Kirby, Tiff, and Tuff/Lilo Friendship Campaign

Here’s Kirby, Tiff, and Tuff’s first friendship campaign!

Campaign Name: Nightmare in the City

Kirby, Tiff, and Tuff/Lilo


Allies: Mary Sanderson, Mr. Big and Koslov, Ariel

Friend Dialogue Level 1

Kirby, Tiff, and Tuff and Lilo are now friends!

Kirby: Poyo!

Lilo: Hey there! You look like a friend. What’s your name?

Kirby: K… Kirby.

Lilo: What was it?

Tuff: He said his name was Kirby.

Tiff: Kirby can’t really say much right now. That’s why he can only say poyo.

Lilo: Ok, and who’re you guys?

Tiff: I’m Tiff, and this is my brother, Tuff.

Lilo: Are you two Kirby’s friends?

Tuff: Yeah, did you know Kirby is a Star Warrior?

Lilo: I’ve never heard of them. But I bet their goodness levels are very high. I’m Lilo by the way.

Campaign Story: Creeps of the monstrous type have been appearing in the City lately.

Tiff: This City sure seems strange.

Tuff: Why do you say that, Tiff? I think it’s fun that we’re here, with new friends and places to see.

Kirby: Poyo!

Chapter 1: Strange Land

Chapter 1-1: Ever since Kirby and his friends arrived in the City. Tiff has been more cautious than before.

Chapter 1-2: While they don’t have to worry about King Dedede ordering monsters from N.M.E. The City had its problems with creeps.

Chapter 1-3: Speaking of creeps, the Dreamland trio heard a horde from the distance

Chapter 1-4: They go to the sound of blasts, and find Lilo and Stitch surrounded by creeps.

Chapter 1-5: Kirby jumps into the fray with Tiff and Tuff following behind.

Kirby: Hi-Yah!

Lilo: An experiment? Stitch is he familiar to you?

Stitch: Naga.

Tuff: Kirby’s not an experiment. He’s a Star Warrior!

Tiff: Kirby! Inhale all these creeps!

Chapter 2: Suck It Up

Chapter 2-1: Kirby gets into his stance and starts to suck up the creeps.

Chapter 2-2: But while he can inhale the smaller creeps, like Ninjas and Mages. The bigger creeps like Ghouls and Cold Snapdragons barely budged.

Chapter 2-3: Lilo quickly thinks and yells at the creeps.

Chapter 2-4: With the creeps slowed down, Tiff calls in the Warp Star.

Chapter 2-5: The heroes jump on and fly off.

Lilo: Phew that was close.

Stitch: Too close. Monstrous creeps keep coming.

Tuff: Uh, just where did those things come from?

Lilo: As far as I know. The creeps have been around for a while.

Tiff: But still, there has to be some sort of connection.

Kirby: Poyo? * scratches his head *

Chapter 3: Nightmareish Thoughts

Chapter 3-1: As the Warp Star stops at the Park, a thought struck Tiff. What if another villain was creating the creeps?

Chapter 3-2: If N.M.E was able to make a variety of monsters, it would make sense.

Chapter 3-3: Lilo seems skeptical about that idea. But Kirby and Tuff can see what Tiff meant.

Chapter 3-4: As Stitch heads home, Lilo decides to go with Kirby and his friends.

Chapter 3-5: The four begin to brainstorm which villains could create the creeps.

Lilo: You know if you’re thinking of someone that wants to cause mayhem and destruction. I might know some people. Though they’re dangerous for kids like us.

Tuff: Well, we’ve been through worse.

Tiff: Who exactly were you thinking of?

Chapter 4: A Spell on You

Chapter 4-1: Lilo tells them that she’s heard of three witches that lure children to them.

Chapter 4-2: If anything, those witches could have created some more monstrous creeps.

Chapter 4-3: Knowing that’s their only lead, Tiff, Kirby, Tuff, and Lilo hop on the Warp Star.

Chapter 4-4: It takes some searching, but they found the cottage of the Sanderson Sisters.

Chapter 4-5: The kids go to confront the sisters of the monstrous creeps.

Winifred: I’m flattered you children would think of us. But monsters aren’t where we strive.

Mary: But Winnie, those creeps were the reason we’re banished to this City.

Winifred: I know that, you fool!

Sarah: What banished us?

Tiff: Ok, say we believe you. Who do you think would have made these monsters?

Winifred: If monstrous is what you seek. Might I suggest seeking Mad Madam Mim?

Lilo: Alright. Good idea.

Lilo: * whispers * One of you better grab Kirby before he gets into trouble.

Friend Dialogue Level 7

Lilo: How much can Kirby eat?

Tuff: Well, neither of us thought about it.

Tiff: I pretty much imagine Kirby having an endless appetite.

Lilo: I’ll say, he inhaled every last fruit at the Covered Market.

Kirby: * eats an apple * Poyo!

Chapter 5: Magnificent and Marvelous

Chapter 5-1: Tiff grabs Kirby before he could get a sip of the potion Winifred was brewing.

Chapter 5-2: Jumping on the Warp Star, they now seek out Madam Mim. The sound of her name could be enough to determine if she’s responsible for the monstrous creeps.

Chapter 5-3: Along the way, some creeps tried to attack the Warp Star. But Kirby inhaled them all.

Chapter 5-4: Finding Madam Mim was easy. They just had to follow the grim and gloomy details.

Chapter 5-5: They enter her cottage and find her bouncing all over the place.

Tiff: They weren’t kidding when they said she was mad.

Kirby: Poyo!

Madam Mim: Ohoohoohoo! If it isn’t three little children and a little pink puffball.

Tuff: And you’re, Madam Mim, right?

Madam Mim: Indeed I am. Have you come for a dreadful spell?

Lilo: We’ve been suspecting that you’re creating creeps of the monstrous kind.

Madam Mim: And just what makes you think of something like that, child?

Chapter 6: Monstrous Ambush

Chapter 6-1: Mim quickly claims that she hates the creeps and sends them on their way.

Chapter 6-2: On the way home, the kids get ambushed by monstrous creeps!

Chapter 6-3: But at the same moment, they heard a wicked cackle.

Chapter 6-4: Tiff and Tuff recognized that cackle from Madam Mim.

Chapter 6-5: She jumps in after the creeps surround them.

Lilo: You were behind those monsters in the first place!

Madam Mim: Did you children enjoy my little game? I found it quite fun with creating my own creeps.

Tiff: Fun?! They’re causing havoc all around the City!

Madam Mim: Well I find that most delightful! Hee hee ha ha!

Tuff: We’ll see about that. Kirby, you know what to do!

Kirby: * nods *

Chapter 7: Monster Mayhem

Chapter 7-1: Madam Mim sees this as another game and transforms.

Chapter 7-2: With a Zim Zaberim Zim, she turns herself into a dragon.

Chapter 7-3: She begins to breathe fire as the creeps attacked the heroes.

Chapter 7-4: Kirby tries to dodge the oncoming attacks to the best of his ability, but gets outnumbered.

Chapter 7-5: Lilo sees this and quickly goes to save Kirby.

Lilo: Hang on Kirby. I’m coming!

Tuff: Lilo, look out!

Madam Mim: Oh ho ho! I’ll win! I’ll win!

Tiff: Kirby! Suck it up!

Friend Dialogue Level 10

Tuff: What’s with the drawings of our friends colored in red or blue, Lilo?

Lilo: Oh, that’s how I can tell how high their goodness or badness levels are.

Lilo: So like, with you guys. Your badness levels are low, and your goodness levels are high.

Kirby: Oohhh.

Tuff: * giggles * And I bet Dedede and Escargoon’s goodness levels are very low. While their badness levels are high.

Tiff: Can’t say I’m surprised by that. Dedede and Escargoon haven’t changed the slightest when they came here.

Chapter 8: Fire vs Ice

Chapter 8-1: Kirby quickly inhales and gets some icy breath from the Cold Snapdragons. In no time, Kirby was now Ice Kirby.

Chapter 8-2: Mim starts to breathe fire, to which Kirby ice skates out of the way.

Chapter 8-3: Kirby then encases himself in an ice ball and bowls through the creeps. All is left now, was Madam Mim.

Chapter 8-4: Mim once again spews fire, but Kirby breathes ice and knocks the mad witch out.

Chapter 8-5: After the battle, the heroes find Mim trapped in an ice block.

Tiff: Wow, Kirby sure put Madam Mim on ice.

Tuff: Quite literally there.

Lilo: If she thought those creeps were scary, she hasn’t seen Scrump.

Kirby: Scrump?

Lilo: Yeah. Do you wanna meet her?

Tiff: Maybe not. I think we’ve all had enough of scary things with the monsters today.

Campaign “Nightmare in the City” complete.

“Fright Ride” unlocked.


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Not bad dude

I’m sorry but this is a dead topic, please don’t revive them

I understand your new but keep this in mind

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