Some feedback to give, they’re currently a very background thing, that offers very small power boosts. So small they’re negligible. HP boosts that, unless they get significantly bigger in upper levels, barely register a single hits worth of additional health. The bonuses are just too small to be worth the effort.
Moana, level 100 O2 basic damage with badges enhanced: 11088 + 1185 + 1081 = 13354
With a yellow basic damage mod at level 10, add 236 to that. Not even a 2% increase in basic damage on a mod halfway to maximum level, which costs 3500 mod power to level up right now.
All in all, I’m very indifferent about them. They don’t give enough of an edge to be something I’d work on, but I’ll use them just because they’re available. Once the red ! goes away, I forget all about them.
Suggested improvements: remove static increase values and replace with percentage increases. This will be especially important as the team level and gear rarity increases, as the static values will become smaller and smaller in relation to the heroes base stats. As they are now it’d be a big power bump at G1, unnoticeable at O2.