Miles Morales concept

Hi! this is one of my favorite characters! hope you enjoy it and at the end please post all feedback.

Miles morales
Source: Spiderman into the spiderverse


Stars: :star2:

Quote: “Einstein said time was relative, right? Maybe I’m not late. Maybe you guys are early.”

Position: Front

Role: Damage

Trial: Red


Entrance: Walks singing while he is hearing music in his headphones into his position.

Victory: He takes off his mask and jumps happily.

Defeat: He tries to get invisible but fails.

Basic attack: See white skill.


:white_circle: White skill: Stamps - Fantastic damage :sparkles:
Passive: Instead of a basic attack Miles swings into the position of a random enemy putting 1 stack of “stamp”

Active: Miles starts swinging with his spiderwebs through the enemies counting his stamps dealing X damage and X extra damage per stamp, each stamp he counts increase 5% the attack and movement speed of Miles for 8 seconds.

:green_circle: Green skill: Hand on the shoulder - Fantastic damage :sparkles:
Miles puts his hand in the shoulder of the closest enemy giving them a electric wave, dealing X damage and knockbacking them.

Miles has 25% of probability of making this instead: Miles puts his hand in the shoulder of the closest enemy charming them for 10 seconds and increasing their SP for X.

:large_blue_circle: Blue skill: Invisibility
When Miles is behind the 50% of his max HP he becomes invisible for 12 seconds, while he is invisible his basic attacks scare the enemies and his tenacity and evasion are increased by 50%, the scare may fail if the enemies are abaove level X.

:purple_circle: Purple skill: Always wake up
The first time Miles dies he wakes up and becomes invincible for 7 seconds, and the cooldown of “Hand on the shoulder” is decreased to 0 seconds, becoming invincible and reducing the cooldown of “Hand on the shoulder” may fail if Miles is above level X

:red_circle: Red skill: Leap of faith
Miles has a 50% of chance of aplying 2 stacks of “stamp”, if he applies 2 he increases his fantastic crit 5%, if he only put 1 he decreases the normal crit by 5% of the enemy he applied the stack, the decrease of normal crit may fail if the enemy is above level X.
+Z damage to “Stamps”


Miles Morales/Hiro
Disk: Nerd lab
Campaign: Let me show you some things
Allies: HL, Rex and B&B
Buff: the probability of charming in “Hand on the shoulder” is increased by 5%
+5% per star
Disk power:
If Miles charms with “Hand on shoulder” all enemies lose X tenacity and evasion.

Miles Morales/Powerline
Disk: Inspiring music
Campaign: Singing lessons
Allies: Kermit, Madam Mim and Maui
Buff: The percent of attack and movement speed increased in “Stamps” increases 2%.
+2% per star
Disk power:
Miles and damage allies have X extra SP.

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Here are my next concepts (when I finish this ones I´ll take requests again)
AUTO - Disney Fan
The march hare - Grim Grinning Ghost
Mera (Epithet Erased) - Wave9Nut

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