King Candy

Description: King Candy, aka Turbo, comes flying into a match either healing teammates or damaging enemies.
Quote “Have some candy!”

Entrance: King Candy runs in happily
Defeat: King Candy glitches from Turbo to normal over and over until eventually falling down
Victory: King Candy throws Candy up into the air and smiles.

Basic Attack: Throws a sour Candy.

Passive: At the beginning of every wave, the player chooses between two candies for King Candy to throw.
Super Sour: King Candy throws 3 pieces of Candy out on the battlefield, which if an enemy steps on one, they are dealt fantastic damage and are slowed for 10 seconds.

Sugar Snacks: King Candy throws a handful of Sugar Snacks above his allies, making them immune to freeze and invincible for 7 seconds.

White Skill: Turbo Tastic!
King Candy glitches into his Turbo form and jumps into a car, running into the enemy team 6 times, each dealing X Fantastic Damage with each hit.

Green Skill: Shattering Super Sours
King Candy throws more Super Sours at the closest enemy, dealing X normal damage and shattering them for 6 seconds.

Blue Skill: Royal Laugh
King Candy lets out a terrifying laugh, dealing X fantastic damage and Silencing the whole enemy team for 10 seconds.

Purple Skill: Hacking the System
Once per wave when he reaches 0 HP, King Candy falls down but glitches back up which increases his attack speed by 200% for the rest of the wave and heals him back to his full HP.

Red Skill: Not Going Turbo
King Candy deals X extra true damage with every time he uses Turbo Tastic! When he performs Hacking the System he gains a shield for X HP for 10 seconds.

  • X more true damage done with Shattering Super Sours
  • X more fantastic damage done with Royal Laugh
  • X more true damage done with Turbo-Tastic


King Candy/Ian
Description: King Candy wants to learn magic to get revenge on Vanellope for everything he went through, but Ian doesn’t agree with it. King Candy tries to negotiate things with him however.
Allies: Barley/Bolt/Cheshire Cat
Disk: Cosmic Candy!
Effect: Allows X more seconds of invincibility if he tosses Sugar Snacks.

King Candy/Wasabi
Description: King Candy thinks about possible plasma energy as a way to get his revenge on Vanellope.
Allies: Fred/Go Go/Hiro
Disk: Plasma Power
Effect: The shatter from Shattering Super Sours is increased by X seconds

They should already be done before you post your concept :confused:


King candy should befriend vanllope also purple skill sounds more fiting to scareing then silencing

If you want inspiration for friendships, check out my King Candy concept here:

I was extremely tired while typing this originally so I said, you know what, I’ll do it later. I’m still kinda tired after a scooter ride I just went on, but after I eat dinner I’ll type the rest

You have been eating dinner for a while now…


XD I forgot about this the next day. The rest coming soon

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