Ortensia concept (likely)



Description: Oswalds wife Ortensia was forgotten like Oswald and help with her kid’s and she is always trying to help her hunny bunny calm down. now she’s bringing her kindness to battle.

Role - control
Team - Blue
Position - midline
Stars - 1 :star2:
Quote - “good luck honey bunny ”

Entrance - Ortensia walks to position then sniffs a flower
Victory - Ortensia smiles.
Defeat - Ortensia turns to stone.

Basic Skill - Ortensia toss’s a flower at the enemy.

White Skill - little rascals
Ortensia calls her bunny children who run threw the enemy, dealing X damage.
Normal Damage :boom:

Green Skill - petal shower
Ortensia makes it rain petals on the the nearest enemy, charming them for 10 seconds.
Normal Damage :boom:

Blue Skill - thorny rose
Ortensia waters a thorn shield around an ally, this protects the ally and damages enemies that hit the shield.
Fantastic Damage :sparkles:

Purple Skill - garden healing
If an ally is below 50% of there max hp Ortensia will heal the ally for 40% of there max hp

Red Skill - cat nap
When Ortensia is stunned by an enemy she’ll debuff the enemy that stunned her.
Extra Boosts:

  • +X healing
  • +Y Armor
  • +Z bonus healing to petal shower

Friendship 1 - Ortensia/Oswald
Disk Name: vintage flowers
Campaign Name: forgotten date
Summary: Ortensia is upset when Oswald forges his date with her so Oswald trys to make it up to her,
Allies: mickey mouse, jasmine, meg
Stat Boosts: +X Armor
Star Effect: When fully upgraded, little rascals has a 20% chance of stunning the enemy it hits.

Friendship #2 - Ortensia/minnie
Disk Name: bracelet gem
Campaign Name: girls night
Summary: Ortansia and Minnie go to the mall to find anniversary gifts for mickey and oswald but creeps have swarmed the mall.
Allies: Daisy Duck, Cinderella, joy
Stat Boosts: +skill power, +Reflect, +Reality
Star Effect:When fully upgraded thorny rose has a 30% chance to up Armor to allies.

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