i have a time trying reclaim my rewards of the ads as The Port, daily videos and crates rewards with ads, and i lost the double reward in the port because of this horrible bug or error after a maintenance, i dont want lost more the port rewards or cant open all my daily crates videos because the game give me some ads for reclaim some rewards and after no give me more for reclaim all my video crates and the port rewards, i need know why now the ads starts fail recently when for 2 months i get ads usually and without fail in any reward,
For the daily videos try spamming the diamonds/raid tickets item by tapping. Every few seconds or so try to click ‘watch’. It normally works for me after ~10-15 seconds of spamming the other buttons .
I think this is a bug. And they are trying to fix it. Tough I’m not sure.
You are not alone. this problem is written in 3 topics at least.