Is PerBlue Dying?

Hello. Right now from 2022 to now, Perblue has seen multiple rapid decreases in employees, and has now become a miniature team. If this continues, the company would be shut down, which would lead to the death of DHBM. We need to help PB out by giving them ideas on how to expand the team in numbers. If anyone has one, please let me know.


Mabey thay can hold auditions for new workers to see if thay have good ideas

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You can always feel free to send a ticket to them about holding auditions, right @Samm?

Not saying all ideas are good… but people post on here , in game support, and discord ideas all the time…. Most of the time the ideas go unacknowledged (maybe due to their probable mast responsibilities with smaller and smaller staff), or support tickets say “we will pass it on to the team , thx for playing” (but does it really get passed on).

Think part of the problem like most businesses that struggle in today’s times is more management side then anything else.

I think also part of the problem (as been saying for long time now). Is most people tired of the rapid color increase ranks they can’t afford unless they buy deals or have able to hoard over years of playing the game (and spending back then). They feel they can’t enjoy what they have accomplished and start to get ashamed of what they spent on the game, so those whales stop spending. When the whales stop spending and quit, then ftp struggle getting rewards if was in same guild as start losing more wars etc, then they get fustrated. Again it’s all a vicious cycle in my opinion.

I feel again, to continue from above… if perblue would only seperate color ranks and level ranks base on the campaign number in current map (like odd is color rank and even is level)… this would be a win win for most part as this would give pb more time to review bugs, implement things we request, answer our discord/forum posts etc and will give a more balanced game play as both p2w and ftp can grow in more unison for better gaming experience as a whole. Again just my opinion.


Well, the game needs even more staff to make sure it stays in a healthier and balanced, state. Say, for instance, you try to build a very balanced tall tower or an ancient wonder with all the support yourself, and even the most careful replacements would cause the tower to fall. You could also think of the expansion of the game as it were one of the seven wonders of the world that takes millions of workers to build in hundreds of years.
With a very large team in Perblue however, the ideas would start to be acknowledged, and support tickets will really be passed on, because a small team would tell a lie about passing support tickets.


We will surely see :eyes:

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