Invasions Tiers Reward Change

First weekly reward for invasion mode from server 12.

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I used to really like invasion just like so many others. These rewards are so horrible why give any at all? Defiantly not worth the time or effort to play that mode anymore.


Hero xp required is insanely high and it doesn’t have a limit too. It will keep going up with cap level raises. Xp drinks rewards we’re the best from invasion. Now they have made it impossible to lvl up. No way to get nitro xp drinks except for maybe crates. It takes 100’s of turbo xp drinks to lvl up 1 hero by 1 lvl. Cap lvl increases 5 levels. We need at least 20-25 heroes to maintain our position in arena,coli. How much grinding should we do to just lvl up heroes. Then there is drop rate for badges which will never get fixed on top of which you get like 12 stamina pots from invasion now. I mean really pb :roll_eyes:


Gonna be real honest, but I don’t like the new tier rewards for invasion. The XP Energies have watered down and that’s pretty much the only time when I’m playing invasion where I can give my weak heroes some boost. Adding the collection badges are great, but I wished the XP’s didn’t got affected. What a disappointment.


Maybe they will listen and meet us in middle, please @Polaris like a compromise for both sides?

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I really loved Invasion Mode, but since yesterday it’s just a red dot on the screen 

I wonder what perblue would do if everyone stopped playing invasion until the rewards were raised, because of this

I wonder, going from about 700 exp bottles to 200/250 exp bottles instead of 75 exp bottles would be a good enough compromise?
I know 200/250 aren’t the half of 700 as that’s 350, but I wondered if 200/250 could be a good compromise as it is a good amount while not as game breaking.

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Exactly what I was thinking, like the 33 stamina packs has gone down to 4 so maybe it could be 15 instead, could you at least pass this on to the team @Polaris

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Between 12-18 stamina packs sound like a balanced reward I think yeah, so I agree with you :-). A balance between having the rewards be good and satisfying enough while not game breaking.

Hopefully Polaris pass this along to the team yeah and hopefully we can help a bit as we want Disney Heroes to continue to be a good, fun and populated game after all :-).

Surely in the face of purely negative feedback to this change a response from perblue would be great?

Not one person from what I can see both in game and on the forums agrees with this change. @Polaris as community manager can you respond to the community as so many have asked for. Any communication is better than none.

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My compromise idea is following (because honestly it seems this is the only thing PB cares about): I won’t spend a single dime anymore, until they start paying some kind of respect to us players and not treat us as jokes. The game WAS fun, now it feels only bitter. Happy anniversary, right.



The rewards we had before were not game breaking. They were perfectly fine. They were tested for weeks on the early servers before rolling out to us all.

@Polaris can you weigh in on it this morning?

You don’t follow my Discord chats or other places where players discuss this game but there are many deleting the game or making promises to quit. It is pretty much a universal backlash.


Why is no answering now? Is a lots of people wishing be heared

It is still nearly just 9AM where Polaris is so might be a bit early in the morning still for them. Might be more likely that we get a reply within 3 hours.

The rewards are so terrible. And guess what Polaris said

I think it is understandable enough if they don’t change this Invasion as it has already started, but hopefully they hear the feedback and adjust the next Invasion :-).

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Keep dreaming @Kira, like the rest of us. Sadly I wish we stopped dreaming

Wow, way to manipulate a reply and take a quote out of context! If you include the rest of the quote, it isn’t even talking about the rewards, it’s about the points required for the next tier.

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