Invasions Tiers Reward Change

As a paying player, this change will reduce gametime and interest not just for f2ps but even for paying players.

Please revert the change or make the non-mod rewards more substantial. Consider our time investment and our attention. You want eyes to look and stay on the game and not have us look at other games.

Make it fun and enjoyable. The new rewards are dispppointing.


Heist is somehow playable for f2p players, and they increased the tokens at least, the problem is off duty heroes, just like in War.

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Ah, PB always with their great ideas.

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These rewards are a joke, thereā€™s no real incentive to keep playing invasion.


Between the 90% reduction in Invasion and the awful weekly rewards Iā€™m just not sure what the point is anymoreā€¦


@Polaris I really hate to say it, but youā€™ve killed this game for the f2p player base. This markdown in rewards, much like when you increased exp and gold requirements to level up heroes, was unprecedented and lacked any thinking.
Iā€™d honestly wager youā€™ve done no marketing calculations to determine any range for an optimal output, but rather just decreased all non-mod power rewards to the point of them virtually being non-existent.
Mod powers donā€™t do anything for hero power as much as exp pots/gold/stam pots do. I doubt youā€™ll change these rewards back to original, but even so you just lost a HUGE player base once again.
The second purge has essentially begun anew.


Watching corn grow in Farmville is more rewarding than Invasion


Im also a paying player and again this really cuts down my interest as it was easily my favourite game mode. I dont even care about the rewards, just make it at least playable for us in the latter servers. 16 has a max level cap of 90 and every breaker quest tier has a minimum of 5 3 star maxed out orange 90+ heroes.

I dont think I need to explain why thats a problem.


Iā€™m done playing invasion. Itā€™s not worth my scarce time anymore. I always looked forward to getting the xp so I can level my heroes but now 200 max near the highest tier is extremely disappointing. My annual plan is up soon and Iā€™ll probably stop playing at that point. Itā€™s ok because I know pb only caters to the whales anyway and Iā€™m not one.


Another f2p here. Could understand a change in prizes but to this extent barely makes invasion worth doing. Beforehand I found it enjoyable plus the rewards (especially the extra gold and exp) allowed me to level up characters outside of my main 15 just for invasion. With the rewards like they are now it just isnā€™t worth much effort to get now. A real shame as I enjoyed using different characters in a purely PvE experience.


I am getting more and more worried about the Disney Heroes and itā€™s future as it seems like more and more loyal players are unhappy which could potentially lead to a collapse eventually I fear.

My thinking is that the more happy and satisfied a player are the more likely they are to spend and donā€™t mind it, which I think is the way to go about things. Creating the best positive experience as possible as then the players want to play and more likely want to spend to spend as they like the game. Of course not every player will spend, but they still are a part of the community and an important too as they are people spenders can enjoy playing with.

I donā€™t mean to be mean against you at Perblue by saying this, but I just want to warn before it is too late as more and more high level players seem to be thinking about quitting.

No matter what happens though, I will look forward to more story content and see what new characters might get added into the game as I enjoy story content :-).


Honestly so disappointed in Perblue. If anything I would much rather get less mod power in comparison to other rewards since I do not feel that mods make a great difference. The game mode now just seems useless to me. I partially spend on DHBM when I can but the rewards still helped me a great deal too! Now itā€™s not worth the effort and I will think twice about spending in the future if this is how they keep on changing the game.


Agreed now how on Earth I will enjoy the collection feature if i can keep the requirements to unlock them?

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@Polaris These changes need to HIGHLY be reconsidered and/or reverted. Claiming Invasion is likely the long term vision for DHBM then nerfing rewards by roughly 90% is a very poorly thought out tactic for the longevity of this game. I understand rewards needed to be reduced some, but this is not reasonable. The community urges PerBlue to actually consider the player base. The community is truly what keeps this game breathing and PerBlue is quickly diminishing that community with hurtful decision after hurtful decision effecting that player base majority. This is highly concerning and I can assure PB the loss of players from this change will not result in a positive gain in any way.


My subscription will end in 3 days and Iā€™m not gonna renew it after all of these terrible anniversary changes.


S3 challenger level for invasion. I have really enjoyed invasion from the beginning and have gone full force at it well beyond tier 27. These rewards and far too minuscule for the amount of time and effort that this game mode requires. I believe you are likely to see people begin to play this mode less and less and that it will begin to breed negativity like war does. Think long term health. Happy players equal more time spent.


@Polaris. Can you please give us the decency of responding to our complaint. We know you are online and monitoring the boards.


100% agree with @Robin_Hood_BH5. These rewards have been reduced such a drastic amount I (and I am sure many others) wonā€™t see the point of investing so much time after getting the mod items. Just doesnā€™t seem worth anymore.

Invasion used to be my favorite game mode.


I pretty sure he/she isnā€™t going to answer. This is like the ā€œGoldengateā€ (gold and xp increase) the ā€œStargateā€ (6 star added), both situations they didnā€™t give us a answer or if they did, that answer wasnā€™t satisfactory for the community. I donā€™t want the anniversary update anymore because i canā€™t imagine what kind of ā€œsurpriseā€ will beā€¦ Something good or something bad.


My new favorite part of the game was invasion! It is no longer worth the effort or time. You introduced a great new expansion to the game that people really liked why would you kill the interest so soon? Take back the higher mod power that you added and give us back rewards that make it worth playing again!

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