Invasion Nearly Unplayable

Yesterday Invasion was as I expected it.
Today the Guild Bots are effectively invulnerable.


Totally agree. I’m not going to fight one bot over 200 times to advance one level.


Sally seems to be the new anti-bot star. I put her with Jim, Hades, Louie and Angel and they seem quite well together.
The issue I have are the updated Breaker Quests. Were the levels always that high and I just didn’t notice it somehow? Cause Patch Notes mentioned nothing.




They are much, much higher since the update. I’m stuck and can’t play Invasion anymore because I need to take out over 400 quadrillion in order to get to the next bot.


I get making it harder, but unplayable? It’s not enjoyable for me anymore.


It’s already been mentioned that Sally is a bot slayer if her patch level is high enough (some people have said she works for them as soon as she unlocks her fourth talent at patch level 16). People are experimenting with other teams that hopefully won’t require high ranks and/or patch levels; a Rose/McLeach/Kim combo seems effective, if inconsistent in Quick Fights.

Or you can just throw in the towel and give up on the mode; that seems to be a popular option now, too.

Starting early this year (IIRC), PerBlue has increased the rate at which bot and breaker levels increase; bots now go up by 25 instead of by 5, while breakers increase by 15 levels each time instead of 3. There have been times that PerBlue has gone back to the old, slower progression, but it looks like they may have permanently settled on the faster one now. Maybe. Subject to change, offer void where prohibited, do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.


This is what really turned me off of playing invasion, as I go up to the point of whittling at the boss hp way too quickly, and hence less rewards gained despite a lot of effort. The current immunity to shatter is also massively unfortunate, as it is now decidedly harder to keep the bot busy flinching and instead it proceeds to quickly one shot my heros one by one even with massive hp buffs and shields…

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People complained it was too slow. Because it was!

I know a few who are quitting the game due to this Invasion mess. FIX IT Perblue.

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If they want to quit rather than just wait to see what other teams can be worked out, I have to wonder how much they want to play anyway. :man_shrugging:


Honestly, I’m about to quit as this change to invasion is more of a almost-last straw to the many changes being made, or NOT being made. This includes NEVER balancing existing toons causing trials and many other game modes becoming very difficult or unbalanced.

On top of that, if the only way to play invasion is to have ONE specific toon that’s leveled up to a specific point, you’re doing it wrong. I’ve tried multiple combinations of existing characters, and none of them do more than a scratch to low-level (below 1000) invasion bosses. It’s broken, PB needs to fix it.


It works. You doing something wrong.

“NEVER”?? The balancing has been going more slowly than I’d like, but it’s still progressing. The problem now is that some franchises don’t have enough depth and variety to deal with certain balanced heroes, much less some of the still-OP heroes in the pool for patch trials. (Why the heck are Timon & Pumbaa among the enemies of the Kim Possible trial?)

So far there’s one specific toon that makes invasion easier, but I know of at least one other team that works consistently (and that I mentioned in an earlier comment in this thread) and another that works for at least some players. There’s over 200 heroes in the game; it shouldn’t be surprising if it takes a bit of time to come up with multiple effective combinations. Particularly if players are now spooked about PerBlue making further changes to nullify any team they come up with.

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Which is quite likely, given op invasion teams getting nulled or nerfed isn’t new. Especially as it takes time to sort out what heros are currently working best, and the expense of leveling them if they aren’t already. The overall trend of new heros/creeps being immune to things frustrates me as it continues to make many older heros less and less viable as their kit relies on x or y.

I believe you guys are right. there was something on the patch notes that may have answered our question to this mess. they said they fixed a bug where certain characters and heroes that would bypass the bot’s immunity to shatter and piercing so that explains why we’re not getting anything further down on that road and not dealing a lot of damage so as a result of this, we’re getting less invasion rewards out of it.

Invasion is ridiculous now. Every goes well till you hit around lever 45 and it becomes almost impossible to advice without unlimited revives. I’m ok with making it more difficult but this swung the pendulum way too far in the opposite direction.

Are you talking about breaker fights? Because there weren’t any changes made to those in the past month. Each breaker fight used to see its enemies’ levels go up by 3, and now they go up by 15 with each new breaker, but that’s been around for most of the year, just not on a consistent weekly basis (until now?).

If you mean the bots, I think you’re missing one or two zeroes, since they now start off at level 50. There are new teams that work against the bots, if not quite as cheaply and easily; a couple have been mentioned in this topic.

No, it is not.

How do you know if it isn’t? They just explained and you went

“Duh-duh-duh no it is not”

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