trying to focus on suggestions to improve the PvP Challenger leagues, but I did want to point something out here: it wasn’t normal damage that was disabled, but normal crits. For most of this past season (and most of the upcoming one), you’re forced to focus on non-crit normal damage and true damage; if that makes it impossible for you to beat opposing teams, that points to some deficiencies in your roster. (This past season pointed out that very shortcoming in my secondary account, in fact.)

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I do want more interesting rules in the seasons. There’s only so many times a season can do you can’t crit, this damage type is disabled, everyone gets invincible at the start, shield buffed team colors.

There needs to be more interesting rules and the ‘can’t use the same heroes as the defending teams’ was the most unique rule we have had in years and it was stripped away with. ‘Can’t do normal crits’ after fantastic damage is disabled.

Here are some rule idea that could be used in future seasons that I can think of:

Basic damage/skill power buffs are disabled or less effective

Buff and debuff effects are reversed (mostly referring to stat based buffs and speed buffs/debuffs. Not debuffs like freeze, stun or hex)

Friendship disks are disabled or less effective

franchise name can’t be used in attacking teams

HP slowly drains during battle

All Heroes gain armor/reality negation by 50%

Crit damage is disabled

White/green/blue/purple skills are disabled

Can’t use more than 2 heroes of the same team color

Shields are blocked

Hardy stacks are blocked

Armor and Reality buffs are 50% less effective

Mods are disabled

Red/blue/yellow heroes are disabled

Increase basic damage/skill power by 25%/50%75%

Energy gain is disabled everyone starts with max energy.

lightning stuns a random hero for 5 seconds

Tenacity/evasion is reduced by 25%/50%/75%


Hmm…, Good ideas :+1:t2: . Maybe some other branches like “Disk star or Disk stat are disabled”


This is a good idea and I’d considered it, but couldn’t think of an obvious way to keep it somewhat opaque and uncontroversial :thinking:

You wouldn’t be able to show the bonus on the fly while building the team, since players could then easily see the bonus for single heroes and then start making comparisons. You could show the bonus only once the team is fully compiled, but that presents the issue of what if players don’t want to use 5 heroes, and it’s still possible to make comparisons by swapping heroes around.

Considering that players can attack with less than 5 heroes, actually, the TTR would have to be an average rather than a ‘total’ - or people could (eg.) hit with a single Baymax and get maximum bonus, which isn’t the intended behaviour.

As a really basic example of how it could be calculated for attack points -

BP = Bonus Points
MB = Max. Bonus (750)
HC = Hero Count (200)
NH = Number of Heroes
TRA = Tier Rating Attack, TRA = TRA / NH, ( 1 < TRA < HC )
TRD = Tier Rating Defence, TRD = TRD / NH, ( 1 < TRA < HC )
BP = (TRD - TRA) / HC * 100
BP = BP < 0 ?: 0
BP = MB * 0.BP

I think some sort of preview of the potential bonus needs to be displayed, but maybe it should use a ‘bar’ type graphic rather than an actual point amount.


This gives people some indication of their bonus, while making it much more difficult to draw direct comparisons and then inevitably have a moan.

I do like this idea and think it has legs - if the points available were somewhat significant it would definitely encourage experimentation in both Attack and Defence team comps to find those ‘diamond in the rough’ combinations.


Also, for Defence points - to get around the ‘But people will just spam losses to their guildmates’ argument, there’s a couple of potential solutions -

  1. Just don’t grant Defence points if the attacker is in the same guild - maybe a bit heavy-handed but it’s guaranteed to work. Or reduce the amount by some percentage.

  2. Set a realistic cap on how many defence wins a player can receive points for per day (2 per attacker?). Realistically, they aren’t going to be battled a huge number of times a day by each person unless people are colluding, so this will all but prevent that. You could even set a cap per person per defence lineup change, or even per week to further restrict the collusion potential.

  3. Tying into my Tier Rating Bonus idea - Defence points rewarded would be based on the Bonus Points only, ie. not the 1000 for a victory. This wouldn’t prevent it altogether, but would make it a lot more time consuming to figure out comps that manage to lose while granting them any significant amount of points, and would mean just throwing a single white hero wouldn’t be worth much at all.



Maybe introduce off duty heroes every week like you do in Heist (defensive ones as well) so that we don’t face the same lineups all the time

Remove quick fight cause it reinforces stale defensive lineups that every1 uses (you can turn it into a rule instead that will occur once a month) OR reward max points based on overall damage dealt

Create a quick fight option for people who are too bored to bother with these modes

You could also decrease the battle time to 30 seconds or less so that we don’t have to go through a stand off and waste time


To add more rewards. 10 chips, a little gold, and some mod skill boosters are great don’t get me wrong, but they should be increase by at LEAST 50%

Another issue is fighting the same heroes OVER and OVER again. I understand some heroes are better for arena, but it makes it so you are using the sam lineup every time. Maybe, like @Nevan said, add off duty heroes, that way we have fun trying out and upgrading heroes we never thought we would use.

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Lock defense changing for at least 3 days every new week starting to avoid groups of friends cheating


Hum i think that we can un lock in the arena the « automatic « mode love you🤗

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