Next update, when? [Season 2]

Yes, it’s out. We just all collectively decided that you don’t get to see it.


Not sure why you joke Zelkiiro, but yeah the patch notes aren’t out yet Mrs_Briar_Rose_LXXX :-).

Because it’s a dumb question :man_shrugging:


No need to confuse people though.


Any update of the patch note, @Loutre?



They said more than 4 hours

We don´t know Loutre´s gender :man_shrugging:

Well… it’s almost 4h, so it would be nice to know the new status.

Patch notes have been posted!


Aww. That’s nice. For Shego’s friendships, I’d suggest a replacement with Mr. Big, Dr. Drakken, and Demona for Kronk, and Joy, Darkwing, and Barley for Kim’s friendship.

They don’t replace friendships. That’s not a thing that happens.


Well, that was a bug for a long time, because I thought the allies in the friendships were taken by another friendship.

The next update will be 3.4?

Likely later this month.

Not sure if next week though as in either patch notes or update, so just have to wait and see.
We know at the patch notes for the next cap raise should come this week and update next week.


@Loutre Coming to think about it, if it is okey if I ask will the Q&A be this week or later most likely? :-).
Last you said where early September, so I thought I check.

Also, not meaning to nag or similar, just like to be informed if possible and hope that’s okey :-).
(No worries if you can’t tell now, just curious you see, but I can wait).

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I hope we get to see Q and A soon. There is a lot to ask about.


Maybe the update is in 2-3 weeks, so I’m getting suspicious.

Came to think of that yesterday was Labor Day in USA and as such free, so yeah understandable why you didn’t answer yesterday Loutre, so no worries :-). (If I had remembered it was Labor Day I would have waited).

And yeah, beside that I hope you had a good Labor Day yesterday Loutre, as well as the rest of the team and everyone else here ^^.

Most likely more towards the end of the month similar to the State of the Game post.

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