Invasions Tiers Reward Change

Why is no answering now? Is a lots of people wishing be heared

It is still nearly just 9AM where Polaris is so might be a bit early in the morning still for them. Might be more likely that we get a reply within 3 hours.

The rewards are so terrible. And guess what Polaris said

I think it is understandable enough if they don’t change this Invasion as it has already started, but hopefully they hear the feedback and adjust the next Invasion :-).

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Keep dreaming @Kira, like the rest of us. Sadly I wish we stopped dreaming

Wow, way to manipulate a reply and take a quote out of context! If you include the rest of the quote, it isn’t even talking about the rewards, it’s about the points required for the next tier.


I am just trying to be positive, not about dreaming really :-).

I just believe happier players lead to more revenue as players want/don’t mind spending :-).


Okay look, no one in the game likes the deep decline in invasion rewards and the reason I used that quote was because you said you wouldn’t change the overall invasion. And also I didn’t mean to manipulate that quote.


But I pretty sure there won’t be any changes for this invasion.
Anyway, thanks for killing it.

So have you addressed this at all then @Polaris?

People want a change back to how invasion was when it was released. Will you do that? A simple yes or no will suffice so we move on

It’s ok I get where you are coming from (not literally).

And here comes the silence and of course, you’d hide my comment, which has none bad words, curses or anything?

And If you have time to check all the comment in this post, you will see that many other is even worse :grin::grin::grin:

Good morning and have a wonderful day, Perblue


Dear @Polaris there has been so much hate to this update and I don’t really understand why. Thanks to this update Mod Power has been increased 2x as much for the tier rewards! That is so much!
Even though I only get two mods a week, (I buy the 240 diamond crate for the second) I can power them up to my hearts content. I am too poor to get the last two mods for the week. 4400 diamonds for the 4th mod what a steal! Unfortunately I just never have the diamonds for it. There are very few red blue and yellow power up rewards so I am unable to rank my many mods up to +1 but my 1 million idle Mod Power points will surely come handy in the future! This update will let me amass even more! I get giddy with excitement. The other rewards were way too high so I thank you for reducing them. Going from 33 stam pots down to 4 for a 87.87% (repeating of course) reduction is absolutely necessary.
Along with reducing gold reward by 57.14% and exp reward by 84.84% (repeating of course) I can hardly see why people would dislike this idea. To me this change will mean that I must spend more money on this game. I will spread the cheeks of my wallet, bend it over, and dump all my money right into PerBlue’s lap. This update is pure genius. Thank you and keep up the good work.


We’ll plan on spending a lot more to make up for the people that have stopped like me. A week of battles and earn all those points to get 4 stamina refills that get me 5 out of a 50 bit gear is worthless.

I understand lots of changes that I don’t agree with… but I really do hate how this rewards changed! Goodness, I was so thrilled when I started playing because I was finally able to make some progress now that I’ve made it to a higher level (things move at a snails pace at 65+) and now we have what… 50% nerf or higher on some rewards.

What’s the point of playing invasion now?

Invasion takes quite a bit of time, and so much of what is earned stays within this portion of the game (boss tech and it’s store) so those tier rewards are where it’s at otherwise!


I recall Polaris saying a while back on some other thread that there was something like a team who audits compensation for various rewards… hopefully this is being considered!

the last thing I would like to propose is a scaled reward approach that increases faster as you get close to the top available tier (25 on s16) I would really like to see the cuts happen on the lower tiers on a gradient, because those higher tiers should be a great incentive that they once were!

Our top gold reward was 900k which was incredible, and now it’s 500k. That’s a staggering difference because everything has been cut on about an equivalent level.

It’s just crushing. Make the challenge of bosses and battle a little harder before cutting the rewards so steeply

Once again people are being censored again instead of addressing the issue where people are leaving I am in the top guild in s3 and lost one person while others are looking to leave yet people are being censored on the forum for expressing their views with out being rude or cruel or swearing it kinda extremely hostile instead of taking the issue and handling it just muting people and writing off and locking multiple threads which doesn’t address or help just makes us feel like we aren’t worth anything to express a awsner


I’ve been watching this thread today hoping to see some response that would help me to reinstall the game.

It doesn’t look like that’s going to happen, which is a real shame.


I understand if Polaris don’t give a response right away, but I hope we can get some kind of reply later today or tomorrow.

Like I mentioned before adjusting the rewards to a middle or at least 2/5 reward of the the original rewards should be a more good middle road.

Hope it goes okey in terms of Disney Heroes in the end :-).

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