Nerf Randall/Beast. Balance all toons!

Only jafar hypnotized the beast before randle without start attacking.

Doesn’t mean impossible. Jafar can even charm Randall when invisible, if not on auto :no_mouth:

Joy is a must in city watch and if you use mods and mod advancements right she will last. Facts. And makes city watch alot easier. Anyway aside from randall he is to powerful in city watch agree but the nerf idea is just ridiculous. Needs to stop scaling to 230 because that’s why it’s harder. Not the fact that Randall’s op. Now if you said make city watch easier I’d say yes to help others get red skills agreed. But randall in war coli etc does not need a nerf. Beast is easy to beat as stated. Forgot hook technically you can lasso meg from the back with woody kill her with stitch and then beast is exposed and my stitch will kill him no megara it is not unrealistic. Its facts. Like I said team composition.

Freeze teams solve your problemss. Use Olaf, Elsa, malificent, Goofy and a random

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Merlin works perfectly on beast and Randall making them easy also, beast white skill last 10 seconds meaning you need to be sure he is stunned or in anyway unable to renew white skill just before it runs out and boom he is dead, he isn’t a big deal anymore

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So… you ignore comment above.
Now I have thoughts it’s a troll… or newer server user.

Joy in CW? It’s not 2019.
Merlin too.

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Trust or not, it’s truth. Merlin’s white skill is a threat to Randall if Merlin is protected by some frontline who won’t let the lizard reach the wizard. At least yesterday I defeated a team with Randall using Bo, Hook, Aladdin, Merlin and Barbossa.

Megavolt and magica. Both new/unreachable toons for most players. This is part of the problem

If you do not use joy that’s your choice. But I’ve found her great from stopping randall killing on epic because of how I have her modded. I’m not on a new server. I am on s12. And I’m on epic city watch and never failed one. So I’m happy it works . If people want to call me a troll that’s fine. But some people just want excuses to nerf everything. Randall is fine much weaker he would be useless. He cant beat beast once beast rages he cant beat marlin with the new disk on makes invincible toons useless. Counters exist. Remember when you all wanted quorra and baymax nerfed. You got your wish what came next darkening duck breaks shields at the time making nerfs unnecessary. If you want a nerf at least look at who needs one. Randall did and was nerfed now you need scare as well before his monster punch is any good. That’s basic team chemistry that exists in every game.

I only see him once in awhile. Which is only 2 other players.

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