Next update, when? (Part 1)

Even then, we only have wakkatu collections to confirm, the same happened with MacQuack, only need patience

You also have me and Even to datamine the game!

Unlikely or maybe… any patch notes this week?

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You haven’t had enough yet this week?


Depend on content, but this absolutely sound like no, yay, no cap rise :relieved:

Also, any Linguini & Remy crate soon?


Um, yeah, about that…


What do you mean?

It has been 4 weeks. :stuck_out_tongue:

The timing of the FTN this go around is unfortunate :frowning_face:

I would much prefer if FTN were every 4 weeks and always appeared the weekend preceding a cap raise


Oh gosh, if it at least goes with Baymax’s red skill then always better.

And Linguini chips… :eyes:

Don’t break my heart… Please no i beg you.


About that comment…



Just perfect, ain’t it?

We are fine as long as we don’t receive Patch notes today. Right… RIGHT!!!


Sorry to say Musketeer but this picture doesn’t lie from the patch notesimage
Red Six is coming!

In fact, this was only reason to ask if patch notes (another) are this week.

I like that PB is putting the cap raise as early in the month as possible. January 7th, February 4th and if Patch Notes with Cap increase release today, and the update releases on Tuesday, that puts the cap raise on March 3rd. It let’s us enjoy hype for new patch notes for the rest of the month without worrying about when the monthly cap raise will be.

Maybe you like the levels caps but not everyone agrees with that feeling.

Im more like: “ughhh not again” kind of person.


I did not that say that. I am really rather indifferent. I know they have to happen to keep the game afloat but i feel they aren’t beeing managed as well as they could. I merely was stating that I think it’s really good that they are putting the caps at an incredibly predictable spot that way no one is surprised or anxiously worrying about when it will happen next.

Maybe the early Patch notes we will get Pooh! (In game spoiler by PB)

They weren’t joking when they said the update won’t be big.

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