Liv Rooney - (Un)Likely concept

I’m afraid to say that it’s not something you’ll see some time in the future.

Liv Rooney

Liv Rooney is a talented actress just back from Hollywood, back to Stevens Point to be with her sister and family.

:musical_score: “Sing it louuuud”
Role: Support
Position: All, depends on stance
Trials Team: Blue


Basic Attack: See skills

Entrance: Liv joyfully hops into the field

Victory: Liv pulls her microphone into the air and screams!

Defeat: Liv cries and turns her head from the “camera”


White Skill: Say Hey

Passive: Liv can choose from three stances (White, Green and Blue skill) that determine her basic attack or action. In her first stance she will sing Say Hey from the backline, inspiring her allies. As a result Liv increases allies attack and movement speed with 100%.

Active: Each time Liv changes to another stance, she will heal herself with X HP.

Green Skill: The power of two

:fist: Normal damage
Liv puts on two wolf ears and a tail to become Tristan Lycanth. She howls to ask Fangs on the stage. They step to the frontline and start hit the enemies, dealing X damage. 50% of the damage dealt is healing for allies.

When Fangs is at Liv’s side, allies are given Y basic damage.

Blue Skill: Count me in

:sparkles: Fantastic damage
Liv rolls out her cape and turns into SkyVolt! She will go to the midline of the field, charging lighting at the enemies, knocking them back and dealing X damage.

In this stance Liv will grant her allies Y skill power.

Purple Skill: As long as I have you

Each ally that is still alive makes sure Liv remains confident for the victory. Thus, each remaining ally boosts Liv skill power and basic damage with 5%. In return, applied buffs will be 50% more effective on allies.

The buff boost has a chance to fail on allies above level X

Red Skill: My Destiny

Fangs embraces her Destiny and stays on the field when Liv is no longer Tristan Lycanth. She is granting Liv’s allies 50% of the basic damage she grants when Liv is Tristan Lycanth

The basic damage boost has a chance to fail on allies above level X
+X Skill power
+X Max HP
+X Healing to Liv when she uses “Say Hey”


Liv Rooney/Maddie Rooney
Campaign: “Sisters by chance, friends by choice” - Liv and Maddie explore the new city together. Will they find something fun they can do together? (Allies: Ian Lightfoot, Barley Lightfoot, Miss Piggy)

Disk: "Difference-a-Rooney” - Energy gain on basic damage
+X Healing done to allies in “Count me in”
+X Max HP
Liv gains 100 energy when she uses her basic attack. (+100 per star)

Liv Rooney/Powerline
Campaign: “Key of Life" - Powerline and Liv want to plan a concert together when they spot intruders. (Allies: Huey, Dewey and Louie, Ducky & Bunny, Fear)

Disk: “Making an entrance” - Blind extends
+X Skill power
+X Max HP
Each time an ally of Liv’s applies a blind, she automaticly extends it with 1 second. (+1 per star)

So that makes concept number two!! Liv actually was more easy than Maddie looking back!

If you have feedback, please note!


You’re right, because I’m seeing it right now!

Another great concept! I do have some feedback:

You could just say “increasing her allies’ attack and movement speed by 200%”. Also, I might tone down the speed boost a bit as 200% sounds a bit OP for an entire stance. (For reference, Li Shang’s Speed stance only increases allies’ speeds by 40%.)

I like the references!

So does Fang stay regardless of the stance or is it only for her Tristan Lycanth stance? The wording is just a little confusing.

I knew you would use the catchphrase somewhere.

Also, I like how both Liv & Maddie and Ian & Barley are here… and then there’s just Miss Piggy. :rofl:


I had Animal and Goofy in my head first, so oops :grimacing:

Yes, she will stay regardless of the stance. She has to be called on to come onto the field though. So Liv has to activate Tristan Lycanth stance first. (And Red skill needs to be unlocked of course)

Had to do it!

She has a sense for fashion… like Liv…

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I get the connection between her and Liv; it’s just funny because she’s the only ally in that campaign not to have a sibling. :rofl:

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I love froyo, oh, oh, ooh. It’s so yolo, oh, oh ooh.
Good concept!


Wait, so based on her Red Skill, does that mean that allies will always get the Basic Damage boost from her Green Skill, or does that only still apply when she is Tristan Lycanth?

Allies will get 50% of the boost if Liv is not Tristan Lycanth. If Liv is Tristan Lycanth allies gain 100% of the boost

Oh I missed that when I read through her Red Skill the first time. Oops.

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Oh great, now that song is stuck in my head…

Frozen yogurt is my favorite treat, sweet and yummy and it’s all that I eat.


Froyo yolo

The funny thing is that precisely that song did not end up as skill or disk title.

But it gets in all our heads now :rofl:

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Strawberry? Or vanilla? SWIRL. I have distinct memories of blasting the song on a road trip to wake up my sister. lol

FroyoYOLO is what happens when you eat too much froyo and end up having a sugar rush. :rofl:


Added skill icons for Liv (to be consistent with Joey Rooney)

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