I think since Loutre is taking some time off, this is probably a one time thing.
I assure you anyone who grew up with Incredibles knows him. “Behold the underminer!” is iconic.
I know him. I have watched that movies a lot. He appears at the end of the 1st movie and gets defeated at the start of 2nd movies
I don’t like him as there is barely anything to like. He is super minor and yet they add him? There are many other popular heroes could be added, not the one appears less than 10min for 2 movies
He actually escaped in the 2nd movie.
Yes! We have a another villain from The Incredibles and The Incredibles 2!
Yunno, Powerline, Clawhauser, and Yax would like a word with you.
And finnick would have a word with stuff
Now I think since they added Underminer, THEY SHOULD ADD LUCA!
And mirabel
A good patch note… excited to see The Underminer has good skills and curious about the John stat refresh… the skill tags seem ok and I am excited Raya is in elite
Sweet! I really like The Underminer @Loutre. Definitely my favorite support character from my favorite movie.
@Loutre It would have been better if you gave Violet or one of the other Incredibles a refresh instead of John… to go along with the Underminer
Who is this character
@Loutre Now that we have the visible tags, can we please get a way to see heroes dynamic stats during battle? E.g. being able to pause during a battle and select a hero and then be able to view their current Max Hp, Skill Power, Reality, etc.
Honestly, I’m glad we got the Underminer. Sure, he was an unexpected hero to end up with, but the game honors variety, and so do I. I will say, though, that I agree with everyone else that we deserved Voyd, and I can only hope that she eventually joins in, but as far as I’m concerned, more heroes in general is always a check in the plus column.
Oh great. I really despise this character from the movie! Why him? It could have been anyone else!
Yeaahhhh… thats not cool, especially on having a friendship with violet
This would be very helpful
Hallelujah hopefully.
Underminer is a bit weird choice, but not complaining.
Where the cosmetic level prolongation? Surely it’s not THAT difficult… Unless the team is deciding upon the OPness of such move, which would not surprise me a bit…
Awesome that we get another Incredibles character, as I was not expecting one.
An unfortunate circumstance that we do not have Mole (Atlantis) as a playable hero, that would be a great Friend for Underminer,
Can John Silver actually use his white skill without killing himself in the process when he is “refreshed”.
That problem has been holding me back somewhat in Helga’s friendship Campaign.
I’m actually afraid to upgrade his white skill any more, since it just kills him harder with each upgrade,