Invasion teamwork week feedback

You’ve gone and broken my favorite part of the game. The pool of 10 heroes is ridiculous, there isn’t any synergy with these toons, and the only healing option is sulley, who has gotten so left behind by newer characters. The problem with using the non-team heroes is that if you get further into invasion, they become useless because they aren’t powered up. Big fail.


Oh good I’m not the only one, yeah this is FAR too restrictive. We have 88 heroes, yet so few are available to boost - and most of them are newer heroes, who the majority of players won’t have worked on.

Stamina seems to have been removed from the rewards altogether, too.


This is definitely a step in the wrong direction.

The only way most will progress this week is by tapping the bots of their whale guildies (if they have them), as the team doesn’t matter then. Kinda defeats the whole purpose…

This is also a pain for anyone trying to complete Collections.


It’s also quite worrying that I could forsee this problem in a matter of minutes, yet presumably this has been in the works for a while… :thinking: :confused:


I think it would be better if the pool of heroes that got naturally boosted would be increased from 10 heroes to at least 15

I’d also suggest better synergized heroes


Naturally? If so it should be 1/3 of current number of heroes. So around 30-32.
Off duty system in heist isn’t problem with same number so either this should.


Das Spiel wird immer schlechter gemacht. Die eh schon zeitintensive Invasion fast unspielbar zu machen motiviert nicht mehr wirklich. Die Präsentation ist ein echter Witz. Absolut nicht durchdacht. Bei 10 Helden haben tatsächlich nur noch Wale eine Chance.

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On newer servers at least this exist.

But special team on S1-13, someone make it in chaos and quickly. (Or drink something… no idea, it’s just bad)



This team should help:

Scar (Ma), Baymax (WA), Megavolt, Animal, and Megara (Sh)

This team has gotten me to Tier 12, Breaker Quest 29.

This week’s invasion is interesting…

I don’t like the special team thing since really my only two good heroes in this week’s are Scar and Moana. The rest are way too weak.

The rewards are nice tho.

I have mixed feelings on this.

Hopefully it’ll get better tho.


Having no set team would’ve been fine if we still had one third of the heroes to pick from. Having only 10 makes it likely that players will have no heroes to use. I’m in a whale guild on server one and we have people with only 1 or 2 heroes they can use.

The rewards for the increased difficulty are good, but not great. Put back the mod upgrade parts. They’re my main goal in running invasion.


It’s crap. You work a few days before to get your yellow team ready. You took away mods which invasion is the only way to get them. Now i cant even use teams i want to. You forced our hand. Thanks


I’m not a whale, almost f2p player on S22 and I like the idea a lot!
Would also recommend implementing even higher reward tiers on newer servers.
The rewards could be adjusted a bit.

I’m not thrilled about the prospect of having to boost team members that I haven’t worked on in order to get a piece of the awesome rewards this time around. Of the 10 available on my server (14), I have three at Orange, four at Purple, and two yet to be unlocked. There’s a reason I haven’t boosted those people yet. On S14 we just hit R+0 in the last patch, and I’m still trying to get all my top 15 up to Red. I don’t want to have to take resources away from them, for heroes that are a much lower priority for me to use. It makes me feel like PerBlue is telling me how I need to play the game, which seems to be at odds with their “use the heroes you want!” vibe that they’ve promoted in the past.

And if this is a challenge for me, who does spend some money and is at level cap, how much more of a challenge must it appear to F2P players? You have this list of amazing rewards, that F2P players would have the absolute most to gain from and give them a leg up in competing on their servers. And much of it is just completely unreachable for them. If widening the gap between whales and F2P was the goal with this event, mission accomplished. Maybe not the best way to foster teamwork on the servers.

I think @WulfKyogen made a good suggestion to help alleviate this:

Translation: In particular, I think that for f2p players it is a very disadvantageous rotation, since they will not have enough resources to level up the missing characters to complete equipment. Here I suggest either increasing the amount of experience drinks to raise the level, or an experience bonus for the heroes of the special team, if used in that invasion (it has to be enough for them to rise to decent levels)

Another really cool thing that could have been done, would have been to let us know on Friday, either in the patch notes or as a separate announcement, who the heroes for this special event were going to be. That way we could have been excited to use our stamina and diamonds to pump up those heroes that we have that are lacking during the contest, and raring to go this morning to see how they perform as a team. Guild members could have posted their heroes for aid with xp/skills for the noted heroes and received assistance, fostering teamwork within the guild. In a game where the gameplay is fundamentally based on developing heroes, that was a missed opportunity to promote the “teamwork” vibe there.

I hope the rest of the week’s surprises are not as unfriendly as this.


Of the ten selected characters, plus the three getting their average Invasion love, I only have three of them in Orange + and Two locked (Rapunzel and Eugene)

Sorry, but I will barely be participating in thos invasion. :disappointed:


As everyone else said, this is a horrible money grab, disguised as a “special event” where everyone who can’t afford to spend hundreds is screwed.

I normally enjoy powering up the weaker heroes picked for invasion while I have a couple heavy hitters to carry the load. Can’t do that this invasion.

I’m done for the week. Not even worth trying. This kind of crap loses players, and I’m thinking of quitting as well.

How many are you losing who aren’t so invested?


‘Dear Player, you don’t need to improve every hero in the game to be successful and have fun’ - PerBlue to players about the lack of resources to the necessaty to push every hero in the game.
Guess, you’re blatantly were kind of lying, weren’t you? . Good for whales, who have every hero at their disposal. Have fun playing with yourself.


I would be interested in hearing why the people who have entered “amazing / stunning” or even “good” on the poll, have that opinion. Is it just because you lucked out with the hero selection, are a big enough spender that it makes no difference, or is there something else about this event that you’re a big fan of?


Why do force us to use pontless and sensless teams? And, i want to make you all notice that they “nerfed” Micky Mouse. If you try to use his White skill It doesnt work. Works Just on himself, and no, he Is not underleveled and underskilled. Nice scam Devs, try again next time


I must say when saw “Invasion Teamwork week” and try it, wasn’t exactly what I expected.

Thought could just wildly choose any hero or at least a big selection of them, or that an extra boss would be add up on the list with trillions of HP and each server have to bring theirs down within a week to get extra rewards with one atempt each day. Was wrong…

This week’s event, the concept is actually interesting but immediately falls underneath from what we can do.
The hero selection is very restrict and demanding by choosing only 10 and the majority beeing brand new that almost no one had the time/resources to work on, it leaves almost no room for progression while looking at the unreachable desirable rewards.

Although, I am looking foward to see and check if you can manage this event better in the future, because it sure has potential, but unfortunately you missed this one by a long shot in my opinion this time.


Invasion is supposed to be one of those modes where you choose which heroes you like or think work well together and put together a team that, as you play week by week, you invest in to keep them strong enough to do well in. For most players it’s already impossible to even finish all of the invasion tiers in a normal week.

This special heroes game mode takes that away. You don’t get to choose and there was no warning or anything so you had no way to prepare ; you’re just stuck with what you have like a bad city watch contest only its a main game mode with continuously recorded competitive standings.

Not to mention this comes after a contest where you spend stamina and diamonds. I’m sure other players like myself spent all of their saved stamina and multiplier items this weekend with catching up heroes, especially for invasion, in mind. Not being able to play with my recently level, badge, and skill capped heroes because they don’t get boosts really stinks. I hope next week they at least repeat yellow team invasion so we get a chance to use those heroes and earn the regular items.

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