Maddie Rooney - (Un)Likely concept

Hello everyone,

Welcome to my first concept!! For April Fools I worked on the concept of Thomas the Tank Engine that @One_LittIe_Spark eventually posted (being Myeong). It was kinda fun, but really bad (intended bad).
It was so fun that I actually want to start making concepts sometimes. I won’t overload, but I would like to make some concepts from a Disney Channel show I have been binging lately: Liv and Maddie

I want to start with Maddie in this concept. I (partly) used the template provided by @Slinky-Dog and I would also like to thank @Imagineer_V for her clear guide.
Please send me feedback after reading, since this is only my first concept. I’d like to improve if I continue.

Maddie Rooney

Maddie Rooney is a gifted basketball player, with lots of love to share for her sister

“BAM! What”
Role: Damage
Position: Midline
Trials Team: Blue


Basic Attack: Maddie throws her basketball at opponents like she is playing dodgeball.

Entrance: Maddie walks into the field with her basketball under her arms.

Victory: Maddie performs her victory outcry BAM! What.


Defeat: Maddie looks frustrated and disappears


White Skill: Flugelball-a-Rooney

:fist: Normal damage
A Flugelball rolls onto the field, Maddie jumps in and rolls through the enemies dealing X damage. She also applies a stack of weakness on enemies she roles into.

Green Skill: Catch-a-Rooney

:fist: Normal damage
A ball flys through the enemies dealing X damage. Maddie catches the ball and heals for 50% of the damage dealt.

Blue Skill: Cowbell-a-Rooney

:fist: Normal damage
Maddie runs to the front and hangs the frontline enemies a Cowbell around the neck, dealing X damage and applying a stack of weakness. The stack of weakness has a change to fail above level Y.

Purple Skill: Helping-a-Rooney

Each time Maddie applies a stack of weakness her attack and movement speed increase by 50% for 6 seconds. The attack and moment speed for allies increase with 30% for 6 seconds. This has a chance to fail on allies above level Y.

Red Skill: Hardcore-a-Rooney

:shield: True damage
When Maddie has applies 5 stacks of weakness, she will deal true damage with her skills and basic attack instead of normal damage, for 8 seconds.
+X Basic damage
+X Max HP
+X Tenacity


Maddie Rooney/Goofy
Campaign: “Basketball training” - Maddie helps Goofy become better at basketball, so that Goofy can impress Max at school. (Allies: Kim Possible, Barley, Cheshire Cat)

Disk: "Sports achievement” - Heals allies
+X Basic damage
+X Max HP
Allies heal 20% of Maddie’s healing from Catch-a-Rooney (+20% per star)

Maddie Rooney/Wasabi
Campaign: “College paper" - Wasabi offers help with the repairs of Maddie’s laptop, so she can finish her paper (Allies: Hiro Hamada, Honey Lemon, Mr. Big and Koslov)

Disk: “All-nighter” - Grants hardy
+X Max HP
+X Extra healing on Catch-a-Rooney
Grants 1 stack of hardy to Maddie, each time Maddie uses Flugelball-a-Rooney (+1 per star)

Hope it is somewhat okay and you have enjoyed it! Feedback is, as said, appreciated!


:rofl: Somethings missing, and I first read it as “Maddie helps Goofy become a better basketball.”


Fixed it, there was a T missing.

But it would have been funny :joy:

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I was not expecting a Maddie Rooney concept ever, but I like it! If I may, I do have some small feedback to provide:

Is there a limit to how much of a speed boost she gets? Because with how many different ways she can apply Weakness to enemies, this seems like it could stack super quickly.

You’re missing one more stat boost here.

But this is very well done! :+1:


Good that ypu mention it. I forgot to put a time-indicator for how long the speed increase will be! I’ll add that

Add that as well!


I like the overall concept. I don’t have much feedback since I’m not ready to give feedback. All I can say it’s a good start in your concept making. I can’t wait for your next concept.

I have two points, but it was VERY well done especially given the diffucilty that Maddie would give anyone

Is this Granted to Only Maddie or to multiple allies?

Also Minor spelling Mistake:

I think it should be “A flugelball rolls onto the field, Maddie jumps in and rolls through enemies

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Only to Maddie

It indeed should be this :flushed:

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Can we expect a Liv concept sometime in the future? :wink:


Added skill icons for Maddie (to be consistent with Joey Rooney)

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