Next update, when? [Season 2]

I miss the old forum posts that PB would do which we got to vote on refreshed heroes… @Loutre Can y’all please bring it back :pleading_face:


You know… that would be interesting to do… like every 3rd refresh or so. As in like… twice a year.

Maui definitely more… way more.

Or Donald… Mickey.

But stat buffs won’t change skills tho, so it would be better someone with bad stats but great skillset

So yet again, Joy, or, Ursula, Minnie, Vanellope, Yax, Judy, Kim, Animal, Kevin Flynn, and some more…

Kim as she got robbed from actual stat buffs the last time~

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Most heroes have good skillsets but bad stats.
Like Joy!

Some have terrible of both, even thrice including additional stats (badges).

Maui, Basil, Tigger, Scrooge, Woody, Donald, HDL, Jasmine, Finnick, Alice, Ralph (unless he gets huge HP bonus with other buffs), Eeyore, Barley (doesn’t need that big HP bonus)… and so on.
Oh… and the newest trash, Gadget and Sarah.

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Possibly once we have trained up our new designers and are back on a more regular schedule! Maybe after the new year.


That sounds great :hugs:

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Best luck to them, it can be tricky (I start with a job myself so…).


Guess this explains such random badges since Y6, and new heroes. :confused:
No idea how Mary (and Sarah) are left with completely 0 working additional stats.

And almost same for Winifred and Basil (but he is the older dirt).

But yay… times should get better(?)


i hope so

Yeah she has good crit damage but what is she supposed to do with it :rofl:

Pair her with a scarer I guess lol

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Epic basic attacks :grimacing:

Yeah, she also needs good care with badges.

All what these lovely ladies needs are…

and that +240 evasion badge.

Gadget also needs good tenacity, and there is one badge which gives 35 :woman_shrugging:t2:

Uh, increase her crit damage?

also, aren’t we going off-topic?

She basically can’t crit with her skills, so that won’t do anything, unless enemies are scared.

Stat bonuses, badges and so on are all parts of the updates :scream:

ls it almost ready?

Patience, my dear @Sra_Malevola


Patch notes are here!


@Loutre could I suggest some small (and I believe not very hard change) to the Hero Overlook? Could please the badges you can directly equip be blue instead of green and leave green color for crafting.

Mockup here:

The blue sign on Drakken would signify having that badge (say, from a badge crate) and thus you can distinguish it.


Nice request! Though the blue may become a little more bright if you’d ask me. Only after looking very intensively, I could see it and that is not really practical here.

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