Louis & Ray
Entrance: Louis walks in and pulls out his trumpet with Ray next to him
Basic Attack: Louis scratches dealing X, and Ray hits enemies with his butt dealing X damage
Victory: Louis plays his trumpet and Ray grins
Defeat: Louis’s trumpet breaks and Ray’s lights go out
Trial Team
Role: Control
Stars: 2
Quote: “Where have you been all my life?!”
Bio: Louis & Ray use music and light to their advantages on the battlefield

White Skill-(Spotlight)-Passive: Louis plays his trumpet applying 5 stacks of musician to himself, his attack speed is increased by 10% per stack
Active: Ray turns around and shines his light in front of the front-most enemy, blinding them for 6 seconds.

Green Skill-(Trumpet Blare)-(Normal Damage)- Louis gives his trumpet to Ray and bites the front-most enemy dealing X damage and increasing Ray’s attack speed by 25%

Blue Skill-(Ma Belle Evangelene)-Louis plays a romantic tune on his trumpet, charming the front-most enemy for 8 seconds and decreasing their armor by 40%

Purple Skill-(True Musicians) Louis and Day’s attack speed is increased by 45% When they use “Trumpet Blare” and “Ma Belle Evangeline”.

Friendships: Louis & Ray/Miguel - Louis & Ray’s “Blue Skill” now charm enemies for 10 seconds
Louis & Ray/Repunzel - Louis & Ray’s “White Skill” now blinds enemies for 8 seconds and stuns them for 10 seconds

The concept doesn’t look completed yet…

I never know Quotes from anyone so I usually POST it so it’s not too incomplete

Just search up quotes from them

I’m not allowed to use the internet, lol

You are using the internet right now…

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I mean I can’t search stuff

Why not?

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Cuz I’m not

Why can’t you just search up their quotes?

Cuz I can’t man

Why not? Be specific.

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Cuz my parents won’t let me ok

The order you have things is a little weird. Look in the previous concept I gave feedback on for a good order for things.

What team? It does not say.

Do not put a space for a quote if you are not going to have one.

Percentages are usually always defined as a number. So give it a number and give the skill a variable effect.

The way this is worded makes no sense. Percents are always a number.

Percents are always numbers.

After reading the first 3 skills, the concept does not feel consistent. Usually when making a concept you have a few different abilities they focus on, and this is a random mix which does not work.

They also do not feel like a tank, and instead a control hero.

Missing 2nd friendship.


They have 2 friendships

Also can I have some skill name ideas?

Did not notice until now.

Is Dr Facilier a Red Team?

Also can I have a image of them and a Quote from them?

Here’s something that Louis says

Where have you been all my life

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