My idea for a Disney Smash Bros. game

For today’s movesets, I’ll do the requests I got for Mushu, Prince John, the Sheriff, and Zurg, and I also decided to post Ian’s as a random choice for today.


Trophy Description:

The Fa family’s ancient guardian dragon. Mushu was sent by the ancestors to aid Mulan in her quest to take her father’s place in the army. Mushu is a bit of a jokester and isn’t especially threatening due to his small size, but he does what he can to help Mulan out. Mushu’s small size grants him poor endurance and comparatively high speed, and his gong is used in multiple attacks. Mushu also has the lowest normal crouching height in the game, making him miss some attacks most others won’t.

General Information:

Mushu is a character who has a lot of good things going for him, but he has one fatal flaw that is critical to overcome in order to do well with him. Mushu is one of the smallest characters in the game, making him hard to hit compared to most characters, and he also has the lowest crouching height in the game, with most attacks not being able to hit him when he’s crouching. Mushu’s agility stats are also quite impressive, having great running and air speed, and above average falling speed, and his damage-dealing capabilities and KO power are also pretty decent, especially for someone of his stature. Mushu can use his standard and side specials, jab combo, tilt attacks, and aerial attacks to help rack up damage and potentially land combos due to the low knockback these attacks possess. For KO options, Mushu has good smash attacks, a powerful up special, and his side special can possess great KO power if its sweetspot (the gong itself once Mushu whacks it) hits an opponent. Mushu can also reflect projectiles with his down special, and his recovery is solid as well. However, as stated, Mushu does have one fatal flaw, and that is his terrible defense. Mushu is the second lightest character in the game, only being slightly heavier than Jack Jack, and his defense is arguably the second worst in the game, with Jack Jack once again being the strongest contender for that title. As such, Mushu can easily be sent flying by powerful attacks, even at low damage, and while his small size does help him in making him harder to hit, his opponents can counter this by trying to land their down smashes on him, as these attacks tend to hit low and have good power. When it comes to Mushu, hit and run tactics are essential to doing well with him, as having him be close to powerful characters like Beast or Rex can spell trouble for him. Those who are able to keep Mushu out of harm’s way can take advantage of his great speed and good strength to do well with him.

Standard Special - Fire Breath

Mushu breathes fire out of his mouth, doing damage to enemies in front of him. While the knockback is very low, the fire can do good damage if opponents get trapped in it. The more the move is used, the smaller and weaker the fire will get, and Mushu will have to lay off from using it for a bit to build it back up to its maximum length.

Side Special - Gong Ringer

Mushu whacks his gong, creating decent-damaging but low-launching shockwaves that travel a short distance to the sides of him. The move is slightly slow to start but being right next to the gong as he whacks it will send enemies launching with great KO power.

Up Special - Going For a Ride

Mushu launches himself on a firework after lighting it, sending him flying in an arc. The rocket landing will create an explosion that hurts anyone nearby except Mushu. It’s an effective KO move and a good recovery, though the move is telegraphed in advance due to it being a bit slow and isn’t that hard to avoid.

Down Special - Gone from the Gong

Mushu uses his gong as a shield to reflect projectiles.

Superstar Attack - Great Stone Dragon

A large dragon statue rises up beneath Mushu, rendering him invincible during the attack’s duration. Mushu then hits his gong on the statue, causing it to break and sending pieces of stone flying diagonally on both sides of the statue as it collapses to the ground. The statue bits are more damaging than KO-inducing, but when it’s all gone and only the head remains, Mushu can pick up the head and hurl it a short distance in front of him. The head has serious KO power and can kill most characters at very low percentages.


Up Taunt - Mushu laughs.

Side Taunt - Mushu yells “Dishonor on you!”

Down Taunt - Mushu facepalms.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Mushu tries to charge up a big burst of fire from his mouth, but produces a super tiny burst instead.

Victory Animation 2: Mushu says “I am the powerful, the pleasurable, the indestructible Mushu!”

Victory Animation 3: Mushu screams “I LIVE!!!” and strikes an “intimidating” pose.

Losing Animation: Mushu applauds.

Prince John:

Trophy Description:

The greedy “phony king of England” and younger brother of King Richard, who takes over the throne while Richard is on the Crusades to place heavy taxes on Nottingham. However, Robin Hood continually takes back the money he stole, much to his frustration, and he constantly devises traps to capture him. Prince John makes heavy use of his henchmen in his special moves, such as utilizing the wolf archers and Trigger and Nutsy to help him in combat.

General Information:

Compared to the three base-game Robin Hood characters, Prince John is arguably the most unique, not really falling into any of the archetypes any of the others fall into. Prince John is a middleweight fighter who is pretty close to Robin Hood in weight, though unlike Robin Hood, his speed stats aren’t too impressive, though he is overall faster than both Little John and the Sheriff. Prince John’s running speed is slightly below average, his air speed is only average, and his falling speed is slightly above average. Befitting his cowardly nature and tendency to heavily rely on his henchmen to carry out the physical work, Prince John’s special moves all revolve around summoning one of his henchmen to support him in battle. The wolf archers and Trigger both provide solid projectile attacks, with the former being able to move around, making them easier to get hit by, and Trigger staying stationary, but being the stronger of the two. Prince John can also summon Sir Hiss, who can hypnotize opponents and reverse their controls, and for his recovery, he summons Nutsy to carry him into the air, with the recovery being solid. Prince John doesn’t quite have the same power that Little John and the Sheriff possess, but he is stronger than Robin Hood thanks to his henchmen and his powerful smash attacks, all of which have him attacking with a sword. However, Prince John’s smash attacks are unique in that foes who are able to attack him while he’s starting one can actually disarm him. This will ruin his chance to attack and send his sword flying away as a powerful projectile attack, but thankfully, it’s also extremely unlikely to hurt Prince John and will most likely hurt someone in the direction away from the person who disarmed him attacked it from. Prince John’s biggest advantage is in his ability to cause chaos on the battlefield and make things hectic for his opponents, and outside of that, most of his positive and negative attributes aren’t too extreme. With his average speed and weight, decent power and recovery, and quick and easy to land, albeit weak non-special and smash attack moves, Prince John is fairly well-rounded and is a solid fighter in his own right.

Standard Special - Wolf Archers

Prince John summons a wolf archer, who moves around the stage for five seconds and fires arrows. The arrows travel quickly and far, do decent damage, but have low knockback, and only one wolf archer can be out at a time. The wolf archer’s arrows can’t hurt Prince John.

Side Special - Trigger’s Crossbow

Prince John summons Trigger, who stands right in front of him and fires a series of three arrows from his crossbow, with each arrow being more powerful than the one that preceded it. The first two arrows do decent damage with mild knockback, and the last one, while slightly weaker damage-wise, has decent knockback and can potentially KO at higher percentages. Trigger is more powerful than the wolf archers, but is out for a shorter duration and won’t move from the spot he was spawned in.

Up Special - Nutsy’s Flight

Prince John summons Nutsy, who he grabs onto as he carries him into the air. Nutsy carries Prince John a fair distance both vertically and horizontally, though he doesn’t do any damage and only pushes opponents away who get near him.

Down Special - Hypnotic Hiss

Prince John summons Sir Hiss, who hangs out on his shoulder for a few seconds and uses his hypnotic eyes to try and hypnotize opponents, with those hypnotized having their controls reversed for six seconds and taking mild damage. Since Prince John can move around with Sir Hiss present without any speed penalty, it’s a great idea to utilize him as much as possible, though once Sir Hiss goes away, Prince John must wait a brief period of time before he can summon him again.

Superstar Attack - Axe-Wielding Captain

Prince John summons Captain Crocodile, who runs around the stage with an axe, wildly swinging it around. While he’s only out for ten seconds, Captain Crocodile is surprisingly very agile and the axe he possesses has exceptional KO potential, with getting hit by it more than once likely resulting in a KO. Captain Crocodile is invincible, preventing you from interrupting his rampage, and he can’t hurt Prince John.


Up Taunt - Prince John says “Get out of that if you can.”

Side Taunt - Prince John says “No one sits higher than the king.”

Down Taunt - Prince John’s crown falls down on his head, much to his chagrin, and he moves it back up into place.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Prince John triumphantly states “This is a red-letter day. A coup d’etat, to coin the Norman phrase.”

Victory Animation 2: Prince John tosses some coins in the air and says “Taxes! Taxes! Beautiful, lovely taxes! Ah-ha! Ah-ha!”

Victory Animation 3: Prince John says, “Mother did always like Richard best”, and proceeds to suck his thumb.

Losing Animation: Prince John throws a tantrum by lying down and beating his fists on the ground.

Sheriff of Nottingham:

Trophy Description:

A wolf who antagonizes the residents of Nottingham by stealing their money to give it to Prince John. Despite his villainy, he’s not the smartest person in the world and Robin Hood often outwits him with his clever disguises despite the Sheriff claiming they don’t fool him. Much like his foe, the Sheriff uses a bow and arrow, but can also use a torch to scorch enemies and sacrifices Robin Hood’s speed for increased strength and endurance.

General Information:

The Sheriff of Nottingham’s playstyle and feel is close to a mixture between his two primary foes. He shares Robin Hood’s emphasis on projectile attacks in his special moves, but he shares his general archetype of “big, heavy, strong, and slow” with Little John. The Sheriff is a very heavy character, with him and Little John clocking in at about the same weight, but the two have different strengths and weaknesses. The Sheriff is slower and generally slightly weaker than Little John, but his big advantage over him lies in his superior range. The Sheriff has two projectiles in his standard and up specials, and unlike Little John, who prefers to fight using his own physical features, the Sheriff’s close-quarters playstyle frequently uses weapons that generally have decent range. The Sheriff emphasizes power over speed, having many powerful attacks, as well as a special move that allows him to instantly break shields. He is also one of a group of characters whose primary recovery is a tether recovery, and of the tether recoveries, while his takes a moment to execute, it covers a good range, granting him decent recovery for someone of his stature. The Sheriff’s biggest weakness is that he is a slow character, though his ability to fight from a distance can help catch troublesome opponents without having to actively pursue them. Overall, the Sheriff needs to rely on using his arrows to hit opponents from a distance, then when they get close, land powerful attacks on them, giving him an aggressive playstyle.

Standard Special - Sharpshooter

The Sheriff shoots powerful arrows from his bow that travel a good distance away from him. He can also hold this attack longer to release a more powerful arrow that does slightly more damage and noticeably more knockback than his normal arrows. The arrows do good damage, but minimal knockback unless charged, with charged arrows having some KO potential at higher percentages. This move is quite similar to Robin Hood’s standard special, with it essentially being a stronger but slower version of it.

Side Special - Belly Burst

The Sheriff does a short hop forward, with his large belly sticking out to launch anyone who makes contact with it. This move is quite powerful, and it can also instantly break opponents’ shields.

Up Special - Winning Shot

Similar to his standard special, the Sheriff shoots out an arrow, with it being attached to a long string, which can be used as an attack (which does around the same damage as the normal arrows), or as a tether recovery. The Sheriff can also charge this arrow and aim it, allowing the string to be longer and increase his potential recovery.

Down Special – Treacherous Torch

The Sheriff swaps out his sword for a torch, which he will use instead in all of his attacks that would normally use the sword. The torch is shorter than the sword, decreasing its range, but does more damage and also inflicts brief damage-over-time effects on those it hits. If this move is inputted again while the torch is out, the Sheriff will swap out the torch for the sword.

Superstar Attack - Gauntlet of Guards

The Sheriff will declare his foes under arrest for high treason to the Crown, and he sends a high number of rhino guards into the battlefield to fight. The rhinos roam around the battlefield swinging their large axes, which, while slow, have serious KO power, and the large number of rhinos present can make it tough to avoid them. The attack’s duration is 15 seconds, and the rhinos can’t hurt the Sheriff.


Up Taunt - The Sheriff says “Take it easy. I’m just doing my duty.”

Side Taunt - The Sheriff says “What in tarnation are you trying to do?!”

Down Taunt - The Sheriff says “There’s something funny going on around here.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: The Sheriff happily tosses some coins into the air and catches them, saying “What they won’t think of next.”

Victory Animation 2: The Sheriff strolls into the scene and strikes a triumphant pose.

Victory Animation 3: The Sheriff says “Well, they sure know a good man when they see one.”

Losing Animation: The Sheriff takes a bow as if he won, realizes the applause isn’t for him, and gives an annoyed look to the camera.


Trophy Description:

Buzz Lightyear’s arch-nemesis. The Evil Emperor Zurg is on a quest to take over the galaxy, but his plans are always thwarted by Buzz. Rumors also have it that Zurg is actually Buzz’s father, but it’s tough to know if that’s true or not. Zurg’s lack of legs and large weapon grants him poor mobility, but he makes up for this with his powerful ion blaster. It can shoot rapid-fire bursts of energy, or be charged into a big blast with great KO power.

General Information:

Zurg is a character whose playstyle revolves around one key thing: projectiles. Zurg has two projectile attacks for special moves, with one being able to fire fast blasts to rack up damage and also be charged into a very powerful blast, and one that is more powerful than the normal blasts with some KO power, while taking less time to throw out than the fully-charged blast. Additionally, Zurg has a special move that allows him to boost the attack power of his projectiles, making them more powerful yet. As such, Zurg can send out high-power moves while being a safe distance from his foes. Additionally, Zurg barely clocks in as a heavyweight, being just a tad heavier than his arch-nemesis, which allows him to stay in the battle for a while. However, while Zurg’s projectile game is incredibly good, he does suffer from some big flaws. Due to his lack of legs and carrying a large blaster with him, Zurg’s agility is generally poor. His running speed is low, his air speed is among one of the lowest in the game, and he falls very quickly. Additionally, Zurg’s smash attacks, while they do possess some KO power, are fairly weak compared to the smash attacks possessed by most other characters, as Zurg relies on his projectiles to score KOs. Zurg’s biggest weakness, as the name of his up special states, is that he is not meant to be airborne. All of Zurg’s aerial attacks that aren’t his special moves are incredibly weak, and worst of all, Zurg is a strong contender for having the weakest recovery in the game. His jumps are low, and, unfortunately, the best tool he has for recovery, as his up special, which is likely the worst up special in the game, covers only a tiny amount of vertical distance, and does very little damage. As such, when Zurg is off-stage, he suffers greatly. Overall, Zurg is a tricky character to use due to his abysmal recovery, but if you can keep him on the stage and land your projectile attacks as much as possible, he can pose a big threat.

Standard Special - Ion Blaster

Zurg can shoot rapid-fire bursts of energy from his blaster, or charge the move for a few seconds to release a big blast. The rapid-fire bursts cause opponents to flinch and are great for a combo, and the big blast has excellent KO power and is Zurg’s most powerful move.

Side Special - Good Throw

Zurg pulls out a metal plate and throws it a distance in front of him, launching opponents it hits. The plate is in the upper half power-wise when it comes to projectile attacks and has decent KO potential, but it’s not as strong as Zurg’s fully-charged ion blaster shot.

Up Special - Not a Flying Toy

Zurg twirls his cape around to help give him a small boost off of the ground. It’s incredibly weak as an attack, and, unfortunately, it doesn’t fare that much better as a recovery, giving Zurg one of the worst recoveries in the game.

Down Special - Zurg’s Sneaky Tradeoff

Zurg taps the icon connecting to his cape, which slightly boosts his attack power and slightly weakens his endurance for 20 seconds. Zurg can tap the icon again while it’s active to return his attack power and endurance back to normal. If the 20 seconds run out, Zurg can’t use this move again for 20 seconds. If the move is cancelled before the 20 seconds are over, the time Zurg must wait before he can use it again is however long he had the move active.

Superstar Attack - Advancing Spike Wall

Upon activation, Zurg sends every fighter on the stage into a cinematic where they are locked in a chamber with a wall of spikes advancing towards them. The opponents must repeatedly mash the “A” button for a short period of time to outrun the spikes. Mashing too slow will cause you to hit the spikes, dealing excellent damage and knockback that can KO at low percentages. Opponents who do manage to not get hit by the spikes will have their movement speed reduced for 20 seconds to cool down from the intense running. This is arguably one of the most powerful Superstar Attacks, as everyone on stage but Zurg is guaranteed to have to experience it, it has high KO power, it can be tricky for those who aren’t good at button mashing to avoid getting hit by, and even if you do come out unscathed, your movement speed is reduced to make it easier for Zurg to defeat you.


Up Taunt - Zurg says “We meet again… for the last time!”

Side Taunt - Zurg says “I AM your father.”

Down Taunt - Zurg growls.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Zurg performs an evil laugh.

Victory Animation 2: Zurg says “Surrender. I have won.”

Victory Animation 3: Zurg shoots a few shots from his blaster and cocks it triumphantly.

Losing Animation: Zurg raises his arms in the air with his hands in fists to signal that he’s angry.


Trophy Description:

The younger of the two Lightfoot brothers, Ian is much more introverted than his brother, Barley, and tends to keep to himself. Having been born after his father died, he and Barley try to obtain a Phoenix Gem that is able to revive him for one day. Ian carries a magic staff into battle, which allows him to cast various spells such as lightning, explosive fireworks, the ability to walk in midair, and even being able to change the size of his opponents.

General Information:

Ian is a fighter who specializes in magical attacks, which he performs with the help of his magic staff, giving him great attack options and some interesting and unique effects. For general stats, Ian is on the lighter end of the middleweights and has average agility stats all around, with average running, air, and falling speed. Ian’s staff allows him to do reasonable damage with most of his attacks, and for KO power, Ian’s best options are his smash attacks, which are all quite powerful if their sweetspots land, but if they don’t, then they’re not particularly strong. Regardless, if you find landing the sweetspots tough, Ian’s side special and forward air also have good KO power and are easier to land. Ian can summon lightning bolts to strike right in front of him, and has a long-range projectile that explodes shortly after he summons it, with the explosion being a good tool for KOs. Ian’s up special allows him to walk in midair for three seconds, making it so recovering horizontally is unlikely to ever be a problem for him. Ian’s down special is also an interesting high-risk, high-reward attack in which he casts a spell that either shrinks or grows everyone hit, with both outcomes having an equal chance of occurring, making it a great tool if you can shrink your opponents but also risky if you end up making them giant instead. Ian’s weaknesses aren’t severe ones, but are still worth noting. Ian doesn’t have great vertical recovery since his up special is solely there for horizontal recovery, relying on his jumping power for vertical gain, which is only average. As noted, Ian’s smash attacks are fairly weak if you don’t land their sweetspots, and his down special can be risky to use due to the good chance that you may make someone giant-sized temporarily and greatly increase their strength and weight. Overall, Ian brings some new and interesting features to the large roster of fighters, and he is a solid choice if utilized well.

Standard Special - Voltar Thundasir

Ian waves his staff above him, which summons a lightning bolt that strikes directly in front of where he is standing, doing no knockback, but sizable damage to those who are struck.

Side Special - Boombastia

Ian shoots out a projectile from his staff that will explode like a firework shortly after it is dispatched, doing decent damage and knockback to those it hits.

Up Special - Bridgrigar Invisia

Ian casts a spell that allows him to walk in midair for three seconds. Since this is Ian’s only tool for recovery outside of his two jumps, you will have to rely on those if you want to recover vertically, though this tool works as an effective and interesting way for Ian to recover horizontally.

Down Special - Size Shifting Spell

Ian casts a spell that damages those hit and will cause them to either become tiny or giant for ten seconds. Both outcomes have an equal chance of occurring, and if more than one person is hit by the same instance of this move, all characters will experience the same size changing effect.

Superstar Attack - Rampage of the Pixie Dusters

A gang of Pixie Dusters populate the battlefield and fly around, landing low-damage, high-knockback punches and throwing out spike balls attached to chains, which do more damage and have even higher KO potential. Due to their small size, many of them are present on the battlefield, making them difficult to avoid in the ten seconds they are present. Ian can’t be hurt by the Pixie Dusters.


Up Taunt - Ian accidentally gives himself a splinter from his staff, saying “Ow, splinter.”

Side Taunt - Ian gasps and nervously bites his fingers.

Down Taunt - Ian gets nervous and says “I am dead, I am dead.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Ian says “I am not afraid!” and cheers for himself.

Victory Animation 2: Ian raises his staff triumphantly.

Victory Animation 3: Ian says “I think with a little bit of magic in your life, you can do almost anything.”

Losing Animation: Ian applauds.

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Did you already do Mor’du, per chance?

Mor’du is currently not in my game, and I find it unlikely that I would add him in the chances I add more characters in the future as I can’t think of any moveset potential outside of being a big, dangerous bear. Sorry for the inconvenience.

With no requests at the moment, I decided to go ahead and post the DLC characters who have not been posted on here yet, with those characters being Bruce, Chief Bogo, Mole, Prince Eric, and Stromboli.


Trophy Description:

An intimidating, but ultimately friendly shark who believes that “fish are friends, not food”, and has formed a club with other sharks to help spread the word out. Despite his best efforts to avoid eating fish, Bruce can slip back into a predatory mindset if he smells fish blood. As one of the larger characters, Bruce has good defense and strength, possessing powerful biting attacks and the ability to latch fish onto opponents.

General Information:

Bruce is the heaviest DLC fighter and among one of the game’s heavier characters, possessing good strength as well. Bruce has a powerful dash attack and strong smash attacks, most of which involve him biting, though his down smash is a powerful body slam. Bruce’s collection of special moves also tend to be well-rounded in power, with his standard special, an explosive mine, being his most powerful attack, albeit a risky one as he can also get hurt by it. Bruce has a spin attack with good power and the ability to reflect projectiles, and his up special covers good distance both vertically and horizontally. Bruce can also latch fish onto opponents with his down special, which gives him the ability to do 20% more damage and knockback to those with fish attached to them. All of these advantages would make you think that Bruce would be quite slow, but while he’s definitely not a speedy character, his agility is generally average, with average running speed, high falling speed, and below average air speed. However, Bruce does have some weaknesses, with one being most of his attacks tend to lack in either range and/or speed. Additionally, since he is one of the bigger characters in the game, Bruce is an easy target to hit and is more susceptible to combos than most. Overall, Bruce’s consistently powerful moveset makes him an intimidating opponent to face, and he’s a strong fighter all-around who isn’t too difficult to get a handle on.

Standard Special - Explosive Mine

Bruce summons a mine tied onto a large chain right in front of him. Anyone who makes contact with the actual mine (not the chain) will cause it to explode and take good damage and great knockback, being a great tool for scoring KOs, though Bruce can be hurt by them. Up to two mines can be out at a time, and mines stay out for five seconds (in which they’ll just vanish and not explode) or until they explode.

Side Special - Sharky Spin

Bruce spins around 360 degrees from where he is standing, reflecting all projectiles that hit him and doing good damage and knockback to those he hits, though the attack does have some ending lag and he isn’t immune from damage.

Up Special - Aquatic Somersault

Bruce does a somersault into the air and ends up a distance away from where he started. The move covers good vertical and horizontal distance with decent damage and knockback, though it is weaker than Bruce’s standard and side specials.

Down Special - Fishy Friend

Bruce summons a small fish, resembling the fish that Anchor had as his fish friend, who hovers around until they come across a fighter, which they’ll then latch onto. While the fish doesn’t affect any of the fighter’s attributes, fish that are latched onto an opponent will cause that opponent to take 20% more damage and knockback from Bruce’s attacks. Only one fish can be latched onto an opponent at a time, and the fish stays until either the person they’re latched to or Bruce loses a stock.

Superstar Attack - Minefield Madness

Upon activation, Bruce becomes invincible, and a bunch of mines, identical to the ones in his standard special, are spawned on the stage, and they all randomly proceed to detonate. Due to how many mines there are, it can be quite hard to avoid, especially on smaller stages, and the KO potential is great, though this Superstar Attack is quite short, lasting only around six seconds. Since Bruce is invincible, it’s a great idea for him to attack opponents and launch them into mines to increase the chances he’ll score KOs.


Up Taunt - Bruce says “Why trust a shark, right?”

Side Taunt - Bruce yells “HERE’S BRUCEY!”

Down Taunt - Bruce smiles and says “Hello.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Bruce says “Say it with me, everyone. Fish are friends, not food.”

Victory Animation 2: Bruce appears happy, then starts to sob and says “I wish my father were alive to see this.”

Victory Animation 3: Bruce says “Don’t be alarmed. I’m a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine.”

Losing Animation: Bruce applauds with his fins.

Chief Bogo:

Trophy Description:

The head of the Zootopia Police Department. Chief Bogo’s primary goal is to locate all the missing mammals and return them to their families. While quite stern and demanding, especially towards new recruits and those he views as weak, he is thoroughly on the side of good and does have a softer side with his love of Gazelle. Chief Bogo carries a large shield on him in combat, giving him a great defensive utility and powerful melee weapon.

General Information:

Chief Bogo is by far the heaviest of the three Zootopia fighters, clocking in as a heavyweight, and also possessing the most power and least agility of the three. While not in the top tier of attack power, Bogo is in the high tier, carrying a large shield on him that he can use as a powerful melee weapon in his smash attacks and up special, with the former being his most powerful attacks and the latter helping him recover. This shield can also be used as a defensive tool with his standard special, allowing him to block attacks and reflect projectiles at the cost of lowered agility and no jumping. Befitting his job as a cop, Bogo can utilize handcuffs to cause opponents caught in them to do no damage on their attacks for a few seconds, and he has a unique down special, somewhat similar to Nick’s down special in set-up, in which he writes down a note of the nearest attack an opponent performed, and for every time that opponent uses that attack that was written down until either they or Bogo lose a stock, they will take 5 damage, which can be a great tool if it’s a move that specific opponent heavily relies on in combat, making them change up their game if they want to avoid taking damage. However, Chief Bogo does have some weaknesses to be aware of. He is a larger character, making him more susceptible to combos than average, and his speed is generally subpar, having low running and air speed, and high falling speed. Additionally, Bogo’s recovery isn’t anything to write home about. Overall, Chief Bogo can be utilized quite efficiently with his side and down specials being great tools to annoy opponents, and his good defense and strength are helpful assets, but you need to be careful to not let opponents exploit his weaknesses to give him the best chance of winning.

Standard Special - Tough Defense

Chief Bogo puts his shield directly in front of him, blocking all physical attacks and reflecting all projectiles. He can hold this button to be in this position for a maximum of five seconds, but while he can move around, he can’t perform any other attacks, he can’t jump, he moves slower, and his back is vulnerable.

Side Special - Handcuff Havoc

Chief Bogo throws a pair of handcuffs a distance away from him, latching onto opponents it hits and doing mild damage and making them flinch. Handcuffs remain on an opponent for five seconds and cause them to do no damage on any of their attacks for that time, though this negative effect can’t be applied to them again for 15 seconds after they lose it, even if the handcuffs land on them again.

Up Special - Far-Reaching Shield

Chief Bogo ties his shield to a long rope and hoists it a distance away from him into the air, acting as a tether recovery. While the shield does do good damage and has some KO potential at higher percentages, it is in the weaker half of tether recoveries and not terribly impressive as a recovery tool.

Down Special - The Chief’s Clipboard

Chief Bogo pulls out a clipboard and briefly writes down a note referencing the nearest attack an opponent has made at the time of his writing. Once that move is written down, if that opponent uses that specific move again while it’s written down, they will take 5 damage, but the move will still proceed as normal. Bogo can write up to five different notes on his clipboard per stock, with notes being deleted once a character who has a move written down loses a stock (specifically, for all moves of theirs that were written down), or all notes being deleted once Bogo loses a stock. Chief Bogo can’t write down notes for any Superstar Attack, and nothing will be written down if no attacks are going on when he uses this move.

Superstar Attack - Star-Struck

Upon activation, Gazelle and four of her tiger dancers appear on the stage as Chief Bogo stops fighting, becomes invincible, and begins to dance with them. This functions quite similar to the Powerline Assist Trophy, with the stage’s boundary lines gradually shrinking as the camera focuses in on Gazelle and Bogo. The tiger dancers can also attack with their dance moves, and while the attacks aren’t crazy powerful, it’s made up for by the smaller screen making it easier to be KO’d in general. This attack lasts for 15 seconds.


Up Taunt - Chief Bogo facepalms in annoyance.

Side Taunt - Chief Bogo sternly states “Well, this should be good.”

Down Taunt - Chief Bogo says “Shut your mouth now!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Chief Bogo says “Life isn’t some cartoon musical where you sing a little song and all your insipid dreams magically come true. So. Let. It. Go.”

Victory Animation 2: Chief Bogo says “There are some losers here I must address, but I’m not going to, because I don’t care.”

Victory Animation 3: Chief Bogo cheerfully watches Gazelle on an app on his phone.

Losing Animation: Chief Bogo applauds.


Trophy Description:

A geologist who is a part of the crew on the team leading the expedition to Atlantis. Obsessed with collecting dirt samples and making sure they remain undisturbed, Mole is a rather quirky individual, but when it comes to geology and excavation, he is quite well-versed. Mole’s special moves heavily utilize dirt and rocks to fit with his personality, and he can also dig underground to set up a damaging surprise attack.

General Information:

Mole is a character who is both fairly short in stature while also barely clocking in as a heavyweight, giving him good defense. In general, Mole falls closest into being in the “mighty glacier” archetype of characters, with many of his moves dealing good damage and having some solid tools for scoring KOs. Mole’s best KO options include his smash attacks, his forward and down airs, his side special, and his unique down special, in which he digs underground and can set himself up for a surprise attack with his drill once he emerges, which is one of his most powerful attacks. Mole can also use his drill as a damaging tool to make it difficult for opponents to attack him from the front, though his speed is reduced as he does this, and his up special provides him with good vertical recovery. However, Mole does have some weaknesses to be aware of. While his defense and vertical recovery are good, his horizontal recovery is weak, having low air speed and no way to increase it beyond his standard jumps. Additionally, Mole is somewhat slow on the ground, falls quickly, and his attack speed can also be unimpressive on his more powerful attacks, and while he has good strength, he is certainly not in the top tier of attack power. Overall, Mole has a unique and fun collection of special moves and when utilized well, he can be a strong fighter, but he can struggle against those who can exploit his weaknesses.

Standard Special - Drill of Doom

Mole pulls out a large drill, looking like a much smaller version of his personal digging machine, and turns it on. Mole can hold down the “B” button to keep this move going for as long as he wants, but while he can move and jump doing this, his movement speed is greatly reduced. The drill does good damage and knockback.

Side Special - Smashing Impact

Mole pulls out a large rock and smashes his head into it, breaking the rock into a bunch of smaller pieces that stay on the ground for several seconds and hurt everyone but Mole to walk over, dealing damage if on them. The rock is a decent KO move and can potentially do an insane amount of damage if all parts of it land, but it is quite tough to do this on a normal opponent due to the knockback, making it best used against giant opponents or bosses for maximum damage potential.

Up Special - Mound Assembly

Mole summons a large dirt mound from underneath him which raises him into the air. This gives Mole a good amount of vertical gain, but it does not provide any horizontal recovery and does minimal damage and knockback to anyone else it hits. If this move is inputted on solid ground, the dirt mound is taller and Mole (or anyone else) can stand on it for a few seconds before it goes away.

Down Special - Digging On Down

Mole digs a hole and takes himself underground, which he can stay under for three seconds. Once the three seconds are up or if the move is inputted again while he’s underground, Mole will emerge with his drill, being a powerful attack with good KO power. This attack does take some time to set up since Mole needs to be underground first, and it does have some ending lag once he emerges, so overusing it isn’t a smart idea, but it can be quite effective when used wisely. This move can’t be used in the air or on a surface without solid ground underneath it.

Superstar Attack - Pyroclastic Fury

Upon activation, Mole freaks out as he hears a volcano, which is completely off-screen, erupting, yelling “The volcano, she awakes!”, as he digs underground to avoid the lava and pyroclastic flows that make their way onto the stage, re-emerging once the attack ends. Both obstacles do great damage and knockback, making it a very powerful Superstar Attack that is especially deadly on smaller stages, though on larger stages, it does lose some of its potential since it becomes easier to avoid. The attack lasts for ten seconds.


Up Taunt - Mole says “Oh, I’m so excited.”

Side Taunt - Mole’s binoculars stretch out as he briefly inspects the ongoing fight.

Down Taunt - Mole says “Do not be such a crybaby.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Mole gives a saluting pose and says “For the good of the mission, my volunteer work is complete.”

Victory Animation 2: Mole inspects two pieces of dirt and says “You have disturbed the dirt! England must never merge with France!”

Victory Animation 3: Mole says “It will be my pleasure to dig.”, and digs a hole, going underground into the hole as he digs.

Losing Animation: Mole applauds.

Prince Eric:

Trophy Description:

The prince of the kingdom that resides on the shores above Atlantica, Eric falls in love with a voiceless Ariel when transformed into a human by Ursula. Unbeknownst to him, Ariel saved him from drowning when a big storm destroyed his ship, and he must kiss her within three days in order for Ariel to remain human permanently. Eric is a well-balanced fighter with solid stage-controlling tactics with the ability to summon barrels of gunpowder that can explode.

General Information:

As the odd one out of the four The Little Mermaid characters in being the only one who isn’t sea-based by design, Eric’s movement is the most natural, not possessing the floatiness of Ariel and Triton or the very high falling speeds of Ursula. Overall, Eric is quite a well-rounded character in terms of speed, strength, and defense, not really possessing any crippling flaws or exceptional strengths. Eric is a middleweight fighter who is slightly heavier than Ariel, has above average running and falling speed, average air speed, and decent damage-dealing capabilities and some good KO options. Eric’s smash attacks, all of which have him attacking with an oar, have decent range and good strength, his down air is a good meteor smash, and Eric’s most powerful utility is his down special, in which he summons a barrel of gunpowder which can be detonated by attacks hitting it, creating a strong explosion. However, the risky thing about it is only those attacking it with projectiles can destroy it without also getting hurt, meaning Eric has to rely on his only projectile, his harpoons in his side special, to safely create these explosions. The harpoons do good damage and are solid for attacking from a distance, Eric has good vertical recovery with his up special, and he can play his flute to cause opponents’ controls to be reversed for a few seconds. As mentioned earlier, Eric doesn’t possess any crippling flaws, though his horizontal recovery is on the weaker side of things since his up special prioritizes vertical gain. With all of these good utilities and lack of major weaknesses, Eric is an easy character for beginners to use and has enough strategic play to him to be tricky in the hands of experienced players.

Standard Special - The Prince’s Flute

Eric pulls out his flute and briefly plays it, causing opponents within close range of him to take mild damage and have their controls reversed for a few seconds. This is especially helpful if an opponent is near a barrel of gunpowder, as the reversed controls may make it harder to avoid if Eric intends to blow it up.

Side Special - Harpoon Havoc

Eric throws a harpoon a distance away from him. The harpoon does good damage with mild knockback, though there is a bit of ending lag to keep it from becoming as spammable as some projectiles. This move is both great for long-distance attacking and also for being the only move Eric has that can destroy the barrel of gunpowder (if destroyed from a distance) that doesn’t result in him getting hurt by the explosion.

Up Special - Mainbrace Climb

A series of ropes spawns in front of Eric and he climbs up it quickly. While this move does no damage and the horizontal distance gained is marginal, it does cover great vertical distance and can act as a wall for other opponents flying from being launched to bounce off of.

Down Special - Barrel of Gunpowder

Eric summons a barrel of gunpowder, which up to three can be on the stage at a time, and each one stays on the stage for ten seconds or until they explode. These barrels can be destroyed, causing them to create a powerful explosion with great KO power, by any attack that does damage, though anyone who sets it off with an attack that causes their body to make contact with the barrel will get hurt by the explosion. Therefore, projectile attacks are the safest bet for setting off the barrels (of which Eric only has one, his harpoons), and any characters with fire attacks, such as Frollo or Mushu, can instantly detonate the barrel with one. Since Eric can be hurt by the explosions and he isn’t the only one who can set one off, he needs to be careful when fighting near one to avoid becoming a victim of his own attack, and use his harpoons safely from a distance to create the explosion while lowering the risk of him getting hurt as well.

Superstar Attack - Mighty Hurricane

Upon activation, Eric becomes invincible as a severe thunderstorm engulfs the stage and causes it to flood as lightning periodically strikes. The flooding waters make it difficult for most characters to move around in gracefully, with the Eric who started the attack (other players using Eric will be affected), Ariel, King Triton, Ursula, Bruce, Hank and Dory, Genie, and the Cheshire Cat being the only characters who can move in the water unaffected, though those characters can still fall victim to the powerful lightning strikes that possess great KO potential. The storm lasts for 15 seconds.


Up Taunt - Eric says “That voice. I can’t get it out of my head.”

Side Taunt - Eric, good-naturedly, states “Ah, ya old beanpole, you shouldn’t have.”

Down Taunt - Eric says “Whoa, whoa, careful!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Eric plays his flute to celebrate his victory.

Victory Animation 2: Eric takes a bow.

Victory Animation 3: Eric whistles for his dog, Max, saying “Max! Here, boy!”, and Max runs up to Eric as he proceeds to pet him.

Losing Animation: Eric applauds.


Trophy Description:

A greedy puppeteer who purchases Pinocchio from Foulfellow and Gideon to use as a star attraction of his show. Hot-blooded and short-tempered, Stromboli’s primary goal is to earn as much money as possible, refusing to let Pinocchio go home and threatening to make him into firewood once he gets too old to perform. Stromboli uses his weight to bully others around and can use his puppets as damaging utilities that help cause chaos on the battlefield.

General Information:

Of the three villains in Wave 5 of the DLC characters, Stromboli is the heaviest, clocking in as a solid heavyweight, the most consistently powerful in terms of damage and knockback, and the slowest. Most of Stromboli’s attacks do good damage, with his smash attacks involving him throwing his weight around, packing quite a punch, and his throws and dash attack being strong as well. Stromboli’s special moves also help serve various functions, with his side special being a strong projectile, his standard special giving him a helpful stage-controlling hazard with a puppet that comes to life, and his down special being an interesting hazard in which he throws an onion that he takes a bite out of onto the stage, which can also shrink opponents. Stromboli’s recovery in his up special is fairly average, being better than you might expect for someone of his stature and having low jumping power, but being nothing special overall. Stromboli’s biggest weakness lies in his low agility, with him having low running and air speed, very high speed, and most of his KO moves possessing noticeable starting and/or ending lag. Additionally, Stromboli’s down special, while a helpful tool for hindering opponents, can also be risky in that Stromboli will either heal 5 damage or take 5 damage for every onion he eats, making it a risk worth keeping in mind, and while his onions can’t shrink him, they can damage him. Overall, Stromboli falls into the typical upsides and downsides of the typical “mighty glacier” character, meaning he performs best when his advantages are being utilized more than his disadvantages are being exploited, meaning he can sometimes struggle against opponents who exploit those weaknesses, but when he’s in control, he can be quite tough to stop.

Standard Special - Puppet Power

Stromboli summons a Russian puppet that comes to life and can attack with punches, kicks, and spins. The puppets are safe tools to help clutter the battlefield and deal reasonable damage, but don’t rely on them specifically for scoring KOs, as their knockback is fairly weak. Up to two puppets can be out at a time, the puppets can’t hurt Stromboli, and each puppet stays out for six seconds.

Side Special - Firewood Chopper

Stromboli throws an axe a distance away from him, doing good damage and knockback to those it hits and possessing some KO potential at higher percentages. The move does have a little bit of starting and ending lag, but its good power is worth it if you can consistently land it.

Up Special - Puppet Boost

A group of four Dutch puppets appear and throw Stromboli into the air, with the player being able to move him horizontally as he travels upwards. Those who hit Stromboli take decent damage and mild knockback. It’s sufficient as a recovery tool and there are definitely worse up specials recovery-wise, but there are also plenty that are better.

Down Special - Moldy Onion

Stromboli pulls out a large cutting knife with an onion on it, pulls the onion off and takes a bite, having a 50-50 chance of either healing him of 5 damage or giving him 5 damage, and he throws it out onto the battlefield. Opponents who touch the onion will get shrunk down to a tiny size temporarily. Up to two onions can be out at a time, and Stromboli can’t be shrunk from the onions, though he will take damage if he touches it.

Superstar Attack - Shake the Cage

Upon activation, Stromboli tosses out a bunch of onions identical to the ones used in his down special and throws them on the stage, which will heal him if he makes contact and shrinks anyone else who touches them. Once ten seconds have passed or all the onions go away, Stromboli will capture all tiny opponents in a cage and furiously shake it, giving the opponents significant damage, though this attack does not do any knockback, meaning it works as a tool to allow Stromboli to heal himself and heavily damage his opponents to give him easy KO opportunities rather than outright scoring KOs. If no one is tiny once it’s time for Stromboli to capture opponents, the damaging attack will not proceed.


Up Taunt - Stromboli lets out a furious high-pitched squeal.

Side Taunt - Stromboli says “Don’t make me knock you silly!”

Down Taunt - Stromboli says “You will make lots of money… FOR ME!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Stromboli takes several bows and blows out a few kisses in celebration of his victory.

Victory Animation 2: Stromboli says “What did I tell you, huh?” and jovially laughs.

Victory Animation 3: Stromboli counts some coins, spots a fake one, and says “Huh? What’s this?” in an angry manner.

Losing Animation: Stromboli loses his temper and angrily shouts Italian gibberish.

Nick Ariel and triton and Pinocchio next

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Can I see Benjamin Franklin Gates please

Ariel, Triton, and Ben all have their movesets posted already, which you can find by using the checklist I posted on the bottom of the first post to find the post number their specific moveset is on.

For this batch of movesets, I will post the requests for Nick and Pinocchio’s movesets, and I added Hank and Dory, Phil, and Miguel as randomly decided movesets as well.


Trophy Description:

A con artist fox who is always looking for opportunities to advance himself and his partner, Finnick, in the city of Zootopia. Frequently running into Zootopia’s newest police officer, Judy Hopps, during his ventures, Nick gets roped up in her quest to find out where all the missing mammals in Zootopia have disappeared to. Nick carries a hustle pen that allows him to repeat the effects of an attack that occurred nearby him, which helps make up for his lack of strength and light weight.

General Information:

Nick is a lightweight fighter with great agility stats, having very high running speed (though slightly slower than Judy) and air speed, below average air speed, and good jumping power. Nick’s attacks tend to come out quickly, his up special is a solid tool for recovery, and his standard and side specials give him some helpful tools for him to use to both fight from a distance and make it harder for foes to approach him. Nick’s most unique move, and arguably one of the more interesting moves in the game in general, is his down special, in which he pulls out a pen and turns it on to record what’s going on, specifically, the damage, knockback, and effects of the nearest attack an opponent has performed. Once Nick has finished recording, using his down special again will have the pen unleash a flash that does the exact same damage, knockback, and effects of the attack he has recorded. As such, considering Nick can potentially record any attack done outside of Superstar Attacks and his own attacks (which is technically impossible since he will be using the pen as an attack in the first place to record), this move’s effectiveness can vary tremendously, as Nick could have recorded something such as an uncharged laser from Buzz to a fully charged smash attack from a powerful character like Maui or Willie. Nick can easily utilize this move to potentially become a serious threat to his enemies (especially since the pen’s flash is quick to execute), which is also important since one of his biggest flaws is that he is one of the weaker characters in the game otherwise. His down special is a great move for scoring KOs when the right attacks from characters with good strength are recorded, but outside of that, Nick’s only reliable KO options, his smash attacks, aren’t especially powerful, and while Nick attacks quickly, most of his moves don’t do a ton of damage. Additionally, Nick is light and can’t take a ton of punishment, and while he has a good up special, it can also potentially help his opponents recover as well. As such, Nick needs to rely on running in and out to rack up damage while avoiding damage himself, while utilizing his pen wisely to surprise opponents with a powerful attack. Nick can be tough to consistently do well with, but when mastered, he is a very solid fighter.

Standard Special - Popsicle Hustler

Nick throws a frozen popsicle a short distance from him, doing mild damage and knockback to those hit, and causing their movement speed to be slightly reduced for a few seconds.

Side Special - Lemming Rush

Nick summons a group of business lemmings that dash a short distance away from where they are spawned, carrying opponents they come across, doing damage to them, and throwing them aside once they finish their stroll.

Up Special - Sky Tram

Nick hops into a sky tram, which takes him diagonally upwards from where he is facing, and doing light damage and knockback to those who touch the sides of it. Nick can’t be hurt inside the tram, but others can also stand on top of it to help themselves recover as well.

Down Special - Hustle Pen

Nick pulls out a “hustle” pen and activates it, allowing him to record the damage, knockback, and effects of the nearest attack an opponent has made at the time he recorded it. Using the pen again after something has recorded on it will have the pen unleash a flash that does the same amount of damage and knockback as the attack it recorded, and if the attack recorded has any additional effects, it will utilize those effects as well. Nick can’t record any of his attacks or any Superstar Attacks, and nothing will record if no attacks are going on when he has the pen out.

Superstar Attack - Ice 'Em

Nick summons Mr. Big’s polar bear assistant, Koslov, who charges across the stage from one end to the other once. Anyone who touches Koslov will get sent into a cinematic where, inside Mr. Big’s office, Mr. Big opens a trap door that throws opponents into a freezing cold chamber, doing repeated damage to them and launching them out frozen. Foes who aren’t KO’d from the attack will come back onto the stage frozen for ten seconds. If Koslov doesn’t hit anyone, the attack will be unsuccessful and not proceed.


Up Taunt - Nick sarcastically says “Okay, you’re the boss.”

Side Taunt - Nick shrugs his shoulders and gives a sly look to the player.

Down Taunt - Nick says “Am I a cop? No, no I am not.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Nick says “You know, you’re a very sore loser” mockingly.

Victory Animation 2: Nick says “Who the heck am I to crush your little dreams, huh? Right?” mockingly.

Victory Animation 3: Nick says “What do you call a three-humped camel? Pregnant!” and laughs at his joke.

Losing Animation: Nick applauds.


Trophy Description:

A wooden puppet created by the elderly woodcarver, Geppetto. Pinocchio is brought to life by the Blue Fairy when Geppetto wishes he could come to life and act as a son to him. He can become a real boy if he proves himself to be brave, truthful, and unselfish, which ends up being a task easier said than done due to the world’s temptation. Pinocchio contains two projectile attacks with throwing candles and wooden chairs, which can be combined together to create a big fire.

General Information:

Pinocchio is a lightweight character who is about in the middle of them in terms of weight, and in terms of lightweight characters, Pinocchio is probably one of more well-rounded ones. Pinocchio’s agility stats are good, with good running and air speed, and low falling speed, and his up special, while it doesn’t technically do any damage, is a very strong recovery move that also can reflect projectiles. Pinocchio’s attack speed is generally fast, and he has good tools to help rack up damage on his opponents, such as his tilt attacks, his neutral air, and his side special. Pinocchio also has two projectile attacks, one that travels more distance and is faster, but weaker, and another that has the opposite statistics. What helps make these two moves interesting is that they can combined together if Pinocchio uses his down special first (in which he throws out a chair), then uses his standard special (in which he throws a candle) on the chair, which will set the chair on fire, which does a lot of damage and is arguably Pinocchio’s most powerful attack knockback-wise. As for his flaws, Pinocchio suffers from the main issue lightweight characters suffer from, in that his light weight makes it so he can’t take as much punishment as heavier characters before getting KO’d. Pinocchio’s KO options are also somewhat limited, relying on his down special and forward and down smashes to score KOs, though they are powerful enough to satisfy. Overall, if you want to use a character who is fairly balanced but has some more pronounced advantages and disadvantages, Pinocchio is a solid choice, and if you can overcome his poor endurance, he can definitely hold his own in battle.

Standard Special - Candlelight Fright

Pinocchio throws a candle, which does mild damage and knockback. Once the candle lands on the ground, a small fire is present for a little bit, which will do damage to anyone who touches it (including Pinocchio). This move can be combined with Pinocchio’s down special to create a large, powerful fire.

Side Special - Spin With No Strings

Pinocchio performs a spin attack that temporarily increases his movement speed. Those hit by it will be sucked in as he spins and launched out as he finishes, doing good damage with so-so knockback.

Up Special - Heavenly Aura

Pinocchio gets enchanted by magic from the Blue Fairy that lifts him vertically into the air, and the player can move Pinocchio horizontally. The magic surrounding Pinocchio also reflects projectiles. The recovery is very strong, but outside of reflecting projectiles, this attack does no damage.

Down Special - Wooden Chair

Pinocchio throws a wooden chair a short distance in front of him. Though it doesn’t travel far, this is one of Pinocchio’s strongest attacks and has decent KO potential. It can be combined with Pinocchio’s standard special to set the chair on fire, which does great damage to anyone who touches the fire (including Pinocchio) and has great knockback.

Superstar Attack - Help From the Blue Fairy

The Blue Fairy’s theme plays as she puts a large shield around Pinocchio for 15 seconds. Pinocchio slowly heals over the attack’s duration and anyone who enters the shield will have their movement speed reduced significantly, gradually take damage inside the shield, and will have their controls reversed for 15 seconds. Pinocchio’s attacks also see a sizable increase in strength during the attack’s duration. Overall, this isn’t one of the more powerful Superstar Attacks, but it still serves its purpose to help keep Pinocchio in the fight longer.


Up Taunt - Pinocchio says “I’m alright. Honest I am.”

Side Taunt - Pinocchio says “There are no strings on me!”

Down Taunt - Pinocchio tips his hat and bows, and puts his hat back on his head.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Pinocchio does a small dance and stands triumphantly with his arms out on his sides.

Victory Animation 2: Pinocchio looks startled as his nose is shown to be very long, but the Blue Fairy’s magic appears over it and shrinks his nose back to normal.

Victory Animation 3: Pinocchio says “Nothing can stop me now. I’ll make good this time.”

Losing Animation: Pinocchio applauds.

Hank and Dory:

Trophy Description:

A grumpy octopus and forgetful fish who search around an aquarium for traces of Dory’s long-lost parents. Dory’s forgetful nature often gets on Hank’s nerves, but he does care for her deep down. Hank carries Dory around in a coffee pot and does the majority of the combat, using ink to distract and damage foes and his camouflage powers to confuse anyone as to where he might be. Don’t underestimate these two, as they can call for big help when given the chance.

General Information:

Hank and Dory are a duo fighter who are on the heavier end of the lightweight characters, and similar to many duo fighters where there is a big size difference between the two characters, the bigger character does the vast majority of the fighting. Hank’s agility is quite polarizing, being very slow on the ground and when falling, but also being very fast in the air, and he generally tends to prioritize damage-dealing capabilities over KO power. Hank can spawn up to three ink clouds at a time on the stage that damage and slow those who make contact with them, and his side special allows him to dash forward in a damaging spin that reflects projectiles and drastically increases his ground speed. Hank’s recovery is pretty good, and he is one of a handful of characters who can turn themselves invisible without outside items due to his camouflage ability. Hank’s aerial attacks are also high-damaging moves with low knockback that can easily lead to combos. However, Hank and Dory do have some weaknesses, with them being light characters who don’t have the greatest ability to withstand punishing attacks. Additionally, Hank isn’t loaded with KO power, with his forward and down smashes being his only reliable KO options, and even then, they aren’t overly strong. As such, Hank and Dory work best when you take advantage of their great air movement and attacks to smoothly move around and rack up enough damage to make landing their smash attacks have a higher chance of scoring KOs, and those who can do this well will likely find them to be solid combatants.

Standard Special - Pesky Ink

Hank spawns a cloud of ink right in front of him, which stays on the stage for ten seconds. Foes who touch the ink cloud will take mild damage-over-time effects and have a slight decrease in movement speed for a brief period of time. Hank can’t be hurt by the ink and up to three clouds of ink can be out at a time.

Side Special - Spinning Hank

Hank moves forward while spinning his tentacles around, damaging those he hits and launching them away. This move lets Hank travel noticeably quicker than his normal ground speed, and it can also reflect projectiles and be used as a tool for horizontal recovery.

Up Special - Seven-Legged Spring

Hank uses his tentacles to spring himself into the air. When used in the air, the tentacles can act as a meteor smash. This is very similar to Ursula’s up special, but with increased recovery and less damage and KO power.

Down Special - Cranky Camouflager

Hank uses his camouflage powers to make both Dory and him invisible for ten seconds, making them harder to see, but also decreasing their endurance.

Superstar Attack - Walloping Whales

Dory makes some whale sounds, which causes the entire stage to be filled with water and Destiny and Bailey are summoned. The water slows down everyone’s movement speed, jumping, and falling speed, and the two whales roam around the battlefield, damaging and launching foes they hit. Bailey is faster and smaller than Bailey, preferring to target the foes closest to him, but his KO power isn’t as strong. Destiny possesses excellent KO power and is very large, but she travels slower than Bailey and because of her short-sightedness, she doesn’t have a specific movement pattern and just roams around randomly. The attack lasts for 15 seconds, and Hank and Dory are unaffected by the water and the whales.


Up Taunt - Hank, in an irritated manner, says “Are you almost done?”

Side Taunt - Hank rolls his eyes.

Down Taunt - Dory says “Are… are you my conscience?”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Dory makes random sounds in hopes of communicating with whales, much to Hank’s chagrin.

Victory Animation 2: Dory says “Just keep swimming!” a few times.

Victory Animation 3: Hank uses his camouflage powers to turn him and Dory invisible as a pack of hungry seagulls fly by, turning back to normal once they leave.

Losing Animation: Dory hops up and down in the coffee pot while Hank applauds with two of his tentacles.


Trophy Description:

A satyr who’s known for being a trainer of heroes, and is who Zeus tells Hercules to have train him to help him become a true hero. Despite his gruff nature and previous inability to train heroes, Phil’s coaching pays off for Hercules when he goes from “zero to hero” and helps save Greece from Hades’ evil plot. Despite his small size, Phil packs a surprising punch and can perform powerful ramming attacks with his horns.

General Information:

Phil is a small character who is generally poor in defense, average in agility, and above average in strength. Phil is on the heavier end of the lightweight characters, having average running and falling speed, and decent air speed, and has plenty of tools to both rack up damage and score KOs. Phil’s standard special allows him to charge up for a ramming dash, which is both stronger and covers more distance with the longer he charges it, and his side special gives him a fairly standard, but still decent, projectile attack. Phil’s down special works well for both stage control and as a powerful KO move if a projectile hits it, though it can also hurt Phil, so he must be careful to avoid his dummy if an opponent sends it flying. Phil’s smash attacks have good power, his throws are quite strong for a non-heavyweight character, his standard and tilt attacks do good damage while being fairly quick, and his vertical recovery is good. As mentioned earlier, Phil’s biggest weakness is his defense, since he is light and his horizontal recovery isn’t the greatest, since his up special has very little of it and his standard special needs to be charged up to be solid in that department. Overall, Phil is a good introduction for those who want to use a “glass cannon” type of fighter (one who prioritizes offensive capabilities over defensive capabilities), since his strengths and weaknesses aren’t as pronounced as characters like Jack Jack or Chicken Little, and he is a solid choice for a fighter.

Standard Special - Charging Satyr

Upon input, Phil starts preparing for a charge attack. After three seconds have passed or the player inputs the move again, Phil will charge forward with his horns being the first thing that will hit an opponent. The longer it takes to charge, the faster Phil will move and the more powerful the move will be. When the move is fully charged, it has solid KO potential. Phil can also use this move as horizontal recovery.

Side Special - Trophy Toss

Phil pulls out a trophy and throws it a short distance in front of him. It does decent damage and mild knockback, though don’t expect to get many KOs with this move.

Up Special - Rising Satyr

Phil hops into the air with his arm out, performing an uppercut attack as he rises. The vertical recovery is good, and the attack does decent damage and knockback, though its horizontal recovery is weak.

Down Special - Training Dummy

Phil spawns a training dummy that contains a small target on it right in front of him, which stays stationary while it sways around. The dummy stays out for ten seconds, and two can be out at a time. Those who hit the dummy while it’s moving will take mild damage and knockback. However, if someone hits the target on the dummy, it will go flying in the direction opposite of the attacker as a powerful projectile attack. Phil can’t be damaged by the stationary dummy, but the projectile attack can hurt him.

Superstar Attack - Obstacle Course

A pillar with a crank tied to a wheel spawns in the background, which Phil hops onto and starts turning the crank, summoning various obstacles that will cause trouble for his opponents for the attack’s duration. The obstacles include things such as marble fists slamming down, sharks hopping over the stage trying to bite opponents, fire rings, and swaying blades. All of the hazards do good damage and knockback, and getting hit by more than one if your damage isn’t particularly low will likely score Phil a KO.


Up Taunt - Phil says “What’s the matter? Never seen a satyr before?”

Side Taunt - Phil angrily growls “Watch it, pal…”

Down Taunt - Phil yells “Hey! I’m walking here!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Phil holds a bowl of grapes, throws the grapes away, and eats the bowl.

Victory Animation 2: Phil says “Two words: I have won.”

Victory Animation 3: Phil says “Now you see, kid. It takes a lot to win a match like that.”

Losing Animation: Phil applauds.


Trophy Description:

A young boy who strives to become a musician despite his family’s hatred for music due to it causing problems with the family’s ancestry. Miguel eventually finds himself in the Land of the Dead, where he comes across his ancestors and learns his ancestors may not all be who he thought they were. Miguel can play music from his guitar to hinder his foes, use his guitar as a melee weapon, and can throw shoes as a projectile, giving him various options for battle.

General Information:

Miguel is a character who does possess some advantages and disadvantages, but in general, his strengths and weaknesses don’t tend to be major ones, and he generally lands in the well-rounded group of characters. Miguel is tied in weight with Alice, with both being lightweight characters who are on the cusp of being middleweight characters, and his agility stats are fairly average, with slightly above average running speed, slightly below average air speed, and average falling speed. Miguel carries his guitar with him in battle, with most of his best tools being related to the guitar in some way. Two of Miguel’s special moves have him send out a trio of colored notes from his guitar, with one being used as a good tool to rack up damage and, at higher percentages, score KOs, and the other being able to put those who touch them to sleep for a few seconds. Miguel also uses his guitar as a melee weapon in his smash attacks, which have good KO power. Miguel also has a projectile attack in which he throws a pair of shoes, and thanks to the assistance of Dante in his up special, Miguel’s recovery is pretty good. Miguel’s lesser traits aren’t too major, with those being that him being on the lighter side does reduce how much punishment he can take before getting KO’d, and his KO options are somewhat limited to just his smash attacks and standard special, though they are effective ones. Overall, Miguel can consistently deliver solid performances in battle if utilized correctly, and while he doesn’t do much exceptionally, he can perform most areas adequately and is a good well-rounded fighter.

Standard Special - Sharp Note

Miguel plays a tune that sends out three red-colored notes that each travel a distance away from Miguel with some room in between them. Those who touch these notes will take decent damage and knockback, having some KO potential at higher percentages.

Side Special - Shoe Shiner

Miguel throws a pair of shoes a short distance in front of him, doing mild damage and flinching those it hits. Due to the short distance between the two, it’s likely that if you get hit by one shoe, you’ll also get hit by the other.

Up Special - Dante’s Flight

Miguel’s dog, Dante, grabs hold of him as he flies into the air. Dante doesn’t do any damage, but he can move swiftly in all directions, making this a very solid recovery.

Down Special - Serenade

Miguel plays a tune that sends out three blue-colored notes, which do mild damage and put anyone they touch to sleep for three seconds. Notes will pass through those already asleep.

Superstar Attack - Pepita to the Rescue

Upon activation, Pepita flies around the battlefield, dealing damage to those who touch her and swiping her claws as he flies around. Her claw attacks are quite powerful, and Pepita generally tends to target the person who is currently in the lead (or in second place if Miguel is in the lead). Pepita stays out for 15 seconds and she can’t hurt Miguel.


Up Taunt - Miguel says “Oh, you’re one to talk.” in an annoyed manner.

Side Taunt - Miguel says “You really hate music that much?”

Down Taunt - Miguel pulls his hood up. He can continue to fight like this if he wants, but there are no gameplay differences. Down taunt again and Miguel will pull his hood down.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Miguel happily plays a tune on his guitar while wearing face paint that looks like a skeleton.

Victory Animation 2: Miguel tells Dante “Who’s the good spirit guide? You are!”, and Dante playfully licks him.

Victory Animation 3: Miguel plays his guitar while singing “For this music is my language, and the world es mi familia.”

Losing Animation: Miguel applauds.

May I see Peter Pan and Hopper please

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Can we see Minnie, Robin Hood, and Yzma?

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I had a busy day today and was going to post the movesets between the first and second set of requests today, so I did see the request for Peter Pan and Hopper and got them already, but I didn’t see the requests for Minnie, Robin Hood, and Yzma until now. Those aforementioned three will have their movesets posted for sure in the next batch I do (presumably tomorrow), and for today’s batch, I’ll do the requests for Peter Pan and Hopper, as well as three random characters remaining that I decided and got ready before seeing the second request, with those being Kenai and Koda, the Rocketeer, and Kida.

Peter Pan:

Trophy Description:

The boy who never grows up, Peter Pan lives in Neverland with his fairy companion, Tinker Bell, and the Lost Boys. He takes children who enjoy his stories to Neverland to experience it, and loves to pester and harass his arch-nemesis, Captain Hook. Peter’s ability to fly grants him excellent recovery and a very strong aerial moveset, and can use Tinker Bell to blind enemies in combat. His strong aerial playstyle does make his ground combat not as strong as a lot of characters though.

General Information:

Naturally, given his ability to fly, Peter Pan specializes in aerial gameplay, having excellent aerial attacks and one of the best recoveries in the game with his up special, with him being one of a handful of characters who has the ability to glide after using their up special. Peter Pan’s aerial attacks execute quickly, do great damage, and his forward and down airs are great for performing meteor smashes. On top of that, Peter Pan has one of the fastest air speeds in the game with one of the lowest falling speeds, in addition to having good running speed on the ground. While Peter Pan works best in the air, he has a variety of tools that allow him to pressure opponents while grounded. Most of Peter Pan’s attacks on the ground execute very quickly, with his side and down specials, in which he summons his shadow and Tinker Bell, respectively, serving as great tools to pester his opponents by slowing them down and reversing their controls. However, Peter Pan is not flawless and has some drawbacks. Peter Pan is a lightweight character who is on the cusp of being a middleweight character, and is also taller than most lightweight characters, making it so his ability to take punishment isn’t the greatest, though his amazing recovery can still make him tough to KO. Peter Pan’s KO power also isn’t anything to write home about either, with his fully-charged standard special being his most powerful move, and his smash attacks, while executing quickly, not dealing a ton of knockback. In general, Peter Pan prefers to hang out in the air, which is where he is at his fastest and does the most damage consistently, so those who love to stay airborne will likely enjoy playing as Peter Pan a lot, though if you prefer to stay on the ground, while Peter Pan still has his uses, you’ll likely find yourself preferring other characters who specialize more in that type of fighting style.

Standard Special - Mainbrace Catapult

A mainbrace spawns right behind Peter Pan, which he launches himself off from to hit opponents in his path. When inputted normally, it does decent damage and knockback but nothing exceptional. However, the move can be charged before-hand, and when fully-charged, it has great KO power and is Peter Pan’s most powerful attack damage and knockback-wise.

Side Special - Troublesome Shadow

Peter Pan’s shadow separates from him and dashes a short distance ahead. Those hit by it will be stunned in place for a second or two, take mild damage, and have their movement speed slightly decreased for a short period of time.

Up Special - You Can Fly

Peter Pan leaps into the air and can glide horizontally after reaching his vertical peak. The move only does damage on the initial leap, but the damage and knockback are decent. This is one of the best recoveries in the game and can make Peter Pan a tough character to kill, as the insane horizontal distance, good vertical distance, and his incredible air speed give him amazing recovery tools.

Down Special - Pixie Attack

Peter Pan summons Tinker Bell, who flies around him for about ten seconds. Tinker Bell will attack opponents within close range, dealing mild damage-over-time effects and blinding anyone hit by her for the remainder of the time she is out, plus an additional five seconds, causing those hit to have their controls reversed during that time. Once Tinker Bell goes away, Peter Pan must wait ten seconds before he can use this move again.

Superstar Attack - Lost Boy Assault

Upon activation, Peter Pan whistles to summon the Lost Boys, and any foes who are within close range of Peter Pan will get caught in the boys’ assault as they beat them up with their weapons and send them flying once their attack is done. Compared to similar Superstar Attacks, the range to be affected is greater, though the damage and KO power, while solid, aren’t as high, and those going in with low damage will likely survive. If no one is close enough to Peter Pan upon activation, the attack won’t occur and will be wasted.


Up Taunt - Tinker Bell flies around Peter Pan, making sparkling sounds.

Side Taunt - Peter Pan puts his dagger in his mouth while making a silly face and waving his arms mockingly to provoke his opponents.

Down Taunt - Peter Pan says “Admit it, you’re a codfish!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Peter Pan laughs while on his back in mid-air.

Victory Animation 2: Peter Pan says “No one calls Pan a coward and lives!”

Victory Animation 3: Peter Pan flies around the battlefield in a fast, erratic manner before centering himself and posing triumphantly.

Losing Animation: Peter Pan applauds.


Trophy Description:

The intimidating leader of a group of grasshoppers that boss the ants on Ant Island around to give them their food just because they can. Hopper is the most vicious and intelligent of the gang, realizing the ants need to be kept unaware that their large population can outpower the grasshopper’s superior size. Much like Flik, Hopper’s size has been increased and he combines powerful punches and kicks with good recovery in his wings.

General Information:

Normally the size of an actual grasshopper, Hopper’s size has been increased dramatically to allow him to properly fight, and he has many attributes surrounding him that make him a worthy opponent. Hopper clocks in as one of the heavier middleweights, and has a good combination of being both strong and fast. While his running speed is only a little bit above average, Hopper has very high air speed and good falling speed, and due to his great air speed and ability to fly with his up special, Hopper’s recovery is among the better ones in the game. Hopper also possesses plenty of powerful attacks, with great smash attacks, strong aerial attacks, and a few powerful special moves. Hopper’s side special and down special have above average KO power, though the former is a little slow to start and the latter’s KO power is in its sweetspot, which is small and hard to land. Hopper also has a solid projectile attack, which allows him to throw a piece of grain very quickly that does good damage and can also instantly break an opponent’s shield. Despite his advantages, Hopper does have a few flaws to take note of. Hopper is a tall character, and while his weight is above average, he is not extremely heavy, and most characters his height or taller (as well as some who are smaller than him, such as Hamm and John Silver) tend to be noticeably heavier than him. As such, his ratio of being susceptible to combos in regards to his height and weight is one of the weaker ones in the game. Hopper’s projectile, while great, is also limited in quantity, and he only carries three of them per stock he has. Additionally, while Hopper is strong and fast, he is not amazingly strong or amazingly fast. Overall, Hopper’s weaknesses are generally less notable than his strengths, making him a very solid fighter and a great choice for battle.

Standard Special - Quick Hurl

Hopper carries three pieces of grain with him per stock. This move allows him to very quickly throw a piece of grain that travels very fast and does good damage and average knockback to anyone it hits. The move is also strong enough to break shields, but if Hopper uses all three pieces of grain, he can’t use them again until he loses a stock, so it’s important to pick the right times to use this move.

Side Special - Flying Charge

Hopper spreads his wings out and, after a brief charge, dashes forwards, damaging and knocking away anyone he hits. This move can be used as a horizontal recovery and has good KO potential, albeit it is a little slow to execute.

Up Special - Flight of the Grasshopper

Hopper spreads his wings out and flies for three seconds. The move itself doesn’t do damage, but Hopper can perform aerial attacks while flying, though they will cancel the recovery. For someone of his stature, Hopper’s recovery is quite strong, and this combined with his above average weight can make him a tough character to KO.

Down Special - Squish 'Em

Hopper stomps his foot on the ground, sending some debris flying away on both sides of him. Those hit by the debris take damage and flinch. Those right next to Hopper when he stomps his foot take great knockback, but the range is very small, making it a hard attack to land the sweetspot of on opponents.

Superstar Attack - Here, Thumper!

Hopper snaps his fingers and summons Thumper, who roams around the battlefield in an erratic manner. If Thumper makes contact with an opponent, he violently attacks them, dealing great damage and knockback. Thumper is only on the stage for about 15 seconds, so while he has great KO potential, he may only be able KO one opponent while he’s out due to the length of his attack. Thumper can not hurt Hopper.


Up Taunt - Hopper yells “Where’s my FOOD?!?”

Side Taunt - Hopper says “Do I look stupid to you?”

Down Taunt - Hopper says “Ideas are very dangerous things.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Hopper says “Let’s ride!”, and quickly flies off-screen.

Victory Animation 2: Hopper gets massaged by another bug, appearing to enjoy it.

Victory Animation 3: Hopper says “Guys, order another round, 'cause I’ve won!” while putting his arms out in a victorious pose.

Losing Animation: Hopper has his arms crossed and stands there looking annoyed.

Kenai and Koda:

Trophy Description:

A pair of bears, with Kenai being the older one and Koda being the younger one. In reality, Kenai is a human who was transformed into a bear after killing one to avenge the death of his oldest brother, Sitka. Kenai eventually encounters Koda, and while he initially finds him annoying, he grows to care for the cub and becomes a big brother figure to him. Kenai does most of the physical fighting, while Koda supplies him with salmon and animal traps for combat.

General Information:

Kenai and Koda are one of several playable bear characters in the game, and they function a bit differently from other bears like Baloo and Little John. Kenai clocks in as a heavyweight character, though he is a bit lighter than those two bears, and he is definitely not as strong as them either. However, Kenai’s advantages over Baloo and Little John are that he is much quicker than them, possessing good running speed, very high falling speed, though his air speed is very low. Keep in mind though, that, while Kenai and Koda may not be as strong as the two aforementioned bears, they are far from being weak characters, and Kenai’s strength is solid as well, just not among one of the strongest. Kenai possesses a good jab combo, powerful smash attacks, two projectile attacks with differing pros and cons, a good recovery that helps them recovery and also functions well as a tool for attacking, and a special move that allows them to set a trap that makes anyone who steps in it immobile for several seconds. While these attributes the duo possess may not be among the best in any one of those particular categories, they still all function well. In general, Kenai and Koda don’t possess that many major weaknesses as well. Their biggest weakness is that, outside of their recovery being good, the duo doesn’t do very well in the air with how slow they move and how fast they fall when airborne, and their aerial attacks are also weak. Their trap, while a powerful tool, is also one that can hurt them, so the duo needs to be careful to avoid becoming a victim of their own attack. In general, Kenai and Koda are among one of the more well-rounded heavyweight characters, having versatile attack options, possessing a good balance between strength and speed, and as long as you can keep them on the ground outside of when they need to recover and can avoid stepping into their traps, you’ll probably find them to be pretty effective combatants.

Standard Special - Salmon Throw

Koda throws a large salmon a distance in front of the duo. The fish does decent damage with so-so knockback.

Side Special - Kenai’s Spear

Kenai throws a spear a distance in front of the duo. Compared to the salmon, this projectile is thrown farther, faster, and does more damage and knockback. However, only the sharp end, which is small, does damage, which makes it the harder of the two projectiles to land, though it is the more punishing one for those who get hit.

Up Special - Eagle of Guidance

Kenai and Koda are carried into the air by Sitka’s spiritual form, the eagle of guidance. The recovery is quick and covers solid vertical and horizontal distance, and the move also does decent damage and knockback, making it a pretty good attack and recovery tool.

Down Special - Animal Trap

Koda throws a trap onto the ground, which will capture anyone who walks into it and render them immobile for a few seconds. Despite its great power, only one trap can be out at a time, and Kenai and Koda are not immune to the trap’s negative effects, so they also need to watch where they step.

Superstar Attack - Dangerous Geysers

Upon activation, various lava geysers start appearing on the stage and each one will erupt every few seconds. While they erupt, some debris falls off the lava spouts and rains down onto the battlefield, doing good damage, though light knockback, to those hit. The greatest KO potential comes from being in the impact of the erupting geyser, which does great damage and sends the opponent flying up with the eruption, which has great KO potential. This attack lasts for 15 seconds, and Kenai and Koda can’t be hurt by the geysers.


Up Taunt - Koda makes a silly face to aggravate the opponents.

Side Taunt - Kenai says “Koda, are you okay up there?”

Down Taunt - Koda says “Oh, you guys should see the look on your face!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Koda struggles to keep a salmon still, and Kenai settles it down as they look at the salmon, clearly hungry.

Victory Animation 2: Koda tells Kenai “Kenai, you are the greatest big brother I could ever have.” and Kenai smiles.

Victory Animation 3: The two of them stand upright with their arms out and laugh as they feel the wind blowing on them.

Losing Animation: Kenai and Koda both sit upright and applaud.


Trophy Description:

A pilot whose real name is Cliff Secord. Cliff discovers a rocket pack that can allow whoever is wearing it to fly and takes the pack to become the Rocketeer. However, the rocket pack is also being sought after by a group of villainous spies, and Cliff must do his best to keep the pack out of their clutches. The Rocketeer is a well-balanced fighter who specializes in physical combat and has excellent recovery with the help of his rocket pack.

General Information:

The Rocketeer is a well-rounded character who is able to succeed adequately in many areas, but he has one area in which he really excels: recovery. Due to his rocket pack and great air speed, the Rocketeer is able to cover vertical ground very well with his up special, and his side special also working great as a tool for horizontal recovery. The Rocketeer’s aerial attacks are also quite effective, coming out very quickly while dealing good damage, and his forward and down airs are great for meteor smashes. Outside of his air-based gameplay, the Rocketeer is generally decent in most areas, but not exceptional. He is perfectly in the middle weight-wise of all the middleweight fighters, and he has average running speed, very high air speed, and very low falling speed. The Rocketeer’s attacks generally do good damage, with his down special being his most damaging move thanks to the damage-over-time effects it inflicts on top of the good initial damage. As for his KO power, the Rocketeer’s is decent but not spectacular, with his standard special and smash attacks being his best options for scoring KOs, with the former having less start-up lag but less range than his smash attacks. The Rocketeer also doesn’t possess any projectile attacks, meaning he relies solely on close-quarters combat in his fighting style. Overall, the Rocketeer is an excellent character for beginners to use, as his lack of crippling flaws and his excellent recovery make him a rather low-risk character to use. More advanced players can still get good use out of him, but they will likely find themselves gravitating towards other more flawed characters who have more pronounced strengths.

Standard Special - Rocket-Powered Punch

The Rocketeer makes a small hop into the air as his fist lands an uppercut that launches foes vertically. Its range is small, but it does good damage and knockback, having solid KO potential.

Side Special - Rocket-Powered Dash

The Rocketeer’s rocket pack activates and speeds him through the air horizontally, working well as a recovery tool. It does decent damage and knockback, but his other special moves do more damage, and his standard special has higher KO power.

Up Special - Rocket to the Sky

The Rocketeer’s rocket pack activates and carries him into the sky, where the player can move him horizontally. The flames emitting from the pack can damage those that hit them, and this is an excellent recovery tool that covers great vertical distance, and due to the Rocketeer’s high air speed, works great horizontally as well.

Down Special - Welding Torch

The Rocketeer pulls out a welding torch and activates it. The move has a very small range but does good damage and inflicts damage-over-time effects to those hit for a few seconds, with its damage done being above average for a move with damage-over-time effects.

Superstar Attack - Crash Landing

The Rocketeer flies off-screen and flies towards the stage in his Gee Bee airplane, which crashes into the middle of the stage and does heavy damage and knockback to those it hits. Once the plane lands, the Rocketeer hops out, uninjured, and goes back to fighting normally as the plane catches on fire, with him being invincible for the rest of the attack’s duration. The plane explodes ten seconds after it lands. Both components of this attack have great KO potential, making this a very effective Superstar Attack.


Up Taunt - The Rocketeer says “Cut it out! I’m scared enough as it is.”

Side Taunt - The Rocketeer says “How do I look?”

Down Taunt - The Rocketeer says “You’d pay to see a man fly, wouldn’t you?”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: The Rocketeer slowly hovers down to the ground, and takes his helmet off upon landing.

Victory Animation 2: The Rocketeer says “I am the winner, and I got the cracked ribs to prove it.”

Victory Animation 3: The Rocketeer says “Alright, stand clear,” as smoke emerges from his rocket pack and he blasts off into the sky.

Losing Animation: The Rocketeer applauds.


Trophy Description:

The daughter of the King of Atlantis. Kida is concerned about Atlantis not being as thriving as it used to be thousands of years ago and wants their old ways of living to be reintroduced back into their society. When human explorers reach Atlantis, Kida befriends one of the explorers, Milo, who helps her figure out how to save her people. Kida is a well-balanced character with great agility, and her special moves often make good use of Atlantean technology.

General Information:

Kida is a well-rounded middleweight fighter who has many good attributes without containing major flaws. Kida is quick on the ground with great running speed, and possesses average air and falling speed. While Kida’s move generally prioritize damage over knockback, she has plenty of attacks to help rack up damage, such as a great jab combo with his spear, her standard special, and her ability to freeze opponents with her down special with every other use of it. Her up special, though a little slow to start, does function well as a recovery tool and attack, and her side special has great power and the ability to break shields. Kida doesn’t have many notable issues, but in general, she tends to prioritize offensive capabilities over defensive capabilities, her smash attacks have average KO power compared to most characters, and her primary KO options, such as her side special and dash attack, tend to be somewhat slow. Overall, Kida’s advantages are more pronounced than her disadvantages, making her an effective fighter that is easy to use and can maintain being a consistent threat in battle.

Standard Special - Feisty Fireflies

Kida unleashes a swarm of fireflies that travel horizontally until they leave the stage or make contact with an opponent or wall. Those hit by them will be stunned in place for a brief moment as they take a decent amount of damage, though there is no knockback.

Side Special - Spear Hurl

Kida throws her spear a short distance forward, where, after hitting the first thing it comes across or after three seconds have passed, it reappears in her hands. Though a little slow to start, it is a powerful projectile attack and has pretty good KO potential. This move can also immediately break an opponent’s shield if it makes contact with one.

Up Special - Atlantean Flight

Kida summons an Atlantean vehicle and hops onto it, traveling in a diagonal manner in the direction she was facing upon input. The recovery is solid with good damage and knockback, making it a pretty useful up special, though it isn’t the quickest move to get started, having some lag at the beginning.

Down Special - Life Force

The crystal around Kida’s neck is activated and alternates between a defensive move and offensive move after each use. The defensive move heals Kida for 10% of her health the first two times she uses for each stock she has. Subsequent uses will then only heal her for 5% of her health. The offensive move causes any opponents right next to Kida to become frozen for five seconds, rendering them immobile, but immune to knockback and taking reduced damage.

Superstar Attack - Heart of Atlantis

Upon activation, the Heart of Atlantis appears on the top of the stage above where Kida is standing. It then shoots out a laser that makes contact with Kida and causes her to become crystallized, creating a powerful aura that emerges from her body and expands outwards as the move progresses. After eight seconds, the laser stops and Kida returns to normal, with the ending releasing an extremely powerful blast in all directions from Kida’s location, which can KO at percentages as low as 15%. Touching the aura before-hand also does great damage and knockback as well, though it is strongest the closer it is to Kida than it is further away from her.


Up Taunt - Kida speaks an Atlantean phrase.

Side Taunt - The crystal around Kida’s neck starts raising on its own and she sets it back in place.

Down Taunt - Kida spins her spear around.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Kida spins her spear around and triumphantly cocks in on her shoulder.

Victory Animation 2: Kida wraps a large lobster in a sock and sets it down.

Victory Animation 3: Kida says an Atlantean phrase and triumphantly raises her spear.

Losing Animation: Kida applauds.

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I would like to see Bolt, Chicken Little, and Kronk


For today’s batch of movesets, I’ll be doing it for a batch of requested characters, namely Minnie, Robin Hood, Yzma, Bolt, Chicken Little, and Kronk.

Minnie Mouse:

Trophy Description:

Mickey Mouse’s girlfriend. Despite not being married, the two have been romantically involved for over 90 years now! Much like Mickey, Minnie is a kind-hearted person who is easy to get along with and is generally in a good mood. Minnie is slightly lighter than Mickey and is a little slower, but her attacks involving stuff in her purse are generally more damaging and troublesome than Mickey’s moves. She can even summon Mickey’s dog, Pluto, to help assist her by feeding him bones.

General Information:

At first glance, a lot of players may believe that Minnie will play very similarly to Mickey, and while the two do share some statistics in common, Minnie generally tends to have more pronounced advantages and disadvantages than Mickey does, though she still generally leans towards the more well-rounded side of things. Minnie is slightly lighter than Mickey, being on the light end of the middleweight characters. Her agility stats are also similar to Mickey’s, possessing the same average falling speed, though Minnie’s running speed is slightly lower than Mickey’s and her air speed is slightly higher than his. Compared to Mickey, Minnie’s attack power and damage potential generally tends to be higher, but with the way some of her moves work, she may find it harder than Mickey to consistently be doing good damage to her opponents. Minnie’s primary mechanic as a fighter is her ability to summon Pluto with her standard special. Pluto will help aid Minnie in battle by attacking opponents, but Pluto is initially quite weak. However, if Minnie inputs her standard special when Pluto is out, she puts a bone on the ground right in front of her, and if Pluto walks by one, he will eat it. By Minnie’s icon is a picture of a bone with a number on it referred to as the bone counter, which starts at 0 for each stock Minnie has, but for every bone Pluto eats, the counter goes up by 1, with the maximum cap it can reach being 15. Pluto gradually does more damage and knockback for each bone he eats, becoming an effective threat once he starts building it up, and once he reaches the double-digits, Pluto’s KO power is very strong. However, when Minnie gets KO’d, the bone counter will reset to 0, so it’s best for Minnie to try and build up Pluto’s bone counter to make him as powerful as he can be. Thanks to Pluto and the perfume clouds she can summon, Minnie does well in controlling the stage with her hazards, and her up special is a strong recovery move. Minnie’s smash attacks also have decent, if not amazing, KO power. However, Minnie does have a few weaknesses to be aware of. Minnie lacks a proper projectile attack, as the bones can’t be picked up and thrown, meaning she will primarily be fighting up-close. Additionally, Minnie’s down special, which allows to pick up an item to use anytime she wants, while a great tool if items are on, will become pretty much pointless if items are off. Additionally, since Minnie is the lower half of the characters weight-wise, she needs to be careful to avoid being hit by too many powerful attacks. Overall, if you can build up Pluto’s strength and minimize the damage you take, Minnie is a very good fighter, but if you want a tank-like fighter who can fight at a distance, then she won’t be the right choice for you.

Standard Special - Here, Pluto!

Minnie summons Pluto, who runs around the battlefield looking for opponents to attack. Pluto stays out for about 20 seconds at a time, and he can use barking, biting, and dashing attacks, all of which are weak at first, but there is a catch to improve them. If Minnie inputs this move again while Pluto is out, she will drop a bone in front of her. Neither Minnie nor her opponents can pick up the bone, eat it, or use it as an attack, but when Pluto walks by a bone, he will eat it, which will increase his bone counter by 1, which is shown by Minnie’s icon. The bone counter starts at 0, but it can potentially go up to 15. The more bones Pluto has eaten, the stronger he will be, and he does possess good KO potential when he has eaten several bones. Bones can’t be put on the stage when Pluto isn’t out, bones will disappear if Pluto doesn’t eat them after around 7 seconds, and the bone counter will reset to 0 if Minnie loses a stock. Pluto can be stunned if hit with a strong attack, but Pluto doesn’t take knockback and cannot be KO’d. Minnie also must wait 10 seconds after Pluto goes away before she can summon him again.

Side Special - Pesky Perfume

Minnie sprays some perfume in a small area in front of her, which turns into a cloud that stays out for ten seconds and damages anyone (except Minnie) who goes through it. Minnie can have three perfume clouds out at a time.

Up Special - Purse Parachute

Minnie opens her purse and holds it upside down, which captures a bunch of air that rises her into the air. Once it stops, Minnie slowly falls back down, holding onto the purse as if it was a parachute. The vertical lift is strong, and Minnie’s fast air speed allows for good horizontal recovery during the fall. However, don’t expect to use this move much outside of recovery, as the damage and knockback are very poor.

Down Special - Pocketing

When standing next to an item, Minnie can use this move to pick up the item and store it in her purse to use for a more opportune time. Minnie can only hold one item at a time, so if she picks up an item when she already has one, the new one will replace the old one. The item will also go away from her purse if Minnie loses a stock.

Superstar Attack - Flower Shower

Upon activation, the entire stage is covered with flowers for 15 seconds, which slows everyone (except Minnie) down significantly and makes jumping less effective. On top of that, a bunch of bones rain down from the sky, making it easy to increase Pluto’s bone counter to a high level and make him a powerful threat.


Up Taunt - Minnie briefly adjusts her bow.

Side Taunt - Minnie pulls out some flowers, smells them, and puts them away.

Down Taunt - Minnie says “You should never underestimate a lady, boys.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Minnie gives Pluto a bone, and he proceeds to chew on it.

Victory Animation 2: Minnie strikes a cheerful pose and says “Oh, boy! I’m the winner!”

Victory Animation 3: Minnie says “We can go again for another round anytime.”

Losing Animation: Minnie applauds.

Robin Hood:

Trophy Description:

A crafty fox who’s excellent at archery and is an outlaw who robs the rich to feed the poor. He and his best friend, Little John, love to steal from and mess around with the greedy Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham. Robin Hood is a master at projectile attacks with his amazing archery skills and moves and attacks quickly, but doesn’t have many powerful attacks and needs to rack up damage before getting KOs.

General Information:

Of the three base game Robin Hood characters, Robin Hood is the one who functions the most differently. Robin Hood is noticeably smaller and far lighter than Little John and the Sheriff, being a middleweight character, though he is also much faster than either of them. Robin Hood’s running speed is very high, being among one of the faster characters in the game, with high air and falling speed as well. Robin Hood’s attacks generally execute quickly, and he has a variety of tools to allow him to fight from a distance and up-close. For projectiles, Robin Hood can shoot arrows from his bow, which can also be charged up to release more powerful arrows, and he can also throw a bag of coins that will fall on the ground and hurt everyone but him to walk over. Robin Hood also has a counter, which allows him to hit opponents’ attacks back at them if it connects, protecting him from an attack that would have otherwise hurt him. His recovery is also good, with his up special giving him good vertical gain and him having high jumps. However, despite his many strengths, Robin Hood’s biggest weakness is in an area that Little John and the Sheriff do not struggle in: attack power. Robin Hood’s attacks, while good at racking up damage, are generally light in knockback. His most powerful moves for KOs are his smash attacks, which aren’t as strong as the smash attacks found by most other characters. In general, Robin Hood is best for those who use “hit and run” playstyles, using his great speed and projectiles to weave in and out, damaging opponents while avoiding taking damage as well. If you can build up opponents’ damage to a high level for his more powerful moves to score KOs, Robin Hood is a very solid character and can be a very effective fighter.

Standard Special - Arrow Assault

Robin Hood shoots far-reaching arrows from his bow, which travel quickly, flinch opponents, and do mild damage to them. He can also charge this attack to release a more powerful arrow that does good damage with slightly more knockback.

Side Special - Robbing the Rich

Robin Hood throws a bag of coins that either hit opponents or fall to the ground and spread coins around. Coins on the stage hurt everyone but Robin Hood to walk over, dealing repeated damage for every second you’re standing on the coins. Up to three bags of coins can be present on the stage at a time, and each bag of coins stays out for about ten seconds.

Up Special - Stork Stilts

Robin Hood summons the stilts he used when he was disguised as a stork and uses them as a tool to jump off of to aid his recovery. It gives him good vertical distance and the stilts falling can be used as a meteor attack.

Down Special - Crafty Counter

Robin Hood uses his bow as a counter against any physical attacks that would have hit him otherwise. However, the more he uses the counter, especially if he uses it and doesn’t hit anything, the weaker the counter’s attack will be.

Superstar Attack - Ain’t No Hay Ride

Robin Hood signals for Little John, who runs across the stage with a cart yelling “HO!”. Little John will deal great damage and knockback to those who make contact with him, and the scary part is that, if you touch the cart, you will instantly be captured inside and can’t escape, which is bad for opponents because Little John will run off-screen and instantly KO anyone in the cart, though Little John only gets one opportunity to run across the stage. If Little John is present in the fight when this attack is activated, Friar Tuck will appear instead to pull the cart, but the move will function the same with no difference outside of the person pulling the cart being different.


Up Taunt - Robin Hood balances an arrow with his hand.

Side Taunt - Robin Hood says “I only wish I could do more.”

Down Taunt - Robin Hood throws his hat into the air, which falls back down onto his head.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Robin Hood tips his hat and takes a bow while saying “Thank you.”

Victory Animation 2: Robin Hood plays his bow and arrow as if it was a violin.

Victory Animation 3: Robin Hood walks into the scene in his blind beggar disguise and asks for alms for the poor.

Losing Animation: Robin Hood applauds.


Trophy Description:

Emperor Kuzco’s wicked and elderly advisor. Yzma has understandably had enough of working for the selfish emperor and with the help of her right-hand man, Kronk, plans to kill Kuzco and become empress. Unfortunately for her, her poison potion turns out to be a llama potion! As you’d expect from her age and appearance, Yzma lacks speed and physical strength, but has powerful potions that can easily overwhelm and hinder her opponents.

General Information:

Befitting her chaotic nature, Yzma’s moveset and overall feel tends to feel a bit wild and all over the place when compared to most characters. At first glance, Yzma’s stat distribution doesn’t look very good, as she’s a middleweight fighter who’s fairly tall and in the lighter half of the middleweights, being the second lightest villain in the game and only beating Randall in weight. Due to how old she is, Yzma also isn’t very fast, with low running and falling speed, and average at best air speed. Yzma’s physical attacks, as in those in which she does punches, kicks, or uses her body for attacks, tend to lack in both damage and knockback. However, despite her flaws, Yzma does have her strong points. Yzma’s power comes in her non-physical tools, such as her special moves, which frequently involve potions in some way, and her powerful hammer, which she uses in all her smash attacks and gives them good KO power. Yzma has a tricky potion projectile that will randomly apply one of three negative effects to those hit by it for about seven seconds, giving her unpredictable, but effective tools to annoy her opponents, and her side special in which she sends a box of potions sliding on the floor is a good damage-racking move. Arguably Yzma’s most unique and interesting move is her special move, which is a high-risk, high-reward type of move. Yzma will throw out a potion that will turn anyone who hits it into a llama for ten seconds, who is practically useless, being unable to attack or jump and being quite slow to move around. This gives Yzma great opportunities to do easy and potentially high amounts of damage to them for that time, but the catch is that Yzma only has one llama potion on her for each stock she has, meaning she must use it wisely, and if she throws it out and it doesn’t hit anyone, then she just wasted a great opportunity that was beneficial for her for that stock. Yzma’s recovery is better than you might expect, but it’s still rather average, with her up special being a long robe that functions as a tether recovery, which does cover a good distance, but her normal jumps are also quite poor. Overall, Yzma has an interesting mix of pros and cons, and like most characters, she is most effective if you’re able to work around her flaws and have her strong points be emphasized, constantly annoying opponents with her potions and launching them away with her hammer.

Standard Special - “Poison” Potion

Yzma throws a llama potion in front of her, turning anyone hit by it into a useless llama for ten seconds. Llamas are unable to attack or jump, and they also move quite slow. This attack can easily turn the tide of the match and harm an opponent significantly, but Yzma only has one llama potion on her for each stock she has, and if it misses, then it goes to waste, so do your best to not miss with this helpful move.

Side Special - Special Package

Yzma pulls out a heavy box of potions and uses a hammer to make it slide a fair distance away from her. Anyone hit by the box will be dragged along with it and take continuous damage as the box travels. The move does pretty good damage but doesn’t do a ton of knockback, so don’t expect to use this move as a KO move.

Up Special - Royal Robe

Yzma throws a robe up to tether onto ledges, with the end of the robe hitting opponents in her way. The robe is long and covers a good distance, and the attack does decent damage.

Down Special - Potion Power

Yzma throws an unmarked potion a short distance in front of her. Anyone hit by it will either have their controls reversed, be slowed down, or have increased gravity for about seven seconds for each penalty. All three potions have an equal chance to appear, they all look the same and it’s impossible to tell what each one does until it hits an opponent, and which one is used is random. It’s possible for one to be used more than once in a row.

Superstar Attack - Fatal Feline

Yzma drinks a potion and turns into a little cat for 12 seconds. Cat Yzma is much more agile and, despite her small size, has much stronger physical attacks than normal Yzma. However, she can’t use Yzma’s special moves and isn’t invincible, but her increased strength and speed will give opponents a hard time killing her despite her lighter weight.


Up Taunt - Yzma whines “Why me?”

Side Taunt - Yzma tries and fails to open a potion.

Down Taunt - Yzma says “Oh well, back to business.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Yzma yells “My moment of triumph approaches! Ha-ha-ha-ha! It’s dinner time!”, and strikes a triumphant pose.

Victory Animation 2: Yzma says “Well, you’re not getting any better. Back to work.”

Victory Animation 3: Yzma takes off her wig and puts a hat on.

Losing Animation: Yzma angrily punches herself in frustration at her defeat.


Trophy Description:

A dog who is the main character on an action show where he and his owner, Penny, foil the evil schemes of Dr. Calico. The show’s effects team gives him superpowers, which Bolt believes he truly has and is unaware that he is actually just a normal dog on a T.V. show. Bolt’s superpowers on the show are now a part of his moveset, utilizing his heat-vision, headbutts, and powerful super bark to overcome his adversaries.

General Information:

Bolt is similar to some other lightweight canine fighters like Dodger and Copper in terms of what big advantages and disadvantages they share, though unlike them, he fights solo. Bolt is very fast on the ground, has good air speed, and falls fairly slowly, and between him and the two aforementioned dogs, he is overall the one who has the most strength. While nowhere among the most powerful characters in the game, Bolt is pretty strong for someone as small as him with plenty of ways to rack up damage and several effective KO options, such as his headbutts he performs with his dash attack and forward smash, his up smash, and his side special. Bolt has a solid up special for recovering and good jumping power, and his down special allows him to throw Styrofoam peanuts around the stage that can deal damage-over-time effects and reduce a foe’s movement speed. Perhaps Bolt’s most interesting move is his side special, in which he tosses a disk that will explode four seconds after he spawns it, creating a big explosion that is quite powerful and can even hurt Bolt if he gets caught in it. However, despite Bolt’s many strengths, he does have one major flaw, and that is his weight. Bolt is the fifth lightest fighter in the game, meaning the chances of him getting KO’d by powerful attacks without his damage being super high are higher than you’d want. Thankfully, his small size makes him harder to hit, but Bolt’s poor defense makes it so you have to be careful to minimize the damage you take with him more than you usually would with most characters. Overall, Bolt is a very solid fighter who can easily pose a threat if utilized well.

Standard Special - Heat-Vision

Bolt shoots heat-vision lasers out of his eyes, hurting those who touch them. This move is very similar to Jack Jack’s side special, but does more knockback and doesn’t travel as far.

Side Special - Explosive Disk

Bolt throws a disk that does mild damage and knockback to those it hits and will self-destruct four seconds after it is spawned, creating a powerful explosion that contains great KO potential. The disk can be picked up and thrown by any character once it lands on the ground, but you must throw it quickly to avoid getting caught in the explosion. Bolt can be hurt by the explosion, so he must avoid it at all costs.

Up Special - Pigeons to the Rescue

Three pigeons carry Bolt into the air, where the player can input where they move horizontally. Foes who touch the pigeons take mild damage, and it’s a solid recovery tool.

Down Special - Sinister Styrofoam

Bolt throws a pile of Styrofoam peanuts a short distance in front of him, which can randomly blow around in any direction. Anyone who makes contact with them will take mild damage-over-time effects and have their movement speed slightly reduced for a brief period of time.

Superstar Attack - Super Bark

Bolt unleashes his powerful super bark, which sends out a massive shockwave that does massive damage to those it hits and launches them away. Despite Bolt’s small size, this is actually one of the more powerful Superstar Attacks in the game, having one of the highest potential damage outputs, and possessing good knockback as well, making scoring a KO or two very likely.


Up Taunt - Bolt scratches behind his ear.

Side Taunt - Bolt says “No one can evade my detection.”

Down Taunt - Bolt says “There’s no time for formalities, brothers.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Bolt happily pants, sticking his tongue out.

Victory Animation 2: Rhino rolls into the scene right next to Bolt and yells “Awesome!”

Victory Animation 3: Bolt nervously shakes a few Styrofoam peanuts off of him and says “Styrofoam! My greatest enemy…”

Losing Animation: Bolt lays down and applauds with his front legs.

Chicken Little:

Trophy Description:

A small chicken who lives in the town of Oakey Oaks. Chicken Little gets into an incident where he mistakenly believes the sky is falling, making him a laughing stock amongst the town, but when he ends up discovering that a potential alien invasion may destroy their town, he ends up emerging as a hero. As one of the smallest and lightest characters, Chicken Little is easy to kill, but he has more strength than you might expect, and his smash attacks can reflect projectiles.

General Information:

Chicken Little is a character whose advantages and disadvantages tend to be bigger ones, as, when mastered, he can be quite powerful, but his big disadvantage can make him risky to play as. Chicken Little has good agility stats, with good running and air speed, and below average air speed, and is one of the smallest characters in the game, making him harder than average to hit and lowering his susceptibility to combos. Despite his small size, Chicken Little actually has decent strength, generally dealing good damage with his attacks, and having great KO options with his smash attacks and standard special. Chicken Little’s smash attacks all have him use a baseball bat, and it also has the interesting effect of being to reflect projectiles that the bat hits, though this is easiest done with the forward smash. Chicken Little can also reflect projectiles normally with his down special, which can also block him from attacks that don’t deal great knockback, and he has a dodgeball projectile that gives him a way to fight at a distance. As mentioned earlier, Chicken Little’s standard special is a great tool for scoring KOs, in which a piece of the sky falls down, being great both as a surprise attack and as a thrown item, which can be picked up and thrown by anyone once it lands on the ground. However, this move is also risky, as Chicken Little needs to immediately get out of the way upon activation, as the piece spawns right above him and will hit him if he doesn’t quickly evacuate. Chicken Little also has a pretty solid recovery tool with his up special as well. Chicken Little does have one major disadvantage though, and that is his weight. Chicken Little is the fourth lightest character in the game, meaning that, while he deals out a lot of punishment to his foes, he also can’t take that punishment back. Due to his small size, Chicken Little’s range also tends to be below average as well. Overall, if you can minimize the amount of damage he takes to avoid getting KO’d before your opponents, Chicken Little can be a surprisingly powerful fighter.

Standard Special - Piece of the Sky

A hexagon-shaped part of an alien spaceship suddenly falls down right above where Chicken Little is standing. It does great damage and knockback, but Chicken Little needs to get out of the way as soon as he inputs the move, or he will get hurt. Once the piece is on the stage, anyone can pick it up and throw it a short distance ahead, which has slightly less power than the opening attack, but is still strong. After ten seconds have passed or after someone throws the piece, it will go away, and only one piece can be out at a time.

Side Special - Dodgeball Throw

Chicken Little throws a dodgeball a distance in front of him, doing decent damage and mild knockback to those hit.

Up Special - Super Soda

Chicken Little puts a soda bottle on his back, which he uses as a jetpack to shoot himself upward in an arc in the direction he is facing. Those hit by him will take mild damage and knockback. The recovery is solid as well.

Down Special - Lid Block

Chicken Little pulls out a trash can lid and uses it as a shield, which can block normal attacks that don’t do great knockback and reflect projectiles.

Superstar Attack - Alien Assault

Upon activation, the sky splits up into a group of alien spaceships, which will roam around at the top of the stage and shoot lasers down below to the stage. The lasers do great damage and good knockback, and it’s possible for an unlucky opponent to be launched from one laser into another, giving this Superstar Attack great KO potential. Touching the spaceships in the sky will also damage opponents, though to a lesser degree. This attack lasts for 12 seconds, and Chicken Little can’t be hurt by the lasers or spaceships.


Up Taunt - Chicken Little says “That’s it. Today is a new day.”

Side Taunt - Chicken Little pulls out a pencil that has two donuts on the ends, struggles to lift it, and then puts it away.

Down Taunt - Chicken Little says “Who are we talking about?”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Chicken Little does a happy dance.

Victory Animation 2: Chicken Little sings into a spoon, acting like it is a microphone.

Victory Animation 3: Chicken Little swings with his bat, spinning him around and causing him to fall down, with him saying “I’m okay!”

Losing Animation: Chicken Little applauds.


Trophy Description:

Yzma’s dim-witted right-hand man who assists her in her attempts to get rid of Kuzco and become the Emperor. Despite working for a villain, Kronk isn’t a bad guy and is much more interested in cooking and doing his own thing than actual villainy. Kronk’s muscular frame and gentle nature makes him a bulky but not overly strong heavyweight fighter, using his cooking skills and assistance from his shoulder angel and devil and Bucky the Squirrel in combat.

General Information:

Kronk is a heavyweight fighter who ranks in as slightly lighter than Pacha, is faster than both him and Yzma, though still fairly average overall, with average running speed, above average air speed, and high falling speed, and is a rather versatile fighter thanks to his down special, which allows him to function either as a tankier character or as a more power-based character. Kronk will always have either his shoulder angel or shoulder devil assisting him, with the former increasing his defense and the latter increasing his attack power, with both having notable advantages that the other doesn’t have. In general, Kronk’s defense is very good, and he’s arguably harder to KO than Pacha despite being slightly lighter, as Kronk’s defense receives a buff if his angel is out, the angel can periodically heal him, he can summon Bucky the Squirrel to aid him and allowing him to get distance away from his opponents, and he has a projectile attack that will either damage opponents, or fall on the ground as edible food for anyone to pick up and eat. Kronk will also be healed slightly more than his opponents from this move, and Kronk can potentially take advantage of this by throwing it away from his opponents so it can land on the ground and he will have a higher chance of beating them to the food. Kronk’s up special is also an amazing tool for horizontal recovery, and while the move has poor vertical lift, Kronk’s jumping power is above average, making recovering with him usually not too big of a problem. However, compared to most heavyweight characters, Kronk isn’t quite as powerful. To be fair, Kronk isn’t a weak character, and most of his moves do decent damage, but his smash attacks are his only moves that have good KO potential. However, Kronk’s power can be improved if he has his devil out instead, as, while the devil doesn’t give him the healing or defense buff the angel does, the devil gives him an attack power buff and gives Kronk’s non-special moves a small chance to inflict damage-over-time effects. When it comes to Kronk, it’s generally recommended to start with his devil out first to help build up damage while Kronk’s damage is low, with it being better to switch to the angel once Kronk and his opponents have high damage for Kronk to increase his endurance while he has high enough damage to score KOs. If played properly, Kronk can be a very powerful fighter.

Standard Special - Spinach Puffs

Kronk pulls out a tray of spinach puffs and hurls them forward, either hitting enemies and inflicting damage-over-time effects for a brief period of time or landing on the ground and becoming edible food for anyone to pick up. Kronk will be healed more by the spinach puffs than the other characters.

Side Special - Silly Squirrel

Kronk summons Bucky the Squirrel, who roams around the battlefield for about 20 seconds. He can either do a bite attack (which isn’t very strong) or pull out a balloon and pop it, which has a shorter range, but the burst is a strong attack. Inputting this move again while Bucky is out will have him go away. After he goes away, Kronk can’t use Bucky for however long he was on the stage.

Up Special - Flying Tent

A tent appears on Kronk’s back and he pulls a string to open the wings on the tent to aid his recovery. The horizontal distance is excellent, but the vertical distance is poor.

Down Special - Special Assistance

Kronk has either a shoulder angel or devil aiding him the whole fight. He starts the fight with the angel out, but he can swap between the two using this move. The angel increases Kronk’s endurance and periodically heals him through the fight, and the devil increases his attack power and gives Kronk’s non-special attacks a small chance to inflict damage-over-time effects, with the chances being higher the more powerful the move is.

Superstar Attack - Pulling the Lever

A totem with a lever on it suddenly appears and Kronk pulls the lever, which causes trap doors to appear on the floor where opponents are. A strong wind emerges from the holes to try and suck opponents in, and once caught in the hole, you can’t get out and are attacked by alligators off-screen. The more holes you avoid before getting caught increases how powerful the alligators will be. Being in the air can help, though the wind can still pose problems. The alligators have solid KO power, so it’s best to avoid them if possible.


Up Taunt - Kronk says “Uh, I can feel it.”

Side Taunt - Kronk hits himself in the face while trying to swat a fly.

Down Taunt - Kronk throws a cookie into the air and eats it on its way down.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Kronk looks satisfied and triumphantly says “Mission accomplished.”

Victory Animation 2: Kronk enters the scene holding a bag and doing his own theme song while making odd movements.

Victory Animation 3: Kronk has a conversation with Bucky the Squirrel.

Losing Animation: Kronk applauds.


For the Lion King 30th anniversary, I would like to see Simba, Nala, Timon, Pumbaa, and Rafiki please.


For today’s batch of movesets, we’ll wrap up two franchises with the remaining characters from The Lion King, namely Simba and Nala, Timon and Pumbaa, and Rafiki, as well as the two Tron characters, namely Tron and Quorra.

Simba and Nala:

Trophy Description:

A pair of lion cubs, with Simba being the son of the Lion King, Mufasa, and Nala being his best friend. As a child, Simba wanted nothing more than to be king, but after his father’s unfortunate death, his guilt about it carried into adulthood, and Nala has to talk some sense into him to get him to accept his duty. The two fight in combat together with the one in the front doing the primary attacks. Simba has more KO power, and Nala does more damage.

General Information:

Simba and Nala are a lightweight duo who are in the heavier half of the lightweights, and they also feature great agility stats, with very good running speed, high air speed, and average falling speed. In general, attack speed and hit-and-run tactics are what the cubs are best at, hitting opponents to rack up damage and using their great speed to run away from counter-attacks. While the two lack a proper projectile attack, they can summon monkeys to help fight with them, giving them a way to hurt opponents while being away from them, and their up special, in which Zazu assists them into the air, is solid but not spectacular. Simba and Nala’s main gimmick as a fighter is their ability to swap which of the two is in the front with their down special, with the cub in the front determining how most of their non-special moves and their standard special behave. Simba is in the front by default, and has more KO power than Nala, but Nala generally does more damage with her attacks. In general though, the two cubs do not possess a ton of KO power, with Simba’s down smash and standard special being their strongest tools for KOs, with Simba possessing average-at-best KO power and Nala having low KO power. Another notable weakness they have is their light weight, with neither being heavier than the other one and them having to be careful to avoid taking too much punishment. In general, an effective strategy when using the cubs is to start out the match with Nala in the front to rack up damage with her superiority in that area, and when the opponent’s damage gets high enough, switch back to having Simba in the front to take advantage of his superior KO power. Overall, if you can rack up opponent’s damage to a level where they can reasonably KO them and use their great speed to weave in and out of attacking foes, Simba and Nala are very effective combatants.

Standard Special - Manic Monkeys

The cub in the front will summon a monkey, which are blue for Simba and pink for Nala. The monkey runs around the stage for a few seconds, and if it makes contact with an opponent it will grab onto them, stop them in place, and pummel them before kicking them away. Simba’s blue monkeys move slower, but have decent KO power, while Nala’s pink monkeys move quicker and stop foes in place longer but have minimal KO power.

Side Special - Pinned Ya!

Simba and Nala get into a tussle, performing a roll attack that covers a short distance and does mild damage and so-so knockback to those hit. The move functions the same regardless of which cub is in the front.

Up Special - Helpful Hornbill

Zazu appears and carries the cub in the front, with the other cub hanging on to the legs of the one being carried by Zazu. Zazu’s wings can knock back and do mild damage to opponents, and the recovery is good, but not amazing. Simba or Nala being in the front doesn’t affect how the move functions.

Down Special - Cub Swap

Upon starting a match, Simba is the character who is in the front of the two. Using this move, the two cubs will swap around, and Nala will be in the front (using it while Nala is in the front will have Simba be in the front again). Which of the two cubs is in the front influences how some attacks behave, namely their non-special moves and their standard special. In general, Simba has a little more KO power than Nala, but Nala tends to do a little more damage.

Superstar Attack - Wild Crowd

Upon activation, a crowd of animals run across the stage from left to right a few times. How fast the animals move is completely random, and they can randomly increase or decrease their speed during a run, but they do good damage and knockback, though overall, this isn’t one of the better Superstar Attacks. Simba and Nala can’t be hurt by the animals.


Up Taunt - Simba and Nala both make taunting, silly faces.

Side Taunt - Simba says “I laugh in the face of danger!” and laughs.

Down Taunt - The cub who is in the front lets out a roar, trying to be intimidating, but failing at doing so.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Simba and Nala are flung into the air by a group of monkeys who are celebrating their victory with them.

Victory Animation 2: Simba and Nala roll into the scene in a tussle, which Nala comes out of on top and tells Simba that she “pinned ya again!”

Victory Animation 3: Simba and Nala ride into the scene on top of an ostrich’s back, and they hop into the air repeatedly.

Losing Animation: Simba and Nala both sit upright and applaud.

Timon and Pumbaa:

Trophy Description:

A meerkat and warthog duo who live by their “Hakuna Matata” lifestyle. The two found young Simba when he was exiled after his father’s death and raised him into adulthood. Despite their goofy nature, they care for Simba a lot and support him in his quest to retake the throne from Scar. In combat, Pumbaa is the more powerful of the two and does the majority of the attacks, with Timon using projectiles and supporting effects to aid his buddy.

General Information:

Timon and Pumbaa are fighters who don’t really fit into any specific archetype, as their stat distribution is a bit all over the place. Pumbaa’s weight clocks the duo in as a middleweight duo, and their agility stats are a bit polarizing, being somewhat slow on the ground, but comparatively fast in the air with decent falling speed. The two have good recovery thanks to their up special, which travels vertically as the player aims where they move horizontally, and their side special is another tool for horizontal recovery that allows them to travel quicker and has decent power as well. For their damage-dealing capabilities and KO power, Timon and Pumbaa are also a bit atypical, with a lot of their moves primarily focusing on one and not necessarily the other. Unfortunately, their smash attacks tend to be weaker than average, but their tilt attacks and aerial attacks also tend to do good damage with some of their aerial attacks possessing reasonable KO potential at higher percentages. Timon and Pumbaa’s main gimmick is their ability to throw out grubs both as projectiles and as a tool for Pumbaa to eat. Their grubs come in either red, blue, or yellow colors, with each having different effects on opponents that get damaged by them, and grubs that don’t hit anyone will temporarily lay on the ground, which Pumbaa can eat to heal a small portion of his damage and, most importantly, build up his counter towards being able to use his most powerful move, his down special, in which he lets out a short-ranged burp that activates quickly and has great KO power. In order for them to use this move, Pumbaa needs to eat five grubs, and after the down special is used, regardless of whether it hit anyone or not, the grub counter (shown by their icon) resets to 0, and Pumbaa needs to eat five more in order to use this move again. Overall, Timon and Pumbaa’s unique mechanic can make them threatening if you allow them to eat too many grubs, though if they go out of their way to do this, they’ll likely make themselves vulnerable, so those wanting to use this duo must take into consideration what all is going on to decide when it’s good to build up your grub counter or when it’s best to primarily focus on normal combat.

Standard Special - Grub Throw

Timon throws one of three different colored grubs (red, blue, or yellow, used in that order) out as a projectile attack. The red one inflicts brief damage-over-time effects, the blue one sticks on opponents after damaging them and briefly reduces their movement speed, and the yellow one is the strongest of the three but has no additional effects. Any bugs that don’t hit anyone lay on the ground temporarily and can be eaten by Pumbaa to heal 2% of his damage and to help activate his down special for use.

Side Special - Bowling for Buzzards

Pumbaa sprints forward for three seconds, damaging anyone he hits and having good knockback, possessing some ability to KO when opponents are at higher damage percentages. This can also be used as a tool for horizontal recovery, though his up special is better overall for recovery.

Up Special - Gassy Boost

Pumbaa lets out a fart that sends him and Timon into the air. The fart can be briefly charged to be stronger as an attack and give better recovery.

Down Special - Big Burp

After eating five bugs, Pumbaa can now perform a down special attack in which he lets out a big burp. The burp is short-ranged, but has great KO potential and is pretty quick for a move of its power. Pumbaa has to eat five more bugs to use the move again, even if it doesn’t hit anybody.

Superstar Attack - Hakuna Matata Dance Party

Timon puts on his hula outfit as the two start to dance, rendering themselves invincible for the attack’s duration of 15 seconds as he throws out loads of grubs during their dance. The grubs have the same attributes as their normal ones but to a stronger degree, with the yellow ones having pretty good KO potential and being supported by the red and blue ones hindering their foes for longer and being stronger.


Up Taunt - Timon says “It starts.”

Side Taunt - Timon pulls out two grubs, giving Pumbaa one of them, and the two both eat the grubs.

Down Taunt - Pumbaa says “I ate like a pig.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Timon hops off Pumbaa wearing his hula outfit and starts dancing.

Victory Animation 2: The two stand triumphantly as Timon tells Pumbaa “What did I tell ya? I knew we would win.”

Victory Animation 3: A group of buzzards are present on the scene, who all get scared away as Pumbaa sprints onto the scene.

Losing Animation: Timon applauds while Pumbaa nods his head in respect to the winner.


Trophy Description:

A wise old baboon, Rafiki is a good friend of Mufasa and lifted baby Simba out for all the animals to see. When he discovers Simba is alive despite Scar telling everyone he’s dead, Rafiki’s able to get Simba to not run away from his past and become the rightful king of Pride Rock. Rafiki isn’t a particularly powerful or heavy fighter, but he can be very hard to kill due to possessing one of the best healing moves in the game.

General Information:

Rafiki is one of the more unique fighters in terms of his playstyle, as he is one of a handful of characters who generally prioritizes outliving his opponents rather than outpowering them. While Rafiki is only a middleweight fighter, and on the lighter end of the middleweights at that, Rafiki’s defense is quite strong for a character of his stature, as his recovery is pretty solid and three of his four special moves allow him to heal himself for some of his damage. Of them, his side special is the easiest to implement, and also serves as a projectile attack, but also heals the least. His down special is arguably his most effective healing tool, rendering him immune from knockback and taking only 50% of the damage he would normally take from attacks when using it, but he is also immobile while using this, though he does heal a good amount from it. It is generally best to stay away from your opponents when using this move to lower the amount of damage you may take while using it. His standard special is also quite strong for healing, but it requires more work to set up. Rafiki’s standard special functions similarly to Jafar’s standard special, with both being able to capture projectiles, and after three are captured, they can trigger an effect that benefits them. However, unlike Jafar, whose effect is offense-related, Rafiki’s is defense-related, and once three projectiles are captured, he will shake them all up in a turtle shell, turning them into an edible material, which he will then eat and heal himself of the combined total each projectile did. This is most effective if Rafiki is fighting against a character who uses high damage projectile attacks, as the amount he can potentially heal with it is great. However, while Rafiki’s ability to frequently heal himself is great, he does have notable weaknesses to be aware of, as his great defense comes at the cost of attack power and, to a lesser extent, speed. Rafiki’s speed is only average at best, with below average running speed, above average air speed, and low falling speed, but his attack power is among one of the lowest in the game, with only his smash attacks and down air (with the latter only working as such if used as a meteor smash) possessing KO potential, and even then, his smash attacks don’t reliably KO unless opponents are at high damage. Due to this, Rafiki’s primary strategy is to constantly hit opponents with his attacks to build up damage, while healing himself throughout the fight to keep his damage low so it’s harder for his opponent to KO him. As such, Rafiki’s fighting style may not be for everyone, but for those who want to experiment with a more defense-oriented fighter who is great at reducing their damage, Rafiki is a very solid choice.

Standard Special - Turtle Shell

Rafiki pulls out a turtle shell that he puts in front of him, with the side with the shell facing towards him. The shell can capture projectiles that hit it. Once three projectiles are captured and the move is used again, Rafiki will shake the shell to stir its contents around, which magically turns it into edible material that he then eats, healing himself for the combined total of the three attacks’ damage. Unlike most similar special moves that capture projectiles, this move does not serve any offensive purpose and is solely for defense, but it can potentially heal Rafiki for a substantial portion of his damage if the attacks captured do high damage.

Side Special - The Power of Papayas

Rafiki pulls out a papaya and tears it in half. If the B button is inputted to the side again, he will throw both pieces, doing mild damage to those hit. If the B button is inputted in any other or no direction, Rafiki will take a bite out of one of them and put the other away, healing a small portion of his damage.

Up Special - Baboon Backflip

Rafiki backflips into the air, where he can control what direction he travels horizontally through the player’s input. The move doesn’t do much damage and knockback, and the horizontal recovery isn’t great, but the vertical recovery provided is pretty solid.

Down Special - Meditating Monkey

Rafiki gets on the ground and meditates, rendering him immune from knockback, but not damage, for the move’s duration. Rafiki slowly heals for some of his damage during the move’s duration, which lasts for five seconds, and he has two seconds of invincibility once the move ends. Since Rafiki is guaranteed to heal and can’t be KO’d when using this, it makes it a very powerful healing move. However, he is immobile and can still get damaged by powerful attacks (though he will take 50% reduced damage compared to normal), so it’s best to use this when away from the opponents or during the time period when an opponent loses a stock.

Superstar Attack - Mufasa’s Guidance

A large cloud depicting an image of Mufasa’s spirit appears in the sky, shining a heavenly light on Rafiki that heals him of 60% of his current damage and boosts his speed and strength for the attack’s duration, which is 15 seconds. Since Rafiki prioritizes defense and healing himself over speed and strength, the brief but effective boost is very helpful, and his smash attacks possess great KO power during this time period. Additionally, Rafiki’s down special renders him immune to damage during this time period as well, giving Rafiki a great opportunity to get his damage to as low of a level as possible.


Up Taunt - Rafiki says “You are a baboon, and I’m not.”

Side Taunt - Rafiki says “The king has returned.”

Down Taunt - Rafiki shushes his opponents.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Rafiki raises his stick up and down above his head, and triumphantly claims that “it is time!”

Victory Animation 2: Rafiki jovially dances around while singing gibberish.

Victory Animation 3: Rafiki makes a drawing of a young Simba on a small tree, chuckling to himself as he does so.

Losing Animation: Rafiki applauds.


Trophy Description:

A security program created by the partner of Kevin Flynn, Alan Bradley. Tron’s goal is to support the real-life users at all costs by maintaining their communications from the real world to the Master Control Program, where he teams up with a programmed Flynn named Clu. Tron carries his identity disc into battle, which he can use to reflect projectiles and send them back as laser beams, and he can summon bits to overwhelm his opponents.

General Information:

Tron is an interesting fighter with a lot of unique tools to help him succeed in combat. Tron is a bit heavier than you might expect and is actually the lightest heavyweight fighter in the game, giving him above average endurance, and his up special gives him a high amount of vertical gain for recovering. Tron can reflect projectiles with his down special, with the presentation of them travelling away from him being neat-looking and different from how projectiles are normally reflected, his attacks typically do good damage, and his smash attacks and standard and side specials are his best tools for scoring KOs and are all solid options. Those aforementioned standard and side specials are arguably his greatest tools, with his side special having him summon a bit that will randomly either be positive or negative, affecting what it does when it makes contact with an opponent, with positive bits doing more damage and negative bits having decent KO power. Due to the unpredictability of the bit’s effects (since you can’t tell if it’s positive or negative until it damages someone), the bit can be quite intimidating for Tron’s opponents. Tron’s standard special has him deploy a firewall barrier in front of him, making it so anyone on the other side of it will have a very hard time hitting him. The firewall is a great defensive tool, and on top of that, it can potentially become a great offensive tool as well, as it explodes once it expires, and if the firewall is attacked before-hand, the power of its explosion will become more powerful. Tron has many great tools to work with, but he does have some flaws worth noting. In general, Tron is not the quickest character ever, having below average running speed, low air speed, and above average falling speed, and additionally, his attack speed and horizontal recovery aren’t the greatest either. As such, Tron can sometimes struggle against very fast opponents, but his firewall and bits can still help keep them away from him. Overall, Tron has a healthy mix of offensive and defensive options to make him a versatile and effective fighter, and those who can utilize those tools well will likely do well with him.

Standard Special - Firewall

Tron deploys a firewall barrier right in front of him, which prevents anyone standing on one side of it from being damaged by an opponent on the other side of it. After ten seconds, the firewall will blow up and hurt any nearby opponents (including Tron). The explosion’s strength depends on how many attacks and the strength of the attacks that have hit it, with it being very weak with few or low-damaging attacks damage it, and very powerful if many high-damaging attacks hit it. Only one firewall can be out at a time.

Side Special - Tricky Bit

Tron summons a bit, which travels in a straight distance away from him and will react either positively or negatively to whom it comes in contact with. A positive bit does good damage but will go through opponents upon hitting them and do very little to no knockback. A negative bit does less damage than the positive bit but does good knockback and has solid KO potential. What type of bit is summoned is random, with both types having an equal chance to appear, and which type it is isn’t confirmed until it hits an opponent.

Up Special - Solar Sailer Boarding

The platform that goes to the Solar Sailer appears underneath Tron, which takes him into the air. The ends of the platform can do damage to those it hits and it travels high vertically, though there is no horizontal movement.

Down Special - Laser Reflect

Tron uses his identity disc to reflect projectiles, and the reflected projectiles return as laser beams that travel in the shape of an upside-down “V”.

Superstar Attack - Light-Cycle Mayhem

Upon activation, video-game sprites depicting Light-Cycles roam around the battlefield at high speed in straight lines. The cycles are fairly small but can change what direction they travel (as long as they stay straight vertically and/or horizontally) at random, making them hard to avoid. The cycles do good damage and knockback, but getting hit by one or two at lower percentages is very unlikely to score a KO, so it’s best for Tron’s opponents to have some damage accumulated upon activation for him to maximize its KO potential. Tron can’t be hurt by the Light-Cycles.


Up Taunt - Tron says “Stranger and stranger.”

Side Taunt - Tron holds his disc above his head, and the disc briefly hovers before he grabs it.

Down Taunt - Tron holds out his disc and says “This is the key to a new order.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Tron says “I fight for the users!” as he holds his disc above his head.

Victory Animation 2: Tron drinks a liquid-like power source from his disc and says “I feel so much better.”

Victory Animation 3: Tron’s body starts to light up and he triumphantly declares “Now for some real user power!”

Losing Animation: Tron applauds.


Trophy Description:

The last surviving ISO, Quorra is an apprentice of Kevin Flynn, and a skilled warrior who brings her light-sword and identity disc into battles. Wanting to explore the outside world after being taught about it through Flynn and his books, Quorra escapes the Grid with Flynn’s son, Sam, and gets to experience the wonders of our world. Quorra is an offense-oriented character with many weapons at her disposal, making her a tough opponent.

General Information:

Quorra is a middleweight fighter who is mostly well-rounded with solid stats in most categories and doesn’t possess too many weaknesses. Quorra’s agility is solid, with good running and falling speed, and above average air speed, and her abilities to rack up damage and score KOs are both solid as well. Quorra’s attack speed is generally pretty good, and she functions best as a rushdown character who will constantly be in her opponents’ faces to hit them as much as possible, and retreating when it becomes dangerous for her. Quorra’s light-disc can be used as both a projectile attack and as a tool to make it hard for foes to hit her with close-range attacks, and her side special gives her a great tool for moving quickly and recovering horizontally, while having enough power to potentially score KOs at higher percentages. Quorra’s jab combo and light-disc special moves are great tools for racking up damage, and her smash attacks, forward and down airs, and side special are all solid options to score KOs. As mentioned, Quorra’s weaknesses are limited in quantity and are fairly minor, but in general, she tends to prioritize offensive capabilities over defensive capabilities. While her weight is sufficient enough, Quorra’s vertical recovery is only so-so, so if she gets too far below the ledges of a stage, she will likely be losing a stock. Overall, Quorra has many tools to help her succeed, and her lack of major flaws helps make her an easy character for beginners to pick up and play, while still having effective tactics to pose a threat in the hands of more experienced players.

Standard Special - Light-Disc Throw

Quorra throws her light-disc, which acts like a boomerang, traveling a distance in front of her, and traveling that distance back to her at increased speed and strength. The disc is very fast, and does moderate damage, though its knockback is fairly low. It can be an annoying projectile to deal with despite its limited KO potential.

Side Special - Speeding Light-Cycle

Quorra dashes forward on her light-cycle for a short distance, damaging anyone in her path. The move is very fast and does decent damage and knockback, having some KO potential at higher percentages, but its speed can make it hard to control and risky to use near the edges of a stage. This is an excellent tool for recovering horizontally, especially since Quorra’s up special doesn’t provide any horizontal gain.

Up Special - Disc Spotlight

Quorra raises her disc above her head, summoning a spotlight that carries her into the air. This move does no damage and has no horizontal recovery, but the vertical recovery is decent, albeit nothing great.

Down Special - Shielding Disc Spin

Quorra throws her disc around her, which spins around her in a circular motion a few times, making her tough to approach with close-range attacks. The disk does decent damage and mild knockback, though it does not block, reflect, or deflect projectiles.

Superstar Attack - Flynn’s Light Fighter

A light fighter piloted by Kevin Flynn appears in the background, with his son, Sam, piloting the ship’s laser cannon and launching rapid-fire shots from it. The shots do very little knockback, so don’t expect to get KOs from this, but have excellent damage-dealing capabilities, doing notable damage per shot, and combined with the high rate of fire, makes the damage potential very high and gives Quorra plenty of KO opportunities. The attack lasts for 15 seconds, and Quorra can’t be hurt by the cannon’s shots.


Up Taunt - Quorra says “Hang on, this could be rough.”

Side Taunt - Quorra says “What is this?”

Down Taunt - Quorra says “Your patience can’t beat out my more aggressive strategy.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Quorra puts her sword in the ground and cheers “Ah-ha! Whoo!” before posing triumphantly.

Victory Animation 2: Quorra curiously reads a Jules Verne novel.

Victory Animation 3: Quorra leaves her disc on the ground and says “Good-bye.” before running off.

Losing Animation: Quorra applauds.

And with that out of the way, I believe only 20 characters are left who need their movesets posted. I intend for the remaining characters to be done in four posts of five, but which order I post them in is up for others to decide.

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With no requests today, I decided for the next batch of movesets to wrap up both the Treasure Planet characters and remaining villains, with this batch consisting of Jim Hawkins, Captain Amelia, Randall, Davy Jones, and Winifred Sanderson.

Jim Hawkins:

Trophy Description:

A delinquent teenager who has always felt upset by a lack of a father figure in his life and wants to go to Treasure Planet to get enough gold to rebuild his mother’s destroyed inn. On the journey, Jim befriends the ship’s cook, John Silver, who becomes a father figure to him and pulls through in the end for Jim despite other circumstances. Jim has Silver’s shapeshifting sidekick Morph assist him in combat and he’s fairly well-balanced with no glaring strengths or weaknesses.

General Information:

Jim is a well-rounded fighter who has a variety of helpful tools to help him succeed in combat. Jim clocks in as a middleweight fighter, and his agility stats are all balanced, with his running, air, and falling speed all being about middle-of-the-pack compared to most of the characters. Jim has a number of tools to rack up damage, such as a good jab combo, effective tilt attacks, and his solar surfer, which functions as a good recovery tool and does good damage as well. While Jim’s KO options are somewhat limited, mainly relying on his smash attacks and down special, they are effective options and are strong attacks. Jim also utilizes Silver’s shapeshifting sidekick, Morph, in a few of his moves, and Morph does a good job attacking foes while Jim is able to stay at a distance. Jim’s standard also causes a part of the stage to become wet, which foes can trip on and leave themselves vulnerable to attacks. In general, fitting his all-around playstyle, Jim doesn’t possess any big flaws, but at the same time, while he can do a lot of things well, he isn’t anywhere near the best in any particular category. Overall, Jim fits his role of being a well-balanced character well, being easy to pick up and play, while having enough depth to him to appeal to more advanced players.

Standard Special - Mr. Mop

Jim throws a wet mop a short distance in front of him, which does decent damage, but low knockback, to those hit. If the mop doesn’t hit anyone, it lands on the floor and makes the area it landed on wet for a brief period of time. Those walking over the water will have their traction decreased and have a chance to trip and make themselves vulnerable.

Side Special - Morph’s Pie Prank

Morph appears, transforms himself into a pie, and travels a short distance very quickly to attempt to hit opponents. Those hit by Morph take mild damage and knockback.

Up Special - Solar Surfer

Jim travels on his solar surfer diagonally upwards in the direction he is facing upon input. The solar surfer moves quite fast and can recover well, and the damage output caused by touching it is decent.

Down Special - Get the Boot

Morph appears, transforms himself into a boot, and roams around near where he spawned, trying to kick nearby opponents. Compared to the side special involving Morph, this one is more powerful and can potentially score KOs on higher-damaged opponents, but it is slower and easier to avoid than the other move.

Superstar Attack - Treasure Map Attack

Jim pulls out the map to Treasure Planet and activates it, transforming the battlefield into a dark, sci-fi environment where holograms of planets, stars, and other various space-related entities fly across the screen in both horizontal directions. The holograms fly by at various speeds, and the bigger and/or faster holograms are the ones that do the most damage and knockback. This Superstar Attack has pretty good KO potential, since it’s easy to get hit by a hologram or two, and most of them do pretty good damage. The attack lasts for 15 seconds and Jim can’t be hurt by any of the holograms.


Up Taunt - Jim says “You having a little trouble, there?”

Side Taunt - Jim says “Hit your head there pretty hard, didn’t ya?”

Down Taunt - Morph appears, shapeshifts into Scroop, and says “Spider psycho!” twice.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Morph shapeshifts himself into Jim and makes celebratory sounds as Jim stands triumphantly.

Victory Animation 2: Jim rides in on his solar surfer, howling excitedly.

Victory Animation 3: Jim says “I got some plans. I’m going to make people see me a little more differently.”

Losing Animation: Jim applauds.

Captain Amelia:

Trophy Description:

A cat-like alien who is the captain of the ship heading to Treasure Planet, the RLS Legacy. She has a first mate named Mr. Arrow and has to put up with the antics of Dr. Doppler, but the two eventually fall in love over the course of the expedition. Captain Amelia uses a very powerful gun that releases powerful small shots and can be charged for a serious deadly shot. Be warned though that a gun of this power uses a lot of energy and needs to be recharged after much use.

General Information:

Captain Amelia is a middleweight character who typically falls into the “all-around” archetype of fighters. Her running speed is high, with average air speed and low falling speed, and Amelia also jumps very high, giving her a good recovery despite having a relatively basic up special. Amelia’s attack power is also generally average, having decently powerful smash attacks and an excellent standard special, but there are plenty of characters who are stronger than her. Perhaps Amelia’s most notable and greatest tool is her aforementioned standard special, which allows her to shoot projectiles out of her gun. Similar to many projectile attacks, Amelia can either shoot out normal projectiles, or charge it to release a more powerful one, but her projectiles stand out for being very fast and doing very good damage, albeit with low knockback. If Amelia charges up a projectile, she can release a big one that still travels quickly and also possesses amazing KO power, making her dangerous if she’s allowed to get away to fight at a distance. While Amelia’s stat distribution doesn’t have major weaknesses, her biggest weakness is that her gun, as powerful as it is, eats up ammo every time she uses it, and if she runs out of ammo, she can’t use her standard special until it’s recharged. Her down special allows her to recharge it, and the more she uses it, the longer it will take to fully recharge, so it’s good to try and limit the amount of times you recharge the gun to only being periodically done. Her fully charged blast also needs her gun to have the majority of its ammo filled, and if she misses with the shot, the ammo still goes away, meaning its important for Amelia to use her standard special wisely. Overall, Amelia is an easy to character to pick up and play if you use a wide variety of her moves, and those wanting to take a higher risk, higher reward playstyle with her can experiment with her gun, which is an excellent move, but the recharging makes it so you have to be strategic and smart in how you use it.

Standard Special - Blast These Enemies

Amelia uses her gun to fire powerful projectiles, which are quite strong for moving quickly. She can also charge her gun up for a big blast that can KO most characters at very low percentages, but requires a ton of ammo to use. Every shot used eats up the gun’s ammo, so be sure to periodically recharge it with her down special, especially if you want to attempt landing the fully-charged projectile.

Side Special - Firearm Folly

Amelia uses her gun as a melee weapon, dealing decent damage and knockback and possessing some KO potential at higher damage percentages. The parts of the gun closer to Amelia are more powerful than the parts further away from her.

Up Special - High Jump

Amelia does a very high jump into the air. She goes straight up with no horizontal movement, though her low falling speed does let her recover horizontally fine most of the time.

Down Special - Ammo Refill

Inputting this move allows Amelia to recharge her gun if the ammo in it is low or empty. It’s best to wait until the gun’s ammo is either empty or almost empty before recharging it, as the more this move is used, the longer it will take to take fully recharge. Amelia carries an unlimited amount of ammo with her.

Superstar Attack - Full Speed Ahead!

Amelia hops off-screen into her ship, the RLS Legacy, and proceeds to ram the ship into the stage. The ship’s massive size makes it hard to avoid, especially on smaller stages, and Amelia will always target the middle of the stage. The ensuing explosion from the crash deals massive damage and is easiest avoided if air-born. While this Superstar Attack is quite powerful, it is also one of the easier ones to avoid, especially on larger stages, which can make its effectiveness at scoring KOs inconsistent.


Up Taunt - Amelia says “Zip your howling screamer.”

Side Taunt - Amelia tips her hat off and takes a bow, then stands upright and puts her hat back on.

Down Taunt - Amelia moves her gun from side to side.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Amelia does a backflip and cocks her gun.

Victory Animation 2: Amelia says “Unorthodox, but ludicrously effective.”

Victory Animation 3: Amelia pulls out the map to Treasure Planet and looks at it.

Losing Animation: Amelia applauds.


Trophy Description:

A nasty lizard-like monster who is the second best scarer at Monsters Incorporated behind Sulley. Randall strongly hates Sulley and will do anything to be #1, deciding to create a machine called the Scream Extractor to extract screams out of human children, with Boo being his target. Randall can’t match Sulley in brute strength, but he is much quicker than him and can turn invisible to make his foes have a harder time trying to hurt him.

General Information:

Randall is a bit of an atypical fighter when it comes to the villain characters, as most villains usually tend to have at least decent weight and tend to prioritize power over speed. Randall is both the lightest villain in the game, clocking in on the lighter end of the middleweight characters, and the fastest villain in the game, as well as being among one of the faster characters in the game in general, possessing very high running speed, high air speed, and average falling speed. As such, Randall’s attacks tend to execute very quickly, and he contains a few tricks up his sleeves that he can take advantage of. Randall’s invisibility powers factor into his moveset, in which he can turn invisible for ten seconds at a time to make himself hard to see, though his endurance will be decreased while he does this. Randall can potentially freeze opponents with his standard special, his side special is a projectile attack that sticks a sock onto the first opponent that makes contact with it, dealing damage-over-time effects to them, and his up special gives him good vertical recovery. However, Randall does have his flaws. Randall’s weight is in the lower half of characters, and isn’t particularly great, and Randall’s KO power also is below average. Randall’s only attacks that possess notable KO potential are his smash attacks, which aren’t overly powerful in the first place, meaning he needs to rack up a good amount of damage before he can reliably have chances to score KOs. The best way to play Randall is utilize hit and run tactics, taking advantage of his great movement and attack speed to run in, do some damage, and retreat, trying to land his smash attacks once enough damage is done. Overall, if you can take advantage of Randall’s strengths enough to overcome his flaws, he can be a tricky fighter to face.

Standard Special - Door of Banishment

Randall summons a door that leads to the Himalayas that he opens for three seconds, which has frost and chills coming out that freezes/stuns anyone hit by it for five seconds. It has a higher frozen duration than most freezing attacks, but Randall is immobile as he holds the door open, leaving him vulnerable to attacks from those approaching him from the back of the door.

Side Special - 23-19!

Randall pulls out a sock and throws it forward, with it sticking to the first person it hits for ten seconds and dealing minor damage-over-time effects.

Up Special - Door Assist

A door suddenly appears and Randall grabs onto it as a pole raises the door up into the air to give Randall a large vertical boost. There’s no horizontal recovery here, but Randall’s good jumping and fast air speed will usually let him recover horizontally after the vertical boost fine.

Down Special - Sneaky Lizard

Randall turns himself invisible for ten seconds, looking clear and hard to see for his foes. To compensate for visibility, Randall’s endurance is decreased while he’s invisible.

Superstar Attack - Say Hello to the Scream Extractor

Randall pulls out a large box and captures anyone right next to him that it hits, taking them into a cinematic where they’re trapped in a small chamber with nowhere to run while the Scream Extractor approaches them and locks onto them, dealing 70 damage with a small burst of knockback upon exiting. This attack is unlikely to score KOs due to its low knockback, but it can very easily give Randall excellent killing opportunities due to its insane damage output.


Up Taunt - Randall sarcastically says “Uh-huh, sure.”

Side Taunt - Randall says “What are you doing?!?”

Down Taunt - Randall says “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Randall says “Nice working with ya!” sarcastically as he triumphantly poses.

Victory Animation 2: Randall says “You hear that? It’s the winds of change.”

Victory Animation 3: Randall crosses his arms in satisfaction at his victory.

Losing Animation: Randall growls and shakes his fists in anger.

Davy Jones:

Trophy Description:

The cold-hearted captain of the Flying Dutchman and enemy of Jack Sparrow. Davy Jones made a deal with Jack to resurrect his ship, the Black Pearl, in exchange to being a slave on his ship for a hundred years, and when that doesn’t work out, he tries to destroy Jack and his affiliations with the powerful Kraken. Davy Jones can summon a black spot on his enemies to increase the pain they’ll take from him, and his claw hand grants him very damaging pummels.

General Information:

Of the three Pirates of the Caribbean characters, Davy Jones is the one who has the most pronounced advantages and disadvantages, being the strongest of the three, the only one of them who is a heavyweight, and having better recovery than Jack and Barbossa, but he’s also the slowest of the three and is the only one who lacks a proper projectiles, decreasing his opportunities for attacking from a distance. Davy Jones has good attack stats, typically dealing good damage with his moves, and he’s notable for having the most damaging pummel in the game thanks to his claw hand. Davy Jones is also one of three characters, with the other two being Maleficent and the Evil Queen, who can place curses onto opponents. Opponents who are cursed remain that way until either they or the character who cursed them loses a stock, and they both will have less attack power against the foe who cursed them, and will take more damage and knockback from that same foe. Of the three, Davy Jones places the least emphasis on cursing opponents, only being able to do so with his down special, and unlike the other two, his curses don’t last until either he or an opponent lose a stock, with the curse duration on his foes depending on how much damage they’ve taken and how many stocks they have upon being cursed. Thankfully, the duration of his curses are still fairly lengthy. Davy Jones can summon a wave that creates a small flood that reduces the movement speed and jumping power of those who enter it, and his teleporting recovery is decent, though still not among the better half of recoveries. For KO power, Davy Jones’s best options are his smash attacks, forward air, and his most powerful tool, the dead man’s chest, which he summons with his standard special. The dead man’s chest initially does nothing, though Davy Jones and his opponents can pick up and throw it, though it is very impractical to do as all but three of the game’s characters will move extremely slowly and can’t jump while carrying it. However, the chest can be damaged, and once the chest has taken enough damage, it will explode and create a massive explosion that has excellent KO potential, and against cursed opponents, has potential to one-hit KO depending on the character’s weight and the size of the stage they’re fighting on. The chest doesn’t go down quickly, as it will take a lot of damage before it’s destroyed, and Davy Jones can be hurt by the explosion, so he needs to be careful to stay away from it when it’s close to exploding. Davy Jones’s primary flaws were brought up earlier, with those being poor agility (having low running and air speed, and high falling speed) and a lack of a proper projectile, with his ability to throw the chest being the only thing he has that comes close to one, which as mentioned, is impractical albeit powerful, and doesn’t travel very far. Overall, Davy Jones is a powerful fighter, especially on opponents he cursed, and the dead man’s chest is a great move he brings along with him to add some chaos to the fight.

Standard Special - Dead Man’s Chest

Davy Jones summons the Dead Man’s Chest, which stays in battle until it is either destroyed or Davy Jones loses a stock. The chest can be picked up and thrown (which is a great KO move), though any character who doesn’t have the ability to cargo throw (which is everyone but Baloo, Little John, and Willie the Giant) will move extremely slowly and can’t jump while carrying it. Its greatest power is revealed when enough damage is done to it to destroy it, which creates a massive explosion that can KO most characters at damages as low as 20%. The catch is, the amount of damage needed to destroy it is a lot, and Davy Jones isn’t immune to the attack’s power, as his heart is inside. This can be a strategic move as Davy Jones can attack the chest to get it closer to exploding, but risk that he gets caught in the explosion, especially since he lacks projectiles to attack it safely from a distance.

Side Special - Waters, Arise!

Davy Jones summons a wave that creates a small flood in an area of the battlefield, being more effective on smaller stages. The impact of the wave does decent damage with low knockback, and an area that is flooded stays that way for ten seconds. Those who walk through the flood will move slower and have a harder time jumping. Davy Jones is immune to the flood’s negative effects, though the water can’t damage the dead man’s chest.

Up Special - Surprising Teleport

Davy Jones vanishes and reappears a distance away from where he is standing, depending on where the control stick is aiming upon the move’s start-up. The impact of him reappearing does good damage and decent knockback, and recovery-wise, it’s decent, but plenty of characters can recover better.

Down Special - Debt to Davy Jones

Davy Jones summons a black spot right in front of him, which stays there for a few seconds. If someone touches the black spot, that opponent will be cursed for a period of time, depending on how much damage and stocks they have when cursed (with the more damage taken and more stocks they have increasing the curse’s duration). Cursed enemies will take more damage from Davy Jones’ attacks and do less damage to him as well. The curse will go away if the time period the curse lasts for runs out or either the cursed opponent or Davy Jones loses a stock. If Davy Jones damages an opponent he has already cursed with this move, they will be stunned for three seconds.

Superstar Attack - Unleash the Kraken

Davy Jones summons the powerful Kraken, who’s so big only its tentacles can be seen. The Kraken stays on-screen for 15 seconds and will slam down random tentacles on the stage to hurt its opponents. The tentacles are huge, seriously powerful, and can KO at very low percentages, but they are also pretty slow and can be avoided with well-timed dodges. Davy Jones can’t be hurt by the Kraken.


Up Taunt - Davy Jones pulls out the key to the dead man’s chest with his tentacle-beard, and briefly shakes it before putting it away.

Side Taunt - Davy Jones says “So, are you willing to settle your debt?”

Down Taunt - Davy Jones menacingly growls.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Davy Jones says “AH, but they DO tell tales. So says I, Davy Jones…”

Victory Animation 2: Davy Jones says “Life is cruel. Why should the afterlife be any different?”

Victory Animation 3: Davy Jones is shown playing his organ with his back to the camera, and he then turns around in a triumphant and sinister manner.

Losing Animation: Davy Jones menacingly points his claw hand at the winner to signal that he wants revenge.

Winifred Sanderson:

Trophy Description:

A villainous 300-year-old witch who was revived by a teenager named Max lighting the Black Flame Candle, along with her sisters, Mary and Sarah. The smartest and most powerful of the three, Winifred and her sisters intend to drain the life force out of a bunch of kids to keep themselves young forever. Despite her silliness, Winifred is a dangerous adversary, and uses her life-draining potions and lightning generation to wreak havoc.

General Information:

Winifred Sanderson is in the upper half of the middleweight fighters weight-wise, and though her advantages and disadvantages in these attributes aren’t as pronounced as most fighters in this archetype, she generally falls into the category of characters best described as a “mighty glacier”, being one who prioritizes power over speed. Winifred’s attacks generally do good damage, and she has powerful throws, great smash attacks, and a powerful standard special with solid KO power. Winifred has a projectile attack that allows her to temporarily apply negative effects to those hit, and she can also capture and store projectiles with her spellbook. Winifred also has solid recovery with her broomstick, which travels quickly in the air. However, as mentioned earlier, Winifred’s above average strength also equals out to her having below average speed. Winifred’s agility stats are unimpressive, having below average running speed, low air speed, and above average falling speed, and a lot of her attacks that possess good KO potential tend to be on the slower side. Winifred’s aerial attacks also tend to be laggy without being particularly strong. In general, while Winifred definitely has her strengths and weaknesses and isn’t balanced enough to be considered a well-rounded fighter, her advantages and disadvantages, while notable, tend to not be crippling or super amazing, making her a good choice for those who want to use a stronger, but slower character who isn’t too punishing for those who are unable to overcome her flaws.

Standard Special - Perilous Zap

Winifred shoots lightning out of her hands, which reach a short distance in front of her. If an opponent touches the lightning, Winifred will trap them inside an electric ball that she raises into the air and slams down on the ground, launching enemies away. This is easily Winifred’s most powerful special move and possesses good KO potential.

Side Special - Soul Stealer

Winifred throws a life-draining potion a distance in front of her, and those who hit it take mild damage, have their attack power slightly reduced for ten seconds, and have their controls reversed for five seconds.

Up Special - Flying Broomstick

Winifred pulls out a broomstick and uses it to fly around in any direction she chooses for three seconds. This move functions the same as another fellow witch’s up special, namely Madam Mim, though Winifred’s version is slightly more powerful as an attack but slightly weaker as a recovery option, though it is effective enough.

Down Special - Sneaky Spellbook

Winifred pulls out and opens her spellbook, which allows her to capture a projectile that would have hit her otherwise. She can only have one projectile stored at a time, and inputting this move again with a projectile stored will have Winifred use the projectile.

Superstar Attack - Witchy Vacuum

Winifred summons her sisters, Mary and Sarah, onto the stage to help her, and Winifred throws a potion onto the vacuum cleaner Mary rides into the scene on, causing it to grow to a giant size. Sarah then sings a hypnotic melody to lure the opponents towards the vacuum cleaner, which is emitting a wind that is trying to attract people towards it. Those who get sucked inside the vacuum take repeated damage for the move’s duration (ten seconds), and if anyone has 100 damage or more upon entering the vacuum or when inside it, they will be instantly KO’d. Winifred is unaffected by all the chaos going on, and her primary strategy should be to knock her foes towards the vacuum.


Up Taunt - Winifred says “What would Mother say if she could see me like this?”

Side Taunt - Winifred says “Come to me, children!”

Down Taunt - Winifred yells “You idiot!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Winifred does a short dance, waving her arm around in triumph.

Victory Animation 2: Winifred says “Oh, look! Another glorious morning… it makes me sick!”

Victory Animation 3: Winifred walks into the scene laughing maniacally and says “I’m home!”

Losing Animation: Winifred panics as she gets turned into a statue.

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Can I see Mike, Sully, and Boo please.

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For today’s batch of movesets, we’re starting to approach the end of the roster with five more characters on here and only ten more characters remaining. I’ll be covering the requests for Mike and Sulley, and will wrap up the remaining Pixar characters with the movesets for Jessie, Carl, and 22.


Trophy Description:

A one-eyed monster who is the assistant and best friend of Monsters Incorporated’s top scarer, James P. Sullivan. Unlike Sulley, Mike isn’t known for being very scary, but he does know comedy and is a very funny monster (or at least, he thinks he is). Mike is a fairly balanced middleweight character who utilizes special weapons such as scream canisters and whacking sticks at his disposal. After seeing that Superstar Attack, maybe he is sort of scary after all…

General Information:

Of the three Monsters Inc. characters, Mike is easily the most well-rounded, not really possessing any significant advantages or disadvantages, and he is a good compromise between the strengths and weaknesses found with both Sulley and Randall. Mike is on the heavier end of the middleweight characters, while also being fairly short for his weight, giving him the least susceptibility to combos of the three monsters, and lower vulnerability to KOs than Randall, who is both lighter and taller than him. Mike’s speed and power lies between the two as well, being slower than Randall but faster than Sulley, as well as weaker than Sulley but stronger than Randall. Mike has average agility stats, having average running speed and above average air and falling speed, and he has decent options for both racking up damage and scoring KOs, but not crazy powerful options like Sulley has. Mike’s dash attack, in which he rolls his body on the ground like a bowling ball, is above average power-wise for a dash attack while covering good distance, and his smash attacks have satisfactory KO power without being too slow. For his special moves, Mike can release burps that have a damaging aftermath and a strong sweetspot, has a powerful albeit somewhat slow projectile attack, and a close-range ground whack that deals good damage. Mike’s up special isn’t too strong of a recovery tool, but it’s definitely nowhere near the worst recovery, and Mike has pretty good jumping power to help compensate for it not being great. As mentioned earlier, Mike’s moveset doesn’t have anything among the best in it, but he is able to perform competently in the key areas you would want a fighter to be good in, making him a great character for beginners to use to get used to the game, while still remaining fun to play as and being able to perform well with more advanced players.

Standard Special – Big Belch

Mike lets out a burp, which has an aftermath that stays behind for a few seconds and damages opponents. The burp can only do knockback to opponents that are right next to Mike when he does it, and the knockback is decent, but the burp’s range is short.

Side Special - Canister Throw

Mike throws a scream canister a short distance in front of him. It’s a bit slower than most projectiles due to the object’s weight, but at the same time, it is also a bit stronger than most that don’t require charging, and does have decent KO potential.

Up Special - Scary Jump

Mike panics and jumps high into the air. It’s not a particularly strong recovery and it only does mild damage and knockback, but thankfully, Mike’s normal jumps are pretty high, which is generally good enough to make up for it not being anything special.

Down Special - Where’s the Kid?

Mike whacks the ground in front of him with a stick with a human kid’s face on it, damaging anyone near the impact. It does the most damage of Mike’s special moves, but the knockback isn’t as good as the standard and side specials.

Superstar Attack - Not Listening!

Upon activation, Mike sends anyone who is very close to him into a cinematic in the Himalayas where he proceeds to beat up any opponents he brings with him to the snowy environment. The attack’s activation range is pretty small, but the KO power is very good, typically scoring KOs on opponents entering in who have at least 30 damage.


Up Taunt - Mike slaps his eyelid against his eye and screams in pain.

Side Taunt - Mike says “Less talk, more pain!”

Down Taunt - Mike says “You know, that wasn’t very funny.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Mike burps a microphone out of his mouth and makes a triumphant pose.

Victory Animation 2: Mike says “Next time, if you’re going to threaten me, please do it properly.”

Victory Animation 3: Mike does a little dance. If Randall is present, Mike will say as he dances “Too bad, lizard boy! I beat you!”

Losing Animation: Mike applauds.

Sulley and Boo:

Trophy Description:

James P. “Sulley” Sullivan is the top scarer at Monsters Incorporated, where he scares human children for their screams to produce energy for Monstropolis. When a little girl named Boo sneaks into the monster world, Sulley and his best friend Mike have to sneak Boo back to her world without being caught messing with a human. Sulley is a true heavyweight with predictable stats, and Boo helps cheer him on and boost his poor agility.

General Information:

As you’d probably expect from the big size difference between the two, Sulley is the character doing the vast majority of the fighting, with Boo really only being used for one move that ties into the duo’s central mechanic. Sulley is a character who is all about durability and power, being the third heaviest character in the game, only losing to Willie the Giant and Elliott in weight, and being in the top tier of characters from an attack power perspective. Many of Sulley’s attacks possess some sort of KO potential, with his smash attacks, standard special, up air, and dash attack being particularly powerful, and with his amazing weight, he can take a lot of punishment before getting KO’d. However, despite Sulley’s big advantages, he has some big disadvantages as well. Sulley is among one of the slowest characters in the game, as, outside of falling incredibly quickly, his running speed and air speed are both among the lowest there are. However, the duo’s central mechanic, that being Boo’s happiness meter, can be used to improve Sulley’s agility. This meter starts at 0 for each stock, but as Sulley performs well or if Sulley’s down special is used, Boo will get happy and the meter will go up, with Sulley’s speed increasing the higher it is. Keep in mind that even at its highest, Sulley’s speed will still be fairly poor, but he won’t be among the slowest in the game at that point and will just be slow, so trying to keep this meter as high as possible is important. Sulley also doesn’t have any projectile attacks, meaning he will have to fight up close. His recovery is also fairly weak, and him being a large character makes him susceptible to combos. Overall, while Sulley can struggle against those who can take advantage of his weaknesses, when he’s able to land hits, those opponents will feel how much his attacks hurt, and Sulley will hang in there for a while due to his weight.

Standard Special - Tail Strike

Sulley whacks his tail at enemies directly surrounding him. The move is slow and short-ranged, but very powerful.

Side Special - Sled Dash

Sulley summons a sled and dashes forward in it for a short distance. It’s very powerful for a dashing move and has some KO potential, but it’s also not very fast for a move of its kind.

Up Special - Monstrous Uppercut

Sulley hops into the air performing an uppercut attack. The attack is decently strong, but it covers practically no horizontal distance, and the vertical distance recovered is fairly weak.

Down Special - Friendly Cheer

Boo laughs and boosts up her happiness meter by Sulley’s icon. Boo’s happiness meter goes up whenever this move is used and when Sulley is performing well, and it goes down when Sulley is performing poorly. The higher the meter is will give Sulley increased agility, which is very important since it’s so poor. Granted, even with this meter at its highest, Sulley will still remain a slow character, but every little bit helps, so try to keep this meter as high as possible.

Superstar Attack - Top Scarer

Sulley lets out a massive roar that creates fast-traveling soundwaves that deal massive damage to anyone in their path. These shockwaves can easily rack up someone’s damage from low to high in an instant. Knockback-wise, it’s pretty weak and probably won’t KO you unless your damage is critical going into it, but the insane damage output more than makes up for it.


Up Taunt - Boo says “Mike Wazowski!”

Side Taunt - Sulley cracks his knuckles and says “Slumber party.”

Down Taunt - Sulley says “Give it a rest, will ya?”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Sulley throws Boo into the air, catches her, and the two hug.

Victory Animation 2: Sulley signs an autograph for a CDA member.

Victory Animation 3: Sulley feeds Boo some cereal.

Losing Animation: Sulley applauds while Boo waves her arms around.


Trophy Description:

A cowgirl who is part of the show, Woody’s Roundup, Jessie is a friend to all critters and loves to yodel. After being forgotten and given away by her owner once they grew up, she landed in the hands of Al, where she eventually met Woody and came with him to be part of Andy’s toys. Jessie can use her yodeling skills to stun opponents and has powerful kicking attacks. She can also summon little critters to aid her in combat.

General Information:

Similar to Woody, Jessie is a well-rounded character, but of the two, her advantages and disadvantages are slightly more pronounced. The two weigh about the same, being middleweight characters, and their agility stats are fairly similar, sharing the same above average falling speed, with Jessie being slightly faster on the ground and slightly slower in the air than Woody, being around average in both categories. In terms of attack power, Jessie’s moves typically are stronger than Woody’s, having more powerful smash attacks, high-damaging aerial attacks, and a powerful up special, though Woody’s throws and most of his special moves tend to be stronger than Jessie’s. Jessie’s up special and side special work great for recovering vertically and horizontally, respectively, and her down special allows her to summon critters that travel away from her and drag and damage those they come across, giving her a tool to attack from a distance. Jessie’s most high-risk, high-reward attack is her standard special, in which she becomes immobile and lets out a short-ranged yodel. While it does no knockback and little damage, and has some starting and ending lag, its big advantage is that if the yodel hits someone, it stuns them for five seconds, which is a lengthy duration compared to how long most stun attacks last. Landing this gives Jessie a fairly easy opportunity to land a powerful attack, though at the same time, her immobility as she yodels makes her immune to the same thing happening to her, so she must use this move wisely. In general, Jessie doesn’t possess any severe flaws, and she is a fairly easy character to pick and use, while having an interesting high-risk, high-reward tool with her yodel attack.

Standard Special - Yodeling Cowgirl

Jessie lets out a short-ranged yodel, rendering her immobile, but stunning anyone hit for five seconds. This gives Jessie enough time to potentially land a strong attack on a stunned opponent, but the yodel’s small range and her immobility can make it tough to land, though quite rewarding if successful.

Side Special - Racecar Skates

Jessie dashes forward quickly, with a pair of tiny racecar toys attached to her feet that grant her incredible speed. Compared to most dash moves like this, this one moves very quickly, and can help Jessie recover horizontally, but the damage and knockback are fairly weak.

Up Special - Big Leap

Jessie jumps very high into the air, and then comes travelling back down in a slight diagonal movement, with anyone who hits her boots taking good damage and knockback. While a solid attack and possessing great vertical recovery, the fact that Jessie immediately comes back down quickly after reaching her maximum height can make it tough to properly recover with, since the horizontal recovery is poor.

Down Special - Woodland Critters

Jessie summons a trio of critters, who dash forward to try and hit opponents. Those hit by them get dragged along with the critters as they complete their short travel, taking damage and receiving mild knockback. This can be a helpful tool for Jessie to use to rack up damage and attack safely from a distance.

Superstar Attack - Sonic Yodel

Jessie becomes invincible and lets out a massive yodel, which releases a massive sound wave that can be aimed around to try and damage opponents. Compared to most Superstar Attacks, you won’t be using this move specifically to KO opponents, as it doesn’t do any knockback. However, the damage output of getting hit by the sound wave as it moves around is tremendous, which allows Jessie to quickly bring her foes’ damage outputs to very high levels so she can finish them off easily once the attack is over.


Up Taunt - Jessie hops into the air while taking her hat off, and puts it back on once she lands.

Side Taunt - Jessie says “Just wait until I get more help!”

Down Taunt - Jessie says “Yee-haw!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Jessie yells “YEE-HAW!” and triumphantly dances.

Victory Animation 2: Jessie says “Jessie never leaves a critter behind.” as a group of critters surround her.

Victory Animation 3: Jessie says “Now I’ll never have to go back into storage!”

Losing Animation: Jessie applauds.


Trophy Description:

An old man who is determined to make his way to Paradise Falls in South America to fulfill a lifelong dream he had planned to accomplish with his deceased wife, Ellie. After traveling there in his house by balloons and discovering too late that a boy named Russell is on-board, Carl and Russell end up winding themselves into misadventures as they try to reach Paradise Falls. Carl can use his walker as a melee attack and projectile attack and can summon Dug to help hinder his foes.

General Information:

Carl is a difficult character to categorize into a specific archetype, as his statistics are a bit all over the place. Carl is a middleweight with a great recovery tool in his up special, but due to how old he is, his agility stats are poor, with low running and air speed, average at best falling speed, and poor jumping power. Carl’s attack speed also tends to not be the quickest, though he has some solid tools for scoring KOs and racking up damage, and his special moves also give him good tactics for controlling the stage. Carl carries his walker on him at all times, which he can use as a powerful melee weapon with his smash attacks, or throw one of the balls on it as a projectile attack. Carl can also summon a leaf blower to keep opponents and projectiles away from him, and he can also summon Dug to give him a hand in battle, dealing good damage and potentially being able to KO high-damaged opponents. As such, when Carl is utilized properly, he can score KOs without too much difficulty and can easily make it so it’s easy to get hit by his attacks thanks to his good stage control, but his weak agility also balances him out, giving him a good mix of advantages and disadvantages to keep in mind when using him. Those who can take advantage of Carl’s strengths will likely be able to do well with him.

Standard Special - Leaf Blower

Carl pulls out a leaf blower and turns it on, which has a wind effect that moves people away from him. The move only does damage to those directly next to him when he uses it, but the damage dealt is good, and it severely slows down the speed of projectiles that are approaching Carl.

Side Special - Atypical Ball

Carl pulls off one of the balls on his walker and throws it as if it were a tennis ball. The ball is thrown far and does reasonable damage, but it can’t be spammed as much as some projectiles due to it having some starting lag.

Up Special - Up With the Balloons

Carl holds onto some balloons that carry him into the air vertically, and the player can move the control stick in the direction they want Carl to move horizontally. Considering Carl’s low mobility and jumping power, this recovery is very solid. The balloons do not do any damage, but they can push opponents they touch away.

Down Special - Help from Dug

Carl summons Dug, who proceeds to roam around the stage for 20 seconds in random movements and will attack anyone that comes near him. Dug does decent damage and knockback, and can potentially KO at higher percentages, though he can’t go in the air. After this move is used, Carl must wait ten seconds before he can summon Dug again.

Superstar Attack - Heavy Landing

Carl’s house, supported by hundreds of balloons, slowly descends towards the stage, with balloons popping as the house approaches, slightly increasing its falling speed. As the house descends, various objects and furniture fall out of the house, acting as obstacles for opponents to dodge, which do good damage and knockback. When the house is nearing the ground, all the balloons will pop and it will come crashing down, crushing and instantly KO’ing anyone caught underneath it, and it will then go away. Carl can’t be hurt by the house or its contents, and it’s recommended for him to try to launch opponents right under the house to increase the chances that they will get crushed by it.


Up Taunt - Carl rubs his face in an annoyed manner and groans.

Side Taunt - Carl pulls out a picture of Ellie, happily looks at it, and puts it away.

Down Taunt - Carl yells “Hey, you! What do you think you’re doing?”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Carl cracks his back, but is able to move around and get it to go away, sighing in relief.

Victory Animation 2: Dug tackles Carl and licks him, which Carl is initially annoyed by but does end up smiling as he begs him to stop.

Victory Animation 3: Carl looks at a picture of Ellie, and says “Don’t worry Ellie, my new adventure is only just beginning.”

Losing Animation: Carl applauds.


Trophy Description:

A trouble-making, cynical soul who actively wants to do everything she can to stay in the Great Beyond and not head to Earth, not having a spark or passion for any activity. When she is reluctantly brought to Earth inside the body of her mentor, Joe, she experiences the wonders of life and finds out how great the joy of living can be. 22’s special moves implements activities she has tried from the Hall of Everything, including throwing soccer balls and flammable flasks.

General Information:

22 is the newest-made of the game’s base roster of 144 characters, and most closely fits the “glass cannon” archetype of character in prioritizing offensive tactics over defensive tactics. 22 has solid agility stats, having above average running speed, high air speed, and very low falling speed, and her recovery is quite versatile with her side special working as a tether recovery and her up special serving as an effective way to teleport her through the air. 22 also generally does decent damage with many of her attacks, and has solid KO power as well with powerful smash attacks and a strong forward air. Most of 22’s special moves allow her to fight from a distance, with her soccer ball having decent KO potential and her chemical in a beaker creating a damaging fire that helps eat up a small portion of the stage. However, 22 has one big weakness, which is the fact that she is not only a lightweight character, but among the ten lightest characters in the game. As such, her ability to take punishing attacks is not very good and she can get KO’d more easily than most of the cast. Additionally, many of 22’s attacks tend to have either poor range or some starting and/or ending lag, making it so she can be left vulnerable while trying to execute a number of her attacks. Overall, 22 is a good fighter if you’re able to work around her poor defense, with plenty of effective attacks that can cause mayhem in the battlefield.

Standard Special - Get Your Kicks

22 throws a soccer ball into the air and hits it with her head, sending it flying a distance in front of her. It does good damage and knockback to those it hits but is slightly slow to start.

Side Special - Reel Them In

22 pulls out a fishing rod and reels it a long distance from her, allowing her to grab opponents or items from a far range and drag them close to her. This can also be used as a tether recovery to grab onto ledges.

Up Special - Badge Warp

22 pulls her badge off her body and throws it into the air, where the player can aim where she throws it. After it reaches where it was thrown, 22 is forcibly warped to the badge’s location, doing decent damage and knockback to those hit and serving as her primary tool for recovery.

Down Special - Flammable Flask

22 pulls out a beaker that is loaded with a corrosive chemical and throws it a short distance in front of her. It does decent damage and low knockback to those hit, and once it lands on the ground, the chemical creates a fire that stays there for ten seconds, doing good damage to those who touch it and inflicting damage-over-time effects on damaged foes for five seconds.

Superstar Attack - Lost Souls

Two lost souls, which are large creatures with skinny long arms, slowly saunter around the stage. If one spots an opponent, they will charge towards them and try to grab them. Hitting a charging lost soul does a lot of knockback, and once grabbed, the lost soul will pummel their victim and launch them, which does less (though still solid) knockback, but does significant damage. The attack lasts for 15 seconds and 22 can’t be hurt by the lost souls.


Up Taunt - 22 tauntingly says “You really are a good shrink, buddy.”

Side Taunt - 22 pulls out a match and burns her badge, which immediately respawns on her, much to her chagrin.

Down Taunt - 22 says “How about you zip it for a minute, okay?”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: 22 says “I’m the winner… meh.”

Victory Animation 2: 22 changes her voice to mimic the announcer’s voice and says “I can sound like this if I really want to.”

Victory Animation 3: 22 does a breakdance.

Losing Animation: 22 applauds.

Now that I’m only down to ten characters remaining, this post will cover five of the remaining characters and my next post should have the final five movesets. I decided to wrap up the remaining non-CGI characters with this post, which will have the movesets for Dumbo and Timothy, the Fairy Godmother, Vinny, Jack Sparrow, and Sally.

Dumbo and Timothy:

Trophy Description:

A baby elephant and his mouse friend who live at the circus with Dumbo’s mother, Mrs. Jumbo. Ridiculed by the other elephants for his abnormally large ears, Dumbo has a tough time being accepted into society until Timothy tells him that having big ears is nothing to be ashamed of, and his ears can act as wings and allow him to fly. Unsurprisingly, Dumbo’s recovery is excellent, and he can also shoot peanuts and bubbles from his trunk as effective projectile attacks.

General Information:

While Timothy hangs out in Dumbo’s hat, he doesn’t actually do any of the fighting, meaning Dumbo functions more like a solo fighter than most fighters who work together. Dumbo is small, but a little bit heavier than he may look, being on the heavier end of the lightweight characters. While Dumbo’s speed on the ground is below average, his air speed is very high and his falling speed is high as well. Unsurprisingly, given his ability to fly, Dumbo performs quite well in the air and has one of the best recoveries in the game, being one of a handful of characters who are able to glide after using their up special. Dumbo can shoot out peanuts from his trunk as a projectile attack, which come out very quickly and flinch those hit, and he has another projectile in which he can blow out bubbles that briefly trap opponents until they pop, with both of these working great to pressure opponents. For KO options, Dumbo’s strongest move is his down smash, in which he slaps both of his ears onto the ground, followed closely by his down special, which can also be executed quicker if done in the air. His other smash attacks and up special have reasonable KO power as well, and while Dumbo is not loaded with KO options, the ones he has work well. Dumbo’s biggest weaknesses are that he is a light character who can’t take a ton of punishment compared to most characters, and he is a little slow on the ground, though he is also quite fast in the air to make up for it. In general, Dumbo is a very solid character with all of his tools to rack up damage, his effective projectile attacks, and his amazing recovery, making him a worthwhile fighter for those who try to master him.

Standard Special - Peanut Projectiles

Dumbo shoots peanuts out of his trunk, shooting two at a time with each input of the move. The move does little damage and only makes an opponent flinch, but with how spammable the move is, it can be an effective tool to rack up damage for KOs.

Side Special - Big Bubble

Dumbo blows a large bubble out of his trunk, which can trap opponents inside for a second or two before it pops, while taking mild damage. If an opponent is trapped in a bubble while in the air, their falling speed when popped out will be higher than normal, though they can still recover if they’re quick enough.

Up Special - Flying Elephant

Dumbo does a big loop to gain altitude and can slowly glide in the air using his big ears. The loop gives him great vertical height, and his fast air speed combined with the glide slowing his fall speed down significantly makes his recovery one of the strongest in the game. The loop can damage opponents hit by it and can potentially KO opponents at higher percentages.

Down Special - Power Dive

Dumbo hops into the air, and slams back down. This is Dumbo’s most powerful non-smash attack and has good KO potential, but it is a little slow to start, especially on the ground. In the air, the move is executed quicker since Dumbo doesn’t have to hop to get into place for the attack.

Superstar Attack - Pink Elephants on Parade

Upon activation, a bunch of pink elephants mysteriously appear in the battlefield and start roaming around at various speeds in any sort of direction (including being able to walk in the air without falling). The elephants mostly just walk around, though occasionally, they may don skates and perform a quick dash, which is stronger than touching them normally. The pink elephants are fairly powerful, though if your damage isn’t high, surviving getting hit by one or two is likely. Dumbo can’t be harmed by the pink elephants, and the attack lasts for 15 seconds.


Up Taunt - Dumbo hiccups.

Side Taunt - Dumbo cheerfully waves his ears.

Down Taunt - Timothy says “Now… concentrate!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Timothy says “Great job, Dumbo! Have a peanut!”, as he pulls a peanut out of his hat and feeds it to Dumbo.

Victory Animation 2: Dumbo flies onto the scene and lands, while Timothy jumps up and down in Dumbo’s hat.

Victory Animation 3: Timothy says “Dumbo, you’re a success! A headliner!”

Losing Animation: Timothy applauds while Dumbo happily waves his ears.

Fairy Godmother:

Trophy Description:

Cinderella’s Fairy Godmother who comes to her at her lowest point after her stepfamily has ruined her chances of attending the royal ball. Transforming a pumpkin into a carriage and Cinderella’s rags into an elegant ball-gown, her magic isn’t to be taken lightly, though she unfortunately can’t have her magic be permanent. Almost all of the Fairy Godmother’s attacks involve her wand in some way, with it using its magic to support her and help defeat her enemies.

General Information:

As you’d probably expect, the Fairy Godmother places a heavy emphasis on using her magical abilities in battle, giving her a variety of tools she can take advantage of to succeed. The Fairy Godmother is the heaviest middleweight fighter in the game, having above average weight, and has solid tools for both racking up damage and scoring KOs. Her jab combo with her wand does a great job at locking foes into place, and her smash attacks and side and up specials are all good KO options. The Fairy Godmother’s recovery is good, she can throw a pumpkin as a projectile that has potential to score KOs at higher percentages, and she is one of a handful of characters who can turn themselves invisible without the help of outside items, making her harder to see temporarily at the cost of lowering her weight. The Fairy Godmother also has an interesting standard special in which she shoots out a burst of magic from her wand that travels away from her. When it hits an opponent and damages them and travels through them, and when someone is hit they will either experience one of a few negative effects at random or the Fairy Godmother can potentially heal herself for a small amount of damage she has, with the severity of these effects depending on how many people she manages to hit with one use of the move. However, the Fairy Godmother is not flawless, and her lesser traits must be kept in mind when using her. Her agility is not the greatest, being slow on the ground, fast when falling, and having average speed in the air. Additionally, while her standard special is a great and unpredictable tool, its unpredictability also makes it so you can’t always get the result that would benefit you most at the moment, since all results have an equal chance to appear and it’s completely random which one will occur. Overall, the Fairy Godmother is quite an effective fighter who can easily cause chaos and trouble for her opponents with her magic, and is a good choice for those who are interested in using her.

Standard Special - Wave of the Wand

The Fairy Godmother shoots out magic from her wand that does mild damage to those it hits, travels through opponents, and will randomly provide a buff for her or a downside for her opponents when someone touches it. What can happen includes the Fairy Godmother healing some damage she has (which increases for each person she hits), her stunning someone in place for two seconds, her decreasing an opponent’s movement speed temporarily, her decreasing an opponent’s attack speed temporarily, or her reversing a foe’s controls. All of these effects have an equal chance to appear, and all foes hit by the same magic will experience the same effect.

Side Special - Conjured Pumpkin

The Fairy Godmother conjures up a pumpkin and uses her wand to throw it a distance in front of her, serving as a fairly powerful projectile attack that can potentially KO at higher percentages.

Up Special - Magical Teleport

The Fairy Godmother teleports herself into whatever direction the player’s control stick is directed towards, doing decent damage and knockback to those she hits when she reappears, and functioning as an effective recovery move.

Down Special - Fairy’s Stealth

The Fairy Godmother turns herself invisible for ten seconds, looking clear and hard to see for her foes. To compensate for visibility, her endurance is decreased while she’s invisible.

Superstar Attack - Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo

The Fairy Godmother conjures a pumpkin and uses her magic to transform the pumpkin into a coach, which speeds across the stage once at incredible speeds and hurts those that touch it. The coach does solid damage and great knockback, generally scoring KOs on those who got hit by it at 40-45 damage or higher, though it only dashes across the stage once, so make the best of it while this attack is available.


Up Taunt - The Fairy Godmother does a small jig as she waves her wand around.

Side Taunt - The Fairy Godmother says “Gracious, what did I do?”

Down Taunt - The Fairy Godmother chuckles and says “Oh, come now.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: The Fairy Godmother says, “Where is that wand?” while trying to find it, and then she summons it out of nowhere.

Victory Animation 2: The Fairy Godmother says “Good heavens, child. You shouldn’t have done that to me.”

Victory Animation 3: The Fairy Godmother waves with her hand that’s holding her wand and disappears.

Losing Animation: The Fairy Godmother applauds.


Trophy Description:

An Italian man who is a crew member on the team leading the expedition to Atlantis. Always willing to deliver deadpan wisecracks, Vinny is the team’s demolition expert, and loves to use his tools to create explosions. Naturally, Vinny’s playstyle relies heavily on tossing his dynamite around the battlefield, which can function as an item, or he can use matches or a detonator to blow up the dynamite and create damaging explosions.

General Information:

Vinny is a middleweight fighter whose primary specialties are in stage control, which is accomplished through the use of his other specialty, his strong collection of special moves. Outside of his up special, Vinny’s special moves synergize well together, with his standard special functioning as the heart of his gameplay, which can be followed up by his side special or down special for increased effectiveness. Vinny’s standard special allows him to throw out an unlit stick of dynamite, which, while weak at first, allows him to attack from a distance, he can have five of them out at a time, and is best followed up with his side or down special to turn it into a powerful attack. Vinny’s side special, in which he throws a lit match, allows him to light up dynamite, causing it to explode a second later, with the explosions possessing good KO potential. Vinny’s down special fills a similar purpose, with him using a TNT detonator to lit up dynamite, but it allows him to light up all the dynamite on the stage, at the cost of being stationary when using it, as opposed to his side special which only works on a single stick of dynamite. As such, if Vinny has a lot of dynamite out, he can easily create chaos. While unlit sticks of dynamite can be picked up and thrown by opponents at Vinny, he can still light up dynamite opponents are holding, guaranteeing they’ll get hurt, and since unlit sticks of dynamite are fairly weak, Vinny won’t be in too much trouble if he gets hit by one. However, Vinny does have some flaws to take into consideration. Vinny’s special attacks are great, but his normal attacks, while serviceable, generally don’t go beyond just that in effectiveness. Vinny’s agility is generally below average as well, having below average running speed, slow air speed, and above average falling speed. Vinny’s recovery also is somewhat weak, as his up special doesn’t give him tons of distance either vertically or horizontally. Overall, Vinny can easily pose a threat if he is allowed to get tons of dynamite out on the field and can cause them to explode regularly, which is furthered help by the fact that he can’t get hurt by the explosions, but he can struggle when off the stage and his heavy reliance on his special moves can make his gameplay somewhat predictable.

Standard Special - Demolitionist’s Dynamite

Vinny pulls out an unlit dynamite and throws it a short distance in front of him. Those hit by an unlit dynamite will take mild damage and be stopped in their tracks, and the dynamite will land on the ground once its travel ends. Dynamite that is on the ground can be picked up by any character and thrown again, though you may want to be careful picking it up if Vinny is about to use his down special. Unlit dynamite can explode by Vinny making contact with it with his side special, or if he uses his down special to blow up all dynamite on the stage. The explosions caused by the dynamite are powerful and have good KO potential, and Vinny can’t be hurt by the explosions, though he can get hurt by people throwing unlit dynamite at him. Vinny can have up to 5 sticks of dynamite out at a time, and each dynamite stays out for 10 seconds.

Side Special - Simple Match

Vinny pulls out a small match and throws it a short distance in front of him. Those hit by it take mild damage, are stopped in their tracks, and take brief damage-over-time effects for a few seconds. However, its primary use is to set off unlit dynamite on the ground, which Vinny can throw on to one to light it and cause it to explode a second later.

Up Special - Blasting Away

Vinny pulls out a lit dynamite that explodes and sends him flying away (don’t worry, the explosion doesn’t damage him). The attack does do good damage and knockback, giving it some KO potential, but recovery-wise, it’s fairly weak, giving Vinny one of the lesser recoveries in the game.

Down Special - TNT Detonator

A TNT detonator spawns in front of Vinny and he pulls the lever down, causing all dynamite on the battlefield to explode. The explosions are powerful, but dynamite needs to be on the battlefield to make it function, as if no dynamite is on the field, the move can still be used, but won’t do anything. The dynamite on the battlefield will explode one at a time, with it exploding them in order from closest to Vinny to farthest. If two pieces of dynamite are extremely close in distance to Vinny, then the one he put on the battlefield first will explode first.

Superstar Attack - Combustible Insects

A large structure appears on the top of the screen, and numerous fireflies fly out of it, roaming around the battlefield. The fireflies run into enemies, doing great damage with decent knockback, or can fall onto the ground and turn into a fire that does solid damage, on top of brief damage-over-time effects, to those who touch it. The KO potential isn’t as high as many Superstar Attacks, but the damage potential is very high to make up for it. The attack lasts for around 15 seconds and Vinny can’t be hurt by the fireflies or the fires they create.


Up Taunt - Vinny says “Boom! No more Chinese laundry.”

Side Taunt - Vinny says “Where’s my nitroglycerin?”

Down Taunt - Vinny says “Don’t do anything except pray, maybe.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Vinny says “See, I won? It only took me like, 10 seconds, 11 tops.”

Victory Animation 2: Vinny smiles and gives a taunting wave before standing triumphantly.

Victory Animation 3: Vinny says “Ok, now things are getting good.”

Losing Animation: Vinny applauds.

Jack Sparrow:

Trophy Description:

The captain of the Black Pearl, Jack Sparrow is a trickster pirate who loves to drink rum and use his charisma to get others to ally with him, which more often than not ends up landing him in trouble. After his ship is stolen by Hector Barbossa, Jack teams up with Will Turner to get it back. Jack Sparrow has a unique moveset compared to other swordfighters, relying on complex but damaging combos to pressure and conquer his opponents.

General Information:

Jack Sparrow generally falls into the well-rounded archetype of character, with most attributes he has being fairly balanced, being a middleweight fighter who has decent agility stats, having average running speed, and above average air and falling speed. While not a powerhouse of a character, Jack’s strength is above average, with plenty of moves that deal good damage and having a variety of good KO options, such as his smash attacks, his forward air, and the last cannonball thrown out by his side special. That aforementioned side special is also a great tool for Jack to attack from a distance, and his standard special is a unique combo in which Jack must input a series of buttons quickly in the correct order without taking damage in order to unleash a high-damaging sword thrust. Another great tool Jack possesses is his down special, in which he pulls out his compass and which direction it decides to face will give him a random buff for a period of time. Jack doesn’t have too many weaknesses, but one area he isn’t that good in is recovery, as his up special doesn’t give him too much distance, so he needs to be careful to avoid being sent off the stage too often. Also, while his down special is a great move, there is no way to guarantee you’ll get the buff that you would most want in the situation you’re in, though all four possibilities have an equal chance to appear. Overall, Jack Sparrow is a very solid fighter with effective attack opportunities, and as long as you’re able to work around his fairly weak recovery, he should perform well for you.

Standard Special - En Garde!

Jack gets his sword ready for a damaging thrust, in which the player must input four buttons in the correct order without getting hit in order to execute the attack. If it successfully lands, a great amount of damage is done, though there isn’t much knockback. Regardless, this is an excellent tool for Jack Sparrow to help rack up damage to score KOs.

Side Special - Cannonball Carnage

Jack spawns a cannon right in front of him, which stays out for five seconds and shoots a cannonball out every second. Each cannonball is more powerful than the previous one, with the first one being very weak and the last one doing decent damage and knockback.

Up Special - Slash the Sky

Jack hops into the air with his sword sticking out to damage anyone it hits. It isn’t the greatest recovery ever, especially horizontally, but this is the best option Jack has, so you’ll get used to using it.

Down Special - Compass of Fortune

Jack pulls his compass out, which will randomly give him a buff depending on which direction it faces. If facing north, the compass will buff Jack’s KO power for 15 seconds. If facing south, the compass will buff Jack’s damage for 15 seconds. If facing west, the compass will buff Jack’s movement speed for 15 seconds. If facing east, the compass will slowly heal Jack for 15 seconds. All four directions have an equal chance to pop up, and Jack can use this move every 30 seconds.

Superstar Attack - Rampaging Wheel

A giant water wheel rolls onto the stage, rolling around at random speeds and turning around if it approaches an edge or a wall. The wheel does great damage and knockback to those it hits, and getting hit by it more than once when it is out will likely result in a KO. Characters can also hop on top of the wheel and fight there, but they will have to keep moving to avoid being thrown off and standing on it deals damage-over-time effects. The wheel stays on the battlefield for 15 seconds and Jack Sparrow can’t be hurt by it.


Up Taunt - Jack Sparrow says “Where’s the rum gone?”

Side Taunt - Jack Sparrow says “I do that quite a lot.”

Down Taunt - Jack Sparrow looks at his compass and says “We have our heading.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Jack Sparrow says “You’ll always remember this as the day you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow.”

Victory Animation 2: Jack Sparrow sits in a chair holding some treasure and sings “Yo-ho! Yo-ho! A pirate’s life for me!”

Victory Animation 3: Jack Sparrow pulls out a bottle of rum, shakes it and realizes there’s nothing in it, and throws it aside.

Losing Animation: Jack Sparrow applauds.


Trophy Description:

A rag-doll created by Dr. Finkelstein as his personal servant, Sally is deeply in love with Jack Skellington, but fears he doesn’t reciprocate the same feelings. Well-versed in various ingredients and concoctions, Sally frequently uses her brews to put her master to sleep to sneak away from his overbearing clutches. Sally carries those ingredients in combat, which can harm her foes, and has the ability to unseam her arms and have them attack separate from her.

General Information:

Sally is a character who’s difficult to classify into a specific archetype, as a lot of her statistics tend to be all over the place. Sally is a middleweight fighter, albeit in the lighter half of them, and her agility stats are fairly weak, having fairly low running and air speed, and above average falling speed. Sally’s recovery is only average, and her aerial attacks tend to be laggy and weak. However, despite these flaws, Sally does have some solid advantages, which mainly relate to having good stage control tactics and great tools to help rack up damage. Most of Sally’s special moves allow her to spawn hazards on the stage for her opponents to avoid, such as clouds that damage those in them and can either make them impossible to see or take more damage from Sally’s attacks, and her ability to unseam her arms from her body, which crawl around the stage and uppercut those they make contact with. These arms have good KO power and travel quickly, though when they’re out, Sally can’t use most of her moves, so you must be careful when using it to where you wouldn’t be in trouble if they’re out and you can’t perform a specific action. Sally isn’t loaded with KO power, but it’s serviceable enough to get by, with the aforementioned unseamed arms and her forward smash being her best options, with her other smash attacks and the sweetspot on her up tilt being other effective tools. Overall, Sally has a fairly easy time crowding the stage with her hazards, and while her speed and defense aren’t the greatest, she can easily pose a threat if you make it hard for her opponents to avoid her special moves when synergized well together.

Standard Special - Frog’s Breath

Sally opens a jar of Frog’s Breath, which emits a decent-sized cloud that slowly moves around a small area. Those who enter the cloud will take repeated damage while in it and will also take 30% more damage from any of Sally’s attacks while in there. Sally can’t be hurt by the cloud, up to two clouds can be out at a time, and each cloud stays out for five seconds.

Side Special - Fog Juice

Sally opens a jar of Fog Juice, which creates a large cloud right in front of her that causes foes who go in there to be not visible and take repeated damage while in there. The cloud stays out for five seconds, and Sally won’t take damage from the cloud, though she won’t be visible in it like her opponents.

Up Special - The Mayor’s Lights

A group of bats carry the Mayor, who throws down a long string of lights for Sally to hold on to as she’s raised into the air, where the player can move them horizontally. It’s a fairly average recovery tool, not being especially helpful, but it’s definitely not one of the worst.

Down Special - Crawling Arms

Sally tears the seaming off both of her arms, which both run around the battlefield in opposite directions of where she’s standing and uppercut people they come across. The arms do good damage and possess good KO potential, but when this move is used, Sally can’t perform many of her attacks (including her up special), so it’s best used in less risky situations. The arms will re-seam themselves on Sally if this move is inputted again while it’s out or after ten seconds have passed.

Superstar Attack - Creepy Concoction

Upon activation, a cauldron spawns in front of Sally, who becomes invincible as she dumps various ingredients (most notably, Deadly Nightshade) into it. She then dumps the contents of the cauldron out onto the stage, which flood it and make those present in it take damage-over-time effects and periodically fall asleep for a few seconds. There isn’t any knockback present in this attack, but the constant damage-dealing with the likely chance of falling asleep give Sally (who is unaffected by all of it) great chances to score KOs.


Up Taunt - Sally says “This is worse than I thought, much worse.”

Side Taunt - Sally says “I’m restless. I can’t help it.”

Down Taunt - Sally pulls a flower out and plucks a few petals off.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Sally combs her hair, which then proceeds to blow in the wind as she stands triumphantly.

Victory Animation 2: Sally rests her arms on a tombstone and looks up at the sky with her back turned to the player.

Victory Animation 3: Sally sews a part of her arm that’s starting to come undone back into place and says “That’s better.”

Losing Animation: Sally applauds.

With all that out of the way, only five characters remain, and my next post should have the movesets for Calhoun, Kristoff, Hiro, Baymax, and Judy. My next goal is to further develop other modes of the game such as Classic Mode, Adventure/Story Mode, and so on. Also, I went ahead and did a ranking of all 162 characters in my game based on how much I like the character, and if people were interested in seeing it (or if people wanted to make their own on here), let me know if that sounds fun.

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And now I’ve finally reached the end of posting all of my movesets for my fan-made Disney fighting game on this thread. This post will cover the five remaining characters who have not had their movesets posted up to this point, which are Calhoun, Kristoff, Hiro, Baymax, and Judy.


Trophy Description:

A tough sergeant lady who instructs the player in the game, Hero’s Duty. Haunted by her past of her husband being killed by Cy-Bugs on their wedding day, she is determined to eliminate all of them and keep them from making their way into other games. Calhoun’s armor makes her jumping somewhat poor, but her powerful gun grants effective projectile capabilities, and she can use a hover-board to help her recovery.

General Information:

Calhoun is a fighter who specializes in controlling the stage with her special moves, as three of which allow her to summon tools to keep foes away from her and help litter the stage with her hazards. Calhoun’s standard special starts with her charging up her gun for an electric shot, which the player can either cancel at any time during the charge or let it fully charge for a few seconds. The next time the move is used, Calhoun will fire the shot, which travels far and quickly, and, if fully charged, is very powerful. Calhoun can also throw grenades out which explode shortly after they’re deployed, and can summon Cy-Bugs to roam around the stage and wreak havoc, which she can also explode with her standard special making contact with them. Calhoun’s smash attacks are also powerful, and her defensive capabilities are good with her being one of the heaviest middleweight fighters and having an up special that possesses exceptional horizontal recovery and acceptable vertical recovery. Calhoun has an easy time dealing damage, but the drawbacks with her are that she isn’t the fastest character ever due to her armor and her aerial gameplay is weak. Calhoun has average at best running speed, but her air speed when not on her hover-board is very poor and she falls quite quickly. Calhoun’s jumping power is also poor, and her aerial attacks tend to lack in both speed and strength. Overall, Calhoun is a solid fighter if you stick to what she does best, and as long as you can keep opponents from exploiting your flaws, you can definitely pose a good threat to your adversaries.

Standard Special - Electric Gunshot

Inputting this move has Calhoun start to charge up her gun for an electric shot, which can be cancelled at any time or will automatically cease when fully-charged after several seconds. Firing it again will have her release the shot, with its power depending on how long it is charged. The fully-charged shot is her most powerful attack and has great KO power, so it’s best to use it when least expected to maximize its effectiveness.

Side Special - Explosive Grenade

Calhoun throws a grenade a short distance in front of her, which explodes after three seconds. Those hit by it before it explodes only take mild damage and flinch, but the explosion does decent damage and knockback, so it’s best for foes to avoid it.

Up Special - Hover-Board

Calhoun’s hover-board appears underneath her and travels her a short diagonal distance into the air. Only the hover-board itself does damage, and not much at that, though it has great horizontal recovery and decent vertical lift.

Down Special - Sneaky Cy-Bug

A Cy-Bug egg spawns right in front of Calhoun, which hatches, and a Cy-Bug flies out, roaming around the battlefield for a few seconds. The Cy-Bug doesn’t do much damage on its own, but Calhoun can shoot the Cy-Bug with her standard special to cause it to explode, doing decent damage and knockback. However, Calhoun can be hurt by the Cy-Bug, so she should try to stay away from it.

Superstar Attack - Wrath of the Cy-Bugs

Calhoun becomes invincible as a bunch of Cy-Bug eggs spawn in the battlefield, which all hatch, and the Cy-Bugs go flying around everywhere. These Cy-Bugs are more powerful than the ones in her down special, and Calhoun can still shoot the Cy-Bugs to make them explode, with the explosions being stronger as well. An individual explosion likely won’t KO an opponent at low percentages, but with how many Cy-Bugs are present and Calhoun having an easy time creating the explosions, this Superstar Attack has pretty good KO potential. The attack lasts for 15 seconds, which ends once a large beam of light appears in the background and the Cy-Bugs all get attracted to it.


Up Taunt - Calhoun puts her helmet on. She can continue to fight like this but it offers no gameplay differences. Up taunt again and Calhoun will take it off.

Side Taunt - Calhoun says “It’s make-your-mamas-proud time!”

Down Taunt - Calhoun says “Get a hold of yourself!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Calhoun says “All right ladies, the kitten whispers and tickle fights stop now.”

Victory Animation 2: Calhoun shoots some Cy-Bugs away, then blows off some impact left on her gun.

Victory Animation 3: Soldier holograms appear on the sides of Calhoun and salute her for her victory.

Losing Animation: Calhoun applauds.


Trophy Description:

An ice harvester who was raised by trolls and hangs out with his reindeer companion, Sven. Kristoff runs into Arendelle’s princess, Anna, while she is on a journey to convince her sister to put a stop to the endless winter she created, and comes with her along the way, making for a good friend and eventual love interest. Kristoff is a well-balanced character who can summon his troll family in combat to cause chaos and can hurl ice blocks around that freeze opponents.

General Information:

Similar to Anna, Kristoff is a well-rounded fighter who isn’t overpowered in any category, but can do everything to a competent degree. Kristoff is a middleweight fighter with above average running and falling speed, but below average air speed, and his damage-dealing capabilities and KO power are both acceptable, but not spectacular. Most of Kristoff’s less powerful attacks execute quickly and do okay damage, and his special moves help give him some nice tools to work with. Kristoff can keep foes away by summoning trolls onto the battlefield or hurling ice blocks a distance away from him, with the latter also briefly freezing anyone it hits. Kristoff’s standard special can reduce the movement speed of those nearby him for a few seconds, making it easier for him to hit them, and his up special is an acceptable tool for recovering. For KO power, Kristoff’s best options are his forward air and smash attacks, with them being solid tools with good strength, but nowhere among the most powerful KO options ever. While Kristoff may not be exceptional in any category, there isn’t any area that he severely lacks in, making him an easy to use and balanced fighter. Those who are looking for characters with more pronounced advantages and disadvantages should find themselves gravitating towards other characters, but if that’s not the case, then Kristoff is a solid option.

Standard Special - Musical Lute

Kristoff pulls out his lute and plays it briefly, doing mild damage to those nearby him and reducing their movement speed for a few seconds. This is a helpful tool to use to make it easier to hit them with an ice block.

Side Special - Troll Roll

Kristoff summons a troll which rolls up into a ball and travels a distance away from him, doing decent damage and light knockback to those hit.

Up Special - Sven’s Boost

Kristoff summons Sven, who hurls him up into the air to give him a tool for recovering. Kristoff can be moved horizontally while he’s being thrown into the air, and it is a decent but not spectacular recovery tool.

Down Special - Sliding Ice Block

Kristoff summons an ice block and uses an ice-grabber to slide the ice block a short distance away from him. Those who touch the ice block will be frozen for three seconds.

Superstar Attack - Tricky Trolls

Upon activation, a group of trolls are summoned onto the stage, with most of them rolling around in their ball forms and serving as a more powerful version of the ones found in Kristoff’s side special, though it is not overly powerful for a Superstar Attack. The real catch is that Grand Pabbie also gets summoned, heals Kristoff for 70% of the damage he’s taken, and messes up the controls of all the opponents, meaning hitting the A button may make someone jump or hitting down-B may do a smash attack, and so on. The attack lasts for 15 seconds, after which everyone’s controls will go back to normal, and the trolls can’t hurt Kristoff.


Up Taunt - Kristoff says “Ice is my life!”

Side Taunt - Kristoff says “Sometimes, I really don’t like you.”

Down Taunt - Kristoff says “Seriously, were you raised in a barn?”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Kristoff jovially plays his lute.

Victory Animation 2: Kristoff walks into the scene, completely covered in snow, and asks for carrots.

Victory Animation 3: Kristoff feeds Sven a carrot after saying “What’s the magic word?”, doing his Sven voice and saying “Share?”, and saying “Ok!”

Losing Animation: Kristoff applauds.


Trophy Description:

The younger brother of deceased robotics prodigy, Tadashi Hamada. Much like his brother, Hiro is gifted in the field of robotics and has created his own microbots that can do anything they want to. When a villain steals the microbots, Hiro must team up with Tadashi’s friends and his robot invention named Baymax to get them back. Hiro’s special moves heavily utilize the microbots, as well as his own personal Megabot that can absorb attacks to become stronger.

General Information:

Hiro’s stat distribution initially looks unimpressive compared to most characters, with him barely clocking in as a lightweight character, having average agility stats with so-so running, air, and falling speed, below average horizontal recovery, and his non-special moves, including his smash attacks, not being loaded with KO power or doing exceptional amounts of damage. However, Hiro’s special moves are overall quite good due to them utilizing his microbots and Megabot, making him an interesting fighter because a lot of his power and effectiveness depends on how much you put into mastering his main mechanic, which is utilizing his Megabot to aid him in battle. Once per stock, Hiro can use his standard special to summon his Megabot, which roams around the stage and attacks opponents it comes across. The Megabot’s effectiveness is tied to Hiro’s down special, which Hiro can use up to three times before he puts the Megabot out, allowing him to absorb any attack that would have hit him and use it as a tool to power up the Megabot to make it more agile, smarter, and stronger. If the Megabot has absorbed three powerful attacks, its KO power is quite impressive, but if no attacks are absorbed or only weak attacks are absorbed before it’s put out, while its damage-dealing capabilities are still decent, its KO power is fairly weak, which considering Hiro doesn’t have a ton of KO power in the first place, it makes it so you shouldn’t immediately put the Megabot out in combat and you should try to power it up with the down special first. The Megabot can be destroyed, but it does have a good amount of health, with it increasing the more powerful it is when deployed. Hiro’s microbots don’t have as high potential as the Megabot, but they are useful tools that are much more consistently effective since they don’t need to be powered up. They can travel in a wave that drags opponents with them and is one of Hiro’s more powerful attacks, and serve as a tool to give Hiro a good amount of vertical gain for recovering. Overall, Hiro can be tricky to do well with if you’re not aware of how to properly utilize his special moves, but in spite of his flaws mentioned at the beginning, his Megabot and microbots are great tools and can easily win many matches for him if used correctly.

Standard Special - Megabot Attack

Once per stock, Hiro can use this move to summon his personal Megabot, which spins around the battlefield at various speeds and knocks back and damages opponents it hits. A variety of factors influence how powerful the Megabot is, depending on how many attacks and the power of the attacks it has absorbed with Hiro’s down special, and how much damage Hiro has when he put the Megabot out, with the more damage he has making the Megabot more powerful. Hiro’s down special is the primary thing that will dictate the Megabot’s power, with the Megabot possessing great KO power if powerful attacks are absorbed, but when released without any power-ups, while it can do a reasonable amount of damage, you shouldn’t expect it to get KOs.

Side Special - Wave of Microbots

Hiro summons a large group of microbots, which travel in a wave a short distance in front of him, dealing damage to everyone they pick up and launching them once their travel is complete. The damage and KO power are decent, especially if caught by the microbots early on in their travel.

Up Special - Rising Bots

A large group of microbots raise Hiro into the air, gaining him a good amount of vertical lift. Only touching the microbots will do damage, and while the vertical recovery is good, there isn’t any horizontal recovery, so Hiro needs to hope he isn’t too far away from the stage to make it back.

Down Special - Megabot Power-Up

Hiro holds out his Megabot, which can absorb any attack that hits it. The Megabot can absorb attacks three times per stock, and its strength when put out with the standard special will depend on the strength of the attacks absorbed. Naturally, it’s best to absorb stronger attacks and to use all three power-ups for maximum potential. This move can’t be used if the Megabot is already out or destroyed during that stock.

Superstar Attack - Superhero Skirmish

Upon activation, Hiro sends everyone within a close range of him into a cinematic where the entire Big Hero 6 team, including Hiro (though Baymax will not appear if he is present in the fight, though the attack doesn’t change if that’s the case), beat up the opponents caught and send them flying away. The attack does good damage and is powerful, though there are plenty of stronger Superstar Attacks.


Up Taunt - Hiro cracks his fingers.

Side Taunt - Hiro says “Someone has to help.”

Down Taunt - Hiro throws a microbot into the air and catches it.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Hiro summons a group of microbots, who proceed to form themselves together in the shape of a hand giving a thumbs up.

Victory Animation 2: Hiro is brought into the scene by a large wave of microbots, which all condense into a single one as he stands triumphantly.

Victory Animation 3: Hiro says “Hopefully I showed you the potential these microbots possess.”

Losing Animation: Hiro applauds.


Trophy Description:

A robot created by Tadashi Hamada with the intention of being a personal healthcare companion to anyone he’s present with. After Tadashi’s unfortunate passing, Baymax befriends Tadashi’s younger brother, Hiro, and eventually becomes part of a superhero team. Baymax is always making sure he’s fulfilling his healthcare duties and carries those abilities to battle with him scanning opponents and lowering their stats. Just be sure to watch his battery.

General Information:

Baymax is a large and heavy character who has good strength and poor agility, having low running speed, very low air speed (outside of when he uses his up special), and high falling speed. Baymax’s attacks generally do good damage and his weaker attacks have better than average knockback than a typical move of that kind. His most powerful tools are his smash attacks, back air, and (his most powerful) his fully charged standard special, in which he shoots his hand out of his suit as a powerful projectile. Baymax can also scan opponents who are in a small area in front of him to lower some critical stats of theirs temporarily, and his up special is a solid recovery tool that also allows him to briefly travel quickly in the air. However, true to Baymax’s portrayal in the movie, his two major flaws are his lack of speed and that, since he is a robot, he runs on a battery that decreases as the match goes on. Baymax starts each stock fully-charged, but as the match continues, his battery will slowly die, and when Baymax’s battery is low and/or dead, he goes from being simply slow to being one of the slowest characters in the game, and also moves awkwardly, has a chance to trip while moving, his recovery gets reduced, and most of his attacks become weaker, with his special moves often losing some additional effects. Baymax’s down special is the tool to recharging his battery, which takes ten seconds to fully recharge if it’s at the lowest level. During this time, Baymax can move around, but he can’t use special or smash attacks unless he wants to cancel the recharge process. Overall, Baymax can be tricky to use if you don’t know how to manage his battery efficiently, but those who can keep his battery from becoming too low have the potential to do quite well with him.

Standard Special - Hand Shot

Baymax shoots his hand out of his suit, which travels until impact with something and respawns back with him. The move’s power and speed is dependent on how long Baymax charges it up, with it becoming faster and stronger (having very good KO potential) the longer it is charged. If Baymax’s battery is low, he will be unable to charge the move.

Side Special - Healthcare Scanner

Baymax scans a small area in front of him. Any opponents scanned by him will take mild damage and have their movement speed, damage, and knockback slightly reduced for ten seconds. If Baymax scans more than one opponent in one use of the move, he will also heal a small portion of his health. If Baymax’s battery is low, the scan will be smaller, he can’t heal from this move, and the negative effects on opponents will only last for five seconds.

Up Special - Robotic Flight

Baymax hops into the air, and pulls his wings out, allowing him to fly. Those who touch Baymax during this will take mild damage and knockback. The recovery is usually pretty good, though if Baymax’s battery is getting low, the recovery will be shorter and slower, making it fairly weak until recharged.

Down Special - Recharge

When inputted, a battery meter appears next to Baymax’s icon, and it will gradually go up until it either reaches maximum power or Baymax performs another special move or smash attack. If the battery is at its lowest level, it takes ten seconds for it to reach its maximum level. This is important because as the fight goes on, Baymax’s battery goes down, and the lower it is, he will move slower and more clumsily, and his attacks become weaker and less effective. Baymax starts the battle fully-charged, and when he loses a stock, his battery becomes fully charged again, regardless of whether it was or not when he lost the stock.

Superstar Attack - Fighting Chip Baymax

Baymax’s healthcare chip falls out, leaving only his fighting chip present. This makes him super aggressive and impossible to kill for the move’s duration, and all of Baymax’s attacks are significantly stronger than normal. Most notably, his hand shot attack can be charged into a massive hand, which is powerful enough to KO at as low as 10% on most of the cast. The duration of this Superstar Attack is around 15 seconds, and Baymax’s battery will become completely recharged upon activation.


Up Taunt - Baymax pretends to do a fist bump and goes “Ba la la la la.”

Side Taunt - Baymax says “I am not fast.”

Down Taunt - Baymax says “I will scan you now.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Baymax says “I am not sure how doing this makes me a better healthcare companion.”

Victory Animation 2: Baymax pets a cat and says “Hairy baby…”

Victory Animation 3: Baymax says “I cannot leave until you say you are satisfied with your care.”

Losing Animation: Baymax applauds.


Trophy Description:

A bunny who has had dreams of being the first bunny on the Zootopia Police Department since childhood. Despite being looked down upon due to her small size, Judy manages to overcome the prejudice and prove herself a valuable and effective member of the police force. Judy is a light, but agile character equipped with a stunning taser and can summon a powerful donut that rolls around the battlefield.

General Information:

Judy is a lightweight character who is among the best jumpers in the game, and also possesses great agility to go along with that, with very high running speed, good air speed, and below average falling speed. Many of Judy’s attacks execute quickly with little ending lag, do acceptable damage, and have low knockback, making one of the easier character to perform combos with, and she has two tools to allow her to attack from a distance with blueberries that temporarily make those hit slightly slower, and the Big Donut, which is arguably Judy’s most powerful attack and can be hit by anyone as it travels with an attack to make it travel in the opposite direction with increased speed and strength. Judy can also zap foes with his down special, briefly stunning them, and her up special gives her amazing horizontal recovery, with her great jumping power allowing her to gain good vertical lift. However, Judy is not flawless, with her primary flaws coming from her being light and not having a ton of KO power. Judy’s standard special and forward smash are her most reliable moves for scoring KOs, with the former being a bit slow to start and having potential to hurt Judy, and the latter, which is a dropkick, having decent, but not spectacular strength. As such, while Judy can easily rack up damage, closing out stocks can sometimes be a problem for her. Overall, Judy is a great choice for those who want to use a fast character with lots of combo potential, but you need to be careful to avoid being KO’d before you can do the same to your opponent, which can be tricky to do at times.

Standard Special - The Big Donut

The sign of Little Rodentia’s restaurant, the Big Donut (which is, unsurprisingly, a big donut) spawns right in front of Judy, who kicks it, causing it to roll across the stage until it hits a wall and breaks or falls off into a pit. The donut is a solid KO move and can be made more powerful by anyone if they attack the donut with a strong attack just before it hits them, causing the donut to roll back in the opposite direction with increased speed and strength.

Side Special - Blueberry Bin

Judy pulls out a bin of blueberries and throws three of them in quick succession, doing mild damage, causing flinching, and slightly reducing the movement speed of those hit for a few seconds.

Up Special - Vine-Swinging Bunny

A long vine spawns in front of Judy, and she swings on it in an arc. The horizontal recovery is excellent, though the vertical recovery is fairly weak. Thankfully, Judy’s jumping is among the best in the game, so she can use her jumping power to cover solid vertical distance.

Down Special - Fox Taser

Judy pulls out a fox taser and activates it, doing good damage to anyone it zaps in its short range and stunning them for two seconds.

Superstar Attack - ZPD on the Scene

Judy pulls out a walkie-talkie and contacts Chief Bogo, asking him for assistance, as he sends three police cars out onto the scene to help her. The three cars, each with a little bit of distance between them, do great damage and knockback to anyone hit by them as they appear at one end of the stage and drive across it off-screen. The third car to appear, driven by Chief Bogo, is the most dangerous one, as if one gets close enough to Bogo, he will grab them and capture them in his car, instantly KO’ing them as he drives off the stage. If Chief Bogo is present in the fight, Clawhauser will replace him as the person Judy contacts and the one driving the final car.


Up Taunt - Judy says “Hey! Need some help?” tauntingly.

Side Taunt - Judy says “I’m not just some token bunny.”

Down Taunt - Judy says “Stop, in the name of the law!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Judy overdramatically acts like she’s dying, much to her own amusement.

Victory Animation 2: Judy hops into the scene and salutes.

Victory Animation 3: Judy says “I implore you… Try to make the world a better place.”

Losing Animation: Judy applauds.

Now that all 162 characters are posted and done for, my question I’d like to ask if what characters’ movesets stand out as being ones you enjoyed the most? Any other questions relating to my game are always welcome as well. As mentioned on the last post, my next priority for the game is working on various modes such as Classic Mode, Adventure/Story Mode, and so on. Additionally, if anyone is interested in seeing my ranking of all 162 characters in my game based on how much I like the character, I can post it on here as well.


I would love to see the ranking! I especially liked Mickey’s moveset, specifically the move Storage! Iwas also wondering if I could show you a moveset of my own and get your feedback on it. If so, I have only a few move sets done: Elsa, Olaf, Vanellope, Cinderella, Mickey, Asha, and Rapunzel.

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Sure, you’re more than welcome to post your moveset ideas on here, and if you’re curious about the character ranking, I’ll go ahead and post it.

For a fun side activity, I decided to try and rank all 162 characters who are in my game based on how much I enjoy the character. If this sounds familiar, I actually did make a topic like this about a year ago ranking the characters up until Pegasus in Disney Heroes: Battle Mode, so I think doing it here with a good number of different characters would be fun. For the old characters, I may reuse what I had to say back then if I can’t think of anything new to say, but the placements should be different overall with some characters being higher or lower than there were on that topic. For characters composed of more than one character (ex: Sulley and Boo, Penny/Bernard/Bianca, etc.), I rank them based on the character I like the most in that duo/trio. Feel free to agree or disagree on anything I say or discuss anything about this that you want, just as long as you’re polite about it. Anyway, here’s my ranking of the 162 characters from worst to best.

162 - Olaf

I do like most of the characters in my game, but these characters at the bottom I do not enjoy at all. For me, Olaf fails at being a comic relief character as I don’t find him funny and his songs in the Frozen movies tend to be the worst ones. His overexposure doesn’t do him any favors, and it doesn’t help that I don’t like the Frozen movies that much in general. If someone likes this character (or any of these characters I dislike), I’m not going to argue against it and I respect your opinion, but I can’t really think of anything I enjoy about Olaf outside of not being as bad as a few other Disney characters like Sisu or Buck from Home on the Range, but there’s not many who are worse.

161 - Snow White

Out of all the classic old-school Disney characters, one I’ve never really liked much is Snow White. She’s just kind of bland and I feel seems too “cutesy” in a way that isn’t endearing, and the way she acts and sounds makes her come across a lot younger than she was intended to be, which is especially noticeable when you compare her to someone like Alice or Wendy, who sound older and act more mature than her despite clearly being younger than her.

160 - Peter Pan

Here’s another classic Disney character I don’t really like. I just don’t really find Peter Pan (or Tinker Bell for that matter) to be very likable or enjoyable, considering he intentionally starts the conflict between him and Captain Hook, and spends a lot of the run-time acting like a jerk to Wendy. While I get that he and Tinker Bell are supposed to come around in the end and learn their lesson, I just don’t really get into it and find anything they do to be charming or enjoyable.

159 - Huey, Dewey, and Louie

I remember liking Huey, Dewey, and Louie fine enough when I was a kid (though I never found them anything special), but as an adult, their appeal has lessened for me. I don’t really find them very likable as most of the old cartoons featuring them are just them harassing and bullying their uncle for little to no reason. I know Donald can be mean at times, but we still like him, and I feel like the three of them harass him and pretty much always win, regardless if Donald has done anything wrong or not. I will give them credit that they are tolerable in something like DuckTales (though I haven’t seen much of it), but when they don’t work, they really don’t work.

158 - Chicken Little

While I enjoyed putting Chicken Little in the game as a surprise joke character, don’t think his inclusion is because I enjoy him or his movie, which I consider to be the second worst film in the Disney animated canon behind Home on the Range. While Chicken Little is definitely not the worst character in his movie, I just don’t get any real enjoyment out of him, and the fact that he is in a movie I consider to be bad does not help in the slightest.

157 - Elsa

In my opinion, Elsa is Disney’s most overrated character, and outside of singing Let it Go, which is a good song, but definitely not a favorite of mine, I can’t think of anything else she does that’s special, and this, combined with her overexposure in pretty much every Disney-related thing nowadays really makes her not do much for me.

156 - Vanellope

While I do really like Wreck-It Ralph and the friendship between Ralph and Vanellope, the latter is pretty much just for how great of a character Ralph is, as I mostly just find Vanellope to be an annoying character who tries way too hard to be funny and I just don’t find her funny.

155 - Tron

Outside of some neat effects for the time, I don’t really like the original Tron movie that much and I find it kind of dull, and Tron as a character just has so little personality to him and doesn’t do anything to endear me to him.

154 - Bolt

Much like Tron, I don’t think Bolt is a bad movie, but I just find it kind of boring, and the same thing applies to Bolt as a character. I can understand why someone would like him or the movie, and I do think he has more personality to him than Tron, but both him and the film just don’t hold my attention that much.

153 - Mad Hatter

While I do like Alice in Wonderland and I certainly don’t think the Mad Hatter is a bad character or even necessarily annoying, I just don’t really find him to be particularly entertaining and I feel like his part of the movie kind of drags and makes me start to check out from paying attention.

152 - 22

I liked Soul a lot, and while 22 does get better as the movie goes on, she reminds me a lot of and acts a lot like Vanellope earlier on in the movie, which doesn’t help her too much.

151 - Jack Jack

Jack Jack’s a baby. What is there that’s particularly exciting to say about a baby? I guess his powers are neat, but being a baby limits what he can do as a character.

150 - Aurora

I like Sleeping Beauty, but it’s mostly for its atmosphere, the three fairies, and Maleficent, more than it is for Aurora. She’s fine, I guess, but do you know that many people who say she’s their favorite Disney princess when compared to other ones? I assume probably not many, and she’s mostly just kind of there.

149 - Prince Eric

Most of what I said about Aurora can easily be applied to Eric as well. He’s fine, but a bit basic and not particularly exciting, as really, until Beast and Aladdin came around, princes in Disney princess movies were mostly bland and kept to the side. Eric’s definitely an improvement over the princes before him, but not enough to be anything more than just fine at best.

148 - Sadness

I do think Inside Out’s a pretty good movie, but I feel it’s more for its creativity and drama than its characters. The characters in the movie are competent, but there’s no one I feel stands out as an exceptional character. Of the five emotions, I’d say Sadness’s main gimmick is probably the least entertaining, but her role in the story is competent enough.

147 - Joy

My thoughts on Joy are, unsurprisingly, very similar to my thoughts on Sadness. I think her role in the story of learning that being happy all the time isn’t healthy is good, but outside of that, she’s fine, but I don’t think she’s too special.

146 - Sally

I like The Nightmare Before Christmas, albeit not as much as most people do, but I’ve always viewed Sally as a character who’s just kind of there and not one of the more interesting aspects of the movie.

145 - Kristoff

Kristoff’s fine and isn’t doing anything to make me dislike him, but is mostly held back by the fact that I’m not that much of a fan of the movie he’s from.

144 - Anna

You can apply what I said about Kristoff to her, and they’re both pretty interchangeable.

143 - Tigger

Winnie the Pooh is one of the few Disney franchises that I liked more when I was a kid than I do as an adult, and while I do think it is charming and nostalgic, out of all the main Disney properties, it’s the one that to me feels the least like a family movie (a movie made for kids and adults to enjoy) and most like a kids movie (a movie made just for kids to enjoy), which loses it some appeal for me now. Tigger is voiced by some good actors and is memorable, but there are some moments where he can be a bit much and I like other Winnie the Pooh characters more.

142 - Dash

Dash is fine, but there’s plenty of characters in his movie I like more and I really don’t have anything to say about him.

141 - Chief Bogo

Chief Bogo is enjoyable enough as this stern and gruff authority figure who does have a softer side to him, but there’s nothing too special here to warrant putting him much higher.

140 - Pocahontas

Pocahontas sings some great songs, but outside of that, she’s a little on the bland side. Still, those songs are very good and help elevate her a little higher than she could have been.

139 - Winnie the Pooh

Winnie the Pooh is a charming, nostalgic character who is difficult to dislike, but there are characters from his series I like more such as Eeyore and Rabbit, and I don’t like him as much now as I did as a kid, similar to what I said in my ranking for Tigger.

138 - Tiana

I know a lot of people really like Tiana and would probably put her a lot higher, but since The Princess and the Frog is a movie I think is just alright, she doesn’t click with me too much, but she’s serviceable enough.

137 - Miguel

Once again, I don’t like Coco as much as most people do, but I acknowledge it’s good, and Miguel is alright, but he probably won’t do too much for you if you aren’t a huge fan of the movie.

136 - Russell and Kevin

Russell works well as a foil to Carl and as a tool to serve his character development, but as a character on his own, he’s alright, I probably wouldn’t put him too much higher than here.

135 - Rocketeer

The Rocketeer is one of the few older properties on here I never saw as a kid, and therefore I don’t have any nostalgia towards, but I liked it well enough, though I don’t think it’s especially memorable. The Rocketeer as a character fits his role well, but I probably wouldn’t put him much higher than this.

134 - Barley Lightfoot

I think Onward was a fun Disney movie but not one of the all-time greats, and I feel that way about the main characters too. Chris Pratt voicing him reminds me of other things he’s in like Guardians of the Galaxy and the new Mario movie first, but the movie and characters are enjoyable enough.

133 - Ian Lightfoot

You can take what I said about his brother and apply it here, just with Tom Holland reminding me of the MCU’s Spider-Man instead.

132 - Moana

Moana is a good protagonist and sings some good songs, but I feel Maui overshadows her and some elements of her feel derivative of other characters.

131 - Cheshire Cat

The Cheshire Cat is a fun character with his penchant for trolling, but as far as mischievous characters voiced by Sterling Holloway go, I prefer Kaa over him.

130 - Colette

Colette is a good character and her feistiness leads to some fun moments, but there’s not really much to discuss about her.

129 - Fairy Godmother

While she may not necessarily have the most screen-time, I think the Fairy Godmother is a memorable character, and it helps that she gets the best song in her movie.

128 - Mole

Mole is a fun side character, but there are definitely characters in Atlantis I like more than him and he isn’t an all-time great sidekick.

127 - Zeus

Zeus is an enjoyable character with nothing to dislike about him, but I feel he doesn’t get enough focus to warrant being too much higher.

126 - Quorra

While I don’t think it’s a masterpiece, I definitely enjoyed Tron: Legacy quite a bit more than the original Tron, and I think its main trio of Kevin, Sam, and Quorra are enjoyable and interesting characters. Quorra would probably be my least favorite of the three, but I enjoy her and I think she has a neat design.

125 - Mama Odie

Mama Odie is a fun use of the “cool old lady” archetype and does get a good song, but I don’t think she does enough or is strong enough to make up for her limited screen-time to warrant going much higher.

124 - Merida

While not one of my favorite Disney princesses, I think Merida is an interesting addition to the roster, being the only Pixar princess and being one of the few princess movies to focus on a mother-daughter relationship, which tend to be rare in Disney movies, as usually the mom is dead and the dad is the focus parent, especially in other princess movies.

123 - Simba and Nala

Since The Lion King is a lot of people’s favorite Disney movie, I’m assuming these two would probably be higher for most. I do really like the movie, but my like for it is more for other elements like the scope and scale of it, the songs, Scar, etc., than necessarily Simba and Nala. I think they’re perfectly enjoyable characters, though I like them as adults more than them as kids, but I definitely like other characters in the movie more.

122 - Dr. Facilier

I know a lot of people will probably put him a lot higher, and I do like Dr. Facilier, but since I’m not in love with The Princess and the Frog and a lot of what he does I can find with other better villains like Ursula or Hades, it does hold him back from being in the upper echelon of Disney villains for me.

121 - Felix

Felix is an enjoyable character and I really like his relationship with Calhoun and the fact that he’s the only one in their game who is consistently nice to Ralph, and I don’t have any complaints with him. I just prefer others ahead more.

120 - Anger

Anger’s definitely my favorite and the most entertaining character from Inside Out, but I wouldn’t put him much higher than here.

119 - Minnie Mouse

Minnie is memorable and iconic, but compared to Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, she doesn’t have as many stand-out appearances since she’s rarely the main focus in the things she appears in, but still, I can’t be too hard on the classic core Disney characters, as they’re very charming and enjoyable.

118 - Scrooge McDuck

When I think of Scrooge McDuck performances, the first thing that comes to mind is Mickey’s Christmas Carol, which I think is a top-tier Disney short and Christmas special in general, and a lot of it is because of Scrooge’s performance and overall character arc. Since I haven’t seen too much of DuckTales, I don’t want to put him too much higher, but I think he’s a memorable and enjoyable character.

117 - Madam Mim

Madam Mim is a fun and entertaining villain, and she gets easily the best scene in the movie with her and Merlin fighting in the wizard’s duel, but she isn’t one of the better classic Disney villains and her lack of relevance to the film due to its very lightweight plot makes her feel a little disconnected.

116 - Hercules

Hercules is an enjoyable and likable character, but I definitely think other characters in his movie like Hades and Meg overshadow him and are quite a bit better.

115 - Violet

As a person who is socially awkward and remembers having a hard time trying to fit in with my peers during high school, I find Violet to be a very relatable character for introverted people, and I like her character arc of becoming less socially awkward.

114 - Elliott

While I think Pete’s Dragon is just alright, I do think Elliott is a very charming and likable character who definitely stands out whenever he’s on screen and is the most memorable aspect of the movie.

113 - Nick

For me, Zootopia is a pretty good movie, but if I were ranking the Disney animated canon, it would be middle of the pack, which for its standards, is still pretty good, and I think its two main characters fit the perfect definition of solid middle of the pack characters. I know they’re technically below average on here, but I mean middle of the pack for characters in general, which is still pretty decent.

112 - Judy

Take what I said about Nick and apply it here, with the two being fairly interchangeable.

111 - Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow is a perfectly enjoyable character, but does suffer a little bit from what I call “Depp-isms”, where I think sometimes Johnny Depp’s over the top performance can be a bit much, but it never becomes annoying per se, and something would feel off if you take him out of the movie.

110 - Mushu

You can pretty much apply the same thing I said about Jack Sparrow to Mushu, just with “Depp-isms” now being “Murphy-isms”, and as far as animated Eddie Murphy characters go, I prefer Donkey from Shrek over him.

109 - Dumbo and Timothy

This spot is more for Timothy than Dumbo, though I do enjoy both characters. Timothy is a fun character and stands out for being the only person other than Mrs. Jumbo who is pro-Dumbo the entire movie, but he does come across as being a weaker and less funny version of Jiminy Cricket, though he is still enjoyable.

108 - Ben Gates

Ben is an enjoyable protagonist and Nicolas Cage does a great job playing him, but I also struggle to put him much higher than this spot.

107 - Linguini and Remy

This spot is more for Remy than Linguini, who is alright, but definitely would have been a bit lower, but Remy is an enjoyable protagonist and you do want to see him succeed in becoming a chef by the end.

106 - Winifred Sanderson

While I may not like her sisters very much, Winifred is a fun villain and easily the best part of her movie, being genuinely funny while being threatening and without being a complete idiot like her sisters act like. Unfortunately, her sharing the vast majority of her screen-time with them does hurt her a bit.

105 - Kida

I think Kida’s an interesting character who doesn’t really act much like other princesses in Disney movies and I like her dynamic with Milo, but I just personally like the people ahead of her more.

104 - EVE

EVE is a pretty good character and WALL-E is a great movie, but a lot of what you would say with her also applies to WALL-E and to a greater degree there, so I don’t think she stands out quite as much as him or the movie’s overall message.

103 - Mickey Mouse

Here is where Disney’s mascot and most iconic character places. I know sometimes he gets criticism from those who find him bland, and I’m not going to act like I can’t understand their viewpoint and I definitely prefer Donald, Goofy, and Pete over him, but he’s still a charming, classic character and has been the catalyst for many excellent shorts like The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Mickey and the Beanstalk, Mickey’s Christmas Carol, and so on.

102 - Cinderella

Of the three Walt-era princesses, Cinderella is easily the best out of her, Snow White, and Aurora, and I think she makes for a likable and compelling protagonist that you really want to see get away from her abusive stepfamily and earn a happy ending.

101 - Eeyore

As a kid, Eeyore was my favorite Winnie the Pooh character, and as an adult, while it’s close between him and Rabbit for me, I still think Eeyore is a very charming and endearing character and it’s always sweet to see him in the moments where he is genuinely happy.

100 - Stitch

Stitch is a good character and I like his character arc, but overexposure does hurt him a bit for me and I find him a little overrated. I also think there’s similar characters who start out with less than desirable personality traits who outgrow them to become a better person like Beast or Kuzco that I enjoy a lot more, but I still do like the character and he just barely makes it into the top 100.

99 - Calhoun

Calhoun is a fun side character and I think her relationship with Felix in their contrasting personalities is a lot of fun, but I wouldn’t put her too much higher than here.

98 - Jack Skellington

Jack has one of the more interesting designs for a main character, and the voice work and performance going into him help make him a charming and likable character.

97 - Rapunzel

Rapunzel is in the higher tier of Disney princesses for me, and I think she’s an enjoyable character who sings good songs and has a fun dynamic with Flynn Rider.

96 - Slinky

I love the first three Toy Story movies a lot, and of the major characters present, Slinky is probably one of the lesser ones since he has a more restrained and laid-back personality, but he’s still very charming and enjoyable and don’t have anything to complain about with him.

95 - Rex

Rex is a fun character with his nervous personality and I really like his obsession with the Buzz Lightyear video game in Toy Story 2.

94 - Evil Queen

As the first villain in a Disney movie, the Evil Queen was a good starter and is an enjoyable villain, especially when she’s in her witch disguise, but I definitely think there’s a lot of villains who take what she does and do it better like Maleficent or Ursula, which isn’t necessarily her fault since she was the first Disney villain when Pete or villains from shorts aren’t counted, but makes her a little more dated.

93 - King Triton

I feel like King Triton has a bit more depth to him than most Disney parents, and I do like his character arc of outgrowing his hatred towards humans and being less overprotective of his daughter, but I probably wouldn’t put him too much higher than here.

92 - Ariel

Ariel was the best Disney princess up to when she was made, and I like her journey of trying to become human and reconcile with her dad due to their initially different viewpoints on humans, but I definitely prefer later princesses like Belle or Jasmine over her.

91 - Mr. Potato Head

Mr. Potato Head is probably one of the funnier characters in the Toy Story movies and Don Rickles does a great job voicing him, though I remember disliking him in the first Toy Story as a kid as I thought he was too much of a jerk to Woody, though he does mellow out in the sequels.

90 - Captain Amelia

Treasure Planet is one of my favorite Disney movies so I naturally have some bias for it, and while Amelia isn’t as strong as Jim or especially Silver, she’s a fun supporting character and I like Emma Thompson’s voice performance and her dynamic with Doppler.

89 - Hiro

Hiro is a likable protagonist and I like him most for both his relationship with Baymax and seeing him trying to grieve with his brother’s death and not let it completely affect his life.

88 - Elastigirl

When it comes to parents in Disney movies, the dads tend to get more focus and screen-time than the moms, who often tend to be dead, and while the first Incredibles technically falls into that as well as the dad is the main character, Elastigirl makes for the best Disney moms with her trying to keep her family safe from the law and I think the movie does a great job of showing a realistic marriage between the two main characters.

87 - Jessie

Much like the previous Toy Story characters, Jessie is a fun, charming character, and she stands out for having one of the saddest scenes in Disney history with her backstory of being abandoned by her original owner.

86 - Esmeralda

The Hunchback of Notre Dame is another one of my favorite Disney movies, and while character-wise, it’s mostly for Frollo and Quasimodo to a lesser extent, I think Esmeralda is an enjoyable character who sings a great song and I don’t have anything to really complain about with her.

85 - Shan Yu

While not in the upper echelon of Disney villains or necessarily the most fun villain, Shan Yu is still a very enjoyable villain with how much of a threat he is, and he is pretty cool.

84 - Jasmine

While not quite as good as Belle (or Mulan if you want to consider her a princess), Jasmine is one of my favorite Disney princesses and I like her dynamic with Aladdin, even if she can get overshadowed by some other characters in her movie.

83 - Rafiki

While he may not necessarily get a ton to do, Rafiki is still a fun and memorable supporting character, and I really like the scene where he talks sense into Simba into returning to Pride Rock to reclaim the throne, teaching him that you should learn from your past mistakes instead of running away from them.

82 - Kenai and Koda

While not a personal favorite, I think Brother Bear is quite underrated, and this spot is specifically for Kenai, who I think is a solid protagonist with a strong character arc of becoming a nicer person and being a great big brother figure to Koda.

81 - Dodger and Oliver

This spot is specifically for Dodger, who is an enjoyable character, though a lot of that is because of Billy Joel’s great voice work, and it helps that he sings a banger of a song in “Why Should I Worry?”.

80 - Jim Hawkins

Jim is a solid protagonist who forms an excellent dynamic with Silver with them helping each other overcome their flaws and forming a father-son-like relationship, but I prefer characters above him more, and he definitely does get hurt a little by being overshadowed by the excellence that is Silver for me.

79 - Lilo

Lilo is in the upper echelon as far as Disney’s kid characters go, and I think seeing her and Nani struggle with trying to endure the difficult situation they’re in with having to look out for each other after their parents’ death is very compelling.

78 - Hank and Dory

This is specifically for Hank and not Dory, as to be honest, I’m not a huge fan of Dory and don’t find her that funny, but I do really like Hank, as he’s pretty much the Disney equivalent of Squidward from SpongeBob, and while not as strong as him, I think he’s a fun character with his dynamic with Dory and him trying to accomplish his goal while being annoyed with Dory’s antics.

77 - Flynn Rider

Of all the Disney princes, while I don’t like him as much as Beast or Aladdin, Flynn Rider is probably the funniest one, and I think he gets a lot of great lines and I like him forming a genuine bond with Rapunzel after initially only being with her to get the crown he stole back.

76 - Flik

I think A Bug’s Life is very underrated, and while Flik does get overshadowed somewhat by Hopper and the circus bugs for me, I still think he’s a charming and fun protagonist who’s enjoyable to watch.

75 - Hamm

Hamm’s my favorite of the main supporting cast in the Toy Story movies (unless you count Zurg, which I think he doesn’t do enough to qualify in that category), and I think he gets a lot of great lines and moments, largely thanks to the excellent voice performance from John Ratzenberger, and he’s immediately the first character who comes to mind for me when it comes to Ratzenberger’s many Pixar voice roles.

74 - Horned King

The Horned King is a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. I don’t even really like The Black Cauldron and the Horned King definitely isn’t one of my favorite Disney villains and I’ll acknowledge he feels a bit more style over substance, but, man, he has such a cool and awesome design and I feel that style is enough to make up for not being the most substantive villain ever.

73 - Maleficent

While I might not put Maleficent as the best Disney villain or in my top favorites like she is for a lot of people, I still think she’s a great villain with a memorable design and voice-work, and having this wicked sophistication to her that makes her enjoyable to watch.

72 - Merlin

The Sword in the Stone isn’t one of my favorite Disney movies, but I will say that for all its faults, Merlin isn’t one of them and I think he fits the eccentric mentor archetype very well, and has a lot of fun moments, especially from his interactions with Archimedes.

71 - Maui

Of all the characters made after him, I feel Maui has come closest in terms of having a larger than life personality and memorable voice performance to capturing the magic of Genie, a character who is very high up on this list. I think his charming ego is a lot of fun and he gets probably the best Disney song in the past decade with “You’re Welcome”.

70 - WALL-E

WALL-E is definitely the cutest character in the game and probably the cutest Disney character in general, and I think he’s an extremely endearing character despite his limited means of communications, which does keep him back from being as high as some others.

69 - Queen of Hearts

I think the Queen of Hearts is a very funny villain with her constant mood swings and her inability to be anything other than either calm and polite or angry and threatening, but considering she doesn’t appear until the last 15 minutes of the movie, and she’s intended to be more of a comedic villain than one who affects the plot much, I wouldn’t put her as one of the all-time best Disney villains, though she is still very enjoyable.

68 - Vinny

Vinny is definitely my favorite character in Atlantis, being the most consistently entertaining and quotable character present with a great voice performance from Don Novello.

67 - Timon and Pumbaa

Timon and Pumbaa are fun supporting characters who are very memorable and sing a classic song with “Hakuna Matata”, and though I do prefer Timon over Pumbaa, they’re both pretty enjoyable.

66 - Wendy

Of all the Disney voice performances, I would cite Wendy (and Alice, who shares the same actress) as having the gold standard for a voice performance from a child actor, as I think Kathryn Beaumont gives a excellent performance and gives both of them a sense of sophistication and charm you don’t see in very many kid characters, and Wendy is a very charming and likable character, largely thanks to the great voice performance, and I like her character development of learning that having a balance of more mature and more childish traits is more healthy than going all in on one area or the other.

65 - Alice

Alice and Wendy are quite similar as characters so it’s no surprise she immediately popped up next. I would say she’s a little more memorable than Wendy and gets some credit for fulfilling all the same positive things but doing it first, but while I put the two of them as the gold standard for a child actor voice performance, there is definitely one kid character who stands out heads and shoulders above the rest in the Disney canon, and I’ll get to them later on the list.

64 - Donald Duck

Of the Sensational Six, Donald is easily my second favorite, only losing to Goofy, and he is a classic iconic character who is fun to watch with his constant fits of anger, but I feel some of his cartoons can be hit or miss, largely because I’m not too crazy about a lot of the characters he often gets pitted against in his shorts, which usually include his nephews and Chip and Dale, five characters I’m not a fan of, with the former three being in the bottom five on this list.

63 - Pinocchio

Pinocchio is the first great Disney movie protagonist and a big leap in quality from Snow White, being a charming and likable character who’s another great example of a strong kid character and I just like the journey he goes on a lot.

62 - Oogie Boogie

While he may not get the most screen-time ever, Oogie Boogie is a very fun villain who makes the best out of what he’s given to do, having a banger of a song and a fun personality with his whole gambling motif.

61 - Phil

Phil is one of those characters that the main strength in them lies in the fantastic voice performance, as Danny DeVito gives the character this very fun gruff personality that makes him very entertaining to watch and has great delivery on his lines.

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