Just heard gold reward from surge is being lowered

I can at least confirm it’s not 10M+ individual heroes, since we’re seeing total line powers in the 8-18M range on S14, and I did get the diamonds. (Off the top of my head, district 20 is the first one < 10M)

Players winning 1+ battles in Creep Surge battles in the past 2 months wherein the power defeated was 10M+


Are there any plans to make it work on districts and not power?

We’re not sending another comp and we do not have plans on changing the gold for surge again right now.

Will the lowered gold scaling be effective with tomorrow’s surge?

Have any you done surge after update? How much had it been reduced to???

Also, @loutre, what is this? An insult?


I wouldn’t call that an insult.

I do not remember the last time i got 1,500 diamonds, that is an amazing amount for me.

you can get that amt in just 3 days frm arena in challengers tier 3 (top 5)

considering buy gold scaling 1.5K diamonds can’t get you much…still depends how the nerf is going to be…we have yet to see

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I think instead of reducing the gold in surge they should start a billionaires club. That only those with a large amount of excess gold can get into which has something expensive and useful for those who have lots of gold they need to use up. That way, they can spend their gold on perks and those of us who cannot afford to spend a whole lot real dollars can still use surge to be able to help level up. Of course, this may start a whole new headache, but those players who have excess gold due to spending real money could have some extra perks.


Not everyone with billions of hoarded gold spends lots, or even any, money on the game.


They don’t care one bit what players want. They want to take gold from surge and add more to Coliseum and Arena? Like seriously it’s all about money to them. We’ll see more gold deals to purchase here soon.

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Ah, thank you for the information, Jody. I stand corrected ,

It was effective with yesterday’s update.


That’s the difference. Surge gold rewards are based on the power defeated. The difference in power in S1 vs S21 is huge. I get about 80M daily from surge ( expenses for mercenaries already taken out). I spent like 1B leveling up my roster (35 heroes) after the lvl 265 update. But now I don’t have anything to spend my gold on. So I will sit on it like a dragon until the next update. I could spend it in gold crates to get some chips but I would have to do it in multiple of 10s , which is a tedious task. A “buy 100” button would be ideal. But they don’t listen. They added an ‘open 100’ instead of “buy 100”… smh

Gold crates are useless.
Lots of market refreshes and badges for coins would be my bet

These nerfs on gold will drive players out and force us to buy gold deals. Why don’t you tell the truth instead of avoiding questions @Loutre

Community managers can’t always disclose or answer everything that we wish they can release or answer. By the answers given thus far it seems like the vagueness is being handed down from above.

I think we all kind of get it by now that it isn’t a super popular change.

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That is your opinion. For me having 1B of gold is useless. Crafting badges beyond your needs is useless. Gaining contest points for gold spent is a fair deal and if you also gain 10% of that gold in chips is a decent deal imo. It could be better? Always. But get it over, no one cares if you are satisfied. It’s about the game economy. Which is broken because while some of us doesn’t have anything to spend gold on, others are struggling to keep their roster maxed.

Unacceptable yesterday I went from 400 to 600 mil gold to 200 only. Thats a massive decrease.

Has anyone determined the actual percentage decrease for the gold in Surge?

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