Update 2.2 Patch Notes

Nick was never meant for pvp. His strength is in modes like CW and Invasion. Refreshing his skillset for arena and coli would miss the point of it and ruin a perfectly good hero.


no… he isn’t.

And hero which is good only in one mode SCREAMS by itself that refresh is required.

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Half of the roster, if not more, need a refresh more than Nick.
He’s perfectly usable, while a lot of characters just scream “free win” when you see them in PvP


Who else is excited for Jafar’s red skill this fall/winter? (Not a spoiler as it was stated by PB)

Where, exactly, was it confirmed?

HE’S A STUDIER! He is going with Basil on my Coliseum team. MOVE OUT OF THE WAY ENEMIES!image


It’s been known for months that a good Mim team can finish all the tiers in two days or less, but she hasn’t been nerfed yet. While I don’t like they way they went about it, I can understand why they felt they had to do something about a hero that was allowing people to reach 15k bots with virtually any team of heroes behind him, so long as someone was protecting him. If this refresh allows him to form botslayer teams again (obviously without getting ridiculous about it) while also making him more viable in PvP, I’d say it’s about the best tradeoff we could reasonably hope for.

Maybe, but a hero which is good in no modes SCREAMS even more urgently that a refresh is required. (I mean, surely you don’t think Nick is the only hero in the game with lousy base stats?)

As much as I would like for Nick’s base stats to get buffed (hey, I’m guilty of wanting my strongest heroes to become S+ tier PvP superstars, too), this is really an almost airtight argument against giving Nick a refresh right now.

No, but in higher priority.

Is Maximus any good?

Yo lo he esperado hacé muchísimo tiempo.

Don’t know, haven’t used him yet.

No one used him yet. Because he’s not out yet.

Obviously, I was being sarcastic because it was a redundant question.


Cheshire is August sign in


@LetsGetDangerousBro thankyou


All new heroes are, at a minimum, very good. The question is where they fall on the scale of “very good” to “insanely OP”. There’s no way to tell for sure where Maximus will fall on that scale, though with his skillset OP seems a safe bet.


I think you are the only person who wants these two characters as of right now. They have better more interesting prioritizes. Now please stop, I like this update. Looking forward to making a Tangled based team.


We only need pascal and gothel

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