Patch Notes 4.1.10

Two questions.

  1. How is the new character friends with these 2 characters?
  2. If one of her friendship campaigns has started, does it matter to you why the character from her other friendship campaign is in the enemy lineup, and how the same applies to how the other friendship campaign has started?

I was going to say the same thing with her, and the Rocketeer.

I’m positive Flik is going to be in the elite campaign.

Have you noticed how the challenger season hero rotates every 6 months? That’s half a year.

As said in the patch notes, Flik will be an event exclusive hero.


I thought that Duff will be the event exclusive hero according to the prize wall rotation.

They’re both girls with unconvential interests?
Keep in mind for the era, it was not acceptable for a “young lady” to be a mechanical engineer or a fisticuffs brawler.

Awesome that we got her, I was hoping she would arrive at some point and am elated it was so soon.
Even more great that an Atlantis collection is added.

However, the method of acquisition concerns me significantly.
The amount of hero chips awarded from wins is like 9+9 per month, that’s far too minimal to raise her star level at a rapid pace.
Especially since Collections demand a 6star character when it gets to the final tier levels.
I would rather have had her as a featured Prize Wall, that I know I can get 6stars worth of chips and some extra for red skill/mods easy.

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Duff will be the August Battle Pass Hero


Awesome Aurdey finally here. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::partying_face::exploding_head: 5th Atlantis characters.


Now we’re gonna get an Atlantis collection but what about a Kim Possible collection?

I really, really hope this isn’t indicating a repeat of the Olaf trial style that was almost universally hated for the narrow hero choice.


Long time no see datamines.

Swapping Flik! I knew she was there kinda too quickly.


%-wise? Roughly?

Since there are no other movements… where?

Also will this be a new standard for collections? A Trial Event for one.
Pity no small refresh.

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I CAN FINALLY GET FLIK But One Question, Is He Going To Be In The Arena Coliseum Or City Watch Crates Or Just In The Events

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Ok great.

A hero in challengers.

So in other words Audrey pays off for hard work.

How ironic XD

And will the battle pass hero be rotated to the VIP crate?

No, there are still character from Atlantis left to put in that I wouldn’t mind seeing.

So many heroes that just target the front enemy. Thanks, PB! It’s easy to skip these heroes and it being a challenge heroes makes it even better.

So wait, it said Pacha was an event exclusive hero? Pacha never came around. Where am I gonna get Pacha chips?

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Where is the x.10 refresh?
If you are no longer doing refreshes in x.10 can you please just confirm this, so we can stop asking.


He’s most likely gonna be either a Prize Wall, or a Trial Event.

He cannot move to prize wall
He will be in the event exclusive crate, slike Sliky was or like Pacha is now

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