Little Green Men Concept (Likely)

Little Green Men (Toy Story, 1995)

With their collective teamwork and love of The Claw, this trio is ready to defend the galaxy. Or at least defend the city.



Stars: :star:

Type: Midline Control

Trials Team: Blue Team

Entrance: The Little Green Men waddle into position.

Victory: The Little Green Men put their hands up and say “Ooooohhhhhh!”

Defeat: The Little Green Men fall backwards into the ground.


Basic Attack:
See passive.

:white_circle: White Skill: “The Claw”
True Damage :shield:
Passive: The Little Green Men ooh and ahh at the frontmost enemy, healing them equal to 10% of their max health.

Active: The claw descends into the battlefield to pick up and remove the Most Wanted enemy, dropping them off on the ally side 6 seconds later. The chosen enemy takes X true damage when they are picked up and again when they are dropped off.

This skill cannot be used if an enemy is currently away from the battlefield with this skill.

:green_circle: Green Skill: “Eternally Grateful”
The Little Green Men approach the nearest enemy and raise their arms up to them as if to worship them! That ally is healed X health over the next 10 seconds and has their skill power increased by 75% for 12 seconds.

:large_blue_circle: Blue Skill: “Emergency Pick-Up”
Once every 8 seconds, the claw descends to remove the ally with the least remaining HP from the battlefield. The removed ally is then returned to their original position after 3 seconds, having 5 seconds added to all of their active buffs and their Green and Blue skill cooldowns reset. The selected ally is also healed X health.

:purple_circle: Purple Skill: “Chosen By The Claw”
When “The Claw” drops off the chosen enemy, up to 5 stacks of Hardy, 5 stacks of Determination, and 5 stacks of Empowered can be removed from that enemy. The Little Green Men gain +40 energy for every stack of Hardy, Determination, and Empowered removed.

Energy gain has a chance to fail against enemies above level X.

:red_circle: Red Skill: “Extraterrestrial Wisdom”
When “The Claw” drops off the chosen enemy, that enemy also has Invincibility and Berserk removed.

“The Claw” will now prioritize enemies who are Invincible or Berserk, if there are any present on the battlefield.

“The Claw” now picks up all enemies within a certain radius of the selected enemy and applies all the same effects. Up to three enemies can be removed from the battlefield with this skill, but all enemies within that radius will be dealt damage. If more than three enemies are within that radius, the two additional enemies will be randomly chosen.

Additional Stat Boosts:

  • +X skill power

  • +Y tenacity

  • +Z “The Claw” damage


Little Green Men and Mr. Potatohead: Like Father, Like Children

Add a few seconds to buffs on allies


Disk Power

  • +X “Eternally Grateful” healing

  • +X “Emergency Pick-Up” healing

  • +Y skill power to Little Green Men and all allies


  • “Eternally Grateful” adds an additional 2/3/4/5/6 seconds to all buffs currently on the selected ally

Allies: Zurg, Scott Calvin, Merlin

Little Green Men and Long John Silver: Alien Brigade

Start each wave with Reflect


Disk Power

  • +X max HP

  • +Y armor to Little Green Men and all allies

  • +Y reality to Little Green Men and all allies

  • Reflected damage from Little Green Men deal an additional Z damage


  • Little Green Men gain Reflect for the first 4/5/6/7/8 seconds of each wave

Allies: Pleakley, Ian Lightfoot, The Blue Fairy


Wow! It’s so beautiful animation!

“This concept is so beautiful! I’ve never seen anything like it!” -Alice.


We need to see the little green men! I mean, they’re just so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:! This is such a cute and adorable concept! You, @Wilde_Times and @Lumega are the concept masters!

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Yeah, I agreed because they’re so cute. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::relaxed::blush:🥹


Great concept :+1:

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