Patch Notes 3.8

Disagree, it only takes one watch to know what a character can do. Creativity means turning those actions into something original.

The most creative kits come from characters who are more passive or don’t have any definitive moments relevant to a battle, like Joy for example.

Personally I find it boring to play with characters I don’t recognize or care about :man_shrugging:t2:

Closest would be the zombies from Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island, and even then The Black Cauldron was released first, and still, I don’t really see them familiar.

You can… watch a movie, no need to have 10 Frozen characters, like with Toy Story, it becomes boring and hated even more. Frozen reached its peak with the collection.
Would agree 5-minute characters aren’t needed, better work on someone main, like Anna, Horned King, Kim…

Disney+ smashed this way, all Disney movies are available to everyone. Advertising is mainly the problem, yes. The Great Mouse Detective never failed, but Disney focused too much on Disney Renaissance, and as for 2010’s too much on Frozen, even Bolt/Tangled become obscure to some, which is sad, during all movies many people worked hard on these movies and then it’s all forgotten and pushed away.

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In regards to Ratigan I don’t think he is that obscure to Disney fans, but likely more known to 90s and 2000s kids than 2010 kids. (I mean like 2000 kids being for example born in mid-late 90s and early 2000s, so like 6 years and up to be a kid in that era).

Horned King is probably more obscure than Ratigan, mainly since Black Cauldron isn’t really a movie Disney themselves’s promote while The Mouse Detective they promote more so still these days.
I personally haven’t watched Black Cauldron from what I remember, but I have seen some clips here and there I think.

In regards to Cinderella I don’t see why she can’t be a Support only character and have no attacks, we have examples of Support only characters like Joy, Kermit and Miguel :-).

Putting it in spoilers so that it doesn’t take that much place. Feel free to take a look :-).


For Cinderalla I think at the start of the battle she could be in her work clothes and her Basic Attack Clearance 1 Debuff from the team and apply 1 Fatigue to the enemies.

Her White skill could be her transforming into her dress and dancing, giving increased Attack Speed to everyone and maybe one other good buff.

Her Green skill could be a Charm skill of some sort like Minnie, but exactly how it is done I am unsure about. Like if Singing or something else to Charm. Could give Energize, even if through Purple, Red or Disk.

I did come to this of Jaq and Gus, so I guess they could provide an attack skill for her Blue skill.
Probably at least 1 debuff from it, but not sure which one.
If no Jaq and Gus it could be a kind of Team Healing skill, or an animal friends related skill.

It would probably have more good status effects and heals, but some thoughts :-).

Some ideas at least :-).
(PerBlue/Loutre@ Feel free to use/take inspiration from ^^).

l agree he looks a little.

Will Horned King befriend Disgust because he must mistreat her like he does his sidekick?

Or maybe because she bears the closest resemblance to him?

Makeover montage! Behold… handsome Horned King. :laughing:


Oh, yikes…

I almost fell over at seeing The Horned King. Now just add Taran and Gurgi and I will be a dedicated player for life :relaxed:

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Then don’t. There are close to 200 choices. Let Black Cauldron fans have this.

Black Cauldon is especially egregious due to basically coming up with an original story with stolen character names.
The Disney plot has almost no similarities to the books.

Have what you will, as I’ve said

Two more cap raises and it´s done. And merge in the coming months afterwards to sweep what´s left. :broom:

And by that time there will literally be 2 players left on the server.

(Straying a bit off-topic, I fear, but I’m compelled to toss in my two cents…)

Relatively speaking, perhaps, compared to still-merchandised icons like Cinderella and newer main characters like Luca and Alberto. While they both have, at best, a cult following, they’re less obscure than several characters already in the game, such as Mr. Big & Koslov or the Rocketeer.

Neither Goofy nor Powerline punch enemies, either. IMHO, it wouldn’t be any harder to come up with a usable skillset for Cinderella than it would be for, say, Joe Gardner.

An adaptation can certainly be radically different from the source material and still be good, true. Who Framed Roger Rabbit and (from a different studio) The Secret of NIMH take far more liberties with the original books than The Black Cauldron does, but did so in ways that play to film’s strengths and that served the filmmakers’ themes. And The Fox and the Hound makes those adaptations look like sterling examples of fidelity to the source material.

I wouldn’t want a steady stream of one-scene wonders, but Finnick has been one of my in-game favorites since day 1, so I wouldn’t want to forbid characters based on limited screen time either.

I would seriously love it if that’s what the friendship campaign turned out to be.



Well I some how see it?

Well I am still gonna wait for other characters to appear first before I approve the horned king

Kinda following the path of Apple… sigh

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I will enjoy playing thus

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