Invasion teamwork week feedback

Mickey isn’t nerfed, his skills have limits and will fail if used on teammates higher level than he is. It’s just that you have no way to keep him boosted the way you can other heroes in invasion this week so he’s essentially useless


Correct. Mickey’s white skill has always been level dependent, so he has only ever worked on the Red team. And that’s only if you solo empowered him a few times to keep pace with other toons levels (like Quorra and Merida for me).
It took me a while to realize this as well and would frustrate me when he would only randomly seem to heal Quorra.

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Dislike so much.

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Ok well I kind of like it! Gets you thinking about different team synergy!

I think it would be cool if it was a mix of old and new characters so we can experiment with them :slight_smile:

I get that it’s harder, but the rewards are also much better! 3x the mods at tier 4! So it’s only natural that you wouldn’t progress as far but you still get great prizes!

I also level up all my characters equally, so they are all viable but none are very high levels.

Anyways I liked this idea!

A sort of comparison for PVP I can think of -

We need 5 heroes for invasion, and have 10 to choose from. Let’s say 7 of those count as “new”.

Imagine in War if we had 58 heroes off duty. Of the 30 remaining, 21 are “new” heroes. We’ve then got to put together a viable war attack with only 2 hero choices per slot, of which there’s a 70% chance both are new heroes. To have 30 heroes war-ready at this point requires significant spend, even more so if lots of those are newer.

It would be impossiblly difficult. As is this.


I’ve been playing this game since it was being beta tested, and Moana is the only hero out of this group of ten I have above Orange +1…and she’s only Orange +2.

I think in order to improve this, there would have to be more heroes included and a mix of both older heroes and newer heroes. I like the rewards, but as the heroes go, I can’t earn the majority of these because I can’t afford to pay to upgrade all these newer heroes. It’s a good contest for some whales, but for those who spend little because they can’t afford to, contests like this will drive more folks away.

So a much better balance needs to be found. Include more “Older Heroes” or provide rewards like badges that would boost the newer heroes as people try to use them.

That, or a different type of reward could be offered. Personally, I’d love to see more Mod Upgrade pieces offered as rewards. I haven’t seen mod rewards for “Reality”, “Shield”, “Attack Speed” or “Fantastic Crit” offered in months. So those would be nice to see again.

So tl;dr. Use a more diverse group of heroes, offer different rewards that aren’t offered regularly, and make it more accessible to both old and new players who are being driven away by the cost of trying to keep up with this game.


I hate it and the game. I have to keep spending to stay relevant and I keep spending but I’m not relevant enough and I feel like I’m disappointing my guild and constantly losing is making me feel so so so garbage.


To add to this point, I spent 300 stamina packs, and all my diamonds to just get two characters from Red 4 to Red 5, and one more from O2 to Red1 (I had to plan so hard to manage that), and only one of the characters in this offered grouping is O2. The rest are purple tier.

I hope they repeat Yellow again next week.


The idea of having a mix Invasion week is not bad, because we all have strong heroes in each week and if we combine them together, we will not have such a hard time doing Invasion

But that’s just on paper. In reality, things take a turn for the worse. If the power-ups work on all heroes, we will not have this problem. But no, they only work on 10 specific heroes, of which 6 are new!!! And the 4 remaining we have, have no synergy whatsoever!!!

Yellow is my favorite week, and If I try, I can reach tier 46-47. I have been lazy in Invasion for the past few months after tier 49 and tier 53 added. I thought this could be a chance for me change that… Now, I don’t even have motivation to even try

You guys always say we don’t need and don’t have to invest in all heroes to compete/play modes of the game. This action feels like a punch right into our faces. It hurts. Like hell!

Last Appreciation week, we had a terrible co-op contest. Now, we have this. If this how you guys appreciate us, then pls don’t. Because frankly, we don’t feel appreciated…at all!

And you wonder why people keep badmouthing you? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


This articulates one of the other things that I’m struggling with: the removal of player strategic decision making. From those who have posted their server’s teams, at first glance the heroes chosen don’t appear to have cohesive synergy with each other. For example, let’s look at @Serenity_II and their screenshot:

You have Olaf, who gets a bonus to frozen enemies. But unless you have Merida’s Elastigirl disk that gives her the freezing arrows, there’s no synergy there. At least Merida’s purple skill has armor reduction for the mama bots.

If Rapunzel has her Jasmine disk, she can grant everyone skill power and basic damage. So that’s helpful, if you have it already.

Launchpad at least can give team bonuses with his blue skill, but the better bonuses are locked behind disks: basic damage and armor from the Darkwing disk, or control heroes getting 100% stun length, and Red heroes getting skill power from the Hiro disk. So obviously Huey/Dewey/Louie benefit strongly from Launchpad’s Hiro disk, Merida’s blue and purple skill do, aaand that’s it for this crew.

Flynn with Aladdin disk can grant basic damage as well, but only to Yellow team allies. In this group, this benefits Randall’s blue attack, and Jack’s white and green attacks, if you have it.

Jasmine’s Aladdin disk gives teammates max HP and skill power.

Mim and Randall have scare synergy, so there’s that.

Jack Sparrow also grants basic damage with his purple skill, no disk needed. With his Nick disk, he can also give allies armor negation (the only other one in this group who can) and attack speed.

Okay, how do we make sense of this mishmash?

It’s really going to be dependent upon whether you have any of the disks I mentioned. For the sake of a F2P perspective, let’s assume in this example that our F2P player has Olaf [Mo], Merida [El], Jack [Ni], H/D/L [Jo], Jasmine [Al], Randall [Ga] (iffy because Randall is still recent on newer servers; also while Yzma disk seems to be generally preferred, F2P players may or may not have Yzma leveled enough to finish the disk), Mim [Oo] (and this is iffy as Oogie is relatively recent as well), and no disks yet for Launchpad, Flynn Rider, and Rapunzel.

So we can build a couple of different ways.

Armor reduction team: using Merida and Jack as the building blocks for their armor reduction, Launchpad’s basic damage buff benefits them both. Adding Randall because Merida and Jack don’t deal any Fantastic damage, and his Gaston disk gives them two more basic damage. If you want to use a tank, Olaf is your only option. With this group of squishies, a tank is probably a good idea. And with Merida’s Elastigirl disk, at least her freezes benefit him.

Scare team: using Mim and Randall as the basis for this team, H/D/L with Joy disk allow Mim and Randall’s attacks to do more Fantastic damage when H/D/L stuns them. At this point the only Normal damage here is H/D/L’s blue attack, so we probably need to bring in Merida or Jack. But now we have one slot left, with no tank and no healer. So we bring in Rapunzel for heals (at least her white skill is also Fantastic damage), and then decide whether or not to toss H/D/L for Olaf.

With these options, I’d probably lean toward the armor reduction team as it’s more balanced.

If I had Launchpad with the Hiro disk, I might try some crazy combo like Launchpad, H/D/L, Merida, Jasmine (she’s a control hero so she benefits from the stun length, and possibly Rajah can tank), and a Fantastic damage like Randall or Mim to take advantage of H/D/L’s disk bonus.

While this is all fun and games for me to play around with Serenity’s group of heroes, I’m not too excited about trying to put this into practice on my own server. My team comp is similar (swap Randall and H/D/L for Megavolt and Gizmoduck). If I could have had Megavolt, and Launchpad, AND H/D/L together, that would be a solid cornerstone; with Merida and Olaf that would have been a lot more synergistic of a team. And honestly, I’m kind of jealous they got Randall, because Randall alone, even without disks or synergies, can still be pretty darn successful.

If you guys find things that work for you on your servers, share the info! Post your heroes for guild aid, and help your guildies with their aid requests. Let’s put that “teamwork” into action and help everyone get the most out of these extra rewards.


This is my server’s special heroes. As you can see, I only have Jasmine, Moana, Sulley and Scar. The 5th one, I have to improvise, as in using another hero not in this list.

And the problem you can tell from first glance is that, my team lacks fantastic damage and scare implementing heroes.

Sulley can not survive on his own, without his usual partner - Jack Skellington.

Scar dies really fast, the minute his invisibility goes off.

Moana can shield her ally, but her damage is not good, at least mine is not

Jasmine, along with Rajah, is somewhat okay, not great though

My hands are really tied this week, as none of my combo could work with these given heroes…


A question: can someone official please clarify if this week’s invasion is replacing Yellow team’s slot in the rotation, so that next week will be Red team again? Or is the normal rotation paused, so that next week will be Yellow?


I think the usual rotation is paised

What I wouldn’t give for these heroes on my server? :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

I have 7 of them invested, so I can figure out 1 or 2 combo to manage… If only…


Lucky. I wish I had sully :persevere:

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I hope they change it a bit. There’s a good chance that the 10 heroes featured might have heroes that aren’t viable just because the player may not have unlocked them or they may not have invested in those heroes.

For me, I can only use 5 out of 10 characters. It’s not a very balanced feature considering:

A) Some heroes are way better at slaying bots than others. Not being able to use those heroes means even big spenders can’t make an optimized team.

B) Being restricted to only 10 heroes when there are 90 to choose from doesn’t make the event challenging, it just makes it awful.


The server with Bo etc at least has some synergy -

Bo[Wo], Peter, Duke[Wo], Stitch[Ma], Hiro

That’s a pretty handy team, and not a Yellow hero in sight :sweat_smile:

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The rewards are nice and all, but forcing us to use heroes that I have no doubt that a lot of players haven’t got or don’t really use, in the invasion will cause an uproar.

And only giving us a choice of selecting the 2 of the forced on us heroes/villains and one random doesn’t work really well.

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First off, special team should be build of at least 20/25 heroes, out of almost 100 heroes for now, PB’s praying that giving random 5 heroes and 5 new heroes which are not touched/unlocked by most of people is just absurd.
There’s no synergy, no tanks, no support, nothing what can be team build around to smash high lv. bots. Also we’re without armor/reality shred, sure it’s make easy.


You were talking about strategic options and suggested to make the most of it with the toons you have to work it.
I have Merida’s Elastigirl disc but haven’t bothered to improve it much, because I don’t regard Merida as a part of a Freeze team.
Jack Sparrow boost basic damage, but what exactly I should boost with him? I decided to go with Beast and Duke bc of the lack of better options. I decided to sit last weekend’s contest out because with only 200 stam packs it’s not relevant enough to go for a stamina/diamond contest.
I might have pushed ONE of the newer heroes if I KNEW beforehand that they were needed. I can’t choose freely to give boosts to the heroes I plan to use. That’s the point. If I can’t use a dedicated team (yellow) I should have at least a free choice, who to boost, even if it’s the wrong choice at the end.
Last week I managed to get to tier 41 with the help of the stronger players of my guild with an individual boss with lvl 420 and a team boss with lvl 1.500+. This was only possible with boosts beyond 200 on the main Invasion team to be able to keep it alive to hit such high bosses. I doubt that I can get this far this week even with a very helpful guild due to the lack of strategic choices. I wanted to express this in my former post.

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