Polaris are the patch notes almost ready?
Can we ask which bug caused the delay - assuming that it is fixed now?
Ok, it has arrived!
No friendship preview…
Where is it?
So confused…
In terms of the Friendship System Preview I assume it will be in its own post :-).
Friendship overview is here
Will the November update bring two more characters from “Inside Out”?
The next update will most likely have villains
Correction, the next updates till November 1st will have villains, or maybe some scary heroes (examples: roz, the mayor, icabod Crane, E.T.C)
Hopefully Cruella will be in an Update!
Some examples of villains that may come are Cruella, alameda slim, shere Kahn, ratigan, phantom blot, Pete. Yokai, si and am, E.T.C
Yes I need them to add cruella de vil
My life would be complete if they added her
Mine too I’d love to see her and the Beast as friends…
I’d like her to be friends with evil queen or slinky
Yes, EQ would be awesome… EQ and Beast?