My idea for a Disney Smash Bros. game

I’m not sure if you’ve said it or not, but are all DLC characters finished?

Right now everyone but Max and Mr. Potato Head are finished, though I do have what Max’s moves are ready and just need to type it up. I should have them done this weekend, but work slows down my schedule.

What I meant by open discussion, I meant are you going to let other people pick character or are you going to pick them yourself?

I’m not against letting people recommend characters in the chances I do add more characters, but it’s still low priority at the moment.

I should be posting movesets later today after work.


I would like to see the rest of major villains: The Evil Queen, The Queen of Hearts, Cruella, Maleficent, Ursula and Scar please.

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For today’s movesets, I’ll do Mister Toon’s request to cover a number of classic Disney villains, namely the Evil Queen, the Queen of Hearts, Maleficent, Cruella De Vil, Ursula, and Scar.

Evil Queen:

Trophy Description:

Snow White’s vain and wicked stepmother. The Evil Queen is obsessed with being viewed as the fairest person in the land, and when her magic mirror says Snow White is the fairest, she is determined to kill her stepdaughter, turning herself into a witch to deliver a poisoned apple to her. In combat, the Queen fights in her witch disguise, using her poisoned apples and black magic to place powerful curses on her foes.

General Information:

The Evil Queen barely clocks in as a heavyweight fighter, and is also among the shortest heavyweight fighters, giving her good defense, which is further aided by the fact that her up special is a pretty solid recovery tool. The Evil Queen is one of three characters, with the other two being Maleficent and Davy Jones, who can place curses onto opponents. Opponents who are cursed remain that way until either they or the character who cursed them loses a stock, and they both will have less attack power against the foe who cursed them, and will take more damage and knockback from that same foe. The Queen primarily places curses on opponents by damaging them with the black magic she summons with her down special, though she also possesses a useful tool in being able to summon her magic mirror once per stock to allow her to instantly curse an opponent of her choice, which is an excellent tool. Without curses, the Queen’s damage-dealing and KO potential are decent, but not spectacular, but on cursed opponents, these aspects go up quite a bit in effectiveness, with her attacks frequently doing great damage to cursed opponents, and her primary KO options, those being her smash attacks and back air, possessing excellent KO power. The Queen also has a projectile attack in poisoned apples she can throw, giving an opportunity to fight from a distance. However, the Evil Queen does have some flaws to address. Since she is fighting as an old witch, her agility stats are poor, with low running and air speed, and above average falling speed. The Queen’s tilt attacks also are laggier than average, though that is made up for with them dealing more damage than average, and while her up special is a good recovery tool, her jumping power is among the lowest in the game, which can make it harder to perform her (generally good) aerial attacks. Overall, in terms of playstyle and feel, the Evil Queen can easily be compared to Maleficent thanks to their heavy emphasis on cursing opponents, and of the two, the Queen’s advantages and disadvantages tend to be less pronounced (such as having a more consistently useful recovery and being harder to hit, but being less powerful and having worse stage control), making her a good option for those who find Maleficent’s playstyle too risky to consistently do well with, and making her a powerful fighter in her own right.

Standard Special - Poisoned Apple

The Evil Queen pulls out a poisoned apple that she can throw forward a short distance. Anyone hit by the apple is inflicted with damage-over-time effects for 10 seconds. Cursed foes hit by an apple will take even more damage from it that lasts for 15 seconds instead.

Side Special - Magic Mirror

The Evil Queen briefly summons her mirror to allow her to pick a foe on the battlefield to have cursed until either they or the Queen lose a stock. She can only use this move once per stock, and if the cursed opponent gets KO’d before she does, they aren’t cursed anymore upon re-entering the stage and she still can’t use this move until she loses a stock.

Up Special - Vile Vultures

The Evil Queen is carried into the air for a few seconds by a pair of vultures. It’s a pretty good recovery to make up for her poor mobility, and the vultures can bite at foes who get close to their mouths, doing decent damage and knockback.

Down Special - Black Magic Box

The Evil Queen pulls out the box the Huntsman gave her and opens it up to release black magic that surrounds the area she’s standing at for a brief period of time. Anyone damaged by this black magic will be cursed until either they or the Queen lose a life. Cursed foes do less damage to the Queen and are more open to being hindered by her attacks. The black magic does more damage to cursed opponents and has a small chance to put them to sleep for a few seconds, leaving themselves vulnerable to the Queen’s attacks.

Superstar Attack - Giant Boulder

The Evil Queen vanishes and reappears on a cliff in the background with a giant boulder on the top. She uses a stick to knock the boulder out of place and sending it tumbling down the cliff onto the battlefield. The boulder moves around as it tumbles down to make it harder to predict where it appears when it enters the battlefield at great speeds, making its excellent KO potential (killing around 25%) more intimidating.


Up Taunt - The Evil Queen pulls out an apple and says “Have a bite!”

Side Taunt - The Evil Queen tauntingly points her finger out.

Down Taunt - The Evil Queen brags that she has “a perfect disguise!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: The Evil Queen magically and triumphantly transforms back into her queen form.

Victory Animation 2: The Evil Queen lets out an evil laugh and yells “Now I’ll be fairest in the land!”

Victory Animation 3: The Evil Queen looks up from her spellbook and delivers a sinister smile to the camera.

Losing Animation: Birds start attacking the Evil Queen as she tries to fend them off.

Queen of Hearts:

Trophy Description:

A short-tempered tyrannical queen who punishes anyone who makes her angry with a beheading. Despite her villainy, the Queen can be friendly and calm at times when she isn’t angry, but unfortunately, making her angry is a very easy thing to do. The Queen of Hearts can summon her card henchmen into combat to attack foes and uses her admittedly poor croquet skills for a powerful projectile attack.

General Information:

In terms of general stat distribution, the Queen of Hearts is quite similar to Pacha, with both characters sharing the same exact weight as heavyweight characters, and having very similar (low) agility stats, having the exact same high falling speed, and low running and air speed, though the Queen is slightly faster on the ground and slightly slower in the air than Pacha is. Naturally, the Queen makes up for her poor agility with her strength, which, while not in the top tier, is resting quite comfortably in the high tier. Many of the Queen’s attacks do good damage, with her using a flamingo like a croquet stick for her powerful smash attacks and in her standard special, in which she sends a hedgehog flying around the battlefield as a projectile, which starts out weak but becomes stronger with the more it bounces off of things. The Queen of Hearts also does quite well in stage control, with her hedgehog projectiles, ability to summon card soldiers to make it harder to attack her from the front, and with her main mechanic, her side special, in which she summons a red rose tree. This tree initially does nothing, but the more characters attack and damage it, the less sturdy it will become. Once enough damage is done, the tree will be destroyed, and the Queen will lose her temper and take her anger out on the opponent who destroyed the tree by making all of her attacks be twice as powerful to that character, and considering her attacks are already powerful to begin with, you definitely do not want to incur her wrath. However, the Queen of Hearts does have some disadvantages to be aware of. As mentioned earlier, her agility is poor, and while her up special does give decent vertical recovery, her horizontal recovery is weak. As powerful as her side special is, the Queen isn’t able to easily destroy the tree. Granted, she can attack the tree to get it closer to breaking, but her only attack that will destroy it is the hedgehog, and considering the hedgehog bounces off of what’s closest to its path, it can be difficult for it to both hit the tree and destroy it. Opponents can also play it safe to avoid incurring her wrath by staying away from the tree. Overall, the Queen of Hearts is a very powerful fighter if utilized correctly, by getting people to incur her wrath to double the punishment she gives them, and using her hedgehogs and card soldiers as effective stage controlling tactics.

Standard Special - Croquet Shot

The Queen of Hearts summons a hedgehog and hits it with a flamingo that acts like a croquet stick, sending the hedgehog flying around the arena, bouncing off of walls and opponents it hits. The hedgehog becomes stronger and faster the longer it keeps bouncing, which lasts until ten seconds have passed or it falls off the stage. The hedgehog travels quickly, but is initially quite weak, though it does do good damage and decent knockback the more it bounces off of things. The hedgehog can bounce off the Red Rose Tree and is the only attack of the Queen of Hearts that can destroy it. If that happens, the Queen will take her anger out on and be more powerful towards whoever is currently in the lead (or in 2nd place if she is in the lead).

Side Special - Red Rose Tree

The Queen of Hearts summons a red rose tree in front of her, which stays in battle until she loses a stock or until someone destroys it, which it takes a good amount of damage to do. When the tree is destroyed, the Queen loses her temper and takes her anger out on the opponent who destroyed it by making all of her attacks twice as strong to her victim until either they or the Queen lose a stock. The Queen can damage the tree to speed up the process, but she can’t destroy the tree unless the hedgehog from her standard special destroys it as it’s flying around.

Up Special - Card Trampoline

Two card guards appear holding a third one as a trampoline to hoist the Queen of Hearts into the air, with her using her downward fall to move horizontally. This move covers a good amount of vertical distance but the horizontal distance isn’t too good due to the Queen’s low air speed and high falling speed.

Down Special - Helpful Soldiers

The Queen of Hearts summons a card guard who briefly appears in front of her to attack foes with a spear who should get too close to her. The spear does good damage and can score KOs on high-damaged opponents, but only one guard can be out at time and the Queen is still defenseless from behind. A card soldier stays out for about six seconds, and the Queen of Hearts must wait a few seconds after a card soldier leaves before she can summon another one.

Superstar Attack - Off With Their Heads!

The Queen of Hearts yells her famous line as an army of card guards enter the battlefield and attack anyone they approach. Their spears function similarly to but are stronger than the ones from the Queen’s down special, and if someone has made the Queen mad by destroying the Red Rose Tree, the cards will focus on trying to KO that person first and foremost. This Superstar Attack has solid KO potential and the quantity of the card soldiers can make them hard to avoid. The attack lasts for around 15 seconds and the card soldiers can’t hurt the Queen.


Up Taunt - The Queen of Hearts says “Someone’s head will roll for this!”

Side Taunt - The Queen of Hearts says “Let’s get to the part where I lose my temper.”

Down Taunt - The Queen of Hearts yells “SILENCE!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: The Queen of Hearts happily admires the applause for her.

Victory Animation 2: The Queen of Hearts says “All ways are my ways!”

Victory Animation 3: The Queen of Hearts enters the scene in a royal manner, waving her heart stick, and poses triumphantly.

Losing Animation: The Queen of Hearts angrily shakes in fury as her face turns red and she screams in anger.


Trophy Description:

The self-proclaimed Mistress of all Evil, Maleficent is a true villain who cursed Princess Aurora at birth into dying on her 16th birthday out of revenge for not being invited to the celebration of her birth. Despite the efforts of three good fairies to limit the harshness of her curse, Maleficent remains an effective threat, which carries into combat. Her primary goal is to place curses onto enemies, racking up damage over time and weakening their stats.

General Information:

As you would probably expect from an evil fairy with many magical abilities, Maleficent is a very powerful fighter. Maleficent is a heavyweight character, albeit on the lighter end of that spectrum, and both without and especially with her main gimmick, possesses great tools for dealing damage and scoring KOs. Maleficent is one of three characters, with the other two being the Evil Queen and Davy Jones, who can place curses onto opponents. Opponents who are cursed remain that way until either they or the character who cursed them loses a stock, and they both will have less attack power against the foe who cursed them, and will take more damage and knockback from that same foe. Maleficent places curses on her opponents with her standard special, which serves as a projectile attack that curse those hit by it. Maleficent’s special attacks also deal additional negative effects to those hit by them who are cursed by her, and her down special, in which she creates a thorny bush, is good for controlling the stage with her hazards. However, Maleficent is not without flaws, and those she has tend to be sizable ones. Maleficent’s agility is generally poor outside of her up special, having low running speed, very slow air speed, and high falling speed, and she is also susceptible to combos due to her being tall. Maleficent’s recovery is also a bit mixed, as it has major advantages and disadvantages. Her up special, travels very quickly, is a powerful attack (especially on cursed opponents), and covers great vertical and horizontal distance. However, with how quickly Maleficent travels, she can be very hard to control to ensure she lands on the stage, which may lead to her accidentally self-destructing if not careful. For example, Maleficent may be recovering from the left side of the stage, uses her up special, doesn’t control it well enough, and flies over the stage into the fall zone on the right side of the stage and causing herself to lose a stock. If mastered, Maleficent’s recovery is very good, but it is one of the trickiest up specials in the game to properly use. In general, Maleficent’s playstyle is high-risk, high-reward, as she is very powerful and her ability to curse opponents is great, but her poor speed stats and difficult recovery give her a bit of a learning curve, though those who can work around those flaws will likely find her a very rewarding character.

Standard Special - Frightful Curse

Maleficent waves her hand over her staff, causing a small black curse cloud to appear. She can then throw it in any direction to hit her foes. If hit, the enemy is stunned in place for a second and is cursed until either they or Maleficent lose a stock. Cursed foes do less damage to Maleficent and are more open to being hindered by her attacks. Getting hit by this move again while under a curse will make you stay stunned for three seconds.

Side Special - Magic Staff

Maleficent shoots a laser out of her staff, dealing good damage with minimal knockback to anyone hit by it. Any cursed opponents hit by this move will have their movement and attack speed reduced for ten seconds.

Up Special - Whirling Witch

Maleficent turns into a whirling cloud for three seconds or until she grabs a ledge or hits something. Maleficent can easily recover and moves at an incredible speed in this form; so incredible, in fact, that she is very hard to control and may even end up accidentally killing herself if not used properly. The move is strong on its own, but it has serious KO power to cursed enemies.

Down Special - Forest of Thorns

Maleficent shoots a blast from her staff to create a thorny bush in front of her. The bush stays on the battlefield for ten seconds and hurts anyone who comes in contact with it. Getting hit by the bush when it is appearing has excellent KO potential. Cursed enemies hurt by a bush take damage-over-time for fifteen seconds. Maleficent can only have two bushes out at a time.

Superstar Attack - Dragon Maleficent

Maleficent transforms herself into a giant fire-breathing dragon whose head peeks out from the right side of the stage. She then breathes out a large stream of fire that she can aim up and down during use to obliterate her foes. The fire does move slowly, but the large size covering pretty much the whole stage with its devastating KO power makes it one move you don’t want to be a victim of!


Up Taunt - Maleficent mockingly asks “Why so melancholy?”

Side Taunt - Maleficent slams her staff on the ground, making a loud noise as it hits the ground.

Down Taunt - Maleficent says “Away with you!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Maleficent vanishes in a set of flames while laughing evilly.

Victory Animation 2: Maleficent says to Diablo “I shall sleep well tonight for the first time in 16 years.”

Victory Animation 3: Maleficent sits on her throne stroking Diablo, sporting an evil smile on her face.

Losing Animation: Maleficent spreads her arms out in anger and slams her staff on the ground.

Cruella De Vil:

Trophy Description:

A wealthy and psychotic woman who is obsessed with fur coats. Cruella has her eyes on capturing the Dalmatian puppies belonging to her old school-mate, Anita Radcliffe, and skinning them to make a spotted fur coat, unaware that the puppies’ parents are on a quest to rescue them before the deed is done. Cruella is not one of the more physically powerful villains, but has some helpful projectile attacks and a way to capture opponents’ projectiles for her own use.

General Information:

Similar to other, more realistic villains who lack any sort of powers, such as Captain Hook and Madame Medusa, Cruella De Vil is one of the most balanced villains, as most attributes surrounding her lean towards the more average side of things. Cruella is a middleweight fighter with completely average agility stats, with her running speed, air speed, and falling speed all being average. Cruella’s moveset also gives her a variety of tools to work with, having utilities such as projectile attacks, a move to capture opponents’ projectiles and use them against her opponents, and a move that will slightly reduce the movement speed of those hit by it for a period of time. The majority of Cruella’s attacks do decent damage, and she has among one of the quicker sets of smash attacks, which still contain decent power, though her collection of special moves tend to be slower than average. Cruella’s recovery is fairly average as well, as she covers an okay amount of vertical and horizontal distance with her up special, but not a great amount of distance. Her up special is actually pretty solid as an attack, and it, along with her smash attacks, are her best tools for scoring KOs. In general, while Cruella doesn’t do anything amazingly well, she also doesn’t possess severe drawbacks to make her difficult to use. Overall, Cruella is a great choice for those who want to use a well-rounded character who lacks any major flaws, and she can hold her own in battle despite her lack of exceptional moves.

Standard Special - Wretched Pen

Cruella pulls out a pen and wildly shakes it, causing ink to go flying everywhere in the direction she’s facing. Those hit by the ink take mild damage, flinch, and see a slight decrease in their movement speed for ten seconds.

Side Special - Bottle Throw

Cruella throws a bottle of wine a short distance in front of her. It will either hit anyone in its path or land on the ground, in which anyone can pick it up and throw it one more time. The bottle does decent damage, but don’t expect to use it as a KO move, as its knockback is fairly weak.

Up Special - Horse’s Kick

Captain the horse appears and kicks Cruella into the air (don’t worry, she won’t take any damage). This recovery is one that’s relatively middle-of-the-road, being competent, but there are plenty that are better. Anyone standing right next to Cruella when Captain kicks her will also get kicked, which does good damage and knockback as well, having some KO potential and being Cruella’s most powerful special move.

Down Special - Capturing Bag

Cruella opens her handbag and moves it out in front of her, which allows her to capture a projectile that would have hit her otherwise. She can only have one projectile stored at a time, and inputting this move again with a projectile stored will have Cruella use the projectile, functioning identically to how the projectile’s original owner would use it.

Superstar Attack - Road Rage

Upon activation, Cruella sends anyone within close range of her into a cinematic where she quickly approaches them in her car, running into the opponents and dealing great damage, while launching them away. As long as you’re able to hit someone who has at least 30-35% damage going into it, Cruella will likely score a KO, though if she is unable to hit anyone at the beginning, the attack won’t continue.


Up Taunt - Cruella says “I’ll get even! Just you wait!”

Side Taunt - Cruella says “I live for furs. I worship furs.”

Down Taunt - Cruella says “You idiots!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Cruella happily snuggles herself in her fur coat.

Victory Animation 2: Cruella says “For heaven’s sakes, where are the little beasts?”

Victory Animation 3: Cruella says “Blast this wretched, wretched pen!” as she shakes a pen and ink flies out.

Losing Animation: Cruella shakes her fist in anger, and then crosses her arms, looking unamused.


Trophy Description:

Atlantica’s resident sea witch who was banished from King Triton’s palace for her evil nature. Ursula despises the king and will do anything to steal his power and become the ruler of the seas, with the help of her two pet eels, Flotsam and Jetsam. Ursula is able to function on land in this game, but her large size and tentacles make her very slow. Ursula uses her magic powers and binding contracts to take out her enemies.

General Information:

As you’d probably expect from her large size and overweight appearance, Ursula is a very heavy character. In fact, she is in the top ten heaviest characters in the game, and is the heaviest truly evil character in the game. Ursula also possesses great attack power, especially against opponents who fall victim to her unique mechanic, and she has good range for attacks that aren’t projectiles due to her tentacles. Ursula’s unique mechanic as a fighter revolves around her standard special, which allows her to display a contract in front of her. If an opponent hits a contract, they will be put under the effects of it, which will last until either they or Ursula lose a stock. Opponents who are under the effects of a contract are more vulnerable to Ursula’s attacks and will be dealt more damage by them, and considering Ursula’s damage output without contracts is already solid, this can be a daunting curse for her foes. Ursula’s special moves (minus her up special) are especially notable for being deadly attacks for foes under the effects of a contract, as her standard and side specials will do great damage and great knockback, respectively, to them, and her down special will have her give them a good amount of damage that she has accumulated, while also ridding herself of the damage she gave them. However, despite Ursula’s great potential, she does have notable flaws. Ursula’s agility is quite poor due to her overweight nature and tentacles, and she has to crawl to move around. While not the slowest character in the game, Ursula is one of the slowest, with very poor running and air speed, and high falling speed. Ursula’s recovery, while better than you may expect, is still only average at best. Overall, despite her poor mobility, Ursula can be a very threatening fighter with her powerful contracts, so be wary when fighting her to make sure you don’t find yourself a victim of one.

Standard Special - Sign the Scroll

Ursula displays a contract in front of her that stays out for three seconds, and anyone who hits it will become a target of it until either they or Ursula lose a stock. One can tell if they’re a victim of Ursula’s contract if an image of a contract appears by their icon. Anyone under the effects of a contract will take noticeably more damage from Ursula’s attacks, which is especially noticeable with her standard and side specials. If someone hits a contract while it is out while under the effects of one, they will take great damage.

Side Special - A Little Magic

Ursula throws a powerful potion that stuns anyone hit by it for a second and then launches them away. It’s a powerful move normally, and opponents who get hit by this while under the effects of a contract can be KO’d at very low percentages.

Up Special - Tentacle Hop

Ursula uses her tentacles to spring herself into the air. The vertical distance covered is average, and Ursula can move herself horizontally as she ascends. When used in the air, the tentacles can function as a meteor smash.

Down Special - Devious Distribution

Ursula uses her seashell necklace to distribute damage between her and anyone who is right next to her, giving her victim more damage while healing herself of some damage. If Ursula uses this move on an opponent who is under the effects of a contract, the amount of damage she heals and gives to them will be even greater.

Superstar Attack - Spell Incantation

Ursula summons her cauldron, becomes invincible, and conjures a pair of giant green hands that roam around the stage, grabbing opponents they make contact with and dragging them into the cauldron. Once the hands finish their search for opponents, Ursula will start throwing potions inside the cauldron to damage their enemies, ending with the opponents being launched out. Having medium damage percentages or higher going into it will usually allow Ursula to score a KO on them, but if the hands don’t grab anyone while they’re out, Ursula won’t continue the attack.


Up Taunt - Ursula boastfully says “It’s too easy!”

Side Taunt - Ursula tauntingly says “So long, lover boy!”

Down Taunt - Ursula says “I’m not asking much; just a token, really a trifle!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Ursula says “Celebration indeed, oh, BAH!”

Victory Animation 2: Ursula says “And don’t underestimate the importance of… BODY LANGUAGE! HAH!”

Victory Animation 3: Ursula laughs wickedly and folds her arms, standing triumphantly.

Losing Animation: Ursula lays on the ground, looking annoyed and impatiently tapping her fingers.


Trophy Description:

King Mufasa’s younger brother and Simba’s uncle. Scar has always been jealous of his brother’s authority, and even more so when Simba is going to be king before him, and manages to kill his own brother and get Simba exiled and become king, unaware that Simba is still alive and growing into a powerful adult. Scar has a fast and strong ground combat but is weak in the air. He can summon his hyena henchmen into combat.

General Information:

Scar is on the heavier end of the middleweight fighters, and is also one of the faster villains in the game, possessing great running speed. In addition to his good speed, Scar’s attack power is also good, albeit not amazing. Most of his moves do good damage, his smash attacks are powerful, and his up tilt does great damage for its quick speed, though its range is short. Scar is also a character who prioritizes crowd control, as he can summon hyenas to assist him in battle, of which there can be a maximum of three present on the stage at a time. The hyenas have decent power, and Scar can increase their movement and attack speed by roaring at them, and since the hyenas can’t be KO’d and can’t hurt Scar, it’s a good idea for him to try and have as many hyenas on the stage as he can. However, while Scar is fast and strong on the ground, his biggest weakness is his poor air performance and recovery. Scar’s up special allows him to stop his fall when off-stage, allowing him an extra jump, but since the move can’t be spammed and Scar’s jumps are weak, he can find it hard to recover. Additionally, Scar’s aerial attacks are weak and generally laggy, and combined with above average falling speed and low air speed, Scar will find it in his best interests to only go in the air if he is forced off-stage and needs to recover. Overall, if you can keep Scar to the ground and try to minimize the damage he takes to lower the chances he’s launched into the air, he is a great fighter with good speed, strength, and the ability to flood the stage with hyenas, but his poor airborne performance can hinder him if put in a disadvantageous state.

Standard Special - Mighty Roar

Scar lets out a roar that does mild damage but no knockback to opponents nearby him. If he roars at a hyena, it will startle them and increase their movement and attack speed.

Side Special - Claw Combo

Scar does a slash attack with his claws, and if he hits someone, will hit them a few times in quick succession for a quick combo. While it does minimal knockback, the damage done if all hits land is good.

Up Special - Pillar Protection

A large pillar appears underneath Scar if he’s on the ground and raises him into the air. If Scar is in the air, the pillar will appear from the bottom of the screen (or the bottom of the floor is there is ground below him), which he can stand on for a second to give him an additional jump. The pillar does no damage, and Scar has to wait five seconds after he uses this move to be able to use it again. This move is Scar’s best tool for recovery, but it isn’t great, and since Scar’s jumping power is weak, he may find it hard to recover compared to most characters.

Down Special - Hyena Havoc

Scar summons a hyena, who roams around the stage for 20 seconds in random movements. The hyena can bite opponents or slap them with their hands, both of which do good damage and can potentially KO at high percentages. Three hyenas can be on the stage at a time, though Scar can only summon a hyena every six seconds, and he can’t use this move in the air. The hyenas are also invincible and can’t hurt Scar.

Superstar Attack - Long Live the King

Scar sends anyone right next to him upon activation into a cinematic where he throws anyone he caught into a canyon where a wildebeest stampede is occurring. The stampede does a lot of damage and can typically KO at pretty low percentages, making this a powerful Superstar Attack if you can overcome its short range.


Up Taunt - Scar says “I’m surrounded by idiots.”

Side Taunt - Scar pulls out a mouse and briefly messes with it.

Down Taunt - Scar yells “Pay attention!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Scar tauntingly says “Life’s not fair, is it?”

Victory Animation 2: Scar says “Be prepared for sensational news!”, doing the same motions as he did when he said that in the movie, and quickly zooms off-screen.

Victory Animation 3: Scar pulls out an animal haunch and throws it over to some nearby hyenas, while impatiently tapping his fingers.

Losing Animation: Scar collapses to the ground, annoyed.

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I would like to see the rest of major villains: Te Ka, Shere Khan, Shan Yu, Lady Tremaine, Captain Hook and Jafar please.

Captain Hook and Jafar have already been done and again, they are not taking any non-listed characters at this time.

Shere Khan and Shan Yu are fine though.

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If you have finished them, I would like to see Mother Gothel, Bowler Hat Guy, and Gaston.

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At the moment I am not taking any requests for any characters not listed on the first post, so please hold off on asking for those not on there for now. Also, please check the bottom of my first post to see if a particular moveset has already been posted before asking for one.

Anyway, for today’s movesets, I’ll do the requests I’ve got to cover another group of villains, namely Shere Khan, Shan Yu, Mother Gothel, Bowler Hat Guy, and Gaston.

Shere Khan:

Trophy Description:

A dangerous and sophisticated tiger who hates all humans due to his fear of the fire and guns they use. When Shere Khan learns that a “man-cub” named Mowgli is living in the jungle, he is determined to kill him while he’s still young before he gets to the man-village and has the opportunity to grow up and become a hunter. Shere Khan uses his effective hunting techniques in combat, giving him an aggressive playstyle that’s both fast and strong.

General Information:

In terms of stat distribution and overall feel, Shere Khan functions similarly to a fellow feline villain, Scar, and of the two, Shere Khan’s advantages and disadvantages are even more pronounced. Shere Khan clocks in as a heavyweight fighter, and with his size coming mainly from length rather than height, it also makes him harder to hit than most characters of his weight, giving him good defense. Shere Khan excels in ground combat, with him possessing great running speed and pretty good strength, having powerful smash attacks, high-power standard and side specials, a great jab combo, and a projectile attack that can potentially stun those it hits. Most of Shere Khan’s non-special moves execute quickly, though some of his special moves can be a little slow to start and/or end. Much like Scar, Shere Khan’s biggest weakness is that, while he is great on the ground, he is quite poor in the air. Shere Khan’s air speed is quite low, he falls quite quickly, and all of his aerial attacks possess either minimal power and/or poor frame data. Recovery-wise, Shere Khan is a bit mixed, as while his normal jumps are quite poor, his up special, in which a fiery branch hits him from behind and launches him into the air, does allow him to cover a decent distance. However, this move does come with a major drawback, and that is Shere Khan has the dubious note of being the only character in the game who will always damage themselves upon using their up special, with him taking 6 damage every time he uses it. As such, Shere Khan must only use this move when he absolutely must do so in order to survive. Overall, while Shere Khan can struggle if opponents are able to put him in a disadvantageous position in the air, if he is able to remain on the ground, he will be quite threatening, as he has one of the best speed to power ratios in the game along with good defensive tactics.

Standard Special - Powerful Bite

Shere Khan quickly thrusts his head forward and makes a biting motion as he does so. While very short-ranged, this move has high damage output and KO power, making it a helpful tool for scoring KOs if the low speed of his side special is posing an issue.

Side Special - Predator’s Pounce

Shere Khan prepares for a pounce, and does so after a brief moment, granting him a good amount of horizontal distance. While this move is a bit slow to start, it has high damage output and KO power, making it a helpful tool for scoring KOs if the short range of his standard special is posing an issue.

Up Special - Fiery Branch

A fiery branch appears tied on to Shere Khan’s tail, which hits him and causes him to howl in pain as he gets launched into the air. Thankfully, Shere Khan is able to travel a decent distance with this move, but unfortunately, Shere Khan has the distinction of being the only character who ends up damaging himself each time he uses his primary recovery tool, with the fire doing 6 damage to him. Granted, this isn’t a significant amount of damage, but it will add up over time if he keeps using it, and the impact of him being launched isn’t that powerful either. Therefore, Shere Khan should only be using this move if he absolutely needs to in order to get back on the stage.

Down Special - Tiger’s Roar

Shere Khan lets out a roar that releases shockwaves that travel a short distance away from him. The shockwaves do good damage and low knockback to those that touch them, and those standing right next to Shere Khan when he roars will be stunned for two seconds from it.

Superstar Attack - Furious Claw Slash

Shere Khan sends anywhere within a close range of him upon activation into a cinematic where he viciously attacks anyone he caught with his claws, culminating with a final blow that launches opponents away. This attack’s damage output is tremendous, and its KO potential is also quite high, making it a very powerful Superstar Attack, but if Shere Khan is unable to catch anyone upon activation, the attack will fail to proceed, so you must do your best to keep that from happening.


Up Taunt - Shere Khan unamusingly says “Indeed.”

Side Taunt - Shere Khan says “You’re trying my patience.”

Down Taunt - Shere Khan says “Could it be possible that you don’t know who I am?”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Shere Khan applauds and says “Bravo! Bravo! An extraordinary performance!”

Victory Animation 2: Shere Khan says “Element of surprise? Oh, I say.”

Victory Animation 3: Shere Khan lays on the ground, extends his claws on his right hand while he scratches his face with his left hand, and says “No, I can’t be bothered with that. I have no time for that sort of nonsense.”

Losing Animation: Shere Khan rolls his eyes in annoyance, looks behind him to see a fiery branch tied to his tail, gets terrified and freaks out as he runs away.

Shan Yu:

Trophy Description:

The evil leader of the Huns. Shan Yu believes China’s emperor has challenged him by building the Great Wall to keep out his army, and he is determined to have the Huns invade China and kill the emperor, annihilating villages and armies who stand in the way. Shan Yu is a heavyweight fighter who utilizes his powerful sword and intimidating physique to defeat his competition, and isn’t that slow for someone of his stature.

General Information:

Shan Yu is one of the largest human characters in the game, and is in the upper half weight-wise of the heavyweight characters, giving him great endurance. On top of that, Shan Yu’s strength is also very high, having many powerful attacks including his smash attacks, his standard and up specials, his back and down air, his dash attack, and his up throw. Shan Yu can also summon his falcon to give him a way to do damage from a distance, and his down special allows him to absorb non-physical attacks that hit his sword, allowing him to heal for some of his damage. Additionally, while he isn’t fast per se, Shan Yu is not as slow as you might expect, having average running speed, low air speed, and very high falling speed, making him quicker than average for someone of his level of strength. However, Shan Yu does have some flaws to be aware of. Shan Yu is big, so he is more susceptible to combos than the average character, and his large size can make landing his powerful and quick standard special (in which he does a headbutt) tricky on characters who are noticeably smaller than him. Shan Yu’s greatest flaw is that his recovery is below average, with his up special, while great as an attack, only covering moderate vertical distance and very little horizontal distance. Overall, Shan Yu’s advantages are quite notable, and him being very strong without being too slow can make him very dangerous, though he does need to be careful in recovering since he is fairly poor at it.

Standard Special - Head Basher

Shan Yu does a quick sudden headbutt, where anyone who hits his head takes good damage and knockback. The move is also quick for its strength, but Shan Yu’s head is a small hitbox, which, combined with him being one of the larger characters, can make it tough to hit small to medium sized characters with.

Side Special - Fierce Falcon

Shan Yu summons his falcon, who quickly travels a distance away from him. The falcon moves quick and does decent damage, but their knockback is weak, so don’t expect to use this move to score KOs.

Up Special - Spinning Sword

Shan Yu throws his sword into the air, then jumps up to grab it, spinning around a few times before coming back down with his sword slashing through anything it hits. The move does good damage and has potential to KO at higher percentages, but as for recovery, while the vertical distance is okay, the horizontal distance is very weak, and this is Shan Yu’s best recovery tool, so make the best of what you have.

Down Special - Sword Absorb

Shan Yu shields himself with his sword, which is able to absorb non-physical attacks that hit it, keeping them from damaging him and healing a small portion of his damage instead.

Superstar Attack - The Hun Army

Shan Yu signals a battle pose, as a group of Huns enter the battlefield to wreak havoc for around 15 seconds. Two kinds of Huns exist: brutes and archers. Brutes use swords and punches and are the stronger of the two, and archers use bows and arrows for projectile attacks that do low knockback but high damage. The quantity of Huns can make them hard to avoid being damaged by, and foes who have at least moderate damage going into it have a good risk of being KO’d if caught in the crossfire. Shan Yu can’t be hurt by the Huns.


Up Taunt - Shan Yu tauntingly says “Do you really think you can outpower me?”

Side Taunt - Shan Yu angrily growls.

Down Taunt - Shan Yu says “Stop me? You’re inviting me.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Shan Yu strikes his sword into the ground as his falcon lands on his shoulder and he sports an evil smile.

Victory Animation 2: Shan Yu says “I tire of your arrogance. Bow to me!”

Victory Animation 3: Shan Yu says “Looks like all of you are out of ideas…”

Losing Animation: Shan Yu drops his sword to the ground, and lets out an anguished scream of fury.

Mother Gothel:

Trophy Description:

A witch who kidnapped Rapunzel when she was a baby to take advantage of her magic hair that glows when a particular song is sung, using its healing powers to remain young. Determined to remain young at all costs, Mother Gothel tries her best to keep Rapunzel from leaving her tower, which ends up becoming a task easier said than done. Mother Gothel is one of the more well-rounded villains, having parsnip projectiles and hindering chains at her side.

General Information:

Mother Gothel is a fairly well-rounded character, especially when compared to many of the villains, with the bulk of her general attributes all being solid but not going above and beyond. Mother Gothel is a middleweight fighter with average running speed and above average air and falling speed, a good tether recovery (though her jumping power is below average), and her damage-dealing capabilities are good, featuring reasonably damaging tilt and aerial attacks and a long-ranged projectile in which she throws parsnips. Mother Gothel has another interesting tool with her down special, in which she throws out a chain that can attach to those it hits. While the chain isn’t thrown out very far, it’s effective for being able to limit one’s speed and jumping power for six seconds. While Mother Gothel isn’t a character who’s loaded with KO options, relying on her smash attacks and standard special for KOs, the options she does have work, with the smash attacks in which she uses a large stick reaching reasonably far for a close-ranged attack, and her standard special with a dagger being more powerful and quicker, albeit harder to land. As noted earlier, Mother Gothel’s strengths are not significant ones, but at the same time, she doesn’t really possess any crippling flaws, making her easy to use and having good potential for doing well in the hands of both beginners and more advanced players.

Standard Special - Dagger Jab

Mother Gothel attacks with her dagger, being her most powerful attack with good damage and great KO power. It’s also quicker than her smash attacks to execute, but due to the dagger’s small size, its range is poor and can be tricky to land.

Side Special - Basket of Parsnips

Mother Gothel pulls out a basket with parsnips inside and throws two parsnips in quick succession a distance away from her. The parsnips do mild damage and knockback, and they are Mother Gothel’s best tool for attacking from a distance.

Up Special - Non-Magical Hair

Mother Gothel pulls out a large strand of Rapunzel’s hair, now brown and non-magical due to being separate from her body, and uses it as a tether recovery and attack. It does okay damage and knockback, but it isn’t anything too special as an attack, though it does cover a good distance.

Down Special - Treacherous Chains

Mother Gothel pulls out a chain and throws it a short distance ahead of her, doing decent damage and flinching to those it hits and causing the chain to attach to them for about six seconds. Opponents with a chain attached to them suffer a decrease in their movement speed and jumping power. If an opponent gets hit by a chain while one is attached to them, they’ll still take damage, but the chain won’t attach. Opponents also are immune to the decrease in stats from a chain for five seconds after the effects of one goes away.

Superstar Attack - Sinister Stabbingtons

Mother Gothel summons the Stabbington Brothers, who help assist her in combat by running around and attacking her foes with their swords. Both brothers are identical in all statistics, possessing very good KO power and moving fairly quickly, but since there’s only two of them, they aren’t as hard to avoid as some other Superstar Attacks that summon a greater number of allies for the one who activated them. The Stabbington Brothers can’t hurt Mother Gothel and stay out for 15 seconds.


Up Taunt - Mother Gothel says “Enough already! Stop fighting me!”

Side Taunt - Mother Gothel mockingly says “Blah, blah, blah.” while making taunting hand gestures.

Down Taunt - Mother Gothel says “You want me to be the bad guy? Fine, now I’m the bad guy.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Mother Gothel says “Announcer, please quit that mumbling. I find it very annoying.”

Victory Animation 2: Mother Gothel says “Come on, I’m not getting younger here.”

Victory Animation 3: Mother Gothel says “I don’t know how you give it your all and I still win. It’s like you’re not trying at all; oh, I’m just teasing!”

Losing Animation: Mother Gothel facepalms, groans, and frustratedly says “Great…”

Bowler Hat Guy:

Trophy Description:

A sneaky man who hangs out with a robotic bowler hat named Doris. In actuality, he is the older version of Lewis’s roommate, Goob, who he blames for unintentionally ruining his life and wants to get revenge by stealing his new memory scanner and passing it off as his own. With the assistance of Doris, mini-Doris clones, mind-controlled frogs, and even a T-Rex, the Bowler Hat Guy has many tools he can use to overwhelm his opponents.

General Information:

The Bowler Hat Guy is pretty middle-of-the-pack when it comes to most categories and statistics. He is roughly in the middle of all characters when it comes to weight, his running and falling speed are average, though his air speed is good, and most physical attacks that come from him are fairly average in terms of damage and knockback. Where the Bowler Hat Guy shines comes from attacks that aren’t done directly by him, many of which involve his flying robotic hat companion, Doris. Doris’ attacks are stronger than the Bowler Hat Guy’s, though due to her small size, the range of them tends to be fairly weak. The Bowler Hat Guy can summon frogs and mini-Doris clones with his special moves to help him in combat, with the frogs moving unpredictably and the mini-Doris clones having a solid balance between speed and power, and he can also hinder opponents with his stolen memory scanner. Doris also helps to give the Bowler Hat Guy a very solid recovery. In general, the Bowler Hat Guy doesn’t suffer from major weaknesses, but there isn’t much he does that isn’t among one of the best in the game, making him a good all-around fighter, who can still pose a threat with his tools to cause chaos.

Standard Special - Mind-Controlled Frog

The Bowler Hat Guy sends out a mind-controlled frog, who wildly runs around and does mild damage and knockback to those it hits. The frog isn’t too strong, but its unpredictable movement can lead to opponents unexpectedly getting attacked by it.

Side Special - Mini-Doris

Doris spawns a miniature clone of herself, who speeds forward a distance and explodes after two seconds or upon coming in contact with an opponent or wall. Compared to the frog, the mini-Doris is more powerful and faster, possessing decent KO potential, but its movement is more predictable.

Up Special - Flight of Doris

Doris gets a firm grasp on the Bowler Hat Guy’s head and uses one of her arms as a propeller to take the two into the air. The Bowler Hat Guy can move where they travel horizontally. The propeller does good damage and decent knockback, though its hitbox is small, and the vertical and horizontal distance covered are both pretty good.

Down Special - Stolen Scanner

The Bowler Hat Guy pulls out Lewis’ memory scanner, which scans a small area in front of it. Opponents caught in the scanning will take some damage, get stunned for a second, and their movement speed and attack power will be slightly reduced for a brief period of time.

Superstar Attack - Dangerous Dinosaur

The Bowler Hat Guy summons a giant T-Rex, who roams around the battlefield, hurting opponents it comes in contact with, and performs powerful headbutts and biting attacks. The dinosaur’s size and strength make it a force to be reckoned with, though it isn’t the smartest creature ever and often tends to focus on trying to KO the first person it comes across rather than trying to KO all the opponents. The T-Rex stays out for 15 seconds, and cannot hurt the Bowler Hat Guy.


Up Taunt - The Bowler Hat Guy nervously says “Uh… yes…”

Side Taunt - The Bowler Hat Guy frustratedly says “Where is that boy?!?”

Down Taunt - The Bowler Hat Guy pulls out his unicorn-themed notebook, points a finger at it, and puts it away.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: The Bowler Hat Guy holds both ends of his cape and does a taunting dance.

Victory Animation 2: The Bowler Hat Guy says “Heed this warning: Don’t let it go.”, and puts his cape in front of his face while raising his eyebrows up and down.

Victory Animation 3: The Bowler Hat Guy runs into the scene carrying the memory scanner, and says “Prepare to be amazed!”

Losing Animation: Doris malfunctions and the Bowler Hat Guy looks confused.


Trophy Description:

A beloved hunter who lives in a village in France and is considered the town hero by almost everyone there despite not really being a good person. That is, except for Belle, who Gaston is determined to marry by any means necessary since they’re considered the most attractive people in town, even if he has to kill off any competition. Gaston uses powerful hand-to-hand combat in combination with his hunting techniques.

General Information:

Despite what he’d like to not think, Gaston does share a lot of his fighting style in common with Beast. Both characters are strong, having powerful smash attacks, some powerful special attacks, and most of their attacks do good damage. Both characters have good agility in addition to being strong, with Gaston having good running, air, and falling speed, and both have a similar weakness in having a below average recovery. However, Gaston stands out from Beast by being quite a bit lighter, clocking in as a middleweight, and having a much bigger emphasis on using projectiles. Three of his four normal special moves use projectiles, and while none of them are strong enough to score KOs outside of at extreme percentages, they all fulfill their purpose of allowing Gaston to rack up damage while attacking at a distance. Additionally, Gaston’s down special, which involves him using eggs, is unique in that he can either choose to use it as an attack, or a tool to heal a small amount of damage with. Gaston is also a bit smaller than Beast, making him slightly harder to hit and less susceptible to combos. However, as mentioned, Gaston’s big flaw is that his recovery is not the greatest, and his recovery is arguably worse than Beast’s. Gaston’s up special is actually pretty strong as an attack, but is better as an attack than as a recovery, it only covers average at best distance both vertically and horizontally, and Gaston will fall down very quickly afterwards to perform the powerful attack. Combined with Gaston being lighter than Beast, it makes his endurance the worse between the two, but his greater long-distance gameplay and smaller size do grant him some advantages over Beast. Overall, Gaston’s advantages are notable and effective, and as long as you’re able to make it back to the stage, Gaston can pose a good threat to his opponents.

Standard Special - Greatest Hunter

Gaston shoots three arrows in quick succession from his bow, with each one being slightly stronger than the previous one. Getting hit by all three arrows can do noticeable damage, but the arrows have low knockback, so don’t expect to score KOs with this move.

Side Special - Blunderbuss

Gaston shoots three shots from his blunderbuss in quick succession. This functions pretty similarly to his standard special, but the shots are quicker and travel farther than the arrows, but are slightly weaker.

Up Special - Diving Smash

Gaston leaps into the air and comes back down at high speeds with his fists out to damage and launch opponents he hits. This attack is strong and has good KO power, but the vertical and horizontal distance covered is only average at best, and it sends Gaston plummeting down fast, which can surprise those not expecting and may unintentionally lead to Gaston self-destructing.

Down Special - Five Dozen Eggs

Upon input, Gaston pulls out some eggs and starts juggling them. While he’s juggling, pressing B will have Gaston throw the eggs as projectiles, damaging and briefly reducing the movement speed of those hit, or pressing A will have Gaston eat the eggs and heal a small amount of his damage. You can only do one of the two options during each use of the move, and if no input is given three seconds after Gaston starts juggling, he will put the eggs away. To prevent Gaston from spamming the healing function too much, if Gaston is excessively eating the eggs, he eventually will stop being healed by them until he stops doing it for a while.

Superstar Attack - Intimidating Specimen

Gaston unleashes a super powerful punch to anyone directly in front of him. This attack has tremendous power and can typically KO characters below 20%, and if you do somehow survive, the punch does extreme damage, giving Gaston good opportunities to KO you afterwards. While this isn’t the flashiest Superstar Attack ever, and one of the shortest and simplest, you shouldn’t mistake simplicity for ineffectiveness, as it is quite powerful.


Up Taunt - Gaston says “I’m roughly the size of a BARGE!” while doing the same motions he did in the movie when he said that.

Side Taunt - Gaston says “Woah! Slow down.”

Down Taunt - Gaston says “As a specimen, yes, I’m intimidating!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Gaston says “That makes me the best!” while striking a triumphant pose.

Victory Animation 2: Gaston admires himself while looking at a mirror.

Victory Animation 3: Gaston strikes an intimidating pose while saying “No one wins like Gaston!”; if this animation is chosen while Beast was present in the match, Gaston will instead say “It’s over, Beast! Belle is mine!”

Losing Animation: Sitting in his chair, Gaston angrily turns it away from the winner to pout.

Pacha next

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For this batch of movesets, I’m doing the one request I got for Pacha, and I decided to get two franchises with no one posted yet complete with the characters from WALL-E (WALL-E, EVE) and Oliver and Company (Dodger and Oliver, Sykes).


Trophy Description:

A kind-hearted peasant and family man who is horrified to find out that Emperor Kuzco is intending to destroy his village to build a summer home for himself. When Kuzco gets turned into a llama and Pacha reluctantly accompanies him back to the palace, he hopes to get the emperor to have a change of heart and spare his village. Despite his gentle and kind nature, don’t underestimate Pacha’s inability to fight, as he can pack quite a punch!

General Information:

As you’d expect from his large size, Pacha is a heavyweight character, being slightly heavier than Kronk and much heavier than Yzma. Of the three The Emperor’s New Groove characters, Pacha is the strongest and therefore contains the most KO power. Pacha’s smash attacks are quite strong, his back throw has solid KO potential, especially if used near the edge of a stage, and his forward air does great knockback. Pacha’s special moves are more unique than the average character’s, having a dashing side special that doesn’t increase his speed, but allows him to pick up items as he charges, a frying pan that acts both as a counter and reflector, and the ability to summon small scorpions to scurry around the stage and pester his opponents. However, Pacha does have some weaknesses to be aware of. Pacha’s agility is fairly weak, having low running and air speed, with high falling speed as well, and his up special, while fairly strong as an attack, is only average as a recovery tool. Pacha also lacks a proper projectile attack, and, outside of the scorpions he can summon, doesn’t have tools that allow him to fight at a distance, meaning he will need to rely on close-quarters combat to damage opponents. Thankfully, Pacha’s strength and weight gives him leeway for having to fight up close, but he is unable to sit back and camp with projectiles. Overall, Pacha is a great choice for those who want to get up close and personal with their opponents, being able to deal great damage while also being able to survive powerful hits better than most of the characters. However, his lacking speed and having no projectiles do provide some risk using him, but those who are able to let his strengths outshine his weaknesses will likely do well with him.

Standard Special - Helpful Utensil

Pacha pulls out his wife’s frying pan and shields himself with it, functioning as both a counter move and a reflector.

Side Special - Plowing On Through

Pacha charges forward with a wheelbarrow, damaging and knocking back anyone hit, and scooping up any items in his way. After the move is finished, Pacha will equip any item of his choice from an input meter by his icon. The move does decent knockback and can KO at higher percentages, but the damage isn’t too high, and the move does not speed him up.

Up Special - Flock of Bats

A bunch of bats appear and fly in a diagonal arc, carrying a terrified Pacha with them. The recovery is only average due to the small bats carrying a big and heavy man like Pacha, but it does do decent damage and knockback for an up special.

Down Special - Scary Scorpions

A small bush spawns in front of Pacha and he shakes it, causing small scorpions to emerge and roam around the battlefield for about 5 seconds, latching on to anyone they come across and dealing damage-over-time effects and slowing them down for the remainder of their time present. Pacha can’t be damaged by the scorpions, but he can still be slowed down by them.

Superstar Attack - Huge Waterfall

Pacha throws a punch that sends anyone he hits into a cinematic where they land in a river and fall down a huge waterfall with sharp rocks at the bottom. The rocks then send opponents flying away in a diagonal path. The rocks do good knockback, but the damage done by this Superstar Attack is only average, so it’s good to make sure opponents you want to KO have some damage going into it for higher KO potential.


Up Taunt - Pacha scratches his head and says “Huh?”

Side Taunt - Pacha yells “Aah!” in a worried manner.

Down Taunt - Pacha says “Are you okay? Are you alright?”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Pacha says “When the sun hits that ridge just right…”, strikes a pose, and finishes with “…these hills sing.”

Victory Animation 2: Pacha says “Now look, I think we got off on the wrong foot here.”

Victory Animation 3: Pacha sits down next to some llamas and cheerfully rubs one of them on the head.

Losing Animation: Pacha applauds.


Trophy Description:

A cute little robot whose name stands for Waste Allocation Load Lifter: Earth-Class. WALL-E lives on an abandoned futuristic version of the Earth as a trash collector, which isn’t a very fun job and gets lonely for him. Fortunately, he meets another robot named EVE and develops a strong relationship with her. Despite his small size, WALL-E barely clocks in as a middleweight and uses tools such as a fire extinguisher and his trash cubes to create a deceptively powerful moveset.

General Information:

Despite his small size, and a good portion of the lightweight characters being noticeably taller than he is, WALL-E actually barely clocks in as a middleweight fighter, being the lightest middleweight fighter in the game. In general, WALL-E is a character who prioritizes attack power and recovery over agility and defense, being surprisingly strong for someone of his stature. WALL-E has a good projectile attack with his standard special, allowing him to shoot out trash cubes to slide across the stage, which he can also speed up (as well as his attack and movement speed in general) temporarily with his down special, allowing him to power himself with his solar charge. WALL-E’s recovery is also quite good for someone without legs and poor jumping power, as he uses a fire extinguisher to travel horizontally with his side special and vertically with his up special. WALL-E’s smash attacks are also quite strong for a smaller character, and his jab combo is pretty solid as well. As mentioned before, WALL-E’s agility and defense aren’t his strong points, since, despite barely being a middleweight fighter, he is still in the lighter half of the characters. WALL-E’s agility is fairly mediocre, having below average running speed, low air speed, and average falling speed, though he can travel quickly with the use of his side and up specials, so these flaws can somewhat be compensated for. Overall, WALL-E has plenty of helpful assets, and if you can try your best to minimize his chances of getting KO’d, he’s quite a useful character that has lots of potential.

Standard Special - WALL-E’s Cube

WALL-E creates a cube of trash and slides it across the stage. The cube travels until it hits an opponent, dealing decent damage, a wall, or slides off the stage.

Side Special - Speeding Robot

WALL-E uses a fire extinguisher to move horizontally very quickly, hurting enemies hit along the way, which does good damage and decent knockback. It’s great as a horizontal recovery, but has a short recharge time between use of the move.

Up Special - Hover Help

WALL-E uses a fire extinguisher to fly in the air. It’s not as strong as his side special, but the vertical distance is great, and the recharge time is shorter.

Down Special - Solar Power

WALL-E starts his solar charge, which gives him increased energy for ten seconds. With that extra energy, WALL-E’s movement and attack speed is slightly faster for those ten seconds, though he can’t use this move while the solar charge is active, and he must wait ten seconds after his solar charge ends to be able to use it again.

Superstar Attack - WALL-A’s Cube

WALL-E summons a WALL-A, which creates trash cubes similar to his, but much bigger. The WALL-A creates a giant trash cube and slides it across the stage, typically scoring KOs on opponents who have medium damage percentages. The cube can be jumped over, but its large size can make it difficult to do so, especially with characters who have poor recovery and/or jumping power.


Up Taunt - WALL-E looks at the camera, waves, and says his name.

Side Taunt - WALL-E shakes his fire extinguisher.

Down Taunt - WALL-E stretches out his arms.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: WALL-E waves while saying his name.

Victory Animation 2: WALL-E looks at his cockroach, Hal, who is perched on his hand.

Victory Animation 3: WALL-E happily drives around in a circle.

Losing Animation: WALL-E cheers for the winner by waving his arms up and down.


Trophy Description:

A robot whose name stands for Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator, EVE is sent by the humans living on the Axiom to travel to an abandoned, trashed Earth to look for signs of life. She comes across a small plant, belonging to a trash-collecting robot named WALL-E, and the two robots fall in love as they plan to get the humans back to Earth. EVE can turn her arm into a cannon that shoots lasers and can also use her scanner and inner-storage to aid her in battle.

General Information:

EVE is a lightweight character who is roughly in the middle of those characters weight-wise, and her playstyle is one that is all about out-powering your opponents before they can outpower you, which is made easier for EVE by having a generally good stat distribution. EVE is fast on the ground and in the air, falls slowly, has excellent recovery, and has good tools for both racking up damage and scoring KOs. EVE’s aerial attacks do good damage and knockback, her smash attacks, while not the most powerful knockback-wise, have great damage output, and arguably her most useful tool is her standard special, in which EVE shoots out ionic lasers from her arm. EVE can fire rapid fire bursts of lasers that flinch opponents and can help rack up damage, or charge it for a big laser that is EVE’s most powerful attack both damage and knockback-wise. EVE also has some stage controlling abilities with her side special being able to render a small area of the stage harmful for opponents to walk into, and her down special allows her to store projectiles and/or items for her to use. However, despite EVE’s many strengths, she does have one big weakness, and that is her aforementioned light weight. Not only can EVE not take as much punishment as most characters before it’s easy for her to get KO’d, but EVE also hovers in the air at all times, which makes her default position higher than the average lightweight character and therefore makes her slightly easier to hit. EVE works best against those who struggle to keep up with her and she can keep away with her lasers, but she can struggle against those with reflectors who can throw her lasers back at her. Overall, despite her flaws, EVE can be a great fighter if used correctly.

Standard Special - Ionic Laser

EVE turns her right arm into a cannon that shoots ionic lasers. If repeatedly tapped, she can shoot up to five lasers in one round, which flinch those hit by them. The move can also be held for a few seconds to charge a big laser that possesses good KO power.

Side Special - Life Scanner

EVE activates her scanner, which does mild damage to anyone it detects and stuns them for a second. If EVE uses this move and no one is within range, the small area she scanned will emit a blue aura for 5 seconds, and anyone who enters the area during this time frame will take repeated damage until they get out or it goes away. EVE can’t be harmed by this aura.

Up Special - Aerodynamic Robot

EVE quickly flies diagonally upwards in the direction she is facing, doing light damage and knockback to those she hits. EVE can cover large distances quickly with this move, and it makes for one of the better recovery options in the game.

Down Special - Internal Storage

The middle of EVE’s body opens to reveal a storage compartment, which emits a small wind that blows things towards her. Opponents who get pulled towards EVE and hit her take mild damage and knockback, and the first item or projectile the wind grabs will be stored inside EVE for use the next time she uses this move. If EVE doesn’t use a captured projectile or item within 25 seconds after she captured it, it will go away.

Superstar Attack - Annihilating Laser

EVE renders herself immobile but invincible as she charges a giant ionic laser that emits from her arm cannon, reaching the entire distance of the stage and having sizable height. The laser is only out for a few seconds, but it does a lot of damage, has good KO potential, and can’t be reflected. EVE’s foes need to stay away from the laser (most likely, in midair) to avoid the attack, which can be tough to avoid, especially on smaller stages.


Up Taunt - EVE warbles sternly.

Side Taunt - EVE says “Directive?”

Down Taunt - EVE giggles.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: EVE plays with a bubble wrapper.

Victory Animation 2: EVE flies into the scene and winks.

Victory Animation 3: EVE yawns and goes into her inactive mode.

Losing Animation: EVE applauds.

Dodger and Oliver:

Trophy Description:

A street-smart dog and orphan kitten who live in New York City. Dodger is one of five dogs who live with a bumbling, yet good-natured thief named Fagin, who collect items of value to help him pay off his debt to the evil Sykes. Dodger and his friends end up accepting Oliver into their gang, and view the kitten as a good friend. Dodger performs most of the attacks and is a light, fast character, and he receives assistance from Oliver squirting mustard to annoy their foes.

General Information:

Dodger and Oliver are one of a handful of duo fighters in the game, and similar to Sulley and Boo and Kenai and Koda, the bigger character (in this case, Dodger) does the majority of the fighting. Dodger’s agility stats are very good, being very quick at running, having good air speed, and average falling speed, and being a small character, he can be hard to hit. The duo possess a good up special that gives them good recovery while allowing them to perform aerial attacks and avoiding them from entering helplessness, and their special moves do a good job at letting them control the battlefield. They can spawn fire hydrants that shoots out water in opposite directions, Oliver can squirt mustard as a projectile to annoy his opponents by reducing their movement speed and reversing their controls temporarily, and most notably, the duo can summon another one of Fagin’s dogs to assist them in combat, who can rack up damage and potentially score KOs as well. However, Dodger does have some weaknesses to be aware of. One of the duo’s major flaws is their weight, as they are among the ten lightest characters in the game, and powerhouses such as Mr. Incredible and Maui can easily launch them away with little difficulty. While the duo do have solid tools to help rack up damage, their KO options are fairly limited, relying on smash attacks, Einstein, and, to a lesser extent, Rita and Francis, to score KOs. On top of that, their smash attacks aren’t especially powerful compared to most characters, so while they are great at racking up damage, the duo can sometimes struggle to close out opponents’ stocks. Their standard special, while an excellent move and is a big part of making them an effective fighter, can also be tricky, as once you choose a dog, you can’t choose another one until Dodger and Oliver lose a stock, and since the dogs have different strengths and weaknesses, you need to keep that in mind. Overall, Dodger and Oliver have some notable flaws, but their strengths are also quite notable in their great speed and crowd control, and if you’re able to minimize the damage they take while racking up enough damage to score KOs, they can be a very effective duo.

Standard Special - Part of the Gang

For each stock, Dodger and Oliver can use this move once to choose one of Fagin’s dogs (Tito, Francis, Rita, or Einstein) to help assist them in battle. The dog will stay out until they are KO’d by falling off the stage and being unable to recover, though they do have midair jumps and can be helped by the duo’s up special. Each dog performs similar attacks, such as biting, head bashes, and charging dashes, but each dog has their own unique stats and characteristics, meaning you need to choose wisely who you want to have out, as you can’t change who is out that stock, even if they get eliminated from battle before the duo loses a stock. Tito is the smallest and hardest to hit, fastest, and best at recovering, but doesn’t do much damage, has very little KO power, and can easily be sent flying by powerful attacks. Einstein plays the opposite of Tito, having good KO power and weight, but is the biggest target, the slowest, and jumps the lowest. Francis and Rita are both fairly balanced, with Rita being the quicker of the two and doing more damage, and Francis being the heavier of the two and having more KO power.

Side Special - Messy Mustard

Oliver pulls out a bottle of mustard and squirts it, travelling a short distance away from the duo. Those hit by the mustard will take mild damage, have their movement speed slightly decreased for five seconds, and have their controls reversed for five seconds.

Up Special - Air Duct Rush

An air duct appears below Dodger and Oliver and raises them a good distance into the air. Unlike most up specials, this attack does not do any damage, though the duo can still perform aerial attacks while this move is being used. Opponents or dogs on the vent will also be raised into the air.

Down Special - Fire Hydrant

A fire hydrant spawns right where Dodger and Oliver are standing, and it stays on the stage for 15 seconds. The fire hydrant continually shoots out bursts of water from both sides of it, pushing opponents back and doing decent damage. The duo and any of the dogs can’t be hurt by the hydrant, and only one can be out at a time.

Superstar Attack - Fagin’s Rushdown

Upon activation, Fagin quickly zooms into the battlefield on his motorcycle, which Dodger and Oliver (plus any of the other dogs if they are present) hop into. Fagin, who is invincible, speeds around the battlefield for 15 seconds, and his fast speed makes him quite powerful and possesses great KO power, especially on smaller stages where he is hard to avoid. However, on larger stages, Fagin loses some KO potential, as it’s much easier to stay away from him, and while his motorcycle can hop, its jumps are fairly weak and low.


Up Taunt - Dodger lets out a triumphant howl.

Side Taunt - Dodger says to Oliver “Starting to feel that rhythm, kid?”

Down Taunt - Dodger tosses a pair of sunglasses into the air, which land in front of his eyes. He can continue to fight like this if he wants, though there are no gameplay differences. Down taunt again for Dodger to take the sunglasses off.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Dodger pulls out some sausages and he and Oliver start to eat them.

Victory Animation 2: Dodger says “Consider this a lesson from New York City’s coolest quadruped. Catch you later!”

Victory Animation 3: Dodger tells Oliver “So what I’d tell ya, kid? I knew we’d come out of this on top.”

Losing Animation: Dodger lies on the ground and applauds with his front legs while Oliver cheerfully hops up and down next to him.


Trophy Description:

A villainous loan shark who lives in New York City and has lent a considerable amount of money to a poor man named Fagin. Sykes orders Fagin to pay the money back in three days or else, and he is not afraid to resort to heinous actions to get what he wants. Despite his lack of powers, Sykes is an intimidating villain who features good strength and powerful utilities, and he can summon his Dobermans, Roscoe and DeSoto, to assist him in combat.

General Information:

Sykes is a character who falls into the “mighty glacier” type of character, prioritizing power over speed, and he has plenty of threatening tools at his disposal. Sykes clocks in as a heavyweight fighter and his speed stats are generally poor, with low running speed, very low air speed, and high falling speed. To make for it, Sykes’ strength is pretty solid, typically doing good damage on most attacks and having a fair number of good KO options. Sykes uses an axe in his smash attacks, possessing good power, and his smash attacks also have the unique ability to be used on two of his special moves to turn them into more powerful attacks, namely his security cameras and an elevator he uses to help him recover. The security cameras damage foes caught within their radar, and if Sykes destroys the pole it’s on with his axe, it will create a powerful electric shock that has excellent KO power. Sykes’ up special, the aforementioned elevator, gives him good vertical lift and an additional jump as it stays in place briefly before vanishing, and he can also destroy it with his smash attacks to send it falling down as a very powerful attack. Sykes can also trap opponents in place with sheets, and he can summon one of his two Dobermans, Roscoe or DeSoto, to assist him with each stock, with Roscoe having more mobility and survivability, but unimpressive KO power, and DeSoto being less agile and struggling more to recover, but having solid KO power. Despite his many strengths, Sykes does have some weaknesses to keep in mind. As mentioned earlier, he is on the slower side, and his horizontal recovery is weak due to his mediocre jumping power and poor air speed. Additionally, using his smash attacks to destroy his security cameras and elevator, while powerful, can be tricky to land since it takes time to set up and many opponents might see it coming in advance. Overall, Sykes is a very dangerous opponent and can easily outpower those who let him play aggressively, so you need to exploit his weak speed to his disadvantage to come out on top, and those playing Sykes should do their best to avoid letting foes overwhelm you more than you overwhelm them.

Standard Special - Security Camera

Sykes spawns a small pole with a security camera on it, which stays out for around six seconds. Those who get spotted by the security camera will repeatedly take mild damage until they get out of its radar, which covers a fair distance in front of it, but those behind it won’t get spotted. Sykes can also destroy the camera with his attacks to create an electric explosion that is quite powerful, but unless he destroys it with the axe he uses in his smash attacks, he will also get hurt by the ensuing sparks. The camera’s radar can’t damage Sykes, and only one camera can be out at a time.

Side Special - Trapping Sheet

Sykes throws a large sheet a short distance in front of him that does mild damage to those it hits and briefly traps them underneath it, rendering those captured immobile and vulnerable to taking damage, but the damage they’ll take is reduced and they’re immune to knockback.

Up Special - Service Elevator

An elevator appears and carries Sykes a good distance into the air, and once it reaches its vertical peak, it will remain there for about two seconds, giving Sykes an additional jump. While the move has good vertical gain, it provides no horizontal gain outside of giving Sykes an extra jump, does no damage as it ascends, and can potentially help opponents recover. Sykes can destroy the elevator by breaking its support structure with his smash attacks, causing it to fall down at high speeds as an incredibly powerful projectile, but this attack is hard to land since it’s quite telegraphed in advance and it’s not a smart option for Sykes to do this above a bottomless pit, as the chances of him making it back to the stage are quite low, and therefore, this attack should only be attempted when above solid ground.

Down Special - Vicious Dobermans

With a snap of his fingers, Sykes will summon one of his two Dobermans, Roscoe or DeSoto, with the player deciding which one to summon with a roulette that appears by his icon. Both dogs function similarly to Fagin’s dogs in Dodger and Oliver’s moveset, in that they will stay out until they or Sykes get KO’d, Sykes can only choose one to be out per stock, and attack with bites, head bashes, and charging dashes. Of the two, Roscoe is faster both in movement and attack speed, and DeSoto does more damage and possesses greater KO power.

Superstar Attack - Subway Spectacular

Upon activation, Sykes will yell “Come on!” and send anyone within a very close range of him into a cinematic where they’re trapped in his car as he drives it towards a subway train, and at the last moment, Sykes jumps out of it as those trapped make contact with the subway train and take serious damage and knockback. Against lighter characters, this attack will usually be a one-hit KO, and it’s among the top tier of Superstar Attacks in terms of sheer power, but compared to similar Superstar Attacks in which those at close range need to be hit in order to carry on, the range is especially small, meaning Sykes needs to get quite close to those he wants to KO to land it.


Up Taunt - Sykes says “What is this?!? A slumber party?!?”

Side Taunt - Sykes says “Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy…”

Down Taunt - Sykes says “This is your last chance.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Sykes says “This has all been very entertaining, but the party is over.”

Victory Animation 2: Sykes says “Keep your mouth shut. Consider our case closed.”

Victory Animation 3: Sykes tosses some treats to Roscoe and DeSoto, who proceed to eat them as Sykes says “Don’t worry. They only eat when I tell them to.”, and chuckles sinisterly.

Losing Animation: Sykes impatiently rubs his finger across his forehead in disappointment.

Max’s moveset is all complete now and only Potato Head remains. I have his moves planned out now and just need to type it up.

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Can I see Bagheera, King Louie, Beast, Sadness, and Anger please.

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For today’s movesets, I’ll do a series of five more requests that should wrap up the casts of The Jungle Book, Beauty and the Beast, and Inside Out, with Bagheera, King Louie, Beast, Sadness, and Anger.


Trophy Description:

A panther who discovered Mowgli when he was a baby and accompanies him on his journey to the man-village to escape the wrath of Shere Khan. Bagheera’s no-nonsense personality clashes with Mowgli’s refusal to leave the jungle and Baloo’s laidback nature, yet despite their agreements, he does care for them and only wants what’s best. Compared to Baloo, Bagheera sacrifices strength for speed, using his agility to weave in and out around his enemies.

General Information:

Bagheera falls into the archetype of character known as a “stone wall”, which refers to a character who prioritizes defensive capabilities over offensive capabilities. Bagheera is on the heavier end of the middleweight characters, and since he is a character whose size comes from being long rather than being tall, he is quite short for someone of his weight, granting him good defense. Bagheera is also quite fast on the ground, though his air speed is comparatively weak and he falls quickly. Bagheera is great at using his speed to weave in and out to attack opponents and retreat to lower his chances of punishment, and he has a projectile attack that allows him to fight at a distance, though its range isn’t too great. Despite his mediocre air stats and poor aerial attacks, Bagheera’s up special, in which he is assisted by the vultures into the air, is actually a pretty good recovery tool, and his standard and down specials are arguably his most interesting and unique attacks. Bagheera’s standard special allows him to summon a large boulder that stands upright and will fall over after enough damage is done to it, being a powerful KO move, and his down special allows him to hit opponents with a very short-range attack that, if it lands, will give him temporary benefits that increase depending on how many opponents got hit by the move. However, Bagheera does have some flaws to address. While Bagheera has good agility and defense, his attack power isn’t the greatest. While most of his moves do reasonable damage, Bagheera’s attacks tend to lack in knockback, with his standard special, and to a lesser extent, his forward smash, being his only reliable KO moves, with the former also being dangerous for Bagheera and requires someone to be near the boulder in the direction it falls, and his forward smash, a claw swipe, having very poor range and just being a decent KO move. As stated earlier, outside of his up special, Bagheera also doesn’t fare the best in the air, so it’s important to keep him to the ground when possible. Overall, while Bagheera can sometimes struggle to score KOs, he has a lot of tools to help outlast his opponents, and he can be quite useful if you’re able to properly land his best attacks.

Standard Special - Big Boulder

Bagheera summons a large boulder that stands upright that, after it is attacked enough times, will fall down in the direction opposite the last person who attacked it and do great damage and knockback to anyone hit. It is a powerful KO option, but be warned that Bagheera can be hurt by the boulder as well.

Side Special - Basket Toss

Bagheera throws a basket a short distance in front of him, doing decent damage and low knockback to anyone it hits.

Up Special - That’s What Friends Are For

The four vultures pick up Bagheera and lift him into the air for a few seconds, and the player can move what direction the vultures travel in to help Bagheera recover. The vultures’ wings can damage those hit, but it isn’t a very powerful attack.

Down Special - Halt!

Bagheera yells “HALT!!!”, which has a very short range with low knockback, but Bagheera gets benefited from landing the attack depending on how many people got hit by it. If only one person gets hit, Bagheera will have his movement speed increased for five seconds. If two people get hit, Bagheera keeps the movement speed increase and heals the amount of damage he did to both opponents. If three or more people get hit, Bagheera keeps the above benefits (plus the movement speed increase duration is increased to ten seconds), and gains invisibility for ten seconds.

Superstar Attack - Jungle Patrol

Bagheera hears the sound of trumpeting elephants, and he quickly runs off-screen as Colonel Hathi’s elephant military, the Jungle Patrol, stampedes across the screen from the left to the right. While the elephants don’t move terribly fast and only stay out for about ten seconds, their large size and sheer quantity of them can make them hard to avoid, especially for those with poor recovery options, and the KO potential is pretty strong as well.


Up Taunt - Bagheera says “It’s not funny.”

Side Taunt - Bagheera says “Oh, that does it!”

Down Taunt - Bagheera says “This will take brains, not brawn.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Bagheera says “So, you can look after yourself, can you?”

Victory Animation 2: Bagheera says “Now, there’s no use arguing anymore; I’ve won the battle.”

Victory Animation 3: Bagheera says “It seems you have massive ability to get into trouble.”

Losing Animation: Bagheera lays on the ground and applauds with his front legs.

King Louie:

Trophy Description:

A crazy orangutan who lives with his monkey followers in a temple in the jungles of India. King Louie wants nothing more than to become like a human, and he believes the secret to obtaining that is producing Man’s Red Flower (in other terms, fire). King Louie is the life of the party whenever he gets wild! His long arms grant him far-reaching melee attacks and a handy ground pound move. Most other aspects surrounding King Louie are relatively balanced.

General Information:

Of the three base game The Jungle Book characters, King Louie is the most well-rounded, and offers a good balance between the strengths and weaknesses found in both Baloo and Bagheera. King Louie is a middleweight character who is on the cusp of being a heavyweight, being a little heavier than Bagheera but noticeably lighter than Baloo. In terms of speed and power, the three are inversely proportional to each other, with Louie being in between the two in both fields, being faster and weaker than Baloo and slower and stronger than Bagheera. Louie generally tends to favor power over speed, having above average strength and average agility, with average running and air speed, and high falling speed, though not to a major degree like Baloo or other powerful characters. Louie’s recovery is solid, he has a projectile attack in throwing out bananas that can also be eaten if they land on the ground, and his down special allows him to repeatedly slam the ground, which can also hit bananas on the ground to make them fly at powerful speeds. Additionally, due to how long his arms are, Louie’s range is pretty good for close-quarters combat, with his forward and up smashes having quite good power and being his most powerful attacks. In general, King Louie doesn’t possess a ton of major weaknesses, though as mentioned, his speed isn’t anything to write home about. Overall, King Louie is a good choice for those who want to use a character who has decent power and weight without sacrificing a ton of speed, and he’s a solid choice for anyone who wants to use him.

Standard Special - Banana Barrage

King Louie throws several bananas in front of him. Ones that don’t hit anybody fall on the ground and can be eaten by anyone to heal a little damage, though Louie is healed more from the bananas than his opponents. King Louie can also use his down special on bananas on the ground to send them flying at a fast and powerful speed.

Side Special - Leafy Whack

King Louie pulls out a long leaf and whacks it in front of him. This functions fairly similarly to a smash attack, with it dealing good damage and having potential to KO on opponents who have taken a good amount of damage, though it isn’t the quickest to start.

Up Special - Monkey Toss

Two monkeys appear and throw King Louie into the air. Louie can aim himself horizontally while the monkeys are throwing him, and those who touch Louie will take decent damage and so-so knockback. This recovery is good, but not exceptional.

Down Special - Ground Pound

King Louie slams his hands on the ground to create shockwaves on the sides of him that hurt nearby opponents. Louie can continually use this move if the move’s input is continually spammed. While it renders Louie immobile and has some ending lag, it does good damage and has some KO potential at higher percentages.

Superstar Attack - Monkey Mayhem

Upon activation, King Louie becomes invincible as he starts dancing and his monkey followers roam around the stage at super-quick speeds, doing sizable damage to anyone they hit in their path. The speed and number of monkeys make them hard to avoid, and while you can likely survive getting hit by a monkey or two if your damage is relatively low, getting hit by more than that will probably score a KO for King Louie. The attack lasts for 15 seconds.


Up Taunt - King Louie says “Crazy!”

Side Taunt - King Louie does a handstand, points at himself with his other hand, and says “That’s me!”

Down Taunt - King Louie pulls out a banana and eats it.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: King Louie starts dancing, making gibberish noises as he repeatedly jumps over his arms.

Victory Animation 2: King Louie sits on his throne and eats bananas.

Victory Animation 3: King Louie puts his hands near his mouth and acts as if he was playing an instrument.

Losing Animation: King Louie applauds.


Trophy Description:

A prince who was transformed into a beast by an enchantress for refusing to give her shelter. Revolted by his new form, Beast has become angry and depressed over the years, viewing himself as nothing but a monster. Once a woman named Belle comes to his castle, she helps him see past his insecurities and lets his positive traits overcome his bad temper. Beast is a large and powerful fighter who is surprisingly agile for his size and becomes more powerful the angrier he gets.

General Information:

As you would expect from someone his size, Beast is a very heavy character, and he also possesses excellent strength. Beast has a lot of powerful attacks that do good damage and knockback, with great meteor smashes, a good projectile for disrupting opponents, and having one of the stronger collections of throws amongst the cast. On top of being very heavy and very strong, Beast also contains good agility. He has good running, air, and falling speed, and is able to jump fairly high. Perhaps Beast’s most notable attribute is a mechanic unique to him called the rage meter. This meter is present by his icon, and is primarily increased through taking damage or doing damage with his standard special. The higher Beast’s rage meter is, the more powerful his already strong attacks will become, and it also helps lower the starting lag for his down special, his slowest and arguably most powerful attack. Despite his many strengths, Beast does have some weaknesses. Since he is one of the larger characters in the game, he is easy to hit, and therefore, is more likely to be susceptible to combos. Additionally, Beast’s recovery is below average, as, while he does have good jumping power, his up special doesn’t give him a ton of vertical gain compared to other characters, and Beast has very little in the way of increasing his horizontal recovery. Overall, despite having some weaknesses, Beast’s strengths are notable and can’t be denied, featuring a great combination of both power and speed that makes him threatening in the right hands.

Standard Special - Rampaging Roar

Beast lets out a roar, which briefly stuns nearby opponents and does decent damage. Using the roar will also increase his rage meter, which increases as he takes damage and gives his attacks slightly more power.

Side Special - Super Snowball

Beast throws a huge snowball in front of him. The snowball knocks back and hurts everyone in its path until it loses momentum and falls to the ground. As such, the move doesn’t do any knockback beyond the distance the snowball travels, but it is a good tool to slow down your opponents, while doing reasonable damage in the process.

Up Special - Beastly Leap

Beast performs a large leap into the air, damaging opponents he hits on his way up. This move covers decent vertical distance, but minimal horizontal distance.

Down Special - Ground Slam

Beast slams his fists on the ground on both sides of him after a charge. This attack is very powerful and has great KO potential, but it is quite slow to execute. The build-up time to execute this move can be decreased the higher Beast’s rage meter is.

Superstar Attack - Unstoppable Rage

Beast goes into a serious rage that renders him invincible and grants him drastically increased agility and strength for about 10 seconds. On top of that, the build-up time for executing his down special is drastically reduced, allowing him to use it quickly. While it is on the shorter end of Superstar Attack durations and not the flashiest one ever in terms of presentation, it is a very powerful attack and can very easily lead to Beast scoring several KOs.


Up Taunt - Beast makes an odd-looking smile.

Side Taunt - Beast says “You are being so DIFFICULT!”

Down Taunt - Beast points his finger out while going “Huh?”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Beast gives a gentlemanly gesture.

Victory Animation 2: Beast looks around awkwardly as a bunch of birds are perched on him.

Victory Animation 3: Beast stands next to a small table with the enchanted rose on it, which he looks at protectively.

Losing Animation: Beast applauds.


Trophy Description:

One of Riley’s emotions, Sadness, much like her name implies, is usually depressed and sulking about. Sadness frequently tries to insert herself into Riley’s life, which Joy tries to keep from happening, but when Joy realizes that being happy all the time isn’t a good thing, she understands Sadness does have value to her after all. Sadness is one of the less powerful characters, but she does have a very powerful attack that is also difficult to land.

General Information:

The three Inside Out characters are all inversely proportional to each other in terms of their strength and endurance, and of the three, Sadness is the one who places the most emphasis on durability. Granted, this is fairly downplayed compared to a lot of fighters, as Sadness is still a lightweight character. However, she is the heaviest lightweight character in the game, heavier than Joy and Anger, and also smaller than most of the heavier lightweight characters, making her defensive capabilities pretty solid for her type. Sadness has great horizontal recovery and decent vertical recovery with her up special, and her memory orbs are unique when compared to Joy and Anger in that, if they damage opponents, they will inflict either brief damage-over-time effects on those who hit them or heal Sadness for a small portion of her damage, which helps her stay in the game longer. Additionally, Sadness has a deceptively powerful down special that has excellent KO potential and executes very quickly, albeit it is risky to use due to only the move’s sweetspot (which is quite small) doing any damage or knockback, and if she misses, Sadness is in trouble as the move has a ton of ending lag. Therefore, landing it is both satisfying and landing it consistently is quite hard to do. Despite this move’s great strength, Sadness is not a character who is loaded with power, with her actually being one of the weaker characters in the game. Most of her moves don’t do that much damage, and her attack speed isn’t that great as well. Her only reliable KO options outside of her down special are her up and down smashes, which are easier to land, but noticeably weaker. Additionally, Sadness lacks in agility, with her running, air, and falling speed all being somewhat low. Therefore, Sadness’s lack of speed and strength can make it tricky to consistently do well with her, but her abilities to help her withstand punishing attacks and her high-risk, high-reward down special are also quite valuable.

Standard Special - Sad Memory Orbs

Sadness summons two memory orbs in front of her, which she can pick up and throw. Between her, Joy, and Anger, hers move the slowest and are the weakest, but foes who take damage from them will either take brief damage-over-time effects or heal Sadness for a small portion of her damage, both of which have an equal chance of happening.

Side Special - Cry a River

Sadness emits a large fountain of tears that rain down on both sides of her, damaging foes caught in her crying and making the area she cried on slippery for ten seconds, greatly decreasing the traction of anyone who walks over the water and giving them a chance to trip and make themselves vulnerable. Sadness isn’t affected by her tears.

Up Special - Depressing Cloud

A cloud spawns below Sadness and carries her into the air, during which Sadness cries and causes rain to emerge from the cloud, doing decent damage, though no knockback, to those hit and being an effective recovery move.

Down Special - Heavy Pout

Sadness does a big sulk and groan that lasts for several seconds, leaving herself very vulnerable and initially coming across as completely useless. However, foes who are practically directly touching her when she activates this one will be zapped away and take a large amount of damage. This is by far Sadness’s most powerful move and is an excellent KO move with very little start-up lag, but the extremely small range and extreme ending lag it has make it a risky move to miss with.

Superstar Attack - Playtime for Jangles

Upon activation, Jangles the Clown comes onto the stage and runs around trying to whack opponents with his hammer. Due to his large size, Jangles is quite powerful and him running and smashing his hammer both does a lot of damage and has great KO potential. Jangles stays out for 15 seconds and can’t hurt Sadness.


Up Taunt - Sadness starts tearing up and says “Oh, this is bad!”

Side Taunt - Sadness says “I keep making mistakes like that. I’m awful.”

Down Taunt - Sadness says “My friend says you’re famous and wants your autograph.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Sadness develops a smile on her face.

Victory Animation 2: Sadness has her face planted in the ground, moves it up and says “Crying helps me slow down and obsess over the weight of life’s problems”, and puts her face on the ground again.

Victory Animation 3: Sadness sadly walks into the scene and waves.

Losing Animation: Sadness sadly and slowly applauds.


Trophy Description:

One of Riley’s emotions, Anger is a short-tempered kind of guy whose job is to make sure things are fair for Riley. Easily agitated, Anger is rough around the edges, but he is a good guy at heart and ultimately values Riley living a good life above all else. Anger is small and light, but packs surprising strength, and he can heat himself up with fire to boost his agility and attack power for a short period of time.

General Information:

The three Inside Out characters are all inversely proportional to each other in terms of their strength and endurance, and of the three, Anger is the one who places the most emphasis on attack power. While he isn’t among one of the strongest in the game, he is definitely the most powerful out of him, Joy, and Sadness, and typically does good damage with a good number of KO options. Anger’s best KO options include his smash attacks, dash attack, side special, and up and back airs, and outside of his side special, all of them don’t have that much starting and/or ending lag. Additionally, Anger’s memory orbs are more powerful in terms of strength and speed than both Joy and Sadness’s variations, though they don’t stay out as long and once they move on their own, they tend to stay in a smaller area. Anger also has a helpful utility in his down special that, if he damages someone with it, he will receive a temporary both to his speed, power, and recovery, which is a great tool you should try to utilize as much as possible. Anger’s agility, while not spectacular, is also acceptable, with his running and falling speed both being average and his air speed being below average. However, Anger does have some flaws to take into consideration, namely, his poor defensive capabilities. Anger is pretty light, reducing his ability to take punishing attacks, and his recovery under normal circumstances is among one of the worst in the game. However, Anger’s recovery can be improved if he uses this while under the effects of the buffs he receives from landing his down special, but even then, it’s still fairly poor, just not among the worst. Additionally, while most of Anger’s KO options don’t lack in speed, they tend to lack in range due to his small size, with his side special in which he throws a chair being his best-ranged but slowest KO option. Overall, while Anger can find himself being overwhelmed by those who can exploit his poor weight and recovery, he also does a good job in dealing that punishment back with his high power and generally good attack speed, making him a solid fighter if you can overcome his flaws.

Standard Special - Angry Memory Orbs

Anger summons two memory orbs in front of him, which he can pick up and throw. Between him, Joy, and Sadness, his orbs are both the most powerful and the fastest. However, they also stay out the shortest and tend to stay in a smaller area when compared to the other two.

Side Special - Chair Throw

Anger pulls out a chair and throws it a distance in front of him. This move is quite powerful for a projectile that needs no charging, though it has some starting and ending lag and doesn’t travel too far. The chair can be thrown quicker if Anger has been buffed from his down special.

Up Special - Furious Hop

Anger furiously hops into the air, doing little damage and knockback, and providing minimal vertical and horizontal lift. This is a pretty weak recovery normally, though it can be improved with the help of his down special, which increases its recovery temporarily, though it’s still in the weaker half of recoveries.

Down Special - Hotheaded

Anger loses his temper and fire emerges from his head, doing damage to those hit by it and inflicting damage-over-time effects. The plus side is that, if Anger damages someone with this move, he will see an increase in both his speed, strength, and recovery for around ten seconds.

Superstar Attack - Temperamental Controls

A control panel spawns in front of Anger, who gets furious and pulls down on it, causing fire to appear randomly throughout the stage. The fire does little knockback, but it has serious damage-dealing capabilities and can quickly rack up someone’s damage from low to high. Anger can move around to score KOs, made easier from the fire’s insane damage, as he is invincible during the 15 seconds this attack lasts.


Up Taunt - Anger says “Can I say that curse word now?”

Side Taunt - Anger angrily points his left finger out while adjusting his tie with his right hand.

Down Taunt - Anger says “So that’s how you want to play it, pal?”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Anger reads a newspaper, briefly looking up to acknowledge the applause, but is more annoyed than happy.

Victory Animation 2: Anger happily raises his arm up and down going “Toot-toot!”

Victory Animation 3: Anger says “Now you see why making me angry is a terrible idea!”

Losing Animation: Anger begrudgingly applauds.

I now have Mr. Potato Head’s moveset done and all 162 characters in my game are complete and ready to be posted or are already posted. My next big step is to figure out Classic Mode and Story Mode.

For today’s movesets, I decided to get the whole Parr family on here and wrap up the characters from The Incredibles as a result, since Frozone and Syndrome are already on here. Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Violet, Dash, and Jack Jack’s movesets are all on this post.

Mr. Incredible:

Trophy Description:

Bob Parr’s superhero identity. Mr. Incredible was one of the most famous superheroes back in the day and saved the day with his superhuman strength. Unfortunately for him, superheroes were eventually made illegal, making him having to break the law in order to help others and relive his glory days. Mr. Incredible is unsurprisingly one of the most powerful characters in the game and can KO characters at low percentages, but faster foes can overwhelm him.

General Information:

Mr. Incredible is a heavyweight character with good defense and, to the surprise of probably no one, is in the top tier of attack power and one of the strongest characters in the game in terms of scoring KOs. Mr. Incredible has the strongest down air in the game, being a powerful meteor smash that also has great KO potential on those who are grounded, and his smash attacks are all among the most powerful of their kind. Mr. Incredible’s standard special is technically a projectile attack, though it isn’t thrown very far and it is slow to throw, but its damage and knockback are very high and puts it up there with Hercules and Little John for being a contender for having the most powerful standard special in the game. Mr. Incredible’s down special is somewhat similar to Gaston’s up special in execution, though it is slower to start and more powerful, and unlike Gaston, this is not Mr. Incredible’s primary form of recovery, which is his up special, which is actually pretty solid for someone of his stature. Mr. Incredible’s side special also allows him to bury opponents he hits for three seconds, leaving them vulnerable to being damaged by his attacks. However, Mr. Incredible’s power and durability does come at a cost, and that is, unsurprisingly, speed. Mr. Incredible has very low running speed, low air speed, and high falling speed, meaning he’ll fall quickly off the stage, but won’t have much speed elsewhere. Mr. Incredible also has arguably one of the worst abilities to combo characters out of any character, since the vast majority of his attacks, even his weaker attacks with little KO power, do at least mild knockback, hitting opponents away from him and making them harder to land consecutive hits on. Overall, those who want to do well with Mr. Incredible need to try their best to put their opponents into a vulnerable state so he can easily land powerful moves on them, which can sometimes be hard to do, especially against a fast opponent. However, under the right hands, Mr. Incredible can be a serious force to be reckoned with.

Standard Special - Car Toss

Mr. Incredible tosses a car a short distance in front of him, doing great damage and knockback and functioning as a powerful tool for KOs.

Side Special - Burying Headbash

Mr. Incredible does a headbutt that damages those he hits and buries them into the ground for three seconds.

Up Special - Landing Pod

A landing pod appears and carries Mr. Incredible into the air, functioning as a solid recovery tool for someone of his stature. The landing pod does hurt those it hits, but it isn’t as powerful as his other special moves.

Down Special - Slamming Dive

Mr. Incredible hops into the air and dives back down in a diagonal arc with his hands hitting the ground upon impact. This is a powerful move that does good damage and knockback, and it can potentially be used for recovery, though his up special works better since this one will send him flying back down quickly once he reaches his midair peak.

Superstar Attack - Robot Penetrator

Mr. Incredible transports himself to the far-left side of the stage he is on, carrying a large Omnidroid leg in one arm with Syndrome’s remote in the other arm. He presses a button on the remote, which causes the leg to go flying at great speeds across the stage. On smaller stages, this Superstar Attack is particularly deadly, due to the leg’s size, speed, and strength (which scores KOs on most characters around 15%), but on large stages, while it is still a threat, it can be fairly easy to avoid.


Up Taunt - Mr. Incredible says “You’re not affiliated with me!”

Side Taunt - Mr. Incredible says “It’s showtime.”

Down Taunt - Mr. Incredible beats his fists together.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Mr. Incredible puts his hands on his hips and strikes a triumphant pose.

Victory Animation 2: Mr. Incredible yells “Yeah, baby!” and hoots while celebrating his victory.

Victory Animation 3: Mr. Incredible says “Now, can we have the world stay saved for more than ten minutes?”

Losing Animation: Mr. Incredible applauds.


Trophy Description:

Helen Parr’s superhero identity. Elastigirl can stretch her body parts to insane lengths and her super-suit reduces explosion damage to a minimum. Unlike her husband, she easily adapted to superheroes being illegal, and doesn’t like it when he breaks the law to relive the glory days. Elastigirl’s stretchiness grants her the farthest-reaching melee attacks in the game, and she can use that to morph into things to destroy her opponents.

General Information:

Out of all the members of her family, Elastigirl is the most well-rounded and features a good balance between the strengths and weaknesses possessed by other members of her family. Elastigirl is the second heaviest of the Parrs, being a middleweight character who is slightly above average in weight, and has decent agility stats as well, with above average running, air, and falling speed. While she isn’t as fast as her two sons, she can still get around the stage reasonably fast, and her being much heavier than them makes her a safer option for those who find themselves the victims of powerful attacks. Elastigirl’s attack power is decent as well, and while her husband and daughter’s superpowers translate to more powerful attacks than hers, it’s still not something she finds herself struggling at. Due to her ability to stretch her body parts out to incredible lengths, Elastigirl has the farthest-reaching melee attacks in the game, and her smash attacks reach out quite far, while possessing decent strength as well. For KO power, Elastigirl can rely on her smash attacks, her standard special (which also functions as a projectile attack), and her down special, and her side and up specials give her solid tools for recovery. Elastigirl doesn’t have a ton of weaknesses, though as mentioned, she doesn’t specialize in anything outside of ranged melee attacks that you couldn’t find done better by another member of her family. At the same time, those characters also have more significant flaws than she does, so it ultimately balances things out and makes Elastigirl a good fighter who is easy to use and do well with.

Standard Special - Personal Slingshot

Elastigirl turns her arms into a slingshot-like shape, and uses them to hurl a manhole cover a distance in front of her. The attack does have some start-up lag, but it has above average strength for a projectile of this kind and has reasonable KO potential at higher percentages.

Side Special - Elasticycle

Elastigirl hops into her personal motorcycle, the Elasticycle, and dashes a short distance in front of her. It’s a helpful move for moving quicker or for horizontal recovery, and it does decent damage and so-so knockback.

Up Special - Flexible Stretcher

Elastigirl stretches the top half of her body out to an incredible length as she moves it in an upside-down “U”-shaped arc. When her top half reaches its destination, she moves her bottom half in the same arc to join both halves in place. This move doesn’t do too much damage or knockback, and will primarily be used for recovery, but it is an effective tool to get back on to the stage.

Down Special - Ground-Breaking Fist

Elastigirl buries one of her fists into the ground, which travels a short distance away from the direction she is facing and pops out, hurting those it hits. The move does solid damage and knockback, and can be a rather unpredictable move as to when the fist will pop out, but Elastigirl is stationary while she’s using it and it does have some starting and ending lag.

Superstar Attack - Edna’s Helicopter Attack

Elastigirl pulls out a phone and calls for Edna Mode to assist her. Edna, accompanied by a guard, arrives in a helicopter that hangs out in the background, and Edna orders the guard to fire missiles onto the battlefield. The missiles travel at consistent speeds, but can be fired anywhere on the stage, and do great damage and knockback to those hit by them. The attack lasts for 15 seconds and Elastigirl can’t be hurt by the missiles.


Up Taunt - Elastigirl stands up straight, puts her hands on her hips, and does a brief triumphant pose.

Side Taunt - Elastigirl says “The last thing you need is temptation.”

Down Taunt - Elastigirl says “I will not be made the enemy here!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Elastigirl says “I think all of you need to be a little more flexible.”

Victory Animation 2: Elastigirl says “Now my victory is official. Ha, ha, ha.”

Victory Animation 3: Elastigirl floats down into the scene as a parachute and morphs back into her normal shape.

Losing Animation: Elastigirl applauds.


Trophy Description:

The oldest child and only daughter of the Parr family. Violet is a shy person who doesn’t like being the center of attention, which reflects in her superpower of turning invisible. She can also summon and control forcefields as both a defensive and offensive option. Despite not being very heavy, Violet can frequently surround herself in powerful forcefields to make her hard to kill. Make sure not to get hit by her powerful rolling ball forcefield!

General Information:

Due to how her super-powers function, Violet contains a good balance between good offensive capabilities and good defensive capabilities. While she may barely clock in as a lightweight, Violet’s special moves frequently aid her defense and can make her tough to KO. Violet can turn invisible to make herself harder to see at the cost of reduced weight, and her standard and up specials allow her to cover herself with forcefields that make her much harder to KO, with each having their own unique uses. Her up special primarily works as an attack and recovery tool, being quite strong while covering good distance in the inputted directions, though it is a little slow to move around. Her standard special is more defense-oriented, with Violet’s forcefield healing her for a fifth of the damage done by any attack that hits it and her absorbing about a third of the attack’s damage and knockback into additional power she can use for her side special, which is a projectile that she shoots out on both sides of her. While this move is weak with no damage absorbed, it can be made quite strong if certain attacks were absorbed to give it great damage-dealing capabilities and KO power. Violet’s smash attacks also have good strength, and her jab combo is a great tool for racking up damage. Compared to the other members of her family, Violet’s strengths and weaknesses are most in-line with her dad, with both having good strength and good defense due to their special abilities/weight respectively, but are slower than Elastigirl and the boys. Violet’s agility isn’t anything to write home about, with average running speed and low air and falling speed, and when she surrounds herself with forcefields, her speed is noticeably decreased to being quite low, making it so constantly using it does contain some notable disadvantages. In general, those who can make strategic use of Violet’s forcefields and ability to turn invisible to both reduce the punishment she takes and deal out good damage and knockback in the process will likely do well with her, though her playstyle can make her a bit tricky for less experienced players to do well with.

Standard Special - Shy Shielder

Violet summons a forcefield that covers her for a few seconds. The forcefield allows her to absorb damage for any source that hits her, healing her for 20% of the attack’s damage, and absorbing 30% of the attack’s damage into extra damage done for her side special. However, Violet’s movement and jumping powers are greatly reduced during this time, and the forcefield will be clearly visible if she is invisible upon use.

Side Special - Splitting Forcefield

Violet summons a forcefield that splits in half and travels a distance away from her on both her left and right. When used normally, the attack is weak, but it can be made more powerful by absorbing attacks with her standard special. If the two moves are used properly together, this move can become an excellent KO move. After Violet uses this move when she has damage absorbed from her standard special, the extra damage goes away until more damage gets absorbed.

Up Special - Rolling Around

Violet summons a forcefield that surrounds her, and she can roll around in it like a ball for two seconds in any direction. It is a powerful move with solid KO potential, and can be versatile for recovering, but it doesn’t travel too quickly.

Down Special - Vanishing Violet

Violet turns herself invisible for ten seconds, making herself clear and hard to see. However, Violet’s endurance is decreased whenever she is invisible, and her forcefields will still be visible when she isn’t.

Superstar Attack - Mega Forcefield

Violet becomes invincible and uses all of her strength to summon a massive forcefield in midair in the center of the stage. She then uses her powers to slam it down on the stage several times, sending debris flying out. The debris isn’t too powerful, but the forcefield possesses great KO power and can damage opponents just by touching it. The forcefield is most powerful when you’re underneath it when it is slammed on the stage, being able to KO at very low percentages.


Up Taunt - Violet throws back her hair and stands straight up, then bends back down again.

Side Taunt - Violet generates a small forcefield in her left hand.

Down Taunt - Violet says “What do you people know about normal?!?”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Violet reads a teen magazine while wearing headphones, oblivious to the applause for her.

Victory Animation 2: Violet says “Now I feel different. Is different okay?”

Victory Animation 3: Violet rolls into the scene in a big forcefield and makes it go away, standing triumphantly.

Losing Animation: Violet applauds.


Trophy Description:

The middle child of the Parr family. As you can probably guess from his name, Dash’s superpower is the ability to run at superhuman speeds, which he uses to play pranks on his teacher and wants to make known to the world despite his mom’s worry about breaking the “no superheroes” law. Dash is the quickest character in the game with insane running and attack speed, but is light and doesn’t have a lot of KO power.

General Information:

As you’d probably expect from a superhero whose main power is possessing superhuman speed, Dash’s agility is excellent and, while toned down from how fast he is in the movie, is overall the best in the game. Dash has the highest running speed in the game, has very high air speed (though not the highest among all fighters), but due to his light weight, his falling speed is fairly poor. Additionally, most of Dash’s attacks are very quick to execute, including his smash attacks, making it so he has an easy time constantly attacking. Dash can use his up special and standard special for vertical and horizontal recovery, respectively, and his football projectile gives him a tool to safely fight from a distance. Arguably one of Dash’s best tools is his down special, in which he summons tacks that he can put on the battlefield that hurt everyone but him to walk over. While the tacks don’t do much damage and won’t score KOs, several of them can potentially be on the stage at a time and they are very small, making them hard to see and an annoying tool for his opponents to deal with. However, Dash’s amazing speed does come at the cost of two major categories, namely defense and power. Dash is a lightweight character, and though he is small, making him harder than average to hit, he generally will be getting up close to his enemies to fight, and his ability to take punishment is poor, and while his recovery is decent, it’s not spectacular. Unfortunately for Dash, while his amazing speed gives him a good time racking up damage, his KO power is among the worst in the game. His standard special (when fully charged) and forward smash are his only reliable tools for scoring KOs, and since the former has to charge for three seconds for maximum power and his latter has short range and isn’t amazingly powerful, scoring KOs with Dash can sometimes be tricky. Those who are all about speed will immediately gravitate towards Dash, as no one can deliver more in speed than he can, and he is a great fighter when utilized well, but if you’re looking for a character with a bit more bulk or power, then you should steer towards another fighter.

Standard Special - Ultimate Speedster

Dash charges in place, and after three seconds have passed or if the move is inputted again, he does a very fast dash that damages anyone he hits. This is Dash’s most powerful special move from a KO power aspect, being able to score KOs at higher percentages, and this move can also be used for horizontal recovery.

Side Special - Throw a Pass

Dash throws a football, which travels a decent distance and hurts those it hits. It does reasonable damage, but the knockback is light, so don’t expect to use this to score KOs.

Up Special - Dashing Uppercut

Dash does a short sprint and hops into the air with his fist out, damaging those he hits. It doesn’t do too much damage or have that much horizontal recovery, but he covers a decent distance vertically.

Down Special - Troublesome Tacks

Dash throws a tack on the ground right in front of him. Those who walk over the tacks will take some damage, and since the tacks are small, they can be hard to spot. Dash can’t be hurt by the tacks and up to four tacks can be on the ground at a time.

Superstar Attack - Dodging Syndrome’s Guards

Dash sprints off-screen as a number of Syndrome’s guards, all piloting aircraft with spinning blades, fly across the battlefield at various heights and speeds. All of the blades and aircraft do good damage, though the slower ones are fairly easy to avoid, but the quicker ones, while less plentiful, can easily surprise attack opponents and do strong enough knockback to have solid KO potential. The attack lasts for ten seconds.


Up Taunt - Dash yells “I’m dead! I’m dead!”

Side Taunt - Dash says “What to see me go as fast as I can?”

Down Taunt - Dash says “Throw it! Throw it!"

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Dash stands in place throwing a series of punches, gets exhausted, then regains his composure.

Victory Animation 2: Dash yells “I’m alive! Yeah!”

Victory Animation 3: Dash speeds into the scene and yells “Yay for me!”

Losing Animation: Dash applauds.

Jack Jack:

Trophy Description:

The Parr family’s baby son who initially seems like just a normal baby with no superpowers like the others, right? Wrong! Despite his age, Jack Jack is arguably the most powerful member of the family, being able to morph into a bunch of powerful forms, shoot lasers, and can even duplicate himself. Jack Jack’s superpowers grant him good KO power for someone of his size, but being a baby, won’t take much to send him flying when hit.

General Information:

Jack Jack is a high-risk, high-reward type of character, as he has many great abilities and advantages, but his biggest flaw is a crippling one that needs to be managed to ensure success with him. Despite being a baby, due to his superpowers, Jack Jack is actually quite an effective combatant, possessing great agility with great running (hovering) and air speed, and very low falling speed. Additionally, Jack Jack’s KO power and damage-dealing capabilities are actually pretty solid, with his side special projectile, standard, tilt, and aerial attacks all being quick and effective ways to rack up damage, and his smash attacks and special moves being good tools for scoring KOs. Jack Jack also has an interesting mechanic with his standard special, in which he turns into a purple monster for ten seconds with his attacks being simplified and reworked, but also quite powerful. Jack Jack can also temporarily turn metal for a few seconds with his down special, and his up special gives him solid horizontal recovery while also being a powerful attack. Despite Jack Jack’s many strengths, he does have one crippling flaw that can easily decide how fights with him play out, and that is his weight. Since he is a baby, Jack Jack does not weigh very much and is also the lightest character in the game, meaning his ability to take punishment from powerful attacks is the worst out of all characters. While he is small, Jack Jack also hovers in midair to move around, meaning he isn’t as hard to hit as his small size may suggest. Additionally, Jack Jack doesn’t have great vertical recovery, and his purple monster form, while powerful, can’t be exited out of until the ten second duration has expired, and he can’t recover in this form as well. These attributes all give Jack Jack a very polarizing gameplay, and he can be tough to consistently do well with due to how terrible his defensive capabilities are. However, if you can play carefully with him to let his good speed and power outshine his weight, Jack Jack can pose quite the threat, and he is a very good fighter if utilized well.

Standard Special - Angry Monster

Jack Jack transforms himself into a small purple monster, which he remains as for ten seconds and attacks by swiping his arms with the “A” button, and grabbing a hold of opponents, shaking them, and throwing them away with the “B” button. Both moves do good damage, and the throw has good KO power, though Jack Jack can’t recover when in this form and he remains a very light character. Jack Jack must wait ten seconds after this move is used to be able to use it again.

Side Special - Eye Lasers

Jack Jack shoots lasers that come out of his eyes, doing decent damage and low knockback to those he hits. This can be a helpful tool to rack up damage.

Up Special - Flying Fireball

Jack Jack turns himself on fire and hurls himself diagonally upwards in the direction he is currently facing. This move does decent damage and good knockback, containing some KO potential, and has good horizontal recovery, but the vertical recovery is fairly weak.

Down Special - Metallic Menace

Jack Jack turns metal and drops down to the ground, damaging and doing decent knockback to those he hits. Jack Jack can then stay metal for five seconds and must wait ten seconds after he uses this move to input it again.

Superstar Attack - Baby Brigade

Jack Jack uses his duplicating powers to create five identical clones of himself, meaning there are six babies on the battlefield. The five clones roam around the battlefield in random directions, using their special moves to create chaos. Their moves have the same strength as the normal Jack Jack, but the large number of them can make them hard to avoid and give plenty of opportunities for foes to take damage. The Jack Jack clones are invincible, stay out for 15 seconds, and can’t hurt Jack Jack.


Up Taunt - Jack Jack giggles and claps his hands.

Side Taunt - Jack Jack blows a raspberry.

Down Taunt - Jack Jack playfully hops up and down in midair.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Jack Jack drinks from a bottle, shakes it once it’s empty, and throws it aside.

Victory Animation 2: Jack Jack rapidly teleports around and giggles once he stops.

Victory Animation 3: Jack Jack is shown on fire, then he turns back to normal, with his hair still on fire, then he fixes his hair back to normal.

Losing Animation: Jack Jack cries.


Little John next

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I would like to see Linguini and Remy and Colette please.

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I would like to see goofy to complete the Mickey Mouse franchise please(I know you are keeping max for later, just pointing it out)

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Sorry for the delay yesterday, but I intend to have these movesets up later today (also @ PepsiFan25, Max’s moveset is complete and he can be requested now, and I do need to post Minnie still).

For today’s movesets, I’ll do the requests I got for Little John, Linguini and Remy, Colette, and Goofy, and I decided to post Max’s moveset on here as well.

Little John:

Trophy Description:

Robin Hood’s best friend, who is a bear who is quite large despite what his name may suggest. Little John serves as the more reasonable of the two outlaws, preferring to stay out of dangerous situations, though he always goes through with Robin’s plans in the end. Little John’s playstyle is more in line with the Sheriff of Nottingham than Robin Hood, with both being big powerful characters. He is faster than the Sheriff but lacks his long-distance attacks.

General Information:

Little John, contrary to his name, is one of the bigger characters in the game, clocking in on the heavier end of the heavyweight characters. Little John is also quite powerful, possessing very strong smash attacks, an extremely powerful standard special, and high-launching aerial attacks. Little John is also one of three characters, with the other two being Baloo and Willie the Giant, who can perform a cargo throw, which allows him to carry opponents with his forward throw and can lead into a variety of situations that can spell disaster for his victim. Little John is a great character to both take lots of damage before losing a stock and dish out a lot of damage in the process. However, like many heavy and powerful characters, one of Little John’s biggest flaws is his speed. While his running speed is below average, his air speed is incredibly low, and his falling speed is quite high. Little John also lacks a proper projectile attack, as his up special is the only tool he has that comes close to being a projectile, and it isn’t a particularly great one and will mostly just be used for recovery. Speaking of recovery, it is also not great compared to a lot of other characters. Overall, while Little John can struggle against projectile users who can easily run circles around him, he excels in close-quarters combat, and can be a very dangerous character if you can overcome his flaws.

Standard Special - Uppercut

Little John swings his right arm back and lunges forward for a powerful uppercut attack that launches opponents vertically. This move has excellent KO potential, but is slow to execute and leaves Little John vulnerable. It is very similar to Hercules’ standard special, but its knockback is done mainly vertically instead of horizontally.

Side Special - Beautiful Brawl

Little John charges a short distance in front of him, launching enemies and deflecting projectiles that he hits. This move actually makes him move slower than his normal running speed, but the upside is that the move does above average damage and knockback and keeps Little John safe from projectiles. However, Little John can still be hurt by physical attacks when he uses this move.

Up Special - Little Fireflies

Little John pulls out a rod that has a ball containing fireflies attached to the end of it. The fireflies carry him through the air for a few seconds and do light damage and knockback to those hit. It isn’t a great tool for recovery or to attack with, but it is the best recovery option Little John has, and it can cover an okay amount of distance.

Down Special - Heavy Gut

Little John thrusts his belly out, damaging and launching opponents that get hit. This move can also reflect projectiles, and perhaps its most powerful function is that it can instantly break an enemy’s shield.

Superstar Attack - Flying Umbrella

Little John notices a tent full of hippos running into the battlefield, and he hops onto the tent as it quickly runs from side-to-side multiple times. The tent moves faster each time it goes across the stage, and also gets progressively more powerful each time. The tent has to be jumped over to avoid getting hit and it possesses very high KO potential.


Up Taunt - Little John says “Fortunes forecast! Lucky charms!”

Side Taunt - Little John says, in an annoyed manner, “Ugh… Here we go again.”

Down Taunt - Little John says “Ooh, what a main event this is!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Little John happily dances.

Victory Animation 2: Little John walks into the scene in his Sir Reginald outfit and takes a bow.

Victory Animation 3: Little John stands triumphantly as he says, “What a beautiful brawl!”

Losing Animation: Little John applauds.

Linguini and Remy:

Trophy Description:

Linguini is a clumsy garbage-boy who works at Gusteau’s restaurant, who isn’t well-versed in cooking. Linguini comes across Remy, a rat who is obsessed with human food and is great at cooking, who hides under his hat and controls Linguini by his hair to make it look like he is the one preparing the food and not Remy. Linguini pushes a cart around in battle so he, with Remy’s assistance, can prepare food that will turn the tide of battle.

General Information:

Like most duo fighters where there is a big size difference between the two characters, the larger character (in this case, Linguini) does the vast majority of the fighting, with Remy hanging out under his hat and controlling his movements. Linguini is a middleweight fighter with average agility stats, having average running speed, below average air speed, and above average falling speed, and he always will be pushing a cart on him in battle, which he uses to prepare and cook food to use in his attacks. Three of Linguini’s special moves are similar in which he throws some sort of food out of his pan, serving as a projectile attack that hurts those who hit it, with some food inflicting additional negative effects on those it hits. Two of the food items, namely the ratatouille and steamed vegetables, will fall to the ground after the first thing it hits or if it doesn’t hit anything. Anyone can pick up the food and eat it to heal a small portion of their damage taken, and fortunately, everyone but Linguini must wait two seconds before they can eat it, and Linguini can eat the food right away. As such, Linguini can frequently heal himself in combat without too much risk of opponents eating the food. However, Linguini’s good defensive tactics translate to unspectacular offensive tactics. While Linguini can do respectable damage with some of his moves, his KO power is generally poor compared to most characters, with his up smash and up special being his most reliable KO moves, with the former having a short range and the latter being telegraphed in advance and not too hard to avoid. Linguini’s recovery is also fairly unremarkable, with his up special working better as an attack than as a recovery tool, in which it only provides average-at-best assistance. As such, Linguini and Remy may have to hang in there for a while to score KOs and need to be careful to avoid being knocked off stage, but their ability to frequently heal themselves with food and comfortably fight from a distance gives them good methods to ensure they stay in the battle for a while as well.

Standard Special - Delicious Ratatouille

Linguini throws some ratatouille out of his pan. It does decent damage and light knockback to those hit, and slightly lowers the attack power of those hit for a brief period. The ratatouille will bounce off the first thing it hits and land a distance away from it, in which it can be picked up and eaten by Linguini right away, and anyone else after it’s laid there for two seconds. The ratatouille heals more of someone’s damage than the vegetables in Linguini’s side special do.

Side Special - Steamed Vegetables

Linguini throws some steamed vegetables out of his pan, doing light damage and knockback to those hit, and the vegetables fall onto the ground and can be eaten for Linguini right away, but anyone else must wait two seconds before they can eat them to heal a small portion of their damage.

Up Special - Cart Hop

Linguini hops onto his cart to give him an extra boost for recovery, with the cart falling down and doing good damage and knockback to those it hits on the ground, and functioning as a meteor smash in the air. This is one of Linguini’s most powerful attacks, but as a recovery tool, it’s only average.

Down Special - Fried Scallops

Linguini throws some fried scallops out of his pan, being the most damaging and knockback-inducing of the three food-throwing special moves he has. It also inflicts brief damage-over-time effects to those hit, but unlike the ratatouille or vegetables, it will disappear after it hits the ground and therefore, it can’t be eaten.

Superstar Attack - Wonderful Soup

Remy comes out of Linguini’s hat as a giant pot is spawned next to the cart, emitting a strong wind that attracts foes towards the pot, where they are thrown inside if close. Remy will then throw various ingredients and spices into the pot, sending opponents flying away and spewing out food that anyone can eat, though Linguini will get healed more from it than other characters. Even if no one is captured in the pot, Remy will still prepare the meal and food will be thrown out. The KO potential is high, but this attack can also potentially help those not captured because of the food that is thrown out.


Up Taunt - Some food in Linguini’s pan burns and he nervously puts the fire out.

Side Taunt - Linguini says “Don’t look at me like that!”

Down Taunt - Linguini says “Let’s do this thing, Little Chef!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Remy finishes a soup on the cart, which Linguini tastes and enjoys.

Victory Animation 2: Linguini is mopping the floor, knocks over a pan of stew, and nervously mops up the mess.

Victory Animation 3: Linguini says “Secret? You want the truth? I am Gusteau’s son. It’s in my blood, I guess.”

Losing Animation: Linguini applauds and Remy can be seen under his hat also applauding.


Trophy Description:

The only female chef at Gusteau’s restaurant, Colette is well-mastered at preparing high-quality food and dislikes the discrimination involved in the hiring process, making it difficult for a woman to get a job there. Hot-blooded in nature, Colette can be difficult to get along with at first, but she is a good person behind her rough exterior. Colette is a bit more aggressive in combat than Linguini and is able to capture food items to use for a powerful dish.

General Information:

Similar to Linguini, Colette places a heavy emphasis on cooking food and using kitchen utensils in battle, though she does not carry a cart around like he does, which makes her slightly faster but slightly lighter than him, being a middleweight fighter with above average running speed, and average air and falling speed. Overall, Colette is a bit more powerful than Linguini, with her attacks generally doing more damage and her smash attacks being much stronger, giving her good offensive capabilities. Colette’s standard and side specials allow her to throw out food as projectile attacks, which can also be picked up and eaten, and Colette can also potentially use these food items as an asset for her most unique move, her down special, which consists of three parts: the set-up, the cooking, and the attack. Colette’s down special ultimately involves her creating a chef’s special, but in order to make it, she first must collect ingredients, which can be from either the food she throws, food items that spawn on the stage, or food items that belong to other characters, such as Aladdin’s apples or Kronk’s spinach puffs. Colette must collect at least one ingredient before she can start cooking, and she can have a maximum of five ingredients on her before she must cook, with the more ingredients and the more powerful the food items collected increases the move’s power. Inputting this move again once Colette has an ingredient collected and she isn’t standing right next to a food item will have her stir the ingredients around in a pot for three seconds to prepare the special, and inputting it again will have her throw out the contents of the pot, which can either have low power or very high power depending on the quantity and power of the ingredients that were used. Colette’s biggest weaknesses are that her down special’s effectiveness often depends on whether items or on or not or if she’s fighting against someone who uses food-based attacks, and her recovery is below average, with very poor horizontal recovery and unspectacular vertical recovery. Overall, Colette can be used effectively even if the tools to prepare a powerful chef’s special aren’t available, as her non-special moves generally execute quickly and her damage-dealing capabilities are solid, and she is a solid fighter if you can overcome her flaws.

Standard Special - Scrambled Eggs

Colette pulls out a pan with scrambled eggs inside, and hurls the eggs out of the pan a short distance away from her, doing good damage and mild knockback to those it hits. Once the eggs land on the ground, they stay there for a few seconds and anyone can eat it to heal a small portion of their damage, or Colette can grab it with her down special to use it as an ingredient for her chef’s special.

Side Special - Pesky Potatoes

Colette throws two potatoes in quick succession a distance away from her, doing mild damage and knockback to those they hit. Compared to her standard special, the potatoes are less powerful than the eggs, but they travel farther and take less time to throw. Once the potatoes land on the ground, they stay there for a few seconds and anyone can eat it to heal a small portion of their damage, or Colette can grab it with her down special to use it as an ingredient for her chef’s special.

Up Special - Knife Slash

Colette hops into the air with her kitchen knife pointed upwards, with it having a small hitbox but being powerful if it hits an opponent. Unfortunately, it provides almost no horizontal recovery, and the vertical recovery isn’t the greatest either, making recovering one of Colette’s biggest weaknesses.

Down Special - Chef’s Special

This is a multi-step move that requires at least three inputs to properly execute. Upon the first input, Colette can pick up any food on the ground (be it the eggs or potatoes she throws, food items found in other characters’ special moves, or food items in general), and instead of eating it, she will put it inside a pot as an ingredient to use for her chef’s special. Colette must have at least one ingredient inside her pot in order to go to the next step, and she can potentially have up to five ingredients in her pot at a time. Upon the next input of this move once at least one ingredient is inside the pot (and Colette is not standing nearby another food item, in which inputting this will have her pick that item up), Colette will become stationary for three seconds as she stirs the contents of the pot around and shakes it. Colette can’t be flinched during this time, and the amount of damage she takes from attacks is noticeably reduced, though she can still be damaged. Once the preparation is done, inputting this move again will have Colette throw the chef’s special (the ingredients she mixed together in the pot) out of the pot as a projectile attack, with its power depending on how many ingredients she has and what types of ingredients she used as well, with heavier and/or spicier food being the most powerful. If many powerful ingredients were used, then this move can easily possess excellent KO potential, but once Colette throws out the chef’s special, she must gather ingredients again. If Colette is KO’d while ingredients are in her pot, the ingredients will go away.

Superstar Attack - Speeding Motorcycle

Upon activation, Colette becomes invincible as she summons her motorcycle and drives it around the stage, with the player being able to move where she travels and being able to jump as well. Colette travels quickly and hits very hard, being a great tool for scoring KOs, and thankfully, it is hard for Colette to drive off the stage and self-destruct, as she will automatically turn around if she approaches the edge of the stage unless she jumped and is airborne, as she can’t turn in midair. The attack’s duration lasts for 15 seconds.


Up Taunt - Colette says “No! You waste energy and time!”

Side Taunt - Colette says “I am the toughest cook in this kitchen!”

Down Taunt - Colette facepalms.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Colette feels and listens to the sound of her pressing her hands on some bread, and says “Symphony of crackle. Only great bread sound this way.”

Victory Animation 2: Colette says “I’ll make this easy to remember. Keep your station clear, or I will kill you!”

Victory Animation 3: Colette rides into the scene on her motorcycle and takes her helmet off once she stops.

Losing Animation: Colette applauds.


Trophy Description:

A clumsy and, well, goofy dog who is one of Mickey Mouse’s best friends. He has a son named Max, and while Goofy isn’t known for being the smartest person ever, he’s a very pleasant guy and a good if sometimes embarrassing father. Goofy handles slippery with poor traction, but has a variety of effective close-ranged and projectile attacks, as well as a powerful healing move. Don’t get caught in his perfect cast!

General Information:

Much like his two best friends, Goofy is a relatively well-rounded character who doesn’t possess crippling flaws. Whereas Mickey has the least pronounced advantages and disadvantages of the three, and Donald places the most focus on attack power of the three, Goofy’s larger size compared to them and one powerful tool he has makes him place the most focus on durability of the three. While Goofy is fairly tall, he is still a middleweight fighter due to his skinny stature, though he is quite a bit heavier than Mickey and Donald. Goofy’s agility stats aren’t as good as Mickey and Donald, having average running speed, but slow air speed, and very slow falling speed, though most of his attacks tend to be quick. On top of that, Goofy has one of the lowest traction stats in the game, meaning he does not come to a stop quickly. In general, Goofy’s attack power lies somewhere between Mickey and Donald, with him on average being more powerful than Mickey but less powerful than Donald. His smash attacks have good strength and generally come out quickly, he has decent throws, good tools to rack up damage with his tilt attacks and side special, and his standard special allows him to use one of three projectile attacks, all of which travelling a good distance, with the hockey stick and puck having good KO power. Goofy’s up special is also good at covering distance, though he does fall quickly once he reaches his vertical peak. Goofy also possesses a great tool for healing himself with his down special, which allows him to subtract 5 from his current damage total by eating a sandwich. Much like Mickey and Donald, Goofy’s weaknesses aren’t critical ones, but his disadvantages are more pronounced than Mickey’s and are worth noting. Goofy is quite slow in the air outside of falling quickly after using his up special, and combined with his very low traction, Goofy can be a little slippery and awkward to control. Goofy is also taller than most characters who weigh about the same as him, leading him to be more likely to be susceptible to combos than a smaller character like Mickey and Donald are, though he is also more likely than them to survive powerful attacks thanks to his greater weight. Overall, while beginners will probably find Mickey and potentially Donald easier to use than Goofy due to his polarizing movement options, Goofy is still a fairly well-balanced character who has a variety of helpful tools, and his increased endurance compared to them can definitely make a difference.

Standard Special - How to Fight

Goofy attacks with a random sporting piece out of three, being either a football, a basketball, or a hockey stick and puck. The football travels the farthest, the basketball stays out the longest and bounces off of anything it hits a few times, and the hockey stick and puck are the strongest and have decent KO potential. All three options have an equal chance to appear, and it is possible for one to appear more than once in a row.

Side Special - Crazy Combo

Goofy will unleash a series of punches onto anyone he hits if the first punch lands, doing a good amount of damage with light knockback. The attack won’t continue if the first punch doesn’t hit anyone.

Up Special - YA-HOO-HOO-HOOEY!

Goofy suddenly skyrockets into the air, doing his famous Goofy holler, and once he reaches his vertical peak, he will fall back down very quickly. This move does do good damage, travels a good distance vertically and horizontally, and can potentially KO at higher percentages, but Goofy falling back down super quickly may catch those not expecting it off-guard. Horizontal movement on Goofy’s way back down is tricky, but possible.

Down Special - Sandwich Snack

Goofy eats a sandwich that subtracts 5 from his total damage accumulated. While Goofy does have to wait a bit between uses of this to prevent him from spamming it, this is still a very powerful healing move and is a great way for Goofy to stay in the game if his damage is high.

Superstar Attack - The Perfect Cast

Inspired by a scene from A Goofy Movie, Goofy pulls out a fishing rod and starts doing weird motions, swinging the rod around wildly. All of the rod does damage, but the big part his opponents want to avoid is the hook, which, if touched, will grab them and they will be wildly flung around by Goofy, generally giving them enough damage for the final blow of Goofy slamming the hook onto the stage to KO them. Getting hit by hooked opponents will also do serious damage and knockback. With the rod’s long length, high attack power, and Goofy’s unpredictable motions all factored in, this is quite a powerful Superstar Attack.


Up Taunt - Goofy says “Gawrsh.”

Side Taunt - Goofy does some practice punches.

Down Taunt - Goofy does his trademark laugh.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Goofy tips his hat and strikes a triumphant pose.

Victory Animation 2: Goofy clumsily falls from the sky onto the screen, doing his trademark holler as he falls.

Victory Animation 3: Goofy says “Gawrsh, I won!”

Losing Animation: Goofy does a dance to cheer on the winner.


Trophy Description:

Goofy’s son, who is determined to “stand out” above the crowd and fit in with his peers, which can sometimes be tough due to him being associated with his dad’s wacky antics. While often embarrassed by those antics, Max does deep down love his dad and knows that he means well at the end of the day. Max uses a skateboard to ride around the stage at high speeds, and utilizes dance moves inspired by Powerline for his smash attacks.

General Information:

Max is on the lighter end of the middleweight characters and is generally a well-rounded individual, possessing many decent attributes and few poor ones, but nothing he does is exceptionally amazing or terrible. Max’s running speed is a hair above average, his air speed is good, and his falling speed is poor, and most of his non-special moves tend to have minimal starting and/or ending lag. Max’s smash attacks are all based off various Powerline dances, which generally possess good speed and power, but poorer range than average for a smash attack. Max’s recovery is good, with his up special covering solid vertical and horizontal distance, and he can also recover horizontally with his skateboard, which can be quickly tapped for a brief charge or held down for a more powerful charge that covers more distance. Max’s other special moves have him utilizing a lug wrench as a projectile, and a vacuum cleaner as a tool to suck up opponents and items, launching opponents he captures out after trapping them. As mentioned, Max doesn’t possess any critical weaknesses, though his smash attacks have worse range than average, using his vacuum cleaner can leave him vulnerable since he becomes immobile, and there isn’t any attribute he has that is outstandingly good. Overall, Max is an easy character to pick up and play with an easy learning curve and some powerful special moves that can easily be threatening in the right situations.

Standard Special - Skateboard Scamper

A skateboard spawns under Max and he travels a reasonable distance at fast speeds, doing light damage and knockback to those he hits. This move can be charged up to three seconds, with the longer its charged increasing the distance and speed of Max’s travel, as well as its KO power, which goes from very low to reasonably high. While it can be tricky to execute if charged, this move can also be used as a tool for horizontal recovery.

Side Special - Lug Wrench

Max throws a lug wrench a distance away from him, which will return back to him like a boomerang. The lug wrench does light damage and reasonable knockback to those it hits, being more powerful on the return to Max and having potential to KO high-damaged opponents.

Up Special - Self-Made Parachute

Max pulls out a packing bag and utilizes it as if it were a parachute, sending him a good distance into the air and allowing him to fall down slowly. The parachute can hurt foes it hits as it ascends into the air, and it has good vertical lift and can move horizontally well due to Max’s good air speed and the parachute greatly reducing his falling speed.

Down Special - Vacuum Cleaner

Max summons his dad’s vacuum cleaner, which he can use to suck up items and/or opponents into it, though only one opponent can be inside the cleaner at a time. Items sucked into the cleaner will be removed from the battle, and opponents sucked into the cleaner take mild damage, stay inside for a second or two, and then Max shoots them back out, dealing more damage and having decent knockback. It’s a good tool to annoy opponents or potentially score KOs, but Max is immobile as he uses it, leaving some risk present due to his vulnerability.

Superstar Attack - Bigfoot Encounter

Upon activation, Max freaks out and yells “IT’S BIGFOOT!!!” and runs off-stage as Bigfoot roams into the arena and attacks opponents. Due to his large size and good speed, Bigfoot can be difficult to avoid, and his damage and knockback potential are quite high as well, making this a powerful Superstar Attack. Bigfoot stays out for 15 seconds, after which a pair of headphones will fall onto his head, playing “Stayin’ Alive”, which he’ll dance to as he heads off-stage, during which Max will return to the stage and Bigfoot can’t damage anyone.


Up Taunt - Max says “Beat it, doofus!”

Side Taunt - Max says “I think I’m going to be sick.”

Down Taunt - Max does the same scream he does in An Extremely Goofy Movie upon first finding out his dad is in college with him.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Max bashfully waves to the camera. If this animation is picked and Goofy is present in the fight and lost, Max will also say “Please don’t do that, Dad. It’s embarrassing…”

Victory Animation 2: Max yells “YES! Everybody mambo!” and dances in celebration of his victory.

Victory Animation 3: Max skates into the scene, wearing sunglasses and a backwards baseball cap, and poses triumphantly with his skateboard.

Losing Animation: Max applauds.


With no requests today, I decided for today’s random bunch of movesets to get most of the Toy Story cast out of the way, since Slinky is the only one of the eight who’s been posted, and since Toy Story is a contender for the most populated franchise in my game (unless Max and Willie are both grouped with the Mickey Mouse gang, in which it then loses to that franchise with nine), I figured it makes sense to get a lot of them out of the way now. Every character who first appeared in the original Toy Story that hasn’t been posted yet is on this post, which consists of Woody, Buzz, Rex, Hamm, and Mr. Potato Head.


Trophy Description:

A cowboy doll who was part of the beloved show, Woody’s Roundup. Woody is well-known for being Andy’s favorite toy, but when Buzz first arrives and starts to become more popular, Woody gets really jealous of the space ranger. Thankfully, the two settled things out and are best friends now. Woody is a well-rounded character who can perform everything competently but nothing among the best. He can summon his horse Bullseye in combat.

General Information:

Woody is one of the most well-rounded characters in the game, and is an excellent character for those new to the game to pick up and play to understand how you go about using a character to win battles. Woody is a middleweight character who is roughly in the middle of all characters in terms of weight, and his agility stats are generally decent, with average running speed and slightly above average air and falling speed. Woody’s jab combo and tilt attacks are great ways to quickly do damage safely, and his smash attacks, while not overly powerful, possess adequate strength. Woody’s other notable KO options include his standard and down specials, in which he attacks by shooting a snake out of a boot and with a match, respectively. The snake is a good way for Woody to attack at a distance, though he needs to be careful to use it soon after he pulls the boot out or else it will backfire and leave him stunned briefly, and the match becomes smaller but stronger with the more opponents it hit, having solid KO potential near its smallest size. Woody’s recovery, while maybe not as good as it could have been, is still decent, as his up special as one of the stronger tether recoveries, though his side special, in which he rides on Bullseye in a dash attack, cannot be used in the air, unlike most similar side specials. While most of what Woody has to offer is decent, but not exceptional, it also works the other way around and Woody doesn’t suffer from major weaknesses, as his attack, agility, and defense statistics are all decent, but not spectacular. As mentioned, Woody is a great character for beginners to get used to how the game works, but more advanced players, while they can still do well with Woody, will likely find themselves gravitating towards other characters who have more pronounced advantages.

Standard Special - Snake in My Boot

Woody pulls out a large boot and, upon another input when the boot is out, a snake will be shot out of it, doing decent damage and knockback with some KO potential on more damaged opponents… You can release the snake at any time Woody’s holding the boot to keep others guessing, but wait too long and it will backfire and leave Woody vulnerable for a few seconds.

Side Special - Ride Like the Wind, Bullseye!

Woody summons Bullseye, who performs a quick dash attack. It’s fast and does decent damage, though he can’t use this move in the air, meaning this won’t work as a tool for horizontal recovery.

Up Special - Lasso Ledge-Grab

Woody throws out a lasso, which he can use as either a tether recovery or to grab opponents, which can lead into pummels and throws. The lasso can reach a good distance away from Woody’s location.

Down Special - Match Attack

Woody pulls out one of Sid’s matches and spins around holding it, whacking anyone to the sides of him. The match gets smaller but stronger after each time it hits an opponent, and the match will reset to its original size if Woody loses a stock.

Superstar Attack - Woody’s Roundup

Woody whistles and everyone close to him is taken to a cinematic where he, Bullseye, Jessie (who won’t appear if she is present in the fight, though the attack doesn’t change), and Stinky Pete beat up the opponents caught and Woody lands a finishing blow. It is reasonably strong, though many Superstar Attacks are stronger, making it a perfect middle-of-the-road attack fitting of Woody’s playstyle.


Up Taunt - Woody says “Reach for the sky.”

Side Taunt - Woody takes off his hat, waves it around, and puts it back on his head.

Down Taunt - Woody does the same laugh he did after fooling Buzz with his “Buzz, look an alien!” prank.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Woody says “This town ain’t big enough for the two of us.”

Victory Animation 2: Woody does the same dance he did after he traumatized Sid into taking care of his toys.

Victory Animation 3: Woody rides into the scene on Bullseye.

Losing Animation: Woody applauds.


Trophy Description:

A space ranger working for Star Command who is on a quest to foil the plans of the Evil Emperor Zurg and save the galaxy. Oh, and he’s actually a child’s plaything, but don’t tell him that. Buzz’s toy functions now work as real things in this game, and he utilizes his lasers, karate chopping, and wings in his moveset. Buzz’s Superstar Attack will have him summon a Star Command spaceship to wreak havoc on the battlefield. To infinity and beyond!

General Information:

Despite only being average in height, Buzz barely clocks in as a heavyweight fighter, giving him above average endurance. Buzz can be a tricky character to kill, as, not only is he decently heavy, but his up special allows him to get his wings out and fly, giving him an excellent recovery. Buzz has a versatile projectile attack with his lasers, allowing him to shoot rapid-fire lasers to rack up damage, or a bigger laser that briefly stuns opponents, which he can try to take advantage of to land some of his more powerful attacks. His down special is his most powerful special move, with it having decent KO potential, and his up and forward smashes are pretty strong as well. Buzz’s aerial attacks are also pretty good, with his up air being one of the most powerful of its kind in the game, and his forward and down airs working great for meteor smashes. For the most part, Buzz is a well-rounded fighter who doesn’t possess major flaws, with arguably his biggest weakness being that, while he is fast in the air, his running speed is below average. However, Buzz is a very solid character that can get good use from both beginners, due to his good endurance and recovery, and more advanced players, with his good lead-ups into combos and versatile moveset.

Standard Special - Karate Chop

Buzz does a karate chop attack, and if he hits someone with it, the player can hit the “B” button two more times to make Buzz do two additional chops in quick succession for a quick combo on his foe, with the last hit launching them. It’s good for racking up damage, but it doesn’t have too much knockback.

Side Special - Blink Them to Death

Buzz shoots out a laser from his arm. He can either fire multiple lasers in a row that do damage, but don’t cause flinching, or charge it up for a more powerful laser that does decent damage and can briefly stun those hit by it for a second or two.

Up Special - Falling With Style

Buzz gets his wings out and flies into the air. Buzz is one of a handful of characters who can glide, which he can do after reaching his vertical peak, allowing him to sail down quickly and gracefully. While not very strong as an attack, this is among one of the best recoveries in the game, and combined with Buzz’s above average weight, it can make him a tough character to kill.

Down Special - Spin Attack

Buzz gets his wings out and spins around, with his wings damaging and launching opponents they hit. This is Buzz’s most powerful normal special attack from a KO power perspective, possessing decent KO potential.

Superstar Attack - Star Command Shootdown

Buzz flies off-screen and gets into a Star Command spaceship. He gets into a first-person view where he can use a reticle to determine where he will shoot lasers at his opponents. The lasers do great damage and decent knockback, but the opponent will need to be at a fairly high damage percentage to get KO’d by a laser, though it is a great tool for racking up damage quickly. The attack lasts until either 15 seconds have passed or until Buzz shoots out 10 lasers.


Up Taunt - Buzz says “You don’t want to be in the way when my laser goes off.”

Side Taunt - Buzz says “I have a laser, and I WILL use it.”

Down Taunt - Buzz puts his helmet on. He can continue to fight like this, but it offers no gameplay differences. Down taunt again to have Buzz put his helmet off.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Buzz says to his wrist communicator, “Buzz Lightyear to Star Command: Mission is complete.”

Victory Animation 2: Buzz triumphantly raises his left arm in the air.

Victory Animation 3: Buzz gets his wings out, says “To infinity and beyond!”, and flies off-screen.

Losing Animation: Buzz applauds.


Trophy Description:

The biggest of Andy’s toys, Rex is a toy T-Rex who very desperately wants to be seen as scary and intimidating like his species is often depicted as. Unfortunately, his cowardly nature makes him anything but scary, but fortunately for the gang, he’s a nice guy despite his timid nature. Rex is one of the heaviest characters in the game and has a slew of powerful attacks, but compensates for that with poor recovery and lukewarm speed.

General Information:

As you’d expect from his large size, Rex is both very heavy (being the fourth heaviest character in the game), and is also strong with plenty of opportunities to score KOs. Rex’s more powerful physical attacks have great KO power, such as his standard special, his smash attacks, and most of his aerial attacks, and his forward tilt is the strongest of its kind in the game. Additionally, Rex is also great at stage control with his side and down specials. His side special is a projectile attack in which he throws a battery, which, after it lands on the ground, will stay there temporarily with either the plus or minus side facing up. Those with the minus side facing up will be electric obstacles for the time period they’re out, and those with the plus side facing up initially do nothing, but can become a powerful attack if Rex’s down special is used. Rex’s down special is one of the more unique special moves in the game, in which he uses a video game controller to make areas of the stage surrounding him low-gravity temporarily, affecting how opponents move, and batteries with the plus side facing up will travel upwards off the stage when this move is used (even if they aren’t in the range of where the battlefield is low-gravity), being a powerful attack with great KO potential. However, Rex does have some flaws to be aware of, and one of which is pretty major. He’s a large target, making him easy to hit and combo, and Rex’s agility stats aren’t very good. His running speed is below average, his air speed is very low, and his falling speed is the highest in the game, which makes it so he travels horizontally through the air very slowly but he’ll fall back to the ground the quickest out of any character, which is a fact that is further emphasized by Rex’s fatal flaw, and that is the fact that he has one of the worst recoveries in the game. Rex’s jumping power is poor, and his up special is quite weak both as an attack and as a recovery tool, covering little vertical distance and barely any horizontal distance. Overall, if you can overcome Rex’s terrible recovery and mediocre speed, he is a very powerful fighter with his great power, defense, and stage controlling techniques.

Standard Special - Use Your Head

Rex jolts his head forward to hit opponents, damaging and launching those hit. The move has pretty good damage and solid KO potential, and isn’t that slow, but since only Rex’s head does damage, it can be tricky to land due to its short range.

Side Special - Plus or Minus?

Rex pulls out a battery and throws it a short distance in front of him, doing mild damage and decent knockback to those hit. When the battery lands, what side is facing upwards determines the battery’s effect. Batteries with the plus side up won’t do any damage on the ground but can do damage if combined with Rex’s down special. Batteries with the minus side up will radiate electricity and zap opponents who touch it, but they are stationary until they go away, and Rex’s down special does not affect them. Up to three batteries can be on the stage at a time.

Up Special - Feathered Flap

Rex pulls out two feathers and waves them rapidly, gaining himself a little bit of vertical distance. As far as both an attack and recovery go, this move is pretty weak, gaining Rex minimal vertical distance and even less horizontal distance, with very little damage or knockback present as well.

Down Special - Gamer-saurus

Rex pulls out a video game controller and presses a button, putting a short distance of the battlefield both behind and in front of him upon activation into low-gravity mode (which he is unaffected by). Opponents in low-gravity mode jump higher and fall slower, but the real catch to it is that batteries with the plus side up will fly into the air from where they are at, doing great damage and knockback to those hit, and they travel through the air much quicker than the low-gravity opponents do. The batteries with the plus side up will all go flying, even if they are not in the low-gravity area.

Superstar Attack - Mighty Dinosaur Roar

Rex hops to the far-most left or right portion of the stage (which is chosen based on which he is closer to; if equal, then he will be in the spot that matches the direction he is currently facing), being invincible for the attack’s duration. Rex charges up and releases a mighty roar, which creates an extremely strong wind effect that forces opponents back, and some damaging shockwaves are created as well. The shockwaves do little knockback, but the damage is very high, giving Rex great KO opportunities from the damage he causes or the roar blowing people off the stage.


Up Taunt - Rex says “I don’t like confrontations.”

Side Taunt - Rex excitedly stomps in place.

Down Taunt - Rex says “Great, now I have guilt.”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Rex is shown reading a Buzz Lightyear video game guide, commenting that “There’s no way you can win unless you buy the book.”

Victory Animation 2: Rex roars right up close to the camera, which zooms back and he asks “Did I scare you that time?”

Victory Animation 3: Rex runs into the scene in a scared manner, anxiously looks around, then relaxes and looks happy that he won.

Losing Animation: Rex tries to applaud, but his tiny arms grant him difficulty in doing so, making him look awkward.


Trophy Description:

A wisecracking piggy bank who lives in Andy’s room with the rest of his friends. In playtime, the benevolent Hamm is often cast in the role of the evil Dr. Porkchop, in which he dons Mr. Potato Head’s hat in his attempts to foil Buzz and Woody. Hamm carries a lot of change with him, making him heavier than most of the other toys and being able to use his high weight for powerful body attacks, which helps compensate for his poor speed and high gravity.

General Information:

Hamm is one of the shorter Toy Story characters, only being taller than Slinky, but despite that, due to his overweight stature and carrying change with him, he is actually the second heaviest of them (being on the lighter end of the heavyweight characters) and only being lighter than Rex, giving him a good ability to take punishment and making him less susceptible to combos. Hamm is a character who prioritizes power over speed, having good KO potential with moves such as his side and up special, his smash attacks, his down throw, and his dash attack. His standard, side, and down specials give him tools to fight from a distance, and Hamm has an interesting mechanic in the fact that he carries five coins on him, with his down special allowing him to use one as a projectile attack and ridding him of it until it respawns inside of him ten seconds later. With the less coins Hamm has inside of him, his movement speed will increase from low to slightly below average, his recovery will be slightly increased, his weight will decrease to being on the heavier end of the middleweights, and his up special will become weaker as an attack. Since Hamm gains some advantages and disadvantages depending on how many coins he has, this move can be used strategically to alter Hamm’s stats to whatever would be best at the moment, since it also helps improve some of Hamm’s weaknesses as a fighter. Hamm’s speed is poor, having low running and air speed and very high falling speed when he’s full of coins, and his recovery is fairly weak, focusing more on vertical distance than horizontal distance, but not being great at either. While reducing Hamm’s coins won’t make him a fast character or improve his recovery significantly, it can still help if his lacking skills in those areas are posing a problem. Overall, Hamm is a fun and strategic character due to his ability to alter his stats and having powerful physical attacks containing great strength that feel satisfying to land.

Standard Special - Toy Battleship

Hamm spawns a small toy battleship right in front of him, which stays in place and shoots small missiles in various angles in the direction it’s facing for a few seconds. The missiles don’t do too much damage or knockback, but they can be tricky to avoid due to the random angles they’re shot at. Hamm can’t be hurt by the missiles.

Side Special - Headgear Hurl

Hamm throws Mr. Potato Head’s hat, which acts like a boomerang, traveling a distance in front of him, and traveling that distance back to him at increased speed and strength. The hat does decent damage and has enough knockback to give it some KO power at higher percentages, making it a solid projectile.

Up Special - Pig Pile

Hamm hops into the air and slams down on his behind, doing great damage and knockback to those hit. How many coins he has can dictate the move’s power and recovery, with more coins meaning greater KO power and weaker recovery, and less coins meaning greater recovery but weaker KO power. In general, regardless of if the coin count is high or low, Hamm’s recovery is fairly weak, so it’s better to use it with a high coin count for its maximum potential as an attack.

Down Special - Hamm’s Coins

Hamm carries five coins with him by default, and when this move is used, he will thrust a coin out of his slot, grab it, and throw it, doing mild damage and knockback to those hit. With each coin that leaves Hamm, his speed is slightly increased and his endurance is slightly decreased. Hamm cannot have more than five coins on him at a time, and when a coin is taken out, after ten seconds, a new coin will respawn inside of him.

Superstar Attack - Dr. Porkchop’s Laser

Upon activation, Hamm hops off-screen, as a short cinematic plays, showing him inside a giant spaceship that looks like him, in his evil Dr. Porkchop persona. He will then activate a giant laser that appears from underneath the spaceship onto the lowest part of the stage. This Superstar Attack is very similar to the one John Silver has, with both dealing tons of damage, though Hamm’s does more knockback, but has moments where it temporarily goes inactive, making it the deadlier, but easier to counter of the two.


Up Taunt - Hamm says “This is weirding me out.”

Side Taunt - Hamm says “May I remind you that some of us are carrying over six dollars in change.”

Down Taunt - Hamm’s jaw drops down in shock.

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Hamm says “That’s using the old noodle. Very good!”

Victory Animation 2: Hamm tauntingly says “That’s Mr. Evil Dr. Porkchop to you!”

Victory Animation 3: Hamm runs into the scene, falls over with his cork popping off and some change flying out, and gives an embarrassed smile.

Losing Animation: Hamm sits upright and applauds.

Mr. Potato Head:

Trophy Description:

One of Andy’s toys, married to Mrs. Potato Head, and frequently plays the role of the villainous One-Eyed Bart in playtime. Mr. Potato Head is quite sarcastic and is the most likely of the toys to rebel against and criticize Woody’s authority, but despite his flaws, he is a decent guy at heart. Mr. Potato Head uses his storage compartment to keep helpful utilities safe and nearby for him to use, such as an extra pair of shoes, Cheetos, and a dart gun.

General Information:

Mr. Potato Head clocks in on the heavier half of the middleweight characters and has a mixed range of attributes to make it difficult to fully put him in a specific archetype. Mr. Potato Head has low running speed, average air speed, and high falling speed, and his special moves place a heavy emphasis on projectile attacks, being able to utilize toy darts, Cheetos, and even his own body parts as tools to fight from a distance, with each one having their own pros and cons. The toy darts are the weakest, but have the ability to slow down those they latch onto, and since more than one dart can be on a person at a time (albeit not for very long), Potato Head can easily bring down quicker opponents to his level for a short period. The Cheetos are more powerful than the darts, and can be broken by attacks once they fall onto the stage to break out into cheese crumbs that deal damage-over-time effects to those hit. Finally, Potato Head can break his body parts off of him in a long-range, high-damaging attack, but its significant ending lag makes it risky to use. Mr. Potato Head’s recovery is also good, his less powerful attacks tend to execute quickly, and his smash attacks and throws contain solid strength as well. Mr. Potato Head’s biggest weakness is that his running speed is on the lower side, but it’s not too critical of a downside with his average air speed he can use to travel around, but at the same time, the things he does well he either doesn’t do amazingly in or they have notable drawbacks. Overall, Mr. Potato Head is at his most threatening when he constantly keeps opponents guessing as to what he’ll use next, making him tougher to deal with, and saving his powerful body breaking move for when it’s least expected is an excellent strategy.

Standard Special - Dart Gun

Mr. Potato Head pulls out a dart gun and fires a dart, which damages the first person it hits and latches onto them. While these darts only do mild damage and cause flinching with no knockback, Potato Head can have up to three darts on a person at a time, with each dart giving a slight reduction to the opponent’s agility and jumping power. Darts stay on a character for six seconds once they land.

Side Special - Crunchy Cheetos

Mr. Potato Heads pulls out a large Cheeto (slightly smaller than him) and throws it a short distance away from him, doing mild damage and decent knockback to those it hits. Once a Cheeto lands on the ground, it will stay there for ten seconds, and if it’s broken by an attack, it will send out a bunch of cheese crumbs flying away from the attacker, and those the crumbs touch will take mild damage-over-time effects for a few seconds. Up to three Cheetos can be on the stage at a time, and Potato Head can be affected by the cheese crumbs.

Up Special - Spinning Shoes

Mr. Potato Head pulls out an extra pair of shoes and proceeds to spin them rapidly above his head as if it was a propeller, giving him vertical lift, and the player can move the control stick in the direction they want him to travel in horizontally. It covers a good distance in both directions, and those who hit the spinning shoes take damage and are launched.

Down Special - Potato Power

Mr. Potato Head makes all of his body parts fly off his body as projectiles, making himself an immobile and vulnerable potato as all of his body parts fly back onto him. This is Mr. Potato Head’s most damaging attack (with amazing damage potential if a bunch of parts hit a person) and has reasonable KO power, but the ending lag of the move is astronomical and leaves him incredibly vulnerable, making it risky to use.

Superstar Attack - The Old Army Game

Upon activation, Mr. Potato Head pulls out a toy walkie talkie and asks Sarge for help. Sarge, along with a bunch of other Green Army Men troops, bombard the battlefield and help assist Potato Head in battle, being able to fire shots from their rifles and tackle opponents. While the Army Men aren’t overly powerful when compared to a lot of Superstar Attacks, they do good damage and okay knockback, and the sheer number of them can make them hard to avoid. The Green Army Men stay out for 15 seconds and can’t hurt Mr. Potato Head.


Up Taunt - Mr. Potato Head tips his hat and puts it back on.

Side Taunt - Mr. Potato Head says “I am starting to get irritated!”

Down Taunt - Mr. Potato Head says “Don’t make me put on my angry eyes!”

Victory/Losing Animations:

Victory Animation 1: Mr. Potato Head says “Gee, I’d better shave.”, takes his mustache off, and throws it off-screen.

Victory Animation 2: Mr. Potato holds his left arm with his right arm, says “Do we have to hold hands?”, and sports a smirk on his face.

Victory Animation 3: Mr. Potato Head says “Hey, look. I’m Picasso!”, with his facial features in the wrong spots.

Losing Animation: Mr. Potato Head applauds.

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Mushu next

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I would like to see Prince John, Sheriff of Nottingham, and Zurg please.

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