Next update, when? [Season 2]

Patch notes are here!


Would be great if this gif meant a Rapunzel refresh


Next Friday, I think sign in hero for August coming out.


Yeah considering we had an update last Tuesday and this Tuesday, there is definitely none to be gotten in the next one so…
It is indeed going to be on 29th and live on 2nd IF it is a full app update. If not and the sign-in hero is someone well hidden… well, maybe just a server update. But I doubt that.

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Stay tuned on next friday. Ok

I fell like this month was about the yellow team

This is correct

Below VIP 13 you dont skip anything
You need to complete all 5 stages of episodes 1 to 8
Total of 40 stages to complete (5 stages x 8 episodes)

At VIP 13 you skip the first Episode
You still need to complete all 5 stages of episodes 2 to 8
Total of 35 stages to complete (5 stages x 7 episodes)

At VIP 15 you skip the first stage of each episode
So you start on episode 2 stage 2
Total of 28 stages to complete (4 stages x 7 episodes)

At VIP 16 you skip the second stage of each episode
So you start on episode 2 stage 3
Total of 21 stages to complete (3 stages x 7 episodes)

At VIP 18 you skip the third stage of each episode
So you start on episode 2 stage 4
Total of 14 stages to complete (2 stages x 7 episodes)

At VIP 20 you skip the fourth stage of each episode
So you start on episode 2 stage 5
Total of 7 stages to complete (7 stages x 1 episodes)

I believe that 13 has the best value as you instantly unlock all friendship disks at that point without having to complete any fights, which immediately makes the friendship campaign easier in theory

Hope this clarifies.


But what if you instantly complete the whole friendship campaign by unlocking their friendship?

Not really easier, but shorter. Skipping parts of the friendship campaign is not a great idea. Maybe if they combined the old with the new, then VIP levels will have all 40 stages in friendship campaigns.

The new campaigns only have dialogue at the end of the chapter and the text doesn´t change so…

what exactly VIP 20s miss? Older campaigns´ text? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL

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Yes easier
Heroes with a memory disk equipped is stronger (moat of the time) than heroes without.

I don’t understand what you are trying to say with this, you can’t instantly complete it
The least amout you have to do is 7 fights

Yeah. They really need to bring the skipped parts back. VIP levels 13-20 would only unlock a memory disk temporarily, but the permanent unlock should only happen once stage 5 of episode 1 is complete. Plus they will have the option if they are skilled enough to actually complete the skipped parts of the friendship campaign or not. The option will still become available once a player decides not to play the skipped parts.

And the highest VIP level is 20.

I’ve seen that the Queen of Hearts Battle Badge is so powerful when charged. They should really include her, and the Mad Hatter in the next cap raise.

Yes… yes it is…
It has been for a long time now.
I don’t see the point of confirming that again.

What does this have to do with the VIP level conversation on Friendship stories?

Nothing. So don’t mix conversations

Only a very limited amount of people cares about the text missed for each stage of a friend campaign chapter. And dialogues aren’t usually missed.

I would pay 10 dollars for those, 20 dollars if the Friendship Mission Stories are returned.

I am up for paying if that’s the only way we are going to get proper story archiving in the game where we can look up past story content.

But yeah, really hope we get more of a story focus again like before, or at least archiving the already released content in a proper way that we players can read :-).


Friendship Mission Stories are an entirely different thing. This was about Friend Campaigns.

Yes, which is what I said I would pay 10 dollars for :-).

Just meant to show how much I would like story content to come back with that I am willing to pay if that’s the only way they are going to get prioritized.

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I think Lightning McQueen could be in the daily sign for August.

I don’t think Cars character are coming out. So no.


Uh, yeah, about that Sign-In Hero bit…you might want to read Loutre’s newest post…

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