Is dash op or not?

Their craziness is pervasive: the team comps I see now are either geared towards slowing the opponent down, or speeding theirs up…all because the match is decided on whose D&B does their laser of doom first.
And considering the match ends there because 80-90% of all toons at an equivalent level immediately evaporate, there is an extremely limited spread of options to counter…we need a serious re-evaluation.


Komisch, auf Server 16 spielt er kaum eine Rolle. In Arena und Kolosseum sieht man ihn kaum.

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This is gonna be like Quorra all over again when people, who are too lazy to figure out game mechanics, complain about “OP characters”.


Ok, so ducky & bunny have a skill that unless interrupted, will KO the majority of your team 3 seconds after the battle starts.

That’s the mechanics. :thinking::stuck_out_tongue:


150k damage
300k crit damage
+50k damage from disc

Single 130k damage from green skill is fine, single strong shot (but still 80% more than others).

175 evasion.
Of course, not OP at all.

I have a question. Does Quorra have this kind of stats before she’s nerfed? I’m thinking Ducky & Bunny’s stats are way too high above a pre-Quorra.

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Pre-nerf Quorra was a race to get her white skill off. She easily tore through the frontline, and could use the energy from that to finish off the backline. D&B is just a nuclear blast going off in the middle of your team.

This is especially bad on S19 as the best control heroes are Tia and Finnick.


If that is so, then D&B is worse than Quorra. Quorra needs to take them one by one while D&B can take all of them with a single blue skill.

And take note, D&B uses their blue skill after ONE basic attack.


@Polaris any thoughts on this?

That blue skill is a little ridiculous.


I think this is the best answer, at 3 seconds, the laser still beats Elsa and Gaston control abilities that have earlier initial cooldowns, but their animations take too long, that they don’t hit until after ducky has fired. His initial cool down on the laser needs an extra second or 2 so that he can be countered. Currently his laser hits first, no matter what, and the damage is team killing. You have to be able to counter that kind of damage, or it’s completely broken. Also, testing shows that enemy teams have a very slight advantage on initial cooldowns, so can’t even counter with another ducky as 9/10 times your own ducky will be killed by laser before shooting his own.


Even then, their damage still needs a big nerf. Their existence basically rendered half the cast pointless, as why choose any other Damage if D&B can oneshot everyone given the chance?

Furthermore, their kit is poorly design, with nothing but damage numbers. By nerfing this, it would leave room for actual mechanics to be implemented, while keeping the game balanced.


I honestly don’t know how experienced game designers, whose job it is to make BALANCED characters in-game, didn’t see that they had created a hero who just uses straight, immense damage to slaughter enemies in one hit. It’s stupid.


Agreed. Ducky and Bunny need their damage input cut by half


Probably a little more than that. Currently, cutting their laser by half would leave it at about 75000-ish damage still. That’s a lot for an ability that hits everyone on your team at about 3 sec into the fight.

They seriously need an actual mechanics other than just pure damage. Most of the other damage heroes are push right out of the meta because of them, solely because they cant compete.

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Unless you get lucky and Olaf freezes them quickly, they can rip down practically any lineup in a few seconds.

That’s why their T&P Disk is useless.


Well many heroes can survive that… then it should cut down by 70%

Many can survive, but it is still miles beyond other damage dealers for a Blue ability. Merida is close behind with her green at 66k, but her animation is longer.

60% is a good balance. They would need to have an actual niche still, but that can be worked on.


White skill of Jack Sparrow and Merida deal crazy damage.
Just add activated Jack’s blue skill, more damage than D&B, while Merida can burn for 40k damage (or freeze) + original damage in any of her arrow and speed up by 200% making her also OP-broken.
Also remember about her 16 :bow_and_arrow:

I won’t agree with 50-60% that’s just way too much, leaving them with pure damage without any other effect. I don’t want to make them 2nd Sulley & Boo, bright and shined for some time and after that, now, useless and almost in same tier level as Yax.


Keep in mind that we’re discussing base D&B (no disk equipped) Blue skill, which activated 3 sec into the fight. Jack Sparrow White deals an immense amount of damage, and so does Duke Caboom’s, but both are White skills. Not only so, Jack positioning makes him much more vulnerable than D&B - who also has immense healing to offset their squishiness. Finally, Jack’s is also damage over time: meaning healers have time to get their skills off. D&B is an instant nuclear bomb.

Merida is undoubtedly strong, but like I mentioned, her Green has a long animation. Against any CC comp, she might not get a chance to get it off.

The only reason why D&B might become a Sulley is that they have literally nothing to offer aside from astronomical and unreasonable damage. In order to give them an actual mechanic or strategic tools, that damage got to be cut. 50% or 60% is not drastic when your skill oneshot almost all of the cast. 70k damage for a Blue skill is more reasonable than 160k.


Ducky and bunny are overpowered that is horrifying

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