Invasions Tiers Reward Change

So it is probably better that we just all move on at this point since the change just happened and the effort here will likely end with the same result as the previous forum posts about the gold and xp change right? (Spoiler: nothing changed) Asking for a friend.

First picture by Burkhardt.


Sorry, that is a wrong conclusion: the leave the bug of dropping required points for tier 26 & 27 in current invasion and they are going to fix this for upcoming invasions

This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

Well the answer will be today.

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The thread is open again I see :-).

I see and glad that Polaris is going to post a comment about the Invasion reward changes later today ^^.

They will be “collecting data” for the next 2-3 months. And then get back to anyone still here.


I at least hope that they understand that even if people still play Invasion they might just be playing Invasion for the daily quests, not necessarily because they enjoy Invasion as that would give wrong data.

I think hard data like how much the players play a mode isn’t necessarily enough to get the full picture, as to get the full picture you need soft data, people’s opinions and overall enjoyment. Making a survey to get data points in terms of how much people like the game could be an idea, like so Perblue can compare how the player based feel every quarter or something like that. At least an idea :-).

So yeah, I am looking forward to the Invasion reward change post reply later today ^^.

I agree and once the mass of f2p leaves because it’s impossible to make progress and hours of grinding for nothing via invasion then p2p players are bored because nobody plays and the game will collapse


At least they finally acknowledge the community is against this as a whole. Looking forward to seeing what they have to say.

I can’t agree more to this statement. It’s true if we give time and effort to stay here it’s because we want this game to succeed and stay in long term (very long term) but unfortunately if the community lost their hopes or motivation to stay they will jump to the competition in this area (and yes i already received some emails in my spam section about a new game that looks like this one, same concept but for other company). Think about it and consider that this is a competitive market if yours costumers aren’t happy other companies will take advantage for that situation.


What’s the name of the game?
If it’s that DreamWorks game that is coming out , that’s nothing like this anymore

Well I don’t know if I’m allowed to say here so i send you a PM. But if i allowed please someone can communicate it to me to make it public.

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@Serenity_II and my trust to developer fall again. Once when required gold for skills rised and now this. What’s next?

I get the fact that people are upset, but it seems to me that everyone is overlooking the balance in reducing the consumable rewards.

Take for instance Tier 25 - yep massive drop from 1320 XP bottles to 200 is a big drop - or a 75% decrease. But is everyone over looking the Disk power has increased by 50%

I am just playing devils advocate and i am one that would like to see the rewards increase a little more, but some of the comments and emotion here is over the top.

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I don’t think it’s been overlooked but eclipsed. Sure, the increased mod power is helpful, but mod power doesn’t translate to hero power the same way xp, gold, etc. do.

And don’t forget: mod power is only useful on heroes
with mods.

Duh right? But all those other things are useful for all heroes.

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Any response from Polaris yet?

this thread includes the response and more

Yeah I definitely have the time to read 200 comments right @Maleficent_tam?

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