So I thought that (almost) all the concept makers have created different effects in their concepts and in @Tragic-Magic concept (this one) he used @Imagineer_V effect of “Quarantine”, so this give me an idea, what about a chart of all the effects that the concept makers have created, so other concept makers get inspired or use the same effect because it would fit erfectly with their concept, this is what this topic is about.
@Rinoxeronte | Rainbow | Each time a hero with rainbow makes a basic attack they heal 40% the damage the deal | Originally created for: Bing Bong concept |
@Rinoxeronte | Captain | The “Captain” shares 50% of his SP and 25% of his HP with X, each 5 seconds X charms the “Captain” for 2 seconds, if the enemy as “Captain” dies it passes to the other enemy with the most HP. | Originally created for: AUTO concept |
@Rinoxeronte | Stamp | Passive: Instead of a basic attack X swings into the position of a random enemy putting 1 stack of “Stamp”
Active: X starts passing through the enemies counting their stamps dealing X damage and X extra damage per “stamp”, each “stamp” he counts increase 5% the attack and movement speed of X for 8 seconds. | Originally created for: Miles Morales concept |
@Grim_grinning_Ghost l heckle l each time Statler and Waldorf gain enough power they hold up their signs and deal that number on the signs l being created for Statler and Waldorf concept (unreleased)
Lovely / Disney_Doge
@Lovely | Powered | Causes all basic attacks to do true damage and have a chance for life steal.
This is how it works, hope you like it.
Should I make this a wiki or you give me the suggestions in the comments?
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