Live Q&A: September 2021

How about… the winner’s concept gets into the game, but it’s altered as least possible so that Disney can approve it?

That would still not be able to work.

Mind sharing at least one or two? :pleading_face: Or you can’t?

C’est la vie I guess

You guys have 9 minutes left!!


Have there been any specific concepts (likely or unlikely) you’ve particularly enjoyed reading through?

Would it be possible for all the Campaign stages to show all 6 of the possible badge bit drops, instead of just the 3-4 it currently shows?

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Have y’all ever liked any ones concept to keep in mind?

Just to ask, is it theoretically possible for players of Disney Heroes to become a member of PerBlue and help make Disney heroes?

And would it be possible for us some of us players to be “external consultants” of some sort or playtesters, like being able to more so get to talk to the team and help in the planning?
Of course those who were to become extremal consultants/playtesters would likely be under NDA, but yeah thought it could be interesting to ask at least.


Can’t confirm or deny anything about heroes not in the game!


I have some random questions for you all!

  • What are your favorite Heroes in the game, to use in combat?
  • Who is your favorite Hero just for who they are? :heart_eyes_cat:
  • Who has your favorite animations (Entrance, combat, victory, etc.) that you see in the game?

Last-minute second attempt, if only to raise the idea…

What happened to the ability to view the story and its conversations at any time?


My answer is the same for both: Pleakley. Pleakley is my everything.

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Hero screen → Friends → Wall

Five minutes!


With 5 minutes left—

Ian Lightfoot.

Baymax, Hiro, Stitch, Kim Possible, etc.

Kermit’s victory animation, like you all said before.

Ron’s entrance and victory animations are perfect for him.

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To both of those be Jack Jack and scar

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I do like:
Maximus, Jack Sparrow, Dash, Timon & Pumbaa and whoever fifth… all-time favourites.

This handsome guy. My only 10M+ hero right now (10.09M). Costly!

I still love Jack’s win animation lol. Rum’s gone.

Also, I’d still like to change his Red Skill myself if I could. :joy:

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