Invasions Tiers Reward Change

I love this update. Now i dont need to play this game every few hours, no need to get all the tiers. Thanks PB!


we absolutely understand the business PB is in. We also absolutely understand that any good business will make at least a minimal effort to keep their customers happy. This is the outlet for requesting better service. Many customers have already left and will not be returning. Some customers are trying to give the supplier a chance to stay in businessā€¦


And, I think the terrible rewards has leeched all the attention away from the fact that they added 3 more tiers, so now we need to work even HARDER (39k points) to get those lame rewards. Genius.


Who can resist that 1 free stamina pot for all that hard work! Talk about feeling well earned! I plan on going for top tier rewards but I worry I may get distracted and decide to just continue living my life instead.


But mod power has been nerfed, too.
Hahaha, what a joke. Wasnā€™t the whole nerfing thing not about to make mod power ā€œmeaningfulā€?
This is really a cluster!@#$
Takes 30-40 mins dayly to play invasion in a teamplay manner and what do you get?
Itā€™s a laughing stock.


Hahahahahaha, yes. Very likely.

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As a guild leader , I have seen this update discourage my guildmates , discourage my invasion experience , kill my chat. let me note that my guildmates are more of my family rather than a number. This is by far thethe sadest moment of my 315 day disney heroes gaming life. I have put up with the constant level increases and leveling cost but this has gone way too far. Give us hope just to take it away. Who are you to do this to your community? personally speant every waking hour up for 315 days chatting , having a good time with my friends/guildmates and here you are destroying every positive experience I have worked hard to achieve. I honestly dont know what angers me more. the fact you killed my guild or the fact you have said ā€œhugeā€ rewards just to sneak a terrible shady decrease of resources from a 5 day event on us. If this shady dealings continues , you wont see my money nor my face ever again. consider this. ive speant over 500$ on this game when things were going well. now im debating on quitting the only thing positive in my abysmal real life. thanks for making a dedicated loyal guild leader reconsider their heart and soul and life in general. very depressing. very disappointing. extremely shady pb.


I play on server 1, so Iā€™ve gotten to see invasion from its beginning. There were several times that i thought invasion was little more than a time sink when I had literally nothing better to do. When they most recently increased the rewards, I thought ok well now we are talking decent rewards to warrant the amount of play time required to get them. Having previously already thought the time required was too high for what you get, the current decrease has put the nail in the coffin for invasion, at least for me. Itā€™s more rewarding to do low return offers for tapjoy than to do invasion, and that should be indicative of an issue here.

Invasion rewards increase had given me motivation to work on new heroes and builds, and I can say wholeheartedly the decrease has left me wondering if thereā€™s any point renewing my subscription since they seem to enjoy slowly but surely removing any motivation for playing. Maybe tapjoy will find me something more worthwhile to invest my time and money in.


Nahhhhā€¦thatā€™s not a problem. Throw 1.000 bucks in the game and max out your 15-20 heroes from the red, blue and yellow team to Orange0 asap and have a pleasant invasion experience. This is how itā€™s ment to be. Please understand, this is a business.

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One thing many people miss. It further separates the .02% of the whales at the top. (who are maxed and hardly care about gold and stamina, but are in lack of Mod Power.)
This is horrible. Some companies learn not to repeat the mitsakes (lol) of past failures. And then we have Perblue. (Not being rude, simply stating facts)


Sure, but businesses wonā€™t keep making money if they drive away customers. People spend money on games they like.

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Great post. It summerizes very well how modereate spenders are contemplating the state of the game. Yes, whales makes you 60% of you revenue but they will be soon moving to the next new shiny thing out there. Dedicated players who utter their concern are those who want to stick with you PB and thatā€™s why they are passionate about the game.
Shame, that this post was being flagged.


Per Blue, you simply canā€™t stay out of your own way. Just when we think you canā€™t do something worse, you go ahead and do so. Itā€™s almost like Harry and Lloyd are running your company, and we are watching them pull a ā€œhere, hold my beerā€ moment that is on a continuous loop.

You are sitting on a gold mine property with the Disney brand, yet your customer/player base continues to shrink, one bad decision after another. Hey, letā€™s add a 6th star. The line at the exit door starts forming. Hey, letā€™s increase the amount of gold, xp, and stamina it costs to level up heroes. More rush to the door. Hey, letā€™s add a new badge and cap level every 4 weeks even (through a bit of clever wordsmithing, your slow down of level caps became slow down of new game modes). Even more rush to the door. Hey, letā€™s introduce a half-baked Guild War and then tweak the matchmaking so everyone faces the same 3-4 guilds all the time. Who cares if your customers provide you many great ideas to improve this game mode, weā€™ll just tell them we are ā€œcollecting dataā€. More head to the exit. Hey, letā€™s test a new game mode, work out the kinks, and THEN introduce it to all servers. Hey, they love it! So letā€™s nerf the rewards we give out for Invasion. You canā€™t make this stuff up. More head to the door.

@Polaris. Is your company intentionally trying to sabotage the game? Between one bad decision after another, the many horrible deals, and the blatant disregard for good feedback from your customer base, it almost appears that you are intentionally tanking this game. We have yet to see any reasonable reply for this latest Per Blue gaffe. Many of our friends are long gone and many more are leaving, does Per Blue envision replacing them? I canā€™t see how a new player would catch up on an older server. Are there plans to merge servers? Or has your company made its money and just on cruise control now? This really all goes back to communicationsā€¦provide a better roadmap to your players and show that you are responsive. And maybe that you care just a little.


@Gt2796a you need to chill with all that attitude little lady. Polaris will respond after talking to the team, whether we like the response or not.

And Polaris has left this thread open for 2 days now so that people to post feedback regarding those unwanted changes, so I doubt she would lock it now. But post like yours with deeming and disrespectful language will most likely be locked. I flagged it myself.

@AgentGoofy, first of all you may want to look in a mirror about being disrespectful. ā€œLittle ladyā€? How do you know what gender I am? And even if I was a woman little lady is much more disrespectful than anything I put in my post. Now onto the subject of my post, there has been 2 days of concern, backlash, worries and discussion. However we have not even had an acknowledgement as simple as ā€œwe here you please give me/per blue some reasonable time to make a formal statement ā€œ instead complete silence to the issue is hugely disrespectful to us their customers and I stand by my original statement of acting like an absentee landlord. Sadly the truth hurts and until Polaris and per blues actions change and have normal and meaningful discussions, I donā€™t see anything wrong with my post. Flag it all you want but realize your comments were even more targeted as hurtful than mine were and you donā€™t even know who I am.


@Gt2796a oh nooo, you donā€™t like disrespectful comments? Huh, weirdā€¦ Then how about we all stay away from posting them in the forums. Not just you but everyone in this thread talking like that. We donā€™t know each other and the fact that half the people come in here to hang up on the communications rep(who make very little decisions for the game) is pretty messed up.

Why donā€™t we all act half way civilized for once On these forums. and just post our feedback and critisism in respectful manner. All Iā€™m trying to say.

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@AgentGoofy. So is it unrealistic to imagine that the community manager could at least give a single update today? This is not the first thing that per blue has done that players have not liked. And guess what. We donā€™t have to like it, but this is definitely not the first time that we have gone on deaf ears with any of our concerns. There have been so many respectful and well thought out and written comments in this thread and not a single response from the community manager. This is what has caused me to post what I posted this evening. Like it or not Iā€™m calling a spade, a spade. I posted a very respectful comment during the last update asking to get more clarification to the vagueness of the invasion awards being changed. Deaf ears. Many have asked here very sincerely for some kind of response. Deaf ears. So all I am asking from Polaris is to do what his/her title state and talk to the community. To act like a customer support manager, instead of a person who posts updates or bad news on a Friday afternoon so the masses can have the weekend to cool down and hopefully forget their complaints. Is this too much to ask???


I feel you. And I totally understand your frustration

I asked them nicely, they ignored, sometimes even hid my comment (no bad words, or cursesā€¦). People got furious, they still ignored

I canā€™t understand what actually is going on in their minds. If they donā€™t want us to bad mouth them, donā€™t want to hear bad things, they shouldnā€™t make a lot of terrible choices like this

Think about us, care about us. And what the worst that can happen? They are gonna die? The world is gonna explode???

Itā€™s exactly the silence that makes everything worse. I can assure you that. And in opinion, your post is not attacking or disrespectful at all


@Yunno. Thank you for letting me know that I wasnā€™t out of line. I was trying to be honest. And I agree hugely with your statement that the silence is hard to handle and causes more issues than solves. I am just concerned with the games future and would very much desire to understand some of the developers actions. Cheers mate and letā€™s hope for better results tomorrow


I think we somehow understand why they make these decision. No one blame them for trying to earn profit through this game. But every thing has its limitation . Once they cross the line, all hell will break loose

And the backlash of a whole community is not a joke. Letā€™s hope they really take our opinion into consideration this timeā€¦ I know itā€™s a small chance, but ā€¦ letā€™s hope for the best @Gt2796a

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