Mods: December 2020

So now it´s my fault. :joy: You losing arguments bud. That was a cheap stab.

You didn’t had a single from start.

Stop forcing others to live like you.

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Nope he’s got a point. Putting armor or reality on Nick is useless when you can fully boost his skill power through purple skill and pair with T&P or Shang. They’ll do a better job than a few mods

Some characters can actually become worse with different mods. Joy, as an example, gives passive reality boosts, which can be removed by removing stacks of “Happiness” from her. If she dies fast, no one can ever remove that, and +160 purple boost will ensure that some Evil Queen who did that will pay.

Of course, because +160 is basically a “linear” level 375. :thinking:
The thing behind is, should have something like that even be given in the first place? Doesn´t it feel cheapish, considering we have 215 levels only?

And the point is? Have a +40 (aka a +90 by the idea) levels on Nick, +40 green levels on T and P and +40 green AND +40 blue levels on Shang.
You use 60 upgrade pieces and get double the boost, if you wish so.
If you want to get fully specialized, you can, it will give you 3 more mod spots. Or just… don´t?

The thing you didn´t realize is that we are talking about new players.
So, newcomers must grind a year as you did for something, just BECAUSE YOU HAD TO?
Should they grind years or buy a deal just to overcome several Orange ranks and Red ranks?

I mean, sure, the game has now a stable community, but there would be a super minority that will start the game anew and would just see the year-long grinds as not worth it, turning back on a standstill.

Players needs to change thier synergies, upgrade new heroes or leave only because you want to change something EVEN IF THE CHANGE IS USELESS AND NOT NEEDED?!

And yes, let’s give all new players 3238483 of all upgrades.
And for new player, it will take anyway few months to get to point where mods reveal their true powers.


Agree completely with this, not that useful.

If I could make changes it would be to drastically reduce the chip cost to upgrade mods, and vary the upgrade type drops more. I’ve got many hundreds of a few, and only dozens of the rest.


Just want to bring this up again, as it was in danger of being buried and forgotten. Even if I just equip a new mod without trying to level it up, sometimes the game will mysteriously unequip it for me, but once I equip it a second time, it works properly. I’ve learned to check for that, but it’s still annoying that I have to deal with it.


Ok, another idea. Make the levels exponential, but let everyone equip 2 mods of a certain kind. Basically a win-win, since 80 exponential levels would mean 200 levels in the current system.
Your potential doesn´t go to waste, more people have the chance to do the same though.

Besides the amount of mods themselves being in is not infinite and unless you spend a lot of diamonds there will never be. The above idea would satisfy your hunger for no “nerf” while providing better chance for newcomers to catch-up.


If they don´t pay, yes. If they pay a bit it´s not months anymore.

also because of this…

Yeah, I think that bug has been reported about 8 times by me alone since it existed (since mods were introduced?!) and many more times by yourself and others too.

I assume there’s some technical reason it hasn’t been addressed yet :man_shrugging:t2:


Yes, that bug really needs to be history already. It´s very annoying.

Being able to change mod colors would be a blessing, especially with how hard it is to come by mod upgrades

  1. The ability to change skill colors would be great.
    Like changing purple skill to blue … etc

  2. Reduce required chips to switch mods between toons or for upgrade

  3. Make colors for skill mods icons as it’s hard to decide if it is blue/green/purple since the icons are too small to be figured out unless we access each one

  4. Reduce required mod power up cost for powering up mods. They are too expensive!!! What earned in one invasion can be spent only on one mod!!! Maybe it won’t be enough too.

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  1. We need more UPGRADE pieces. 90 pieces for 1 kind are not enough, especially when we need 225 to max 1 mod! That number is not right, in any sense :frowning: (Or you could easy decrease the needed amount to upgrade)

  2. Because we don’t have enough upgrade pieces, to make use of the limited numbers of them, we have to equip multiple mods with same function… leads to the lack of advance mods :frowning:

  3. Could you guys please consider offering MULTIPLE upgrade pieces in 1 Invasion? Like what you did with special Invasion? Btw, what happened to those???


I would like to see all mods be available in tiers in invasion. Like for example instead of three tiers with 30 of one mod, like to see maybe 30 of each type of mod in three tiers.

Yes that would be very useful!
Further Feedback:
I feel it can often be frustrating to balance hero chips necessary for Red Skills AND mods. Red Skills are at a reasonable hero chip per level up, but I feel Mods are far too high.

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Please allow us to break down:

Mods for a refund in Mod Power and Mod Pieces, and
Friendship disks for a refund in Disk Power and memory tokens

The time-cost for both is now extremely high and these features would be extremely welcomed.


The only thing i got to say about mods is… i’d like to be able to get more of them. Maybe you guys could do a mod shop that rotates weekly or something like that… because i feel like only getting 2 mods per invasion is not enough.

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