Invasions Tiers Reward Change

And this isn’t the first time it has happened. They restricted the gold supply and increased the cost of leveling up skills because a few players were hoarding gold at the top. (this was a while back) Problem: This does nothing to stop them from hoarding gold (in fact, it punishes them for having that much gold.) and the other 99% of players had to face the problem of increased gold costs. Fun Fact: If someone is hoarding gold, they aren’t putting it to good use.

Exact same thing happens here. I don’t care about Invasion, I do all my battles on the last day. If they make Invasion more of a ladder t climb rather than a series of battles and then shortened the grind aspect it would be much better. Instead, they make you do more grind for even less rewards.
Problem is this seperates the already maxed players from others. The ones who didn’t need gold and Stamina and needed Mod power are getting just that (and they will be able to progress) But not us.


Oh dear me…

Looks like I’ll be sitting out invasion next week, not worth the time & effort for so little reward.


This is why I don’t want to play invasion. The rewards are to little for so many tiers. I have gotten more rewards altogether in Tier 17 than these!

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Yeah, if rewards are this terrible then it’s not worth the effort. Maybe this is all a ploy to then “raise” rewards to a quarter of what they were initially and have us singing PB praises. That’s the only way these significantly decreased rewards make sense. I’m on to you PB


If the reward is actually this terrible, then I don’t see why I even need to try, waste my time and my energy, and for what?

A lousy 4 stamina packs? Thanks, but no thanks


Yep, I wont even bother with Invasion any more if the changes look anything like this preview we got. I’ll just buy the invasion boxes to grab a mod or two when I can save up the diamonds.


Hey, big surprise. Nothing changed.

And to top it off, the rewards we lost werent even SLIGHTLY replaced in the weekly quest completion awards.


As a player on server 16, Invasion went from being one of my favourite game modes, that felt rewarding and fun with a decent and reasonable difficulty curve, to a mode that I literally can’t even play anymore because every enemy is orange or higher (which means their power level is above mine no matter what, our server only JUST unlocked orange level) So the power scaling just went right out the window completely. Every enemy is at bare minimum level 80 or more with at least 8k+ power.

This isnt a case of me needing stronger heroes either or getting “better at the game” or anything like that, Im keeping up as best I can around level 77 and I’ve played for months, the previous invasion mode difficulty was hard but still reasonable. This current change makes it impossible for any player to reasonably play the mode at the level its unlocked at (60.) Why was this done except to alienate players from what is ostensibly one of the most fun modes in the game?

This was a really bad step in a really wrong direction. The game did not need to get harder in this way when the mode was perfectly balanced beforehand (and still was challenging as it was!)


I personally have no interest in Invasion anymore… The new rewards are no longer worth the effort. Invasion went from something fun to useless.


HORRIBLE.My time worth more than this invasion bye.


The invasion before were just right, but now i dont see a reason to do it. You cut the rewards by more than 50% of what we were getting before. I know its for mods but cmon. Its like a slap you let us taste good food then serve us less than mediocre ones after.


What a way to kill a game. Invasions revamped my enjoyment in the game and helped f2p players try to bridge the gap. As someone who has spent a lot of money in this game I will not be spending any more.


It really makes me feel even worse seeing that they’re also closing all the threads regarding the topic without doing anything about it. Its ultra hostile and makes me feel not great as a now, longtime customer.


It’s bad enough they made Stam pots more expensive with diamonds and irl cash but now we get a tenth of them in invasion not to mention hero xp not spending another dime till it’s fixed…Mickey would be disappointed Disney …SHAME…SHAME…SHAME!!!


Post your anger fast! lol Before Polaris comes and locks this post also


P.S. I been here since the game first came out don’t fix what ain’t broke except bugs fix bugs


When you said you were lowering the rewards because you were doubling the mod power, I thought you mean cutting them in half, not like 90% of the good rewards.

I don’t think I’ll be playing invasion again, I’ll just stick to War, which still somehow gives good rewards with all the orange badge bits we can pick.

Weekly collections are not enough. It’s too random and I didn’t get a good option to pick, only like 1 stamina bottles, lol.

You don’t even release good diamond deals anymore, just give us 3 diamond offers for 24h which the only good ones are the 160 and 92 hero chips, because I ain’t buying 80 stamina for almost 3k diamonds when you sold us 100 for 1.5k.


War rewards will probably be reduced next.


Same as heist, arena and everything what F2P players love.

Invasion is now just sucker of time, a lot of time. Not rewarding at all.


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