Oswald the lucky rabbit (Campaign)

So I’m creating a Campaign for Oswald to hopefully convince dhbm to add him if they read this.
So l am getting Oswald the lucky rabbit followers to help achieve this goal (this post is for Oswald campaign talk).

Oswald followers
  • Join campaign
  • Don’t join

0 voters

Join = help into game
Don’t join = ignore
(Please no hate) oswald

Look, I understand that you like Oswald alot and you want him in the game. Don’t get me wrong, I do too, but, don’t you think this is going a little too far?

I mean, PerBlue has other plans, they can’t just drop everything and add in one character on a whim. It takes planning and approval in a span of 6 months.


I know. this is spouse to help his chances so hopefully he comes before his birthday sep 5th and epic mickey rebrushed September 24th

But this isn’t going to do much of anything.

The best you can do is have a little patience a wait like everybody else.

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It’s trying to help his chances this will be my goal as long as it takes

That is not gonna help.

There was a time where someone ask for Yesss non-stop. They made spam lists, invaded other wish lists to do the same, and when they got suspended, they made other accounts to continue. They did is so much and was so pushy and obsessive about it, that all it ever accomplished was make people not want Yesss in the game thus damaging the request’s credibility.

While more polite in nature, I since the same pattern here. So please, do yourself a favor, don’t be like them. Take break from Oswald for a while.

I generally agree with what you’re trying to say, but immediately jumping to comparing what Commander_oswald is trying to do to the Yess spammer is unnecessarily extreme. C_o does not try to push his desire for Oswald to be added anywhere near as hard as that person did, and he has been involved in other discussions/activities on the forums during his time (including your own Elimination Game).

To make such a reach in comparison is unneeded and potentially alienating.


very true

we need oswald fr now in DHBM :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Why do you think I did it in the first place? I tell them this as something of a warning so that history dosen’t repeat itself.

Did you not read there last comment?

But again, as I said earlier… Commander_oswald has not pushed for Oswald to the same repetitive degree that the Yesss spammer did, so your “warning” seems a little unjustified, especially for how detailed you were about it.

I know I just came on the forums, so this may seem a bit random, but I support you all the way :wink:

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