Just heard gold reward from surge is being lowered

Do not do this I repeat do not do this it is a bad move u are going to make they game less enjoyable and more people are going to quit it’s hard enough as is to keep up with all the gold we need


I agree.

Stop making game less fun @Loutre.

Change it for node not power, if so desperate in gold reduction, you are unfairly punishing all top guilds! The most of active people are here.

There is literally NO OTHER gold source other than surge.

And we didn’t got any triple port event since… Christmas.

And 600M gold for a single hero? Wow.


Invasion and Ports and the XP pots you get from badge grinding.

Musk and Samba are taking it a way that is uhhh… well, completionist.

But yes, Turbo XP Drinks are best to be sold if you don’t have gold.

Wow. Fun, clicking mode all day, and port without event gives nothing, just 9/10 skill upgrades.

And PB said that clicker bots aren’t allowed :joy:



I agree with this post. And even worse is you say that 10m power defeated is where the change will be and wont effect most players. Thats really wrong. Im one of the weakest in my guild and defeating 10m power is literally 1 surge fight.

Summed up, dont lower the gold scaling on surge.


The only reasonable way out is not to diminish the gold for all lineups above 10M. More so, there should be a limit, some kind of multiplier cap to how much gold can be gotten in 1-9 spots tbf @Loutre. Because that’s all that matters. 95% of players don’t even touch the 1-9 spots and those that do, the 5% are top guilds. So if you just don’t want top guilds bathing in tens of billions, nerf the gain on those…

But obviously, it will be a straightforward no, because “the team has data”, “the team knows best”, “the team… whatever”… The data can also be wrong :man_shrugging: Data-driven economy irl would be pretty much doom, so let’s wrath the heck upon players. :hammer:


Yup, there will be no change made. Decreasing the gold reward scaling in Creep Surge for rewards over 10M Hero Power defeated will be in Tuesday’s update. We will also be sending out a compensation for this decrease to players that will see the change, but cannot give info on what that compensation is yet.

Can you at least specify what kind of “decrease” that will be.

Say, if the top team power on server is 49M…

At least on Tuesday.

Because saying just “decreasing” is obviously disgusting to people. And for good reasons.

Also, if the “Hero Power” was counted as singular hero having 10M Power… as in scaling for future… okey. But if I got it correctly, it’s above 10M Team Power, no? @Loutre

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What in the world were you guys thinking??? Why are you always obsessed with gold???

I thought, after that horrible 1.17 update, you guys would stop doing that. Especially with the decrease in players AND servers. I guess it is not enough. When will you stop? When this game is finally over???

Such disgusting lie!!!

We are currently 29-30th guild in server 1 and we have that high power district!! It hurts us! A lot! I can’t even imagine what higher guild will suffer from this because you can’t find a appropriate way to balance your economy!!!

Instead of giving players more options to spend, you decide to cut down their income… Such disgusting move!!!

This decision hurts long time players and guilds the most, in old servers. Is this how you guys treat their loyal customers, @Loutre???

Other games, they APPRECIATE the ones who stick with them for so long, through up and down. This game, they couldn’t even care less. In fact, they are trying to tell us to go away as we have been a nuisance for playing without spending

Bravo, perblue. Bravo!!!

Knowing how you guys increase income, I can say this will be a big disappointment. Like all other resources. The only thing you guys really increase is the cost :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

P/s: I posted this again in case it got flooded away in patch note


Yes, best example is Codebase. Spend to win…


I’m curious as well, are you talking about 10m for one toon or 10m for the entire team? Because our lowest district in surge is well above 10m so really you’re hurting every high ranked guild and player with this decrease.


The way I see it, this change greatly hurts the top few guilds on the older servers. My guess is that Samba is mad because Castle’s surge likely has 30 million for the lowest areas.

Is the thought process that people in the higher guilds are given an unfair advantage on lower guilds?

Instead of nerfing the high end, wouldn’t giving more gold to teams under 10 mil also even out the gold economy AND maybe help some of the new and free to play player base too.

I don’t really understand what the deal is with this compensation? All players will see this change if they are in a guild with Surge levels over 10m power.

And I assume the change is a permanent adjustment going forwards, thus our gold income is going to be reduced.

What on earth sort of compensation would be appropriate? :man_shrugging:


I think PerBlue believes there’s too much gold in the game in general, rather than there’s too great a difference between the top guilds/players and the majority. Personally, I’d rather see more ways to spend gold in the game as a means of draining it out of the economy (loved the Golden Red Skill crates! more of that, please!), but if they’re determined to cut the gold supply, I do think it’s better to focus the cuts on the players that have the greatest surplus.


Well, they tried to balance out the xp drinks with crazy high costs on battle badge enhancements.


Since when? 6 months passed and nothing happened :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

We are also working on this.


It’s good to know the Golden Red Skill crates aren’t an aberration.

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For what?

If after the change we don’t have enough gold to improve skills, we don’t need any other option to spend the non-existent gold

How about this type of compensation : Removal of gold cost for RS?

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