More Popular Suggested Heroes!

Mike should be randal s friends after all they were rivals since both were in differnet guilds in the scaring games and later compted with sulley who will be batter scarer but after monsters inc ended the monsters stoped reling on screams so there is no reason to rivaly between randal and mike so mike can be logical friend to randal

Robin, a mid Control character who’s small size contains big heart, combining Muppet Labs technology with magical Morph Amulets.

“I must still be dizzy. It sounded like you said I would save everyone!”

BASIC ATTACK: Ranged, releases an energy wave from the palm of his Power Glove

  • WHITE: “Bite Back”, channeling the power of Noseferatu, turns into a vampire bat and swoops at an enemy, Poisoning them and healing Robin for a portion of the damage done. Deals Fantastic damage.

  • GREEN: “Bee-ware!”, channeling the power of the Wocka-Wocka Werebear, turns into a werewolf and howls, Slowing nearby enemies while also increasing his own attack speed and movement speed.

  • BLUE: “Surf’s Up”, channeling the power of the Muck Monster, turns into a sea creature and spits a glob of slime at the nearest enemy, Poisoning them. Deals Fantastic damage.

  • PURPLE: “Robin the Brave”, allows Robin to receive a debuff instead of an ally, healing that ally instead. Whatever debuff Robin takes also lasts for a shorter duration than normal.

APPEARANCE: Based from his appearance in the Muppet series, with items from Muppet Monster Adventure.

ENTRANCE: A small wormhole opens up and Robin leaps out, the wormhole closing as quickly as it appeared.

VICTORY: Hops into the air and clicks his heels together, cheering.

DEFEAT: Falls backwards onto the ground, lying on his back.

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Jake Long Friendships


  • Jake learns about how tough Shank is from people in the City. Looking to impress her, he goes out of his way to catch her attention with foolish and dangerous stunts. Shank plays along, and flips the experience into a lesson about duality for the young dragon.

  • Through it all, he unlocks the Disk “Frozen Sun”. This reduces the damage taken from skills that damage over time, as well as decreases the duration of being Frozen. This Disk also increases Skill Power per level.


  • Joy’s very presence has been raising morale all over the City, so Maleficent hatches a plot to make the Creeps focus on her only. Jake has been tasked with escorting Joy through her daily routine and finding the cause of the unwanted attention.

  • Through it all, he unlocks the Disk “Body Guard Duty”. Jake’s Armor and Reality are boosted per Support ally, and he starts the battle with more Energy per Support. This Disk also gives Skill Power to Support allies per level.


The Glooms, a backline Control duo who scheme with dark magic to do whatever they want, usurping more power from those who have it.

“Nosy, nosy, nosy!”

BASIC ATTACK: Ranged, Hildy zaps magic from her wand

  • WHITE: “Gloomy Cloud”, conjures a storm over the Most Wanted enemy’s head, Slowing them with rain as long as the cloud remains. Whenever an ally or the Glooms deal a Critical Hit to the enemy with the cloud, lightning strikes from above and does additional damage. Deals Fantastic damage.

  • GREEN: “Spoiled Rotten”, Hildy wants whatever buffs and boosts that the Most Wanted enemy has, so Grim casts a spell to take them for her. This also Silences that enemy for a few seconds.

  • BLUE: “Toil and Trouble”, gains additional Skill Power per active debuff on the enemy team.

  • PURPLE: “Not Very Nice”, allows BASIC ATTACK to refresh the duration of enemy debuffs. For as many debuffs that become refreshed, is how many seconds of damage the enemy takes over time. Deals Fantastic damage.

APPEARANCE: Based off their appearance in the 7D cartoon. Hildy always stands in front of Grim, leading him by his tie when they move.

ENTRANCE: Both appear in a cloud of magic, Hildy making sure Grim is focused on the enemy team by snapping her fingers and pointing at them.

VICTORY: Holds each others hands and rubs their noses together, making kissy faces and nuzzling.

DEFEAT: Hildy falls back into Grim’s arms, throwing a tantrum and crying.

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The Glooms Friendships


  • Disgusted by their public displays of affection, Madam Mim tries to drive a wedge between the Glooms. The constant bickering between Grim and Hildy attract Creeps, but reminds the couple how dastardly they can be deep down.

  • Through it all, they unlock the Disk “Lingering Storm”. For as many buffs that are taken by “Spoiled Rotten”, is how many seconds longer the Silence lasts. “Gloomy Cloud” also has an increased duration, lightning now striking every few seconds besides striking on Critical Hits.

FRIENDSHIP WITH: Jack Skellington

  • Jack is planning a spooky celebration to lift everyone’s spirits, and appoints the Glooms as his decorators. Hildy plans to turn the event into a parade about her as the City’s new queen, but has to juggle an excitable Grim and intrusive Sally.

  • Through it all, they unlock the Disk “Haunting Grounds”. Whenever an enemy is defeated, all remaining enemies become Scared for a short time. This Disk also boosts their Max HP per level.

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Go Go Tomago, a backline Damage dealer who always lives life in the fast lane, rushing into the fray on custom battle skates.

“Stop whining, woman up!”

BASIC ATTACK: Ranged, throws a maglev wheel

  • WHITE: "Ricochet Discs”, heats up her wheels and tosses both at two different enemies, which then bounce to another nearby enemy and continues for about 8 bounces per wheel. Deals Normal damage.

  • GREEN: "Slash Dash”, quickly zooms across the battlefield, damaging any enemy in her path and knocking them back. Deals Normal damage.

  • BLUE: "Rev Me Up”, increases her suit’s power, which greatly increases her movement speed and attack speed and reduces the cooldown on her GREEN skill. She is also immune to disables for the duration.

  • PURPLE: "Acrobat”, gives Go Go a 40% chance to dodge attacks.

APPEARANCE: Based on her debut in the Big Hero 6 movie.

ENTRANCE: Rides in on her skates and gets into a running stance, ready to fight.

VICTORY: Crosses her arms and blows a bubble, popping it and looking unimpressed at the enemy team.

DEFEAT: Loses her balance and falls backwards onto the ground, holding up a hand to stop anyone from helping her back up.

The grandma from the proud family!


@_MistressOfEvil, her name is Suga Mama, and given how the Gross Sisters made it in as a badge, I would love to see her and other Proud Family characters get into the game.


Chip and daleimage

Definately more villains! Most of them have the magical powers! Plus, I agree that the TV shows’ characters should be included. Why not some of the live action films’ characters, too?

Bedknobs & Broomsticks
Flubber/Absent Minded Professor
The Shaggy Dog
Treasure Island
Darby O’Gill and the Little People
Herbie, the Live Bug
Cat from Outer Space
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids/Blew up the Kid
Hocus Pocus
Three Musketeers
Inspector Gadget
Sky High

Then there are plenty of animated films they have touched on yet:

Jungle Book
101 Dalmatians
Treasure Planet
The Princess and the Frog
Meet the Robinsons
Chicken Little
Hunchback of Notre Dame
Lady and the Tramp
The Black Cauldron

And soooooo many others they can pull from!

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@MamaMouse1993 you forgot “Enchanted” and more “Pirates of the Caribbean” characters.:sweat_smile:

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Phineas & Ferb, a mid Support duo who channel innate creativity into impossible inventions and gadgets, making sure their allies have the best day ever.

“Hey Ferb! I know what we’re gonna do today!”

BASIC ATTACK: Ranged, uses their Baseball Launcher. Both Phineas & Ferb have one to attack with, Ferb targeting a different enemy than Phineas if possible.

  • WHITE: “Next Big Idea”, Phineas takes out a blueprint while Ferb preps himself, both planning to make improvements to a selected ally. They will boost the target’s Armor or Reality, depending on which stat is lower. They also boost either Basic Damage or Skill Power, depending on which stat is higher. Both boys are immune to disables for the duration of their work session. On auto, the duo will improve the weakest ally. Phineas & Ferb have the option to improve themselves with this skill if selected.

  • GREEN: “Reinforce”, further tinkers with an ally’s defenses, granting the target of their WHITE a Shield based on double of Phineas & Ferb’s Skill Power.

  • BLUE: “Mom-Made Snacks”, pauses from the battle to enjoy their afternoon snack, granting them Energy.

  • PURPLE: “The Flynn-Fletcher Effect”, whenever a Shield is removed or blocked, the ally will become healed based on the Shield’s Max HP. This skill also increases the Max HP of Shields.

APPEARANCE: Based off their everyday outfits from Phineas & Ferb cartoon. Phineas is always in front of Ferb.

ENTRANCE: Phineas slides into the battlefield on his knees with his arms out, Ferb hopping behind while playing an electric guitar. Once they notice the enemy team, they stand together and prepare themselves.

VICTORY: Phineas pounds his chest twice with a fist before pointing back out at the enemy team, Ferb simply giving a thumbs up.

DEFEAT: Phineas sits down with his knees curled to his chest, looking sad while Ferb puts a comforting hand on his back.


Milo Murphy, a mid Control character deemed a danger to everyone around him thanks to Murphy’s Law, but comes prepared with a backpack full of supplies.

“It’s my world and we’re all living in it!”

BASIC ATTACK: Instead of a normal attack, Milo uses items from his backpack to help out his allies. If the ally is below half health, he heals them with food like a PB&J. If the ally is above half health, he grants them a Shield with protective gear like a bike helmet. Milo prioritizes allies below half health in battle. His first attack will always be giving himself a Shield.

  • WHITE: "Diogee, Go Home!”, tells his dog Diogee to leave, which moves him across the screen from behind the enemy team to the front, damaging any enemies in his path. Sometimes, Diogee comes chasing a herd of llamas, which strikes all enemies. Deals Normal damage.

  • GREEN: "Pep Rally”, uses a big foam finger to root for the enemy team, making them Cursed or Sapped depending on their role. Tanks and Supports become Cursed while Damage dealers and Control characters become Sapped. Sometimes, active buffs on enemies are also turned into debuffs with a refreshed duration.

  • BLUE: "Quick Thinking”, takes a step to the side, avoiding an incoming attack and letting a heavy object fall on the enemy like a safe, Stunning them. Sometimes, a wrecking ball swings in and flies off its chain, which also knocks back any enemy hit. Milo can sidestep like this every few seconds, and the object only appears on a successful sidestep. Deals Normal damage.

  • PURPLE: “Murphy’s Law”, gives a 55% chance for any level-dependent enemy skills to fail or have a weakened effect, because everything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

APPEARANCE: Based from his animated series Milo Murphy’s Law.

ENTRANCE: Struts in with his hands on his backpack straps, bobbing his head and approaching the enemy team with a pep in his step.

VICTORY: Plays a song on his accordion, singing along.

DEFEAT: Looks at the player and shrugs, giving an embarrassed smile.

Milo should have have friendship with phines and ferb

Milo Murphy Friendships


  • Bo Peep’s minimalistic approach to survival seems to counteract with Milo’s ever-prepared backpack. But losing both her sheep and Diogee in the City subway makes them realize how adaptable each can be, especially with Creeps chasing after the pets.

  • Through it all, he unlocks the Disk “Herd Headed”. When only Diogee is called from “Diogee, Go Home!”, he steals one random buff from each enemy for Milo. When Diogee is chasing llamas, they instead shuffle enemies around randomly, moving them backwards or forwards. He gets more Skill Power per level of this Disk.


  • A performance of the Muppet Show ends early due to Murphy’s Law, thanks to Milo in the audience. Gonzo wants to use that same force for his act, but the two can’t seem to find one dangerous enough to thrill, but safe enough for the location to still be standing after.

  • Through it all, he unlocks the Disk “Triple Danger Dare”. “Pep Rally” now lowers enemy Skill Power, and also increases the percentage of activating the chance effects from his “Diogee, Go Home!”, “Pep Rally”, and “Quick Thinking” skills. It also increases the disable length for allies.

General Thoughts on: New Heroes

With the holidays behind me now, and some more thoughts and feedback on heroes given our latest reveals (which as of this post is Linguini & Remy, Launchpad, and Colette), I wanted to touch base that, I indeed am still here and am making more suggested hero details based on personal insight and clamor from the community as a whole. So even while I develop heroes in more detail, I did want to throw some out there in a very general sense.

Fear (Inside Out)

I hope to see a full emotion team in the future, and each one of them utilizing their core emotion to help themselves and their teammates, such as Anger’s “Rage” and Joy’s “Happiness”. For Fear, he would use stacks of “Panic” to keep himself and allies safe in the middle of combat, likely as a Support.

Disgust (Inside Out)

Much like with Fear above, Disgust gains stacks of “Distaste” to give the newly added “Hardy” buff some extra oomph in some manner. Still ironing out details, not as much done as I have Fear but more than Sadness. Disgust, most likely a Control to reflect her often critical nature.

Sadness (Inside Out)

Much like with her fellow emotions, I see Sadness being some kind of Tank gaining stacks of “Hopelessness” to turn battles into your favor… somehow. I’m not sure where the sudden focus on Inside Out characters came from but I think it’s just something about Christmas that spread the magic around :slight_smile:

Perry (Phineas & Ferb)

Definitely some kind of Damage dealer with his secret agent training and hand-to-hand combat. Since I have an icon for him, he’s close to being completed concept wise but still has a skill or two missing. Recent dialogue between Remy and Miss Piggy can show that nonveral characters can still interact with other playable characters without losing any of the charm.

Quackerjack (Darkwing Duck)

Honestly? I never saw this series growing up, but did once Darkwing got added as a character, and I can see where the appeal for characters like him and Megavolt come in. Quackerjack’s role is still up in the air, but I see it revolving around various toys and tricks, such as his iconic chattering teeth.

Star (Star VS the Forces of Evil)

Damage dealer, Damage dealer, Damage dealer! Bringing destructive magic to the fight would fit Star just well, and yes, I’m talking rainbows and talking puppies. Much like Perry, Star is just a few skills short of a full concept at the moment.

Tarzan (Tarzan)

I really can’t recall if Disney somehow lost the rights to the jungle man and his story, or it was just kinda forgotten in time, but both myself and others agree that Tarzan would be a fun addition. Armed with his spear, this Support would have some offensive capabilities mixed in to keep enemies on their toes.


The Headless Horseman, a frontline Damage dealer who haunts the field of battle, terrorizing enemies atop his nightmare steed.

“You can’t reason with a headless man.”

BASIC ATTACK: Melee, swings his sword in a wide arc. This attack also hits enemies close to the main target.

  • WHITE: “Heads Will Roll”, throws a large flaming pumpkin at the enemy with the lowest HP, exploding in a spiral of spirits and fire. If the enemy is Scared when the attack is used, there is a chance to defeat them instantly, depending on their remaining HP. Deals Fantastic damage.

  • GREEN: “Fiendish Glee”, lets out a bone-chilling cackle, Silencing and Scaring nearby enemies. If the Horseman defeats an enemy, then the cooldown on this skill is refreshed, and he uses it again immediately.

  • BLUE: “Midnight Run”, charges through the enemy team, swinging his sword wildly as he moves. Enemies are knocked backwards from his charge. Deals Fantastic damage.

  • PURPLE: “Horse Power”, prevents the Horseman from being knocked back by enemies, thanks to his sturdy steed. Instead, the enemy that tried to knock him back becomes Sapped.

APPEARANCE: Based off his debut in the Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

ENTRANCE: Rides in furiously, calming his horse once he reaches the enemy team.

VICTORY: Raises his pumpkin head in the air as it laughs, his horse growling.

DEFEAT: His horse tries to throw him from his back, out of control.

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Quackerjack, a mid Control character with a wacky sense of amusement, made dangerous thanks to his personal brand of Destruct-o-Toys.

“It’s playtime!”

BASIC ATTACK: Ranged, tosses out a pair of chattering teeth. This attack damages over time, and becomes stronger the more teeth are set on a single enemy. Quackerjack can have 3 pairs of chattering teeth on a single enemy at once. The chattering teeth expire after some time has passed.

  • WHITE: “Wind Me Up”, excitedly cranks a jack-in-the-box, setting his toys to explode once Mr. Banana Brain pops out. When his chattering teeth explode, it lowers the enemy’s Armor, more so per pairs they had prior to him using the skill. Quackerjack will not use this skill unless at least one of his toys is on the battlefield. Deals Normal damage.

  • GREEN: “Topsy-Turvy”, throws out a spinning toy to the middle of the enemy team, knocking enemies forwards or backwards. The top then acts as a blockade, preventing enemies from crossing the top’s position. Enemies that try or are knocked into it become damaged and knocked backwards. The tops can expire on their own, but can also be destroyed by enemy attacks and skills. Quackerjack can only have 3 tops out at a time. When the tops explode from his WHITE, they damage any nearby enemies. Deals Fantastic damage.

  • BLUE: “Jumping Jacks”, throws out a set of jacks and a rubber ball at the farthest enemy, Slowing them while dealing multiple hits. If the target enemy is defeated, the jacks move to the next closest enemy without extending its duration. Enemies the jacks pass through to their target take a small amount of damage. The jacks expire as time passes, evident by the ball bouncing lower and lower. Quackerjack can only have 1 set of jacks out at a time. When using his WHITE, the rubber ball explodes and Stuns the target enemy. Deals Normal damage.

  • PURPLE: “Fun and Games”, gives Quackerjack immunity to being Sapped. Instead, when an enemy tries to Sap him, he gains energy.

APPEARANCE: Based off his outfit in the Darkwing Duck cartoon.

ENTRANCE: Rides in on a motorized pogo stick before tossing it away, taking an exaggerated bow.

VICTORY: Throws his head back and laughs, holding his Mr. Banana Brain doll as it does the same.

DEFEAT: Falls on his back and rolls around on the floor, laughing uncontrollably.

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Please Can You make a concept of brandy And Mr whiskers And another one of Maggie persky?

Yesss, finally someone sees star’s potential xD and not only star, also hekapoo and eclipsa would be great xD they are powerful magic warriors, which is what this game is about xD and not ducks or princesses who never fought… XD or feelings, man I loved “inside out” but the characters arent actually fighters…

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