Just imagine - Imagineer concept - custom concept part 3

No need for a flag (IMO) Polaris can certainly archive it though…

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Can he not erase it? I dont even want regulars to see how much I’ve messed up here… I dont want to remind anyone of this, but I’d say the only good part is being able to thank imagineer for inspiring me.

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I think this can serve as an example though.

I believe they can…

You do not deserve to be flagged. Once again there is no need to apologize. I really do like a good amount of it. I do not normally like Dragons, but I enjoy glitter bombs, so I like the entrance animation and the skills for the most part cause I get the point of them and I like the animations.

Just keep working and improving. You can do it.


@Imagineer To brighten the mood can we talk about the bit at the end of the concept? :joy:

Oh yeah… I forgot.

That was the one bit that HAD to be n the concept :joy:

Aren’t the replies what started this :rofl:

Sure! If you want to I see no reason to not… but others do not share that sentiment.

Should you use a picture for this concept?

I was planning for the image to be imagineers hat.

Btw Why was this flagged?

Maybe because they did not specifically say to add an image of my badge or profile. I did not flag it though.

I think it is ok there are some things missing like an image and a quote, etc.

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@imagineer_v I have improved your concept. It doesnt make up for the last one, but I hope it makes them better!

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This concept is nice but could you please capitalize the names of skills and Imagineer to make it easier to read?

Of course. I’m sorry.

@Slinky-Dog that post you made earlier was really helpful. Could you do the same thing for me just to check if I have anything at all that I need to edit. Thankyou for helping me.

@Polaris can you please lift these flags, they are not inappropriate or spam, its just false flagging…


Oi, who’s going through this on a flagging spree?


Who the heck is stalking my replies :neutral_face:

@Polaris can these flags be reversed they are clearly only being done because it’s against imagineer, it’s false flagging.

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