Live Chat: 7/3


We can only have one version of any character in the game at a given time. So in this case, with Flynn Rider and Rapunzel, we have their movie versions so we won’t be able to add their TV versions. Though I love the Tangled TV designs!


The design team loves brainstorming and coming up with new ways to get you guys excited about our game and new modes are always a part of that discussion. Lately though our focus has mostly been on trying to improve the modes we currently have in the game, like the recent Creep Surge changes that we’re currently trying out on servers 2 & 9. You never know when something new might pop up though! Either way, we’d love to hear what your thoughts and ideas for new modes are, so make sure to share them here.


For quality of life, is there another way to level up the team level via Stamina or XP?


So, do you have any plans to add villains like cruella, Pete, shere Kahn, and glomgold

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will there be any unusual emoji from Disney emoji blitz? ( Santa Jack or Yzma kitty )

Did you think add more characters from franchises with only 1 character in the game, like Gargoyles, Snow White, Atlantis, etc?

What about in BH6 The Series where BH6 fight in their movie outfits?

Are players’ hero concepts are some kind of inspirations sometimes?


:wave: :nerd_face:

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Will there be facts, and trivias for all that characters?

So… Cassandra, Varian, Obake and Stitch’s cousins aren’t coming to the game?

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No spoilers! :wink:


I hate to repost and be a pest like everyone else is doing, but this is at 8 likes and I’d appreciate if the questions were answered. :stuck_out_tongue:


And never trust The Wiki. Because spoilers or it had unofficial

Same goes with my questions up there

How about TaleSpin and Don Karnage?

You did young Tron and old Kevin Flynn…

And DuckTales 2017, Della?!



  1. Both of these are bugs. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. I’ve said this before but I loved writing Dash and WALL-E’s friendship. More recently, I loved writing Collette and Sally’s friendship.

  3. The answer to this can be complicated but ultimately, yes. It’s fair to say Goliath is in the game mostly because of Disney+ (and because we’re fans of Gargoyles).

  4. We pick them based on if they fit the current meta, if they aren’t very used by players, and how they were viewed by players in the past.

  5. If by soon you mean in the next couple updates, no. If you mean by early winter…


This got buried, so any answers?

Guys, they are still answering questions near the beginning, no need to panic yet :upside_down_face:

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